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Happy damn 10th anniversary, Shadow the Hedgehog

I rented it and didn't like it.

Was the general reaction positive?

Steve Thomason from Nintendo Power gave the game an 8/10.

In the last issue, he specifically cited giving the game a positive review as one of his greatest regrets.

I also pretty distinctly remember Adam Sessler from X-Play giving it a 1/5 or something.

Understatement. They didn't even get him back for the sequel, but they did make Tomoya Ohtani copy his style for a few tracks so that's like a consolation prize.

So good!

Yeah, that they didn't get him for SR2 is a shame. Once you realize it's not him it becomes pretty obvious, but Ohtani did a decent job filling the gaps. (Like the boss track which I still insist goes "beat kicks the fucking beat").
Sonic Rush was the okay good sonic game until Colors. Definitely the best handheld sonic since advance 2. I 100% Rush and enjoyed everything about it. Need to buy it again.
I had this when it came out, what a terrible game. That said I still enjoyed my time with it, if I bought it with my money I'd have hated myself.
I actually like the game.
Its like tomaco. Tastes bad, but its adictive at the same time.(imho)

The soundtrack of the game is fantastic.


Are you sure?

Let's not be silly. Shadow the Hedgehog is way worse than Sonic 2006. Trying to kill all of enemy X in a level is the most tedious task I've ever attempted and finishing the levels outright leaves you with a short, hollow game.

Sonic 06 is worth it for the soundtrack alone and when you're done listening to it you can glitch run and enjoy it occasionally hitting 60fps (that last video is 720p60 BTW).


Got this game for $4 way back when so my opinion isn't that negative. It's clearly not a good game (the best thing about it "All Hail Shadow" is improved in Sonic 06). It's clearly trying way too hard to be edgy and ruins significant parts of Shadow's character and story. The multiplayer was okay but not as good as SA2's godly multiplayer (still play that to this day with my siblings). I'd say it's better than Sonic 06 as a whole, but that Shadow's story in Sonic 06 is better than it.

Overall about a 6/10, although I'd probably be significantly harsher on it if I had spent $50 on it.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Now that Sonic Boom turned out awful and one of the worst reviewed games of this gen, I think people are finding a new appreciation for Shadow the Hedgehog.

Sonic Boom is by far the biggest turd in the series.
I was always partial to Vela Nova myself, just for how bizarre it is. That might make it a good theme tune for Blaze for that matter.

Love Vela Nova, the OST version is too good.

idk what else I could even mention, the entire soundtrack is golden.

Now that Sonic Boom turned out awful and one of the worst reviewed games of this gen, I think people are finding a new appreciation for Shadow the Hedgehog.

Sonic Boom is by far the biggest turd in the series.

Sonic Boom being awful doesn't change Shadow being awful, and Shadow is awful. Just a different kind of awful.
Now that Sonic Boom turned out awful and one of the worst reviewed games of this gen, I think people are finding a new appreciation for Shadow the Hedgehog.

Sonic Boom is by far the biggest turd in the series.
Boom is playable. It's overall design is a generic, un-Sonic brawler and it's clearly an unfinished mess, but I can see how someone can play it from start to end, somewhat. By comparison a very strong argument can be made that Sonic '06 flat out isn't even functional at times even when you're trying to play it like a regular game.

Sonic Boom is Shadow the Hedgehog levels of bad (and no there isn't going to be a new found appreciation for it because a similarly shit game came out afterwards). Sonic '06 is Four Horsemen of the Gaming Apocalypse bad.

Just think, people who were 10 when they played this POS as a kid are now 20 and possibly nostalgic for it.
I was 14 at the time and still knew it was a total hot mess, and this was when I still regularly bought the mainline games. Heroes already shook my interest in the series pretty hard, Shadow is probably what killed it. Any interest in Sonic '06 died when E3 2006 showed pretty blatantly what path it was going down. Wouldn't get back on board until around '09 where I got Unleashed/Secret Rings for cheap, warmed up (slight) to the franchise and got fully back on with Colors.


Let's not be silly. Shadow the Hedgehog is way worse than Sonic 2006. Trying to kill all of enemy X in a level is the most tedious task I've ever attempted and finishing the levels outright leaves you with a short, hollow game.

Sonic 06 is worth it for the soundtrack alone and when you're done listening to it you can glitch run and enjoy it occasionally hitting 60fps (that last video is 720p60 BTW).
Lol no, Sonic 06 is worse since it's buggy, has worse camera and gameplay problems and seems so broken at times, at least you can get through Shadow the Hedgehog with not as many problems as that game.
Let's not be silly. Shadow the Hedgehog is way worse than Sonic 2006. Trying to kill all of enemy X in a level is the most tedious task I've ever attempted and finishing the levels outright leaves you with a short, hollow game.

Sonic 06 is worth it for the soundtrack alone and when you're done listening to it you can glitch run and enjoy it occasionally hitting 60fps (that last video is 720p60 BTW).

I'm not the only one?!

So good!

Yeah, that they didn't get him for SR2 is a shame. Once you realize it's not him it becomes pretty obvious, but Ohtani did a decent job filling the gaps. (Like the boss track which I still insist goes "beat kicks the fucking beat").

Yeah, Ohtani did a really good job at mimmicking Hideki's style, the only thing he missed out was the titles for the songs, we were left with the generic level names.


Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
My biggest memory of this game is not being able to even beat it once because the game glitched and made progression through the level I was playing impossible.

I think I had fun while also being sad. Sad fun.


A friend of mine tried to convince me that this and Sonic Heroes were good games. He's not my friend anymore.
Sonic Heroes is better than most 3D Sonic games, just not on the level of Colors and Generations and probably the Adventure games.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I love the B-charm this game has going for it.

It's not a good game, but I've found it highly entertaining. There's so many 80s B-film cliches mixed together and with the Sonic brand, hilariously dumb dialogue, and odd gameplay design things I can't help but find it to be entertainingly bad as opposed to just bad.
I traded in Metroid Prime, Super Monkey Ball 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for this game.

No one can hate this game more than I do.

metroid prime is dirt cheap today and for some reason was $1 for many years
monkey ball 2 is GOAT but cheap

only real loss was zelda collectors edition :(

but lol
I should be grateful this game existed, otherwise I still would've been into Sonic games during my teens and at most would've given them up when Sonic 2006 came out.

On the bright side, today is also the 10th anniversary of a much better Sonic game.


Only good thing about Sonic Rush was the soundtrack. 2d Sonic went to a terrible direction after Sonic Advance 2.


Lol no, Sonic 06 is worse since it's buggy, has worse camera and gameplay problems and seems so broken at times, at least you can get through Shadow the Hedgehog with not as many problems as that game.
Shadow has many of the same issues. The camera is a huge pain in the butt in Shadow. The GT review (I know it's positive, that's what makes it great :p ) quickly showcases it (after the 30s mark) in the loop where the camera decides to look straigth down at the ground. Sonic 06's levels (I have a lot less time with Shadow so my comparison is far from perfect) were also in general less affected by a bad camera. Most of the areas in Sonic 06 where bigger with static enemies which made it easier to memorize where everything was and hit enemies you couldn't see directly while it felt like every battle in Shadow happened in a tiny enclosed area.
Control wise Sonic 06 has overly stiff controls, but too much control is better than Shadow's waaaay too slippery controls.

Brokeness, yes, but there is also a lot more to do in Sonic 06. The levels are much bigger and have more paths so there are more bugs to hit. If you head straight for where the game wants you you won't see that many bugs if any really. Wave Ocean has some nasty geometry (especially the loops and water), but in my experience the later levels where much more finished. I think Kingdom Valley felt the most finished apart from the ring dash near the end (I've missed it a million times which made Sonic dash through a couple of rings and then stop and fall to his death). Underneath that though it felt like there was a game with mechanics to master. Shadow didn't feel like that and more like a collection of chores to unlock multiple endings.

I'm not the only one?!
Absolutely not :p
I actually like Sonic 06 more. Sonic 06 is a broken mess, but it wasn't nearly as tedious as Shadow was.
I haven't gotten close to 100% (those town challenges....), but I have seen the credits.
I wish the levels had been much shorter though because some sections could be fun to speed run. I bought it because it was so much fun speed running the demo which was a small section (~50 seconds to speed run without any glitches or items) of Kingdom Valley.


It is a good showoff of Senoue's range, actually. A lot more techno-ey and industrial than what he's used to. I'm glad that he's proud of it, to be honest a lot of the tracks are pretty good.

I agree. I've always enjoyed a lot of the music from this. He has nothing to be ashamed at here.
I traded in Metroid Prime, Super Monkey Ball 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for this game.

No one can hate this game more than I do.

Thats... Wow.
You traded in all rare games for this? Yea I think you have all right to hate this game for many reasons
I remember being absolutely in love with this up until the last level of the final path. All through the game shadow has a super move that basically just warp dries you and skips a section of the level for you. Well in the last level they just stopped making the game and made that the only way to progress. You literally hit a brick wall and are told to use the super move to skip past parts of the game that aren't there.


Fuck Shadow The Hedgehog he represent when Sonic Team jumped the shark and started putting edgy stories in the Sonic games.

It wasn't until Unleashed did they dial back on the heh edge and did a fun story and kept at it with the following games.

Also the game sucks, Shadow is pathetically weak with out the guns and boss take forever to go down.

Oh and to add insult to injury none of the 10 endings you do actually matter, nope the real ending is in the last story which is really really short, plus the game made it so obvious that the aliens were the bad guys and Shadow wasn't going to join them since they attack him even when he's on their side and is one of them.

But on the bright side you get to play as Maria and get to slap GUN's solders.

Doesn't shadow kill sonic in one of the endings? I'm probably remembering this wrong.

Yep, he also killed Eggman in one of the ending believing that he was a robot. ¬_¬;

Shadow is a moron.


This was the first bad game I ever bought with my own money. It was a monumental moment in my life since it made me realize the value of money. Thank you Shadow!


Dot Hacked
I like ta think the Sonic franchise wouldn't have had such a terrible downfall had Shadow stayed dead-dead after SA2. Happy anniversary terrible Shadow game. You've always sucked an for that matter, even your levels in SA2 sucked!

Sonic 06 is worth it for the soundtrack alone and when you're done listening to it you can glitch run and enjoy it occasionally hitting 60fps (that last video is 720p60 BTW).
I see this alot but I feel '06 has some of the worst soundtracks of any Sonic game. Its got a buncha real big duds. Most Sonic OSTs are pretty darn good the whole way through but '06s standouts are few an far between. The music may be the least bad thing in that terribly bad game, but its not stellar by any means.


I traded in Metroid Prime, Super Monkey Ball 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for this game.

No one can hate this game more than I do.
Someone asked me if I wanted a GBA SP for my birthday, I said "No way I want that new Shadow game I've seen on tv!"

I damn near played it everyday for a year
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