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Has anyone abandoned low carb and still lost weight?


Rename the thread to "I literally want to have my cake and eat it too."

Once again I ate a bunch of carbs and pretty easily lost weight on my latest cut.

Carbs get a bad rep because people eat shitty carbs paired with fat and throw their hands up and say I can't lose weight


Yup, just track calories accurately unlike basically anyone who says it doesn't work.

The laws of thermodynamics don't lie.

Low carb works for many because carbs are often where their worst food habits reside. Not because it is some sort of magical trick.

Typical American carbs = easy to eat a ton of with lot of calories, but don't make you feel full. No wonder cutting them out makes weight loss easier.

So this comes up all the time in these discussions. Problem is, it doesn't go far enough, to answering some basic questions.

Like WHY they ate too much. What was happening with hunger response. Why these people didn't feel satiated, why they go for certain foods more than others, why it's so hard to break their cycle.

And it's doubly weird when it comes up alongside discussions of Taubes and the famous New Yorker article, since they guy is a physicist.

The reason Atkins was on to something was simple; people were having hormonal imbalance from specific types of food, not only the calories they were ingesting. So it's NOT just CICO. And that's why I dislike the frame, because it's super old, and goes to a simplistic idea of "these people have no discipline".

There are totally impoverished populations that have high rates of obesity. How is that possible if it's purely CICO?

(also, these drive by responses that are like "simple, I ate carbs, I'm not weak, easy, simple for me" has to be the dietary equivalent of "fuck you, got mine". helps no one.)

entremet said:
Explain East Asia?
Combination of factors, like everything else. The level of processed vs whole grains. Portion size. Differences in population. There are no simple answers in nutrition.

People point to places like Italy and say, see they eat a lot of carbs. You know what's practically unknown in Italy? potato chips. There's just more to these stories.


Explain East Asia?

I'm not against low carb or keto. I think they're great and help many people. But it's not the only way to lose fat. And it may not be affordable for everyone. Meat is expensive.

Some low carb advocates can be aa dogmatic as religious fundamentalists lol.

Asians have different body types than average western bodies, and live different lifestyles. You can't really compare them.

A lot of Asians could appear to be skinny but actually be overweight when you look at their height/BMI ("skinny fat").

A lot of Asians also have diabetes or prediabetes, and many aren't even diagnosed.


Increasing body weight is a significant risk factor for diabetes, but the quantity and location of body fat is even more important. Compared to non-Hispanic whites, male and female Asians have different body compositions, being more likely to have a higher percentage of fat at a lower BMI score. Asians also are known to develop visceral fat instead of peripheral fat.

Visceral fat builds up around the waist, causing bigger bellies and increases in waist circumference. Visceral fat is a major risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and other health complications.

So yea, without doing any research on the surface it looks like Asians are "skinny", but if you look deeper there are a lot of health problems and all of that has to do with carbs.


For muscle retention on a cut, is low carb better or is high carb better (assuming caloric deficits are equal)?

The answer is pretty much: it doesn't matter.

The issue with that answer, is that you need dietary fat, you don't need carbohydrates. So any time I'm cutting, I end up going relatively low carb because I need to keep my fat and protein at a specific number.
Low carb is fine. High carbs is fine. Keto, fasting, eating six times a day, three times a day, etc. It all works, you just need to find the diet that fits your lifestyle the best. Track your calories and go from there.


Asians have different body types than average western bodies, and live different lifestyles. You can't really compare them.

A lot of Asians could appear to be skinny but actually be overweight when you look at their height/BMI ("skinny fat").

A lot of Asians also have diabetes or prediabetes, and many aren't even diagnosed.


So yea, without doing any research on the surface it looks like Asians are "skinny", but if you look deeper there are a lot of health problems and all of that has to do with carbs.

I'm not saying that being skinny equals health.

And diabetes has been growing in East Asia, but Japan is a great study of a high carb diet with good health outcomes. They not only live longer, but they also have much lower rates of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

My contention, is that fat plus carbs, is the deadly combination that is killing us. High carb and low fat don't seem to be deleterious.

Moreover, a researcher recently studied Blue Zones, these are populations with the highest amount of healthy centenarians. Their diets are relatively similar, high in fiber. You don't get fiber from meat.


I do agree that junk refined carbs, especially those combined with fat are horrible--potato chips, french fries, pizza, cake, ice cream, bacon cheeseburgers, etc, are deadly.

Low carb does a great job of getting people off that junk.


There is 0 science behind the belief that a low carb / high protein / low this / high that will effect your weight. If you strictly care about losing weight, it's all about the number of calories you intake, not what kinds of calories you are consuming. If you plan on building muscle, other variables come into play.

