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Hiroyuki Kobayashi (producer of DMC1, RE4) talks about Killer 7, Devil Kings, DMC4.

Hiroyuki Kobayashi, the Producer of Resident Evil 4 [DMC1, RE1, REmake, RE2, RE3, RECV] and the upcoming Devil May Cry 4, has Koei's Dynasty Warriors dead in his sights with Devil Kings. Spill the blood of hundreds, perhaps thousands, as you quest to turn the tides of a war. Giving a nod to Devil May Cry's Dante, one of the six playable characters is equipped with both a sword and a shotgun. When you're not chopping through hordes of troops with lightning quick combos, you can tap into magic, such as the ability to brandish six swords at once, to show your assailants the true meaning of pain. From we have played thus far, Devil Kings feels like Dynasty Warriors with an attitude. Capcom hopes to have it on retail shelves early in 2006.

Source: Gameinformer Now, that's a tidbit from Gameinformer.

The following is from an IGN INTERVIEW, that's from E3, but apparently it was only posted recently it seems. I haven't seen it posted here so we'll take it from there. Enjoy.

An interview related to "Devil Kings" but has quite a few DMC tidbits in it.

IGN: Obviously, the logo looks like Devil May Cry's, and the characters look like they're from Devil May Cry… so is there any relation to Devil May Cry?

Kobayashi: No, it's not actually in any way related, story-wise, to the Devil May Cry series. Basically, the reason you see "Devil" in the title, and the reason you see similar characters is because I reunited with Mr. Tsuchibayashi, who is a character designer who designed Dante. So we got back together, and we got some background artists and motion artists who worked on the original Devil May Cry.

But there is no story element that links them together. They're not taking place in the same universe or anything like that.

IGN: In both Devil Kings and Devil May Cry, we see main characters who, years ago, would be seen as a bad guy. What made you decide to put such an evil person in such a starring role?

Kobayashi: There's no denying that there's something very cool about evil characters. That's something I've noticed and I think a lot of people agree with. If you look at the design of this character here, he's basically trying to take over the entire world.

IGN: Killer 7 is a very cool looking game, but it's very crazy and kind of hard to explain. If you were to try to explain it to someone, how would you do it?

Kobayashi: The simplest way to explain it would be a series of jack-in-the-boxes. You really don't know what's going to come next. You could take it as one big jack-in-the-box -- you take the game home and open it, play it, and there's your surprise. Or you could take the longer view of it and say the game itself is a series of jack-in-the-boxes, and each new area represents a brand new surprise.
A really good example of the kind of surprises in store for you, the oddities you're going to see, is if you take the main cast and see seven hardboiled assassins, and then you get to the first boss, and you see it's a cutesy angel. That's Killer 7 in a nutshell -- a series of surprising and shocking moments.

IGN: Something really dynamic about Killer 7 is the visual style. What was really the inspiration for that kind of look? Was it based in manga? Also, seeing the movie Sin City, which is very popular in America, I thought of that look immediately. I was wondering if you'd seen that connection as well.

Kobayashi: The graphical style, and the inspiration for that, can be credited to Mr. Suda 51. He is very much for this art style -- he's done other games in Japan in a similar style. He's the kind of guy that, when he puts a wall in a game, instead of putting posters or portraits on it, he just uses gradation to make it get darker as it goes down the hall. That's his kind of graphic style -- that's what he was aiming for, and he achieved it.

As far as Sin City, I haven't seen it. It hasn't been released in Japan just yet -- it will be this summer. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

IGN: Is it getting harder to come up with ways to shock the audience and ways to separate yourself from other games because we just seeing the bar being raised on violence and psychological themes?

Kobayashi: What I'm aiming for is a different kind of shock value. It is very easy, actually, to make a game with intense violence and very shocking scenes of violence. I'm going for a different kind of shock. Something that comes out from left field to the degree that makes you think it's shocking in that way, such as the angel popping up in Killer 7, or the chainsaw guy in Resident Evil 4 -- it's shocking and scary, not because he's cutting you in half and it's bloody, but because he's chasing after you with a chainsaw. It's a different kind of shock that many of the other companies are more apt to avoid in favor of straight up shock value, over-the-top violence and gore, which, frankly, I don't think a lot of people want to see.

IGN: Is there anything you can tell us about Devil May Cry 4?

Kobayashi: All I can tell you is that it will be released on the PlayStation 3, which is hardware, of course, we have no experience with because it's new, so it will be a challenge, but we're going to try our hardest to make a really good game on it. Unfortunately, that's all I can tell you right now.


Bunch of Jack and the Boxes huh, it makes sense. Also, I remember Toy Machine asking me this, but I guess here you go. This is in ways proof that DMC4 is a studio 4 game, this was actually announced awhile back as Capcom alternates from dev. studio to dev. studio, they do this with alot of their franchises.

Also, didn't that art designer from Devil Kings and DMC do some Shinobi designs. They look really similar in the art work.

EDIT: Wait Wait, it's against TOS to post interviews from magazines right? >.> is it?


Changing Sengoku Basara was stupid. Excising the Japanese stuff and putting in tenuous ties to DMC isn't going to make the gaijins buy this in droves, Mr. Lead Developer


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Isn't he the same guy that eats all those hot dogs?

Yeah...they have the same last name, it seems....

Wait Wait, it's against TOS to post interviews from magazines right? >.> is it?

I think it is taboo to post 100% of every word.....If you just highlight the jucy stuff, that should be kosher....


SantaCruZer said:
killer7 = clockwork orange

Plz don't compare one of the greatest films of all time to Killer7, no matter how similarly "crazy" you find them. Thx in advance :)
belgurdo said:
Changing Sengoku Basara was stupid. Excising the Japanese stuff and putting in tenuous ties to DMC isn't going to make the gaijins buy this in droves, Mr. Lead Developer

Me, you and GAF does not equal the majority potential buyers of Sengoku Basara.

I can already promise you that title would have shit worth of impact on anything in the NA market. I can already imagine, going up to a friend and saying "Sengoku Basara" is a fun game? What, what "trash" , no--not Basara has in Spanish but Japense..."huh?:!" "what game" etc. etc.

It was a good PR move that might have annoyed some of the people following the game since it's announcement, but that is all.


Gold Member
Amir0x said:
Plz don't compare one of the greatest films of all time to Killer7, no matter how similarly "crazy" you find them. Thx in advance :)

but I like killer7, and what has similarities have to do if the game is good or not :)


SantaCruZer said:
but I like killer7, and what has similarities have to do if the game is good or not :)

Killer7 = not fit to sniff Stanley Kubricks boot straps

no matter how "good" by game standards you find it
^Don't worry abou it. I myself felt the tagline that Killer 7 is reminding of Clockwork Orange would be somewhat proper.

Just remember nostalgia is a bitch.


Gold Member
Amir0x said:
Killer7 = not fit to sniff Stanley Kubricks boot straps

no matter how "good" by game standards you find it

well I leave it at that, because I know what it means to go into an argument with you, btu hey it was my opinion :p


dabbled in the jelly
Yeah his production record is cool but who is DIRECTING it? The games of his that are amazing are directly related to Mikami and Kamiya. Producers only have so much importance in the overall end quality of a game.
Also, I remember Toy Machine asking me this, but I guess here you go. This is in ways proof that DMC4 is a studio 4 game, this was actually announced awhile back as Capcom alternates from dev. studio to dev. studio, they do this with alot of their franchises.

It wasn't me that asked, but it's interesting to know. But where in the interview does it say that it is? Are you inferring it since Kobayashi is involved?

Yeah his production record is cool but who is DIRECTING it? The games of his that are amazing are directly related to Mikami and Kamiya. Producers only have so much importance in the overall end quality of a game.

True in some cases, and in Kobayashi's case...I will forever respect the man for calling Shinji Mikami in to work on Resident Evil 4. It came out amazing.
I don't know who's directing it.

But Itsuno did a fine job with DMC3, it had an awesome, varied, fast and deep combat system.

Case n' point.


And had cool cutscenes

Case n' point:


..so I wouldn't mind if he's directing DMC4

The reason I'm saying DMC4 is a Studio 4 game, --is because usually directors/producers are associated with a certain studio. For example, Hideaki Itsuno is a director for all studio 1 games, has his work experience:

Devil May Cry 3 (studio 1)
PowerStone (studio 1)
PowerStone 2 (studio 1)
Marvel vs. Capcom (studio 1)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (studio 1)
Capcom vs. SNK 1 (studio 1)
Capcom vs. SNK 2 (studio 1)

And then Hiroyuki Kobayashi's work experience:

Resident Evil 1 (studio 4)
Resident Evil 2 (studio 4)
Resident Evil 3 (studio 4)
Resident Evil CV (studio 4)
Devil May Cry 1 (studio 4)
Resident Evil 4 (studio 4)
PN03 (studio 4)
Killer 7 (studio 4--although Grasshopper is the ACTUAL DEVELOPER)
Resident Evil Remake (studio 4)
And with the saying Kobayashi is doing DMC4, is it so much of a stretch to say that it's a Studio 4 game? Maybe, maybe not.

Tanaka did say for an interview with DMC3 that DMC for PSP is the last original DMC project he'll do.

And since we're doing it for everyone:

Tsuyoshi Tanaka's work experience as producer

Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter G
Moster Hunter 2
Resident Evil Outbreak
Resident Evil Outbreak 2
Hold, Tanaka is sitting right next to me.

Horrata, sangoka--eehhhhh, mosua Debil may cri stree Pespee.

He says can't talk about it.

Sorry dude.


I'd guess first sight is TGS. I mean, thats the only major trade show before DMC PSP is set to ship. I think... =/
Ah, forgot this part from the IGN interview:

IGN: We've had a chance to play Devil Kings, and obviously the first thing that comes to mind is Dynasty Warriors. Koei has pretty much had the monopoly on that genre from the beginning. Why tackle it now?

Kobayashi: Basically, the concept behind this is that until now, I have worked on many projects that have sold well overseas. Of course, Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry, games like that. What I wanted to do this time is make a game that would really sell well in Japan. You look at sales numbers and you see that Dynasty Warriors games sold really, really well. And I thought, "Well, we've got Killer 7, which is totally new and might sell well in Japan, but let's do something that we know will sell." We wanted to make something in a similar vein, a similar style as those types of games. In Japan, [Devil Kings] is called Sengoku Basara, and it focuses on Japanese history in the same sense that Dynasty Warriors focuses on Chinese history. So it's similar in that sense, but with a Capcom style, a Capcom flair to it.

We took the concept, and said, "What can we do to differentiate this to make this different from the Dynasty Warriors games?" And we decided the secret maybe lay in some other games Capcom has done. We said, "Let's give the characters a kind of Devil May Cry flair -- some really cool moves, like the kind of things you might see in Devil May Cry. Let's the characters and make them all vastly and distinctly different from one another, like Street Fighter II." That's the Japanese version.

Then, we said, "Okay, let's release it in North America -- what can we do to make it different again?" So we said, "Okay, we'll make it dark." Call it Devil Kings. The main character sold his soul to the devil. We'll darken up the background, give more moves, more ability to power your character up, and things like that for the American market.


Why aren't there are interviews of Shinji Mikami?

Interviews of Hiroyuki Kobayashi are great and all, but i like to hear things from the director's pov.

Chaos Legion vaguely reminds me of Koei's Dynasty Warriors.
A lot of directors don't partake in interviews.

I'd really like to hear Kamiya talk. I mean, the guy has certainly deserved it with all of his directorial projects:

Hey C-Warrior, when is Devil May Cry on PSP actually coming out? I heard it was 60% done and was supposed to debut at E3 2005, but it didn't show up. So it's going to be at the TGS?

And year it's weird that we haven't seen a Mikami interview in a while. I mean when RE4 was released it was such a hit, and yet no interview...Killer 7 is out which he Produced and sought out yet no interview. And now, he has a new project going at Clover, and we know nothing about it. I have a small hope that we will hear about that at the TGS as well but I somehow doubt it.


Amir0x said:
Killer7 = not fit to sniff Stanley Kubricks boot straps

no matter how "good" by game standards you find it

Once again, Amir0x reminds GAF that cinema automatically trumps games. Even the fact that games are an active, participatory medium while cinema is inherently passive, casting the player as an observer rather than an initiator of events, is irrelevant. (As far as I'm concerned, that particular distinction is what allows games to have the kind of emotional impact they do on gamers [at least those of us who are receptive to the experience at that level, rather than going into it constantly comparing the game to a movie and looking for ways in which it falls short--yes, Amir0x, I'm looking straight at you] despite the fact that the medium is still in its infancy.)

Yes, I know about your 'Amir0x-centric worldview'. This post comes from a Tellaerin-centric one, which means it comes from a place where 'film>games' isn't automatically a given, and Amir0x is just another guy with an opinion, not some arbiter of taste whose value judgements should be taken as absolutes. Feel free to send any retorts about my low standards and lack of taste to /dev/null. :p


C- Warrior said:
Then, we said, "Okay, let's release it in North America -- what can we do to make it different again?" So we said, "Okay, we'll make it dark." Call it Devil Kings. The main character sold his soul to the devil. We'll darken up the background, give more moves, more ability to power your character up, and things like that for the American market.

Lame. So you either have the cool game about the Japanese warring states period; or you have the lame game about a devil king that plays better. And this is after he says the game was made for the Japanese market. Difficulty changes and babblefish voice changes are one thing, but when you start adding to the gameplay you're just screwing the original buyers.
Here's what i'm guessing is the intro to Basara




No, the intro is an anime movie by Mangaglobe (the guys who do Samurai Champloo). There are pics in the latest famitsu and it looks pretty nice.


Bebpo said:
No, the intro is an anime movie by Mangaglobe (the guys who do Samurai Champloo). There are pics in the latest famitsu and it looks pretty nice.

Huh?! But what about the entire CG movie they have up on the official site that states it's the OPENING MOVIE? It even plays TMR's theme song... ^^;

Edit: OH SHIT I TAKE THAT BACK! They revamped the official site and now that's just "CG MOVIE" with a new "TOKYO OPENING" which is all anime! ZOMG!!!!!! :D


duckroll said:
Huh?! But what about the entire CG movie they have up on the official site that states it's the OPENING MOVIE? It even plays TMR's theme song... ^^;

Maybe the anime stuff are cutscