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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds

Did they ever play her without Varian?

And yeah, Chromie is not good for the game like this. She is incredibly unfun to watch because there's no skill involved, its just guesswork when someone is off-screen nuking you every few seconds. It turns out there is no magic pro-skill level that stops you being hit from something you can't see.
They played her with Muradin. The off screen nuking isn't even the issue, the issue is stun into root into nuke and her time traps past 18, her AoE ult is also both a ward and effectively impassable in competitive.. Obnoxious as fuck and boring to watch.


So the meta is Cleary shifting fast. Hammer is now everywhere. Can't believe that Gale Force just beat Tempo Storm with a pure 'protect the hammer' comp - and so convingly as well.


Holy crap, GFE just stomped TS on cursed hollow in less than 10 minutes.
That was insane how hammer literally tanked through all that damage and stuns. TS didn't even look like the first place ranked in NA in there. Mad props to GFE for an unexpected draft that worked surprisingly well.


I really have no idea why they have drafted Li-Ming here. She's doing absolutely nothing because they can't get a kill to start her chaining off. Feels like Jaina or Kael would be much better.

Edit: and there we go, no it starts working. Would never have expected GFE to 3-0 tempest like that.
Where was this GFE the last couple weeks?
I really have no idea why they have drafted Li-Ming here. She's doing absolutely nothing because they can't get a kill to start her chaining off. Feels like Jaina or Kael would be much better.
Li Ming has historically been very good against illidan, not to mention immortal poke. No mage does it as well as Li Ming.


Where was this GFE the last couple weeks?

Li Ming has historically been very good against illidan, not to mention immortal poke. No mage does it as well as Li Ming.

GFE didn't have a massive amount of data to feed off their prep work apparently. I also really like li-Ming on this map every time she's picked on boe. So much poke that can help burn down the objective.

Edit: good lord the bm in that prematch interview between NT and TF. Saying TF is team free when you are winless is pretty bold.


You really can see how much good HGC has done already for the scene, HOTS consistently in the top 10, often right there next to Overwatch when NA matches are live... so happy :)

I've seen enough of Valeera to know shes wildly and uncontrollably overpowered. I look forward to the hefty nerfs coming in about 2-3 weeks. Its the same problem the WoW team always has w/ balancing rogues. We give this stealth class infinite CC and burst damage, what could go wrong?


Ugh, I never know what to take in ranked draft. I can tank but then the squishies run in front and yell at me for not protecting them. Then I play dps and the tank chases kills across the map while the rest of us die. Why are people so baddddddd


Ugh, I never know what to take in ranked draft. I can tank but then the squishies run in front and yell at me for not protecting them. Then I play dps and the tank chases kills across the map while the rest of us die. Why are people so baddddddd

Don't worry about what other people are doing, just focus on yourself and doing the best you can. You're not playing perfectly either, I'm sure of that.


Don't worry about what other people are doing, just focus on yourself and doing the best you can. You're not playing perfectly either, I'm sure of that.

No doubt about that, especially when people are just spamming chat yelling at each other. I get tilted for sure when I'm stuck with people like that, but I don't stoop to that level at least. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do as Varian (our only melee, because of course every team has to have 3 ranged assassins) when we're 3 levels down and they're trying to take both temples in Sky and dying over and over and yelling at me for not doing my job.

At least I'm finally placed (Gold 1, first time I'm not in Plat) and don't have to touch it anymore until next season. I would seriously never stop playing this game if it could ensure my team mates would be halfway competent people that occasional look at the mini map or level difference, but instead every game turns into fighting over nothing while I try to make the up the difference in soak.


I really think everyone should just mute allied chat. You'd be surprised how much more focused and better you'll play when you aren't worrying about your teammates critiquing everything you do, or your teammates continuously playing the blame game, or your teammates telling others how to play their hero. Fuck teammates. Mute em all.


I'm in the same boat. It's clear my knowledge of the game and mechanics far outpaces my mechanical skills, because every match I still look at the talent scene and go 'what the fuck?'. Or wonder why we aren't laning in the first 5 minutes, or why we drafted a team with no actual damage.

It will be interesting to see how the weekends matches alter the meta. There's been quite a noticeable push towards Hammer and Chromie, with ultra long range damage shielded behind tanks that eventually lands a kill. Not sure that's a really good meta TBH, and we now have such effective protection tanks it can be incredibly hard to burst through to the back line.


I think once pro teams realize how fucking OP Valeera is, we'll see a lot less Chromie. We're already seeing some Valeera, I expect to see an awful lot more in the coming weeks. That and Zeratul will push Chromie out completely I imagine.


I think once pro teams realize how fucking OP Valeera is, we'll see a lot less Chromie. We're already seeing some Valeera, I expect to see an awful lot more in the coming weeks. That and Zeratul will push Chromie out completely I imagine.

Zeratul doesn't really do much against Chromie TBH. Cris repeatedly bodies Zeratul's, it's why he takes the level 7 time trap talent. By making sure you always have a trap up, and if needs be the iceblock at 13 talent, zeratul really, really struggles against her.

Valera might be better, with the stun / silence - but the standard Chromie build now takes the vision talent at 1, which means you aren't flanking with a stealthier versus a Chromie who is awake, and if Valera is revealed from stealth she can't do anything.


Man, rough stretch of QM games this week. 3 games this morning with a couple guys on each of my teams with 10+ deaths. Feelsextremelyfuckingbadman


I really think everyone should just mute allied chat. You'd be surprised how much more focused and better you'll play when you aren't worrying about your teammates critiquing everything you do, or your teammates continuously playing the blame game, or your teammates telling others how to play their hero. Fuck teammates. Mute em all.
Yeah maybe I'll just do that. The number of times it's ever been useful is pretty much non existent compared to all the flaming that goes on in almost every game. It's usually just me typing "back" "give obj" "care 10" stuff anyway that probably just gets ignored anyway.


I don't know what amuses me more. The near-monthly thread about HOTSlogs ads or the fact that the dude has stopped even trying to defend himself.

If there was any other viable avenue to finding out your statistics per hero you'd have to think this site would be abandoned by now. Really wish Blizzard would give us that data in the profile in game. It tracks wins, why not track losses as well?


People were asking for a premium section so that they can support the site and remove ads. 10$ per year is not much but people will still complain. To be fair, I've never had problems with the ads on the site let alone all those pop ups or whatever people are complaining. There's a button now to report ads too. I'm afraid it's just karma phishing and why he probably doesn't bother anymore.


I really don't feel like Valeera is OP at all. After Tuesday may be a different story.

I'd be *stunned* (for 1.5 seconds) if she isn't nerfed within the month. Maybe I'm crazy, but her CCs last too long and she'll be exploited like crazy in pro play. Her and Varian will be getting the nerf bat to their stun durations, I feel like its an inevitability. I also have no fucking clue what Blizz is doing increasing the length on her silence... that buff will be reverted at some point as well. Bank on it.

I've never once had an issue with HOTSlogs ads being obtrusive. I'm pretty sure people just make those posts for karma like Kioshen suggested.


I think varian will be nerfed because it's on a tank, and it's ridiculously long in length and can't be stopped at all. Valera can be pulled out of stealth by any AE and then she's toothless. Maybe after a while the pros will start abusing her( like Chromie and hammer are suddenly on top after ages) but right now she definitely doesn't feel OP. I generally feel sad when I get a Valera on my team as most of them don't contribute much and die.

Does anyone else feel that we almost have gone backwards in the meta at the pro level? In particular the use of zeratul void prison and burst spells feels like we've gone back in time a year...


It's a good response to the drawn out fight meta, but zera always felt underpicked to me ever since his talent rework got rid of his biggest weakness. I think a lot of kind of op stuff took over his slot for a while but those things got nipped in the bud a bit so he's back more frequently

Splenda's balance thoughts: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1spk9lg

Disagree w/ varian charge, they should reduce the base cd and make the stun not reduce cd

Agree w/ shield retaining not needing to exist at all on tass, esp. with things like the armor talent existing

Have no idea how malf has gotten away w/ existing like this for months


Huh, Blizzard confirming in this reddit thread that we're getting 4-5 supports this year (unless plans go awry).


I knew they said the plan was 'more supports' this year, which we took to mean 2+, but this is great news to have the clarification. And then there's the Uther and Tyrande reworks coming on top of that.

I guess that pretty much confirms Anduin is coming this year then.


I'd be *stunned* (for 1.5 seconds) if she isn't nerfed within the month. Maybe I'm crazy, but her CCs last too long and she'll be exploited like crazy in pro play. Her and Varian will be getting the nerf bat to their stun durations, I feel like its an inevitability. I also have no fucking clue what Blizz is doing increasing the length on her silence... that buff will be reverted at some point as well. Bank on it.

I've never once had an issue with HOTSlogs ads being obtrusive. I'm pretty sure people just make those posts for karma like Kioshen suggested.

I'm not saying she won't get nerfed, but she isn't OP. She gets taken out of stealth by literally everything and then has to wait 8 seconds before she can really reengage with the good stuff.


that's a completely different argument.
Barrel roll really isn't an escape if someone's already on you. Blink's slightly better but still going to be rough. The only real option is Gust/VP at that point, and forcing someone to blow an ult is almost as good as a kill. She was 100->0ing Falstad solo in the NA games we saw, forcing him to pull back if she went off the minimap.


It's not an escape against zera who can vorpal, but it will get you away from everything else. Unlike something like valla, his escape can go over terrain.
Cc/burst in general is good against falstad, and his q isnt a sure thing for popping invis.


4+ stack in QM with Valeera + Abathur is a lot of fun to deal with when you're queued with a friend and 3 solo queues.


She's specifically getting picked into Falstad/Zeratul in NA- she's a niche pick to blow up comps that pick too many escape-less squishies.

I don't get that at all, sorry.

You normally pick Zeratul *into* Falstad because unlike Valeera, once Zeratul gets on Falstad he will stick with him even through gust and barrell roll. And unless she can kill Falstad in the silence or stun duration she won't be able to stick to him - barrel roll will get him to safety assuming he's positioned okay. Especially if he takes the better barrell roll at 4 (like he should against nasty stealthies!).

And zeratul, again unless you can burst him down in the duration of your ability he's going to get away. Nothing she can do to catch up with a blink from him?

I mean, yes - both have a hard time revealing her, both are easily killable in the duration of one of her CCs if she gets to land it. But so are a ton of other heroes, and I'd suggest there are better options than her to deal with those two. I duno, it felt to me like the teams picking Valeera were trying her out more than anything - nothing they did with her seemed particulary impressive right now.


Had a game just now where we were against a Varian + Diablo and we had a Varian. Ours goes Fury while theirs' goes Prot. I said "Two tanks vs zero, good shit" and the Varian said "stfu reported". Apparently he's very touchy about his lack of tankiness. We were winning that game early but then couldn't deal with the amount of disruption they had.


Q->d stun is pretty much instant on valeera right? That in itself makes her decently valuable against things like falstad

Whether you need to bust out the valeera to deal w/ falstad in the first place is a diff story

Like zera doing well against falstad is always a bonus, not rlly a situation where you go oh falstad np i got the hot counter

Zera vs. Valeera is 5-5 imo, it really depends on who is initiating. Zera has more outplay poential tho. This is from a guy who doesnt own or play valeera btw, i only know it from zera point of view


Zera definitely does. He has a blink built in vs her small dash + he has vorpal and wormhole to boot. His stealth also works in a different way and is on shorter time to restealth + he can reveeal her whereas she cannot unless she is already out of stealth.

Her stealth is on D. Q is the dash and a high damage attack, W is the stun and E is the silence. But yes, it is pretty instantaneous.
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