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Heroes of Ruin: 10/27 new video, plus screens, gameplay details and Street Sharks


The old thread hadn't had its OP updated in a while so I thought I'd reconsolidate here.


10/27 Walkthrough Video - 6 minute look at character creation, combat, skills, and more

8/15 Gameplay Trailer

3D screenshots - click to view in 3D on your 3DS browser, or also find them at http://www.3ds-screenshot.com:

Here are a few of the above images I converted to cross eye/parallel viewing, if you think that sort of thing is cool.

Cross eye 1
Cross eye 2
Cross eye 3

Non-3D screens:











Street Shark:


Gameplay details - some of what we know, based on previews like this one or from the official podcasts:

- The game has 80,000+ randomly generated items (think Diablo style, prefixes and suffixes)
- 227 enemy types (I wouldn't assume they all have unique models)
- 24 environment types/graphic sets
- Theoretically an infinite number of randomly-generated maps
- D-pad and touch screen for using various items like potions, face buttons for special moves
- Does not support the circle pad add-on, wasn't made with it in mind
- Players can jump into a game in progress any time, either locally or online
- Automatic level scaling on damage and XP so lower level players can play with high level friends
- Any player can pause their game at any time in multi, monsters will simply ignore that player and the difficulty scales briefly
- Voice chat
- No PVP yet, possibly in future sequels
- Puzzle elements, such as a Lights Out style game to shut down a force field
- You can see the gear you equip on your character, lots of character customization
- Three skill trees per class
- You can save at any time in single or multi without losing any XP or items
- Enemies turn red for brief periods of time, which means they won't take damage and you'll be open to counterattacks
- StreetPass and SpotPass item trading/selling, and downloadable challenges every day for at least one year
- The game tracks which friends you play with, and you earn special benefits and perks for playing with the same group a lot
- Several previewers compared the multiplayer feeling to Secret of Mana

Release date still only set for "early 2012," they've stated that they are aiming for release by the end of March.


I was looking at the screens, thinking how much this game resembles Skylanders (console versions) now that I've played that, then I saw this guy:


Terrafin, anyone? ;)

I'm still cautiously optimistic about this game. I need me some online co-op on 3DS.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Better than the first reveal but still not that great. Something is off with the animations and frame rate. It should have a budget-ish price tbh. As should every B tier or whatever title. It makes no sense for something like this to have the same price as a future main Square internal team title with likely 5-10x the budget and team size.
I'm still a bit apprehensive at the seemingly low number of simultaneous enemies. It's not quite Diablo or Torchlight, each fight looks to be more significant rather than having waves of imps.

The camera also seems pretty zoomed in, which might make being a long ranged fighter more difficult.

But the rest of the the presentation and promised online features push these concerns to the back of my mind for now. Just the thought of a portable Torchlight-style game is really cool. I like having randomly generated levels.


The 3d screens look great, the features are fantastic, the randomly generated content seems surprisingly competent... I don't understand why more people aren't more excited for this.

The M.O.B

Ugh there is no way im buying this with that terrible frame-rate and rough animation. I mean I would love a portable loot game but cmon that frame-rate is unacceptable.

At least a locked 30fps.


The game doesn't look great but my interest remains high.

Edit: Environments look pretty good though the gameplay looks a little mindless.


This game has potential, I really hope they dont rush it and give the development time it needs, which atm appear to be alot :p
I think this new footage looks good. The battle system seems fun and fast paced. I have tried some purely Hack n Slash games before like Champions of Norrath and Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance, this already looks better than them gameplay wise.
I've gone on-hands with this one, and while I can't say too much, I can confirm that the actual battle-to-battle gameplay is very fun, and there's just so much goddamn loot. You never stop picking up great little pieces of armor/weapons/trinkets that show visually on your class's character model. It also has a great sense of humor when picking up quests from NPCs and there's bits of little in-jokes and pop-culture references sprinkled throughout.


