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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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I kind of wish I'd crafted a Golden Sneed's, in retrospect. =/


My question from the last thread that was overlooked:

Let's brainstorm what new legendaries would look like, based on their WoW abilities and traits. I'm fascinated by how well some of those have carried over and been translated into WoW. (Things like, Onyxia or Loatheb's battlecries, or The Beast's deathrattle).

I'd be real curious to see what Vaelastrasz looks like in particular when he comes to HS.


I'm going to guess Vaelastrasz is a boss and not a card, and his hero ability is to damage all minions (Heroic: enemy minions) and give them +1 attack. Grim Patron strats.


I liked mine about free samples but no one else seemed to. :(

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


Yeah I actually took off a couple names. I plan to expand the OP a tad when I have the time. Even include a couple educational vids like "how do I gold" that aren't covered by existing resources.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I kind of wish I'd crafted a Golden Sneed's, in retrospect. =/


My question from the last thread that was overlooked:

Let's brainstorm what new legendaries would look like, based on their WoW abilities and traits. I'm fascinated by how well some of those have carried over and been translated into WoW. (Things like, Onyxia or Loatheb's battlecries, or The Beast's deathrattle).

I'd be real curious to see what Vaelastrasz looks like in particular when he comes to HS.

I still like the idea of Hakkar spreading Corrupted Blood. À 5 mana 5/5 that spreads a debuff to adjacent minions at the end of each turn. Does like 1 damage til they die.


Been a long time since I had an instant friend request after a match. Last time turned out to be pleasant so I mistakingly did it again. Arena player raging cause I beat him. His rage was that I picked a terrible card (Light's Justice) and I was a terrible player. Never mind the fact that I beat him with my shit card.

For what its worth my options during the draft were lights justice, wisp, or redemption.


holy fuck, the first two guys i go up against drafted their goddamn dream decks,

mage froze my board for 3 turns straight while burning me down before he flamestruck what was left. what a piece of fucking shit.

then warlock dropping voidcaller into voidcaller into infernal, killed me from 20 with double power overwhelming arcane golem, I was waiting for the faceless for mad BM. early game he had the abusive shit too. fucking ridiculous

If either of those guys don't go 12 they're incompetent and should quit hearthstone.


holy fuck, the first two guys i go up against drafted their goddamn dream decks,

mage froze my board for 3 turns straight while burning me down before he flamestruck what was left. what a piece of fucking shit.

then warlock dropping voidcaller into voidcaller into infernal, killed me from 20 with double power overwhelming arcane golem, I was waiting for the faceless for mad BM. early game he had the abusive shit too. fucking ridiculous

If either of those guys don't go 12 they're incompetent and should quit hearthstone.

Or they got a godly draw and the rest of their deck isn't as good.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
This bullshit with Kel'Thazud and the Fuegen/Stalaag brothers needs to stop. 3 games in the last 24 hours have had people with endlessly reincarnation of Kel'Thazud, Thaddius, and both of those summon characters, despite multiple full board clears. Yes, it's slightly situational, but it's still fucking broken and annoying.


MAYBE. but I don't believe it. I mean the warlock wound up seeing over half his deck and there weren't any cards that he played that didn't really work.

He could've had shit like sense demons there. Sometimes you just lose to a perfect draw of a less than perfect deck. Shit happens.


This bullshit with Kel'Thazud and the Fuegen/Stalaag brothers needs to stop. 3 games in the last 24 hours have had people with endlessly reincarnation of Kel'Thazud, Thaddius, and both of those summon characters, despite multiple full board clears. Yes, it's slightly situational, but it's still fucking broken and annoying.

The other day I was playing priest against mage with Fuegen/Stalaag. I thoughtstole Fuegen but didn't have a good chance to play it, he then played Stalaag.. I killed it and played Fuegen. He killed it, I got Thaddius. He conceded.

I didn't even think that would happen.
Glad everyone is enjoying Day9, I don't know how he does it, but his games are always crazy. If I remember correctly, the decktacular was supposed to be educational? But I don't think that lasted too long.

I also hope we get new cards today, I'm thirsty for some crazy speculation.

Edit: Once one of Stalagg or Fugenn dies, any time any other dies, it'll summon Thaddius. My old Shaman deck used Reincarnate/Ancestral Spirit/KT to get as many of the board a while back.

As a Mage, you could duplicate one after the other dies and summon a Thaddius with each copy.


Glad everyone is enjoying Day9, I don't know how he does it, but his games are always crazy. If I remember correctly, the decktacular was supposed to be educational? But I don't think that lasted too long.

