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Happy damn 10th anniversary, Shadow the Hedgehog

Seems like Senoue enjoyed working on the game's soundtrack.


It is a good showoff of Senoue's range, actually. A lot more techno-ey and industrial than what he's used to. I'm glad that he's proud of it, to be honest a lot of the tracks are pretty good.

Now that I think of it though, isn't this one of the last 3D Sonic games he composed? He did a lot for Generations but that's mostly rearrangements of his own and other people's work.

I'm morbidly curious to play this game...

You can probably get it for peanuts these days. If you go in, expecting a so-bad-it's-good, laughably cheesy cult classic, you probably won't be disappointed. It's pretty easily one of the most unintentionally funny games ever created IMO.

This reads like the collective discography of every mid-2000s emo punk band. I love this.


He is a terrible mistake....

Wait a second, are those high heels?
Because they sound like them stepping on the floor like that.

Also the endings in a nutshell... (from a youtube comment)



Legit one of my favorite Gamecube games back in the day. I got to the true ending, replayed it a bunch.

I have not revisited it in the past ten years. To do so would be... unwise, I'm sure.


Wait, what? Why the hell aren't we celebrating this good game instead?

Because Shadow the Hedgehog is a comedy goldmine

Also yeah, Sonic Rush is super unappreciated. In fact all the Dimps games before Sonic 4 are. They were consistently well received during the dark ages of Shadow and 06 and Rush is probably one of my favourite DS games. Can't believe it's 10 years old though


This is what I played after my parents bought me a Wii.

Loved this back when I was a teenager. Now... I don't want to tarnish more my memories of this game, or SA2, or Sonic Heroes.
Because Shadow the Hedgehog is a comedy goldmine

Also yeah, Sonic Rush is super unappreciated. In fact all the Dimps games before Sonic 4 are. They were consistently well received during the dark ages of Shadow and 06 and Rush is probably one of my favourite DS games. Can't believe it's 10 years old though
I always thought the Rush games were quite well liked. I don't think they're as strong games as the original Genesis by any stretch, but I like them quite a bit for what they are and carving their own neat style. Plus the whole trick/boost mechanic more or less wound up being a key part of Unleashed/Colors/Generations.

Blaze while over-designed visually winds up being a better 'new friend' than most through the virtue of just being a Tails/Knuckles style addition rather than having a convoluted backstory (I'm ignoring Sonic 06's take on her) and/or being tied to a dramatically different, game-killing game mechanic.


I think the only reason I actually tolerate this game is because I had a surprising amount of fun playing multiplayer with friends. Similarly, I find Metroid Prime Hunters to be quite alright.

It is a good showoff of Senoue's range, actually. A lot more techno-ey and industrial than what he's used to. I'm glad that he's proud of it, to be honest a lot of the tracks are pretty good.

Now that I think of it though, isn't this one of the last 3D Sonic games he composed? He did a lot for Generations but that's mostly rearrangements of his own and other people's work.
He did some songs for Black Knight, but as main composer yeah, I think you're right.
wow. The portion of sonic history since shadow's debut is now 40% longer than the shadow-free portion of it. I wonder if that makes people who grew up with the genesis games feel old. SA2:B was my first sonic game so I can't judge that.
Christmas 2005 was... interesting.

I never finished this. I think I cleared most of the endings, but then I got stuck on some really bullshit Ark mission and that was the last time I ever touched Shadow the Hedgehog.

On the bright side, today is also the 10th anniversary of a much better Sonic game.

On the other hand, I 100%'d that one and still go back to it regularly. <3


Say what you want about the game but the intro is still fucking epic. It's everything you wish the game was but isn't.

Like seriously, just imagine if they'd actually handled this game properly. You have the evil path, the neutral path, and the hero path. The more you side with Sonic and friends, the more colorful and platforming-based the levels start becoming, and the plot gets more light-hearted. The more you side with the aliens, the more grungy and combat-based the levels start becoming, and the plot gets heavier and darker. Neutral would give you a mix of both.

It would never happen, but I'd like to see Platinum take a shot at doing a Shadow game in the style of Vanquish. It could be really awesome.
Man that game sucks. I played this before I had access to the internet to check things, and so I ended up buying the strategy guide just to figure out how to get to the ending. I traded in Pokemon XD Gale of darkness, and had to pay a tenner on top to get this, what absolute garbage.
Such a bad game, worse than Sonic 06 imo (Before you ask, yes I'm absolutely crazy so what do I know). It's so uninspired and silly, and not in a good way.

We should be celebrating Sonic Rush, because it's a really good game and you are doing yourself an injustice if you haven't played it by now. (That soundtrack is legendary)
Say what you want about the game but the intro is still fucking epic. It's everything you wish the game was but isn't.

Like seriously, just imagine if they'd actually handled this game properly. You have the evil path, the neutral path, and the hero path. The more you side with Sonic and friends, the more colorful and platforming-based the levels start becoming, and the plot gets more light-hearted. The more you side with the aliens, the more grungy and combat-based the levels start becoming, and the plot gets heavier and darker. Neutral would give you a mix of both.

It would never happen, but I'd like to see Platinum take a shot at doing a Shadow game in the style of Vanquish. It could be really awesome.

Terrible game but I have to admit I love that intro. Dem nostalgic vibes from when I was a kid.