Criminal Upper said:
I've gone on-hands with this one, and while I can't say too much, I can confirm that the actual battle-to-battle gameplay is very fun, and there's just so much goddamn loot. You never stop picking up great little pieces of armor/weapons/trinkets that show visually on your class's character model. It also has a great sense of humor when picking up quests from NPCs and there's bits of little in-jokes and pop-culture references sprinkled throughout.
Is the frame rate as bad as it looks in that video? I want to think its a bad captured video :p
Looking pretty damn good. I really looking forward to seeing how this game turns out. IMO, Diablo-type games are perfect for handhelds.

From the walkthrough, i wish you could pan the camera out further, but it doesn't look like a deal-breaker for me.
This is looking pretty good now, looks like a great pick up and play multiplayer game. I just hope that the framerate runs nice and smooth in the final version (then again, a shaky framerate is a trademark of NSpace...)
UncleSporky said:
- Any player can pause their game at any time in multi, monsters will simply ignore that player and the difficulty scales briefly

Sounds like a way to exploit the game in multiplayer should you be getting owned by a mob... Hopefully there will be something to prevent that sort of play like so many pauses in so many minutes.
Kandinsky said:
Is the frame rate as bad as it looks in that video? I want to think its a bad captured video :p

I think it's pretty solid, only time it bogs down is when you're surrounded by literally dozens of enemies on-screen in a wide open area. Other than that, it stays consistent.

The trailer looks worse to me than the actual game.


irresponsible vagina leak
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance still looks better and looks more interesting to boot on this day. Hope they fix some things on the way for the release but I might get it when cheaper if it stays in this state.

Maybe I had high expectations for this loot game to be great and I'm not amused after the first trailer and this does not impress me at all either.


^^^ or so the Paul Anderson fanboy/lover says!! ^^^


Hmm, sounding better every time...and now looking better too. :)


Looks amazing, old school even. Although not going to be playing online because of Nintendos stupid system they've built.

Nonetheless, I wish this game was coming out sooner. I'm genuinely excited to play it.


irresponsible vagina leak
fernoca said:
^^^ or so the Paul Anderson fanboy/lover says!! ^^^


Hmm, sounding better every time...and now looking better too. :)

Looks better but gameplay wise looks uninteresting. And 'project yourself on me please. Paul Anderson sucks.
Criminal Upper said:
I think it's pretty solid, only time it bogs down is when you're surrounded by literally dozens of enemies on-screen in a wide open area. Other than that, it stays consistent.

The trailer looks worse to me than the actual game.
I haven't seen any indication yet that the game supports more than three or four monsters on screen. Was it a pretty regular occurrence that there were more enemies than we've seen in footage so far?
I exaggerated with "dozens". But depending on the enemy type; ickthids, ghouls or imps, they can have close to a dozen on screen. But the bigger more elaborate enemy types? Yeah, 4 sounds about right.


Can't say I'm seeing a lot to dislike here. Really looking forward to it.

I'm looking at it through the prism of "fun to play with my ~weekly game meetup group" though. YMMV.


Is this online...on the 3DS? How the hell does that even work?

Wait, don't tell me; it's some spotpass shit isn't it.


Nix said:
Is this online...on the 3DS? How the hell does that even work?

Wait, don't tell me; it's some spotpass shit isn't it.

Well, see, 3DS's innovations don't end with the 3D screen. It also has support for this amazing new wire-less inter-network technology, and with it, it lets you play games with people around the world! You don't even need to plug in any wires!

I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it; after all, it was only included in little-known releases like Street Fighter and Tetris.


zigg said:
Well, see, 3DS's innovations don't end with the 3D screen. It also has support for this amazing new wire-less inter-network technology, and with it, it lets you play games with people around the world! You don't even need to plug in any wires!

I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it; after all, it was only included in little-known releases like Street Fighter and Tetris.
Oh, wow. The more I know huh, that actually sounds impressive.

Tetris though? That's my shit right there. Oh, and just wondering if it's 3G or Wi-Fi?


Nix said:
Oh, wow. The more I know huh, that actually sounds impressive.

Yeah, sarcasm aside, it's got a pretty limited feature set, but it works.

Nix said:
Tetris though? That's my shit right there. Oh, and just wondering if it's 3G or Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi. There isn't a 3G 3DS.

I do sort of wonder how this particular game's framerate is going to fare online, though, particularly with voice chat.

The M.O.B

zigg said:
Can't say I'm seeing a lot to dislike here. Really looking forward to it.