I also hope we get new cards today, I'm thirsty for some crazy speculation.

Edit: Once one of Stalagg or Fugenn dies, any time any other dies, it'll summon Thaddius. My old Shaman deck used Reincarnate/Ancestral Spirit/KT to get as many of the board a while back.

As a Mage, you could duplicate one after the other dies and summon a Thaddius with each copy.

more specifically, any time one of them DIES, any other's DEATHRATTLE will summon thaddius :3

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
The other day I was playing priest against mage with Fuegen/Stalaag. I thoughtstole Fuegen but didn't have a good chance to play it, he then played Stalaag.. I killed it and played Fuegen. He killed it, I got Thaddius. He conceded.

I didn't even think that would happen.
Yeah, it's sort of confusing but whoever controls the last minion to die gets Thaddius.

In this instance, he killed his Stalaag (I had already killed Fuegen and was waiting for a silence to finish off Stalaag) along with a few other minions then summoned Kel-Thaszud. So Thaddius was born, along with another Stalaag. So, unless I had 2 silences and a removal capable of dealing with an 11/11 minion, I was immediately dead. I used Brawl since it was either that or Concede. Killed off Stalaag, the survivor of the Brawl was Thaddius, but in killing off Stalaag again, another Thaddius was born, so I was suddenly suddenly dealing with 22 damage next round.

To top it all off, next round I faced a Warrior who was running a Mech Hand including an Iron Juggernaut into Brewmaster combo that just destroyed me. I have a feeling people are sleeping on Iron Juggernaut, and it's slowly creeping into the Meta -- Just awaiting that mine makes you nervous drawing cards, it's quite a mindfuck.


Hey, just wanted to give a shout-out to the Op for all the useful information. I just started the game a few days ago and made the mage deck suggestions in the OP. I powered through normal/expert AI, spent a small amount on packs and beat 3 people in casual.
Now my goal should be to hoard gold for arena? Im still not sure what to turn into dust and what cards to seek out with my dust. Should I just try and copy a decklist based on a playstyle I like? Can I only get Nax with money or is there an ingame currency alternative?

Hearthstone is pretty fun and easy enough to understand coming from a MTG background. I just need to play some other decks and build my game knowledge up. That expert shaman was an absolute jerk with his constant totem spam, creature overrun and bloodlust!


This bullshit with Kel'Thazud and the Fuegen/Stalaag brothers needs to stop. 3 games in the last 24 hours have had people with endlessly reincarnation of Kel'Thazud, Thaddius, and both of those summon characters, despite multiple full board clears. Yes, it's slightly situational, but it's still fucking broken and annoying.
All the best decks in Hearthstone are broken.

Handlock - Turn 4 Giants & 4/9 Drakes with awesome board clears and huge taunts.
Demonlock - Free Malganis
Ramp Druid - Innervate into minions are impossible to handle without the right cards in hand.
Mech Mage - Insane starts with double mech warper & insane finish with spare part Antonidas.
Huntard - Insane fast face damage and traps that prevent you from killing the minions that he charges into face.

Deathrattle shaman isn't much worse than the above, at least you have until late game before you have to deal with it.


Kripp was trying out some Void Terror based warlock that included Stalagg/Feugen/Sylvana AND the Void caller/Malganis/Jaraxxus, which I felt was too slow for the meta (and too inconsistent).

Modified it a little and ended up with this:

So, I outright removed all the demonlock stuff from it since its often too slow and can potentially screw up your Void Terrors. Decided that I needed a bit more early game and stickier minions, went for 2x Shredders and 1x Mistress of pain (which also provide an alternate source of healing).

I think my best curve/hand happened against a Zoolock that I played against earlier.

T2 Neru.egg, T3 Neru.egg, T4 P.Overwhelming on one egg, kill the opposing Earthenring farseer (he also had flame imp on board), Void Terror on both eggs to get a 7/8 and 2x 4/4. T5 Faceless for a second 7/8, by T6 he was down to 1 hp and conceded.

The deck did well against a control warrior, half the hunters and mech mages as well. Still gotta familiarize myself with the deck though, made some aweful misplays that could have won me the games (not owling a belcher to go face to proc ice block to lethal next turn with the arcane golem for example).

Really fun to play something different that works quite well (so far). Sucks to not draw any of your 2-drops on the first 5 turns though.


Feeling pretty burned out at the moment. Got my control warrior to 500 wins, been trying other classes out at random. Nothing really clicking so far. Might take a break until Blackrock comes out
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