Source: nutrition class + losing 165 pounds through diet and exercise.
When I want to lose weight I just stop eating as much. Often people eat until they are completely stuffed and think that because they are a bit peckish that means they need to eat immediately.


There is 0 science behind the belief that a low carb / high protein / low this / high that will effect your weight. If you strictly care about losing weight, it's all about the number of calories you intake, not what kinds of calories you are consuming. If you plan on building muscle, other variables come into play.

Source: nutrition class + losing 165 pounds through diet and exercise.

What I do love about low carb is that it does help many people who have been eating a poor diet get control of their appetite.

Simple calorie counting may be something someone starting their weight loss journey may have success with at first.

Tim Ferriss has a diet called the Slow Carb diet. It's basically low carb with beans. It's extremely effective since it's based on rules of thumb. It's dead simple to follow.

Many times compliance is more important than scientific purity.
I'm not anywhere near obese, but I did put on a lot more weight than what I would like cause I work from home so i'd eat all day long just cause I could, and realized i'd do it when i was bored.

Started reading on intermittent fasting and tried it and lost 15 pounds in a month. People have different times they suggest. The way I do it is I mainly just eat 1 meal a day around 5-6. I eat whatever I want and as much as i want.

If I get hungry during the day I just drink water


when i used to eat essentially nothing but rice (and pho for saturday morning hangovers) i was skinnier than i've ever been in my life, but i did TONS of interval cardio, so much i could barely even get around at work. my boss even accused me of being on drugs, so i cut it out

my view on carbs is, aside from leafy greens, your body doesn't need them. hate to be one of those annoying no-carb evangelists but not only will cutting carbs keep fat off but your mind generally works sharper, and you just feel better all around

my view is it's not so much about many calorie counting, but what you're putting in your body as fuel and how you use it. i probably consume well over 3000 calories a day and i weigh about 135 lbs at 5'5.... i don't know what body fat % i'm at but i'm guessing that's well within the neighborhood of 15% if not lower


There is 0 science behind the belief that a low carb / high protein / low this / high that will effect your weight. If you strictly care about losing weight, it's all about the number of calories you intake, not what kinds of calories you are consuming. If you plan on building muscle, other variables come into play.

Source: nutrition class + losing 165 pounds through diet and exercise.

Losing weight by doing a low carb-high fat/protein diet works for 100% of people and is easier than counting calories. You don't even need to count anything. Simply minimize carbs and eat as much cheese/meat/eggs as you want. People are eating shitload of bacon and butter and losing weight.

1) Carbs are literally the main way your body stores fat. Carbs + insulin = body fat.

2) Dietary fat and protein satiate you more. Carbs satiate you in the short term but make you hungry much faster. So eat fat/protein -> the less hungry you are -> the less you eat -> the less calories you consume.


Many times compliance is more important than scientific purity.

This is so, so true and important.

I've tried such things as IIFYM - i.e. flexible dieting. It doesn't work for me. I can't eat one cookie per day. If I eat a single cookie, that whole box will be gone.
I need a cheat meal every 2 weeks to maintain my hold on reality.

Is "eating clean" and having cheat meals optimal? Hell no. Does it work, and can I adhere to it? Absolutely.
I've always done around a 40/40/20 split and eat around 3500 calories a day. I'm 12% body fat but work out a lot.

I have however helped several people who were fat get in shape using the same macros. Super low carb diets can work but they are not really sustainable or enjoyable to do long term. A permanent balanced approach is better and I find an equal carb to protein ratio is about the best option for long term success.

The most important thing IMO to becoming truly slim is gaining some muscle mass. Which is always overlooked in any of these 'fad' diets. So you need a good amount of protein for that, a good amount of carbs for the energy to achieve it. And some quality fats to round things off. Plus a dedicated workout regime and anyone can get fit.
Yeah I just do calorie restriction, I did low carb for awhile and lost like 30lbs but I just felt depressed and out of it all the time. Calorie restriction and working out and I'm down 90lbs and feel loads better, pasta, rice and potatoes are so fucking dope. I can eat steak sure but without some starchy carbs it's just incomplete, sandwiches were also missed dearly on low carb.

We're you eating enough fat on low carb? I have to work hard to get the 190 or so grams of fat in me every day (fat bombs ftw). Don't feel depressed at all.


Losing weight by doing a low carb-high fat/protein diet works for 100% of people and is easier than counting calories. You don't even need to count anything. Simply minimize carbs and eat as much cheese/meat/eggs as you want. People are eating shitload of bacon and butter and losing weight.

1) Carbs are literally the main way your body stores fat. Carbs + insulin = body fat.