Here's my story with this game:

I was immediately turned off the game when it was announced but as an avid Sonic fan at the time (like someone who still enjoyed SA, SA2, and Heroes) I followed its pre-release stuff out of curiosity. I knew it was going to be a pretty bad game, though and the pre-release stuff wasn't swaying me otherwise. I was only interested in the premise of learning more about Shadow but boy... did I not know what that meant... (FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM!) Keep in mind I'm like 13-14 at the time, too.

I was pretty smart in that I didn't buy it at first, I rented it for the PS2 (because the Blockbuster was out of copies for the Gamecube...) and played, I believe... the three main endings before I had to return it? Or maybe I did do all 10... nah I don't think so. As you can imagine, the PS2 version has incredibly terrible framerate drops and felt really bad to play overall but for a weekend rent it was "enjoyable" -- paying $5 to play it you can't really complain.

Anyway, so the story goes that later down the line when I see it in a store for not full price (not sure how much, exactly... might have been $30) I decided to pick it up on the Gamecube to see how much better the framerate is (if at all) and well, I also wanted to completely beat the game for some reason (meaning get all 10 endings and the last story). But after I did that I never touched it again. Obviously at the end of it all I didn't like the game enough to ever replay it or any of the levels... especially since Shadow doesn't move well -- it's basically the Heroes movement with one character and an actual spin dash. It feels pretty bad.

Cutscenes were laughably bad which I think is one of the reasons why I wanted to get the last story, I wanted to see how bad it got (the so-bad-it's-good mentality).

Oh and then I remember there being a pretty shitty multiplayer mode that was clearly thrown together to have some kind of MP mode. Then you look at Heroes and SA2 in comparison and you just... shake your head lol.

Has anyone ever actually played the MP/battle mode extensively with another person, though? Out of sheer curiosity is all I'm asking lol.
Say what you want about the game but the intro is still fucking epic. It's everything you wish the game was but isn't.

Like seriously, just imagine if they'd actually handled this game properly. You have the evil path, the neutral path, and the hero path. The more you side with Sonic and friends, the more colorful and platforming-based the levels start becoming, and the plot gets more light-hearted. The more you side with the aliens, the more grungy and combat-based the levels start becoming, and the plot gets heavier and darker. Neutral would give you a mix of both.

It would never happen, but I'd like to see Platinum take a shot at doing a Shadow game in the style of Vanquish. It could be really awesome.
A proper take on Shadow the Hedgehog would've still held off stupid crap like vehicles, guns and probably even the army/GUN stuff. You can have a 'dark' looking Sonic game while still having it unmistakably be Sonic's world.

Take Shadow and the occasional loop-de-loop and spring out of the levels in this game and it could just about be from anything.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I was 10 when this came out...me and one of my friends loved played this and the multilayer at night. Was fun as fuck and loved how many different endings there were. The gameplay was very repayable and honestly I would love a sequel....
I have not played it since, and do not know if it is actually a good game...I do know that I enjoyed it though at the time


Shadow the hedgehog was actually the game that made little 'ol me come to the realization that video games can indeed, be total garbage.


I remember playing its multiplayer with the sentai-colored Metal Shadows, or whatever their names were. And I liked it, mainly because I liked Sonic and it was one of the few games that I had from him at the time.

I was only interested in the premise of learning more about Shadow but boy... did I not know what that meant...

That's like the ultimate kicker of the game. The whole reason it was made was to "answer the mystery of Shadow's story", and the only place in game where they actually reveal it is during the final boss battle, where you have to go out of your way to not kill the boss for almost ten minutes, and then Eggman casually says "oh yeah, by the way, you were the real Shadow all along".

The entire justification behind the game will never be heard by 99.9% of people because they just casually chucked it into a place where nobody will ever hear it. It's like some kind of artistic statement.

We should be celebrating Sonic Rush, because it's a really good game and you are doing yourself an injustice if you haven't played it by now. (That soundtrack is legendary)

The fact that Sega never got Hideki Naganuma to compose more Sonic games is a crime.
This characters incarnation was the begin of the end for Sonic. I remember losing the little interest I had in this franchise as soon as his friends became a bigger part of the series.

If only this series died gently. Now I don't even have the nostalgia to enjoy a Sonic game without getting annoyed by his pathetic friends or how the games punish you for actually going fast.

Best wishes.


I always thought the Rush games were quite well liked. I don't think they're as strong games as the original Genesis by any stretch, but I like them quite a bit for what they are and carving their own neat style. Plus the whole trick/boost mechanic more or less wound up being a key part of Unleashed/Colors/Generations.

Blaze while over-designed visually winds up being a better 'new friend' than most through the virtue of just being a Tails/Knuckles style addition rather than having a convoluted backstory (I'm ignoring Sonic 06's take on her) and/or being tied to a dramatically different, game-killing game mechanic.

Yeah, they're well liked but I just feel like they're not brought up too often in discussions about Sonic's past. It's a popular narrative that Sonic wasn't good at all between the Megadrive games and Sonic Colours, but there was this steady flow of decent Sonic games coming out at the same time as all the shit ones, which is more than can be said for how the series is right now

But at the same time, I can't exactly fault people who would rather talk about Shadow the Hedgehog. It's such a hilarious game
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