I'm looking at it through the prism of "fun to play with my ~weekly game meetup group" though. YMMV.

A game that runs at 5fps cant be fun to play. Until they fix that framerate, no fun.

The features for this game are amazing though. I wish they would remove the 5fps feature.


How exactly does the online work in 3DS games? Sort of like each game has its own system that you have to use friend codes from nintendo?


Please help me with my bad english
The hack n' slash gameplay looks arcadish and brutal, just the way I like it.


Kerrby said:
How exactly does the online work in 3DS games? Sort of like each game has its own system that you have to use friend codes from nintendo?

The system has a global list of people you've either registered in-person or via trading codes, you can see their Miis and what they're playing on the home menu which you can access during any 3DS game (works for most 3DS games, not DS/DSi though), the notification light blinks orange if friends come online provided you're either in the home menu or one of most 3DS games, and that list is used by any 3DS game that supports friend play. Limited, but like I said, it works.

The M.O.B said:
A game that runs at 5fps cant be fun to play. Until they fix that framerate, no fun.

It wasn't great in the August trailer, but I don't think it's at a fun-killing level either.

I had no qualms with the new video at all.

I remain concerned how well it'll actually work online, though.


I reckon we should rename this thread the Official NeoGAF thread of HYYYYPPEE!!! for Heroes of Ruin. Everyone with me? Great stuff!

Revogamers have an awesome new interview up that spills the beans on a number of features that until now may have escaped your radar. The whole thing can be read HERE.


Revogamers said:
Tim Schwalk: As you progress through the game, you have many opportunities to customize your character by choosing how to upgrade them. Not only can you choose how to distribute stat points earned by levelling up, you also choose which powers to purchase, or if you’d rather upgrade powers you’ve already acquired. Since there are a greater number of potential skills and upgrades than there are points to spend, you will certainly end up with a different character than your friend by the end of the game.

Revogamers said:
Tim Schwalk: There are over 80,000 pieces of loot that can be found in Heroes of Ruin. Our loot can be classified as either weapons, armor, or gear. Weapons and armor are specific to a class, while gear can be equipped by anyone.

Revogamers said:
Tim Schwalk: As we continue to balance the game, we are mindful of the difficulty curve, especially in multiplayer games. Multiplayer games do change enemy difficulty and encounter sizes on the fly, as players join and leave games.

Revogamers said:
Tim Schwalk: We feel that the isometric camera is perfect for showing off the breathtaking 3D visuals of our world. We intentionally built an incredible amount of depth into each of our environments in order to best show off the system’s 3D effect.

Revogamers said:
Tim Schwalk: It’s always challenging pushing the envelope, but we’re really excited about what we’ve been able to accomplish for Heroes of Ruin. Voice chat is on track, as are daily challenges that add additional quest content every day for at least a year!

In my opinion, this game has the makings of a must own title. Everything from the deep customisation to the mass of multiplayer options to the visuals has me thinking I would be an idiot to miss out. I'm also a bit of an n-Space fan, having bought and thoroughly enjoyed the much underrated Geist on Gamecube. Not to mention this development group has been quietly kicking ass on DS for years with a string of excellent first person shooters. All said and done, I'm hoping we can get the hype energy flowing on NeoGAF. It'd be great joining you guys on-line in Heroes of Ruin.

The M.O.B

A demo would do wonders for me. I'm extremely interested in a deep hack'n'slash game on 3DS and heck I even signed up to do the official thread.

The feature set is bar none.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I actually thought Sony changed the name of their dungeon crawler again, but this is actually an original 3DS title.

It actually looks kind of nice and seems like a fun co-op game, but man, the framerate is REALLLLY bad. Surely they won't ship it in that condition.


El Capitan Todd
I simply hate the style & design.
But the concept and the gameplay, especially for the streetpass, spotpass, online components they are developing, are quit interesting in my opinion.

Do we have a release date for PAL market?

The M.O.B

Still no release date.

I find it hilarious that on their site they list 4 different sites to pre-order the game, but all 4 sites have a different "release date".

BestBuy says 5/1
WalMart says 4/3
Gamestop says 6/30
Amazon says 3/31

Probably all still placeholder dates unfortunately.
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