2) Dietary fat and protein satiate you more. Carbs satiate you in the short term but make you hungry much faster. So eat fat/protein -> the less hungry you are -> the less you eat -> the less calories you consume.

If you eat a caloric excess of cheese/meat/eggs you will gain weight.

This is a pretty bad post btw.


Damn, dude. Congrats! I'm about 6'2" and 355. Hoping to even be 260 some day, with time.

Start now. Get an app, record everything you eat.

On January 3rd, I was exactly your weight. Down to the pound. I'm 6'2" as well, and as of today, I've lost 63 lbs just by watching my calorie intake.

I feel much better already, and am aiming for losing 100 lbs over 18 months. 13 months to go! I'm on a 1000 cal deficit per day, and I'm not breaking a sweat reaching that goal.


You won't though, because of point #2. That's the whole fucking point.

I could easily eat 4K+ calories of fat and protein. And then I will get extremely fat

Your advice is awful.

Low carb is fine. High carbs is fine. Keto, fasting, eating six times a day, three times a day, etc. It all works, you just need to find the diet that fits your lifestyle the best. Track your calories and go from there.

This is what good advice looks like


Yo. By "you won't though" I meant that you won't overeat.

I know that eating a surplus of calories means gaining weight.

But you can easily eat a surplus of calories on low carb especially if you're eating more fats compared to protein.

Have you tried it?

I like how you call advice awful, when you have no idea what you're talking about. Hundreds of thousands of people do this diet with fantastic results.

Open your mind and go read something: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/

I have actually. And I gained weight. Someone here told me to cut broccoli out of my diet and I'll start losing rofl.

Have you actually read scientific literature on weight loss?


I never did low carbs. It would have been way too hard to try and figure that out with a vegan fiance. I just kept track of calories in and calories out. Overestimate calories in, underestimate calories out when I couldn't get an exact. I lost 100 pounds within about 6-8 months and have kept it off for nearly 2 years now. I still keep track of things for maintaining.


About eight years ago I lost 100 pounds. I just started working out more and eating less. I don't even really count calories, I just cut out snacks and the occasional meal if I've already eaten a lot that day (obviously this is the same effect, just saying I don't conciously count the calories in everything I eat). I understand the low carb idea but I like carbs, and I'd rather just eat less and maybe have slightly slower weight loss because I know I can't sustain low carb for a long time.

I've gained some weight a couple of times in the past eight years (around the birth of my kids), but I've managed to lose it again pretty easily this way.

The main thing is I never considered it a diet. It's not a temporary thing, it's just the way I eat now. It doesn't really get easier, IMO, but I like how I feel enough that it's worth it.
I ride my bike on average 6 hours a week at moderate to high intensity. If I don't eat carbs I would absolutely crash every time I got on the bike.
I like this summary:


Low carb and Keto may give more room for calories because they produce energy by more inefficient processes, but you still cannot get away with eating as much you want.
What you eat literally doesn't matter.

There are people who lost weight on Twinkies/McDonald's/junk-food diets.

If you're eating on a deficit you will lose weight period.


What type of carbs though?

I reckon 90% of your carbs would come through vegetables rather than bread or pasta

Nope. I ate bread, pasta, rice, sweet potatoes and halo top ice cream weekly and consistently lost weight.

I ate 6-8 cups of vegetables daily on top of that


Asians have different body types than average western bodies, and live different lifestyles. You can't really compare them.

A lot of Asians could appear to be skinny but actually be overweight when you look at their height/BMI ("skinny fat").

A lot of Asians also have diabetes or prediabetes, and many aren't even diagnosed.


So yea, without doing any research on the surface it looks like Asians are "skinny", but if you look deeper there are a lot of health problems and all of that has to do with carbs.
That is about Asian Americans and therefore an American centric diet.

I lost 60lbs without counting carbs. My normal breakfast was a pb&j on one 1 piece of bread, a banana, and a glass of 2% milk. I also ate a lot of brown rice at the time. I did gain 15lbs back and I'm always going up and down with that but I think it's because I've never gain muscle to help with my base metabolism. I'm interested in keto but can't get over the fact I couldn't have a sweet potato and an apple on the same day.


I eat mostly carbs; when I first started my desk job I gained 15-20lb. Recently been trying to lose it. I stopped snacking on bad stuff and switched to just fresh fruit and plain oatmeal for snacks. I gave up drinking anything but water and unsweetened tea. My first breakfast is a boiled egg and toast, my lunch and dinner are rice or pasta and I eat a lot of potatoes. I have had no issue losing weight.


Yo. By "you won't though" I meant that you won't overeat.

I know that eating a surplus of calories means gaining weight.

I do overeat when skipping carbs. As I said before. I skip carbs before competitions. Very very low amount of cars. Still have to count calories or I will overeat easily.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
don't be like that. i experienced a similar thing. had to try some methods to find out what worked, you know?

CICO is fine and all but i dislike the frame it puts forth of "being lazy and eating too much". that is just too simplistic for what is happening to folks. yes they took in more cals but it doesn't address the why. the hormonal effects, the insulin response. that stuff counts too. and it's not just "eat less you fat fuck".

people are sick of fad diets and so i get the notion of backlash and reminding people that there are no shortcuts. but calories DO burn differently depending on what they are.

for me, i get good results by tracking cals and avoiding sugar and flour products. i get less good results if i treat all calories as "equal".

For the record, I'm a huge advocate of cutting carbs for fat loss and general health maintenance, because it's the only diet I've seen great success on and have been able to sustain now over five years now. CICO is simplified nonsense in my opinion and there's no wonder why almost everyone who tries to approach weight loss that way fails miserably.


If you eat a caloric excess of cheese/meat/eggs you will gain weight.

This is a pretty bad post btw.

You won't eat a caloric excess though, because of point #2. That's the whole fucking point.

Hahaha. I live in BBQ country where fatty, smoked meat can be found on nearly every corner. Believe me when I say I can easily eat well over my daily caloric needs with cheese/meat/eggs.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm 6'2 and weigh 260 lbs. I use to weigh 425 lbs. I found a workout routine and started counting calories and allow myself a cheat day each week. I eat bread and such and still lose weight. Depends on what you prefer I guess. My goal is 215-220.
Damn that's impressive. Congrats.

I'm 30 and aging still hasn't caught up with my skinny-genes. I can eat whatever I want and I will never weigh over 70kg unless I train and eat more than I want. In fact I just ate a box of cookies just now xD
Same here. Isn't it great? xD

But yeah, I eat tons of rice, pasta, bread, etc. and never ever get fat. I don't eat THAT much though, but I do "overeat" (e.g. eat more than I'm full just by gluttony) every now and then, it's rare enough though. Good metabolism probably.

You may have a passing interest in what those countries eat and their average BMI:

[Japan, Italy, France etc.]

Indeed. Carbs aren't inherently the enemy. However in these countries, they probably don't have tons of added sugars and HFCS in literally everything the way they do in the US (and increasingly in Canada as well, unfortunately), so their amount of carbs are still perfectly fine and moderate. Whereas a diet rich in rice, pasta and bread PLUS tons of crap with added sugar all the time is a deadly combination.

So cutting carbs make sense for Americans, since their sugar consumption is indeed excessive. It's not the only solution though.

I like this summary:



Trucker Sexologist
For the record, I'm a huge advocate of cutting carbs for fat loss and general health maintenance, because it's the only diet I've seen great success on and have been able to sustain now over five years now. CICO is simplified nonsense in my opinion and there's no wonder why almost everyone who tries to approach weight loss that way fails miserably.
You literally can't fail if you have self discipline and you count accurately.

But I personally prefer intermittent fasting. I estimate that I eat 3k-4k calories a day. Sometimes in one sitting.


My diet is very simple. I write down what I eat. If I'm ashamed of what I eat, I eat less the next days. It is not the fastest diet but it works.

In the past I managed a crash diet by just cutting out all soda and eating less candy combined with high intensity sports.


Calories in, calories out. That is the first step to real and consistent weight loss.

Next step is figuring out what kind of calories you want to intake. This can be a high fat/protein diet or simply continue on with your calories in/out without worrying much about macros.

Step 2 is important if you wish to move onto step 3, which is weightlifting/cardio.

Find a lifting program or a good circuit program, eat enough protein to build muscle, eat enough fat to control hormones and eat a little bit of carbs to have energy throughout the workout.

You do those 3 steps for a long enough time period, ensuring first and foremost you're always near your caloric goal and you'll lose weight while gaining a bit of muscle.

This is the simplest way to breakdown losing weight and exercising. You cannot go wrong and if you follow through, you will look much better in a years time.


CICO is simplified nonsense in my opinion and there's no wonder why almost everyone who tries to approach weight loss that way fails miserably.

And yet you have multitudes of posters in this thread who have succeeded with CICO, but the OP gained all his weight back after losing it on a low-carb diet...


People point to places like Italy and say, see they eat a lot of carbs. You know what's practically unknown in Italy? potato chips. There's just more to these stories.

We all love potato chips here in Italy.

The secret is moderation. We don't have super sized portions like you guys.
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