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Have you ever cheated?

Have you ever cheated?

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Hipster Princess
Botting in diablo 2 because I didn't have 18 hours a day required to make any real progress.

Other than that literally zero.

The amount of times shit players have cried about me cheating though...
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I've duped souls once I've finished main play through, pretty much ds1, ds2.. mk1 enabled blood on Sega Genesis. Like a Dragon cheat engine cause I disliked chapter 12 bottleneck.

Old Lady Cougar GIF by SAG Awards


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

02:42 Coming Clean About My Past

04:10 The Final Form of AI Cheats

05:15 Guess Who’s Hacking

06:55 How the AI Cheats Work

07:30 G0at Cheated in Tarkov to Catch Cheaters

08:53 Using Human Behavior Detection in an AI Anti-Cheat

10:05 It Lives

10:23 How does AI Anti-Cheat work?

10:52 What percent of players are cheating?

11:55 Can AI humanized aim assist fool it?

13:10 How long does it take for AI to detect a cheater in real-time?

13:55 Why this is the final solution - Gaming is saved

14:57 Waldo - Visual AI Cheat Detection

15:20 Conclusion

The prevalence of cheating in online FPS games, with estimates up to 30%, is addressed in this video, with the introduction of AI-based anti-cheating technology as the solution. AnyBrain explains how their AI anti-cheat can analyze player behavior with 99% accuracy by extracting data from cognitive skills applied during the game. The technology examines gameplay at the pixel level and can detect even small adjustments. AnyBrain is creating unique biometric profiles for each player that cannot be bypassed by creating new accounts. The Waldo project uses AI anti-cheat to scan gameplay footage and identify cheaters. The implication is that FPS and multiplayer games can now be saved and cheating can be detected at any time.
Never for an online multiplayer game. There's no point. Back in the day my friend bought one of those cheat code things from Wal Mart, and we cheated the hell out of SNES sp games.


I don’t know if it counts as there is no PVP, but friends and I dupped items on D3 on PS3. Mostly caches to play the RNG. Other than that I haven’t cheated during a proper MP game, just doesn’t feel right.

Oh and missingo on Pokémon red
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Online? Never. Not that I'm above it. It's just too much work IMO. Even worse, some spend money on code or gear for it. Like hell.


Gold Member

It's very interesting what they have there. This 99% success rate sounds a bit too good. I am curious whether they have success with it. However, since so much money is earned with cheats, there will probably be methods to circumvent it sooner or later.
i cheated in uncharted 2 multiplayer. there was a way to glitch into the walls and you would be able to shoot anyone and they couldnt do anything back. i got bored of it quick though. only did it a few times just for fun.
Cheat codes are fun. I've used it a couple of times and it only adds to the experience.

Looking at a walkthrough is ok if the game is too convoluted but interesting nonetheless. I've done it for La-Mulana, and I don't regret it because I absolutely know I wouldn't have found some of the solutions by myself.

But cheating in an online multiplayer game? Man, that is bad. The guys who do that must be suffering from a lack of self-esteem such that they can't bear not being the best... The mechanisms involved must be the same as doping in sports.
But by doing so, they selfishly ruin the gaming experience of all other players. I struggle having empathy for them.


It is possible I have used a cheat code or two way back in 90's but mostly because somebody told me about it and I wanted to try it myself. Usually if the game is a bit too hard for me, I try 20-30 times and then just give up. I have cheesed a few bosses, tho.

Never ever crossed my mind to cheat in MP.
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0G M3mbeR
Way back in the late 90’s my idiot teenager self did in three ways on some early fps online games..

1) I abused an application that highered your windows speed in someway that allowed you to go incredibly fast in games like Quake 2 and half life 1 before they patched stuff out. You could put the app at 300% for example and go 3 times the speed on servers and just terrorize people because the server code had no movement limiting check so it just let the client side tell it where they were on the map. Early Counter strike 0.# was even better as the way valve handled server side bans early on was add it to a Client side .ini file where if an admin banned you for cheating I was able to simply delete that file and go back in and continue harassing the server. Fun fact, my user name came from this as I would hit the console ~ key, change from my old name Smucky to Sp3eD and hit the booster app. As awful as what I did was, I liked the “l33t” name I created.

2) this one was pretty bad. in the original quake mod team fortress (this was before valve bought the mod team and threw it on half life) there was a exploit you could download that allowed a spectator in a game to become an invisible / invincible neutral character on the map. While some classes were straight forward and gave you away such as soldier and pyro (the players could see your projectiles coming out of nowhere and moved around like a normal player so the jig was up almost immediately.) the best class for this was the medic. You could go to either teams base, get behind a player and hit them with your axe to cause them to get infected. It was absolutely hilarious to watch players spin around looking for who infected them in an empty room / long flag hallway while lighting the game chat up with cursing and slurs trying to figure out what was happening. As it became better known anybody sitting in spectator was called out or banned quickly and ultimately It was patched out pretty quick after it became rampant, but the invisible medic was something I remember vividly to this day.

3) Finally, this was an in game exploit back in CS 1.6, but I learned how to bunny hop before they patched it out. You could put jump to your mouse wheel, then spun it every single time you landed while moving side to side in a swooping motion to gain crazy speed. You could be to various enemy doors WAY before you were supposed to and surprise the other team with grenades or AWP shots. It was hard to master, but it was so fun to do once you got good at it. De-dust 1 and 2 maps were the best ones by far due to where you could get to on the maps first. Huge advantage.

After this era of pc shooters I moved over to console only pretty much so I left that life behind me. I was a piece of shit for doing that and I admit it. Kids, don’t be like me back then.
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On my taxes, sure. On my partner, oh so many times. On my country, dodging the draft back in the day, I even found a way to argue it was a moral imperative.

But on a video game? What kind of scum do you take me for?



a few times against mates on private non VAC servers thats where it ended in terms of online.
never in competitive/serious situations.

i cheated in old single player games like OG doom, unreal, wolfenstein 3d and duke nukem 3d with weapon/ammo cheats.

its probably been 15+ years since i last cheated in any way, i dont need it its boring.
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Interesting "guide" on how to protect your games from cheaters:


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
In Socom for ps2 there was this rock formation in one map you could clip through. Then shoot other players from below the ground. I did that once. Felt dirty and wrong. Never again.
In Socom for ps2 there was this rock formation in one map you could clip through. Then shoot other players from below the ground. I did that once. Felt dirty and wrong. Never again.

Glitching in socom was par for the course. In S2 people used to always go under the stairs of the fishmarket.

I only ever used to glitch for fun in privates, skywalking was fun in socom 3.

Cheating on a competitive ranked game is just the lowest of the low. I have 3k hours in CS and had my far share of griefers and no doubt many subtle cheaters. I just can't understand the enjoyment myself. People just delude themselves and still think they are good while cheating. Scum of the earth and honestly fines should become a legal thing for it. I'd love that.


I guess I have in singleplayer games sometime, but that's for the fun, I dont find enjoyment using cheats to progress in singleplayer games, unless its literally impossible for me to progress otherwise. In multiplayer games I've never cheated with 1 possible exception, I think I used some AFK program in WoW back in the day so I could be in AV and afking without being kicked. But yeah iirc it didnt work so good anyway, not to mention I got a warning from blizz I think in the email. Maybe got banned for some days/hours cant remember.

Never used cheats like wallhacking and shit in any fps.


The only time I can recall using an external hack in an online game would be Maphack (reveals the entire map) and PickIt (automates looting valuable items) in Diablo 2. In my defense it was pretty standard to use those though.

Mhmmm 2077

Honestly, I did once, in CS 1.6, bunch of my friends were playing it daily and I wanted to "hang out" with them too, so I downloaded some chests, set it to headshots only and... yeah about 40 seconds in they all told me to fucking turn it off and play normally.

Edit: I guess I should mention it was just us playing against each other, no random online people.
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Gold Journalism
Yeah, but she found out, and the worst thing was that it was her pregnant sister. Boy did I get an earful because ...

Edit: No, never. I like to play my multiplayer games online fun and fair.


In single player games, I have. 30 lives code, anyone?

I never have and never will cheat in multiplayer games though, because I find that behavior abhorrent.


Never cheated. But was called a cheater a few times back in the day, for playing well.
One time, I was called a cheater for having a ultrawide monitor. I saw an enemy on the side of the screen, then aimed and shoot him.
A dead team mate was watching me, but he had a 16:9 monitor, So he didn't see the enemy at the same time as me and thought I was cheating.
This happens to me all the time in CoD, and it's a thing I hear more and more as of late. Easier to call someone a cheater than think about the mistakes they just made, I guess.

The second part of your comment has me confused though...why on Earth would anyone be seeing less of the displayed screen if you're running the same FOV??? Depends on the game, of course, but generally speaking if you're spectating another player you are seeing it via their FOV. I am referring to FPS games in general, so perhaps you're not talking about an FPS?


Is this specifically referring to online games? Because my answer to that changes. I've cheated in multiplayer games a ton, but normally via mods. For example, in Returnal there is a mod that lets you shoot while jumping and dashing. That's technically cheating, but I feel like that makes more sense anyway. I have not done this with online games.
I've put like 100 hours into that game over multiple loops and PS5/PC and you just made me realize what was missing


Gold Member
This happens to me all the time in CoD, and it's a thing I hear more and more as of late. Easier to call someone a cheater than think about the mistakes they just made, I guess.

The second part of your comment has me confused though...why on Earth would anyone be seeing less of the displayed screen if you're running the same FOV??? Depends on the game, of course, but generally speaking if you're spectating another player you are seeing it via their FOV. I am referring to FPS games in general, so perhaps you're not talking about an FPS?

With a widescreen we can see a few cm more on each side of the frame.


Online cheating? No but cheese I did. And seeing team killing as a thing, SWAT 4 I used to bean bag my team and alert enemies where we were so I could be the last man standing in matches.


Tried it once in my teens. It was fun for a while to test out but no satisfaction gained from it, with silly/unfair advantage over others. And never did it again.

Don't know why people game to cheat though. Unless they are doing it for money. And even then they probably shouldn't feel good about it. Like some streamers getting caught out cheating live and lying about it is pretty hilarious to watch.
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Depends. Do we consider trainers cheating? Because most of my Amiga games were copies with trainers tacked on (unlimited lives, energy, ammo, level skips and so on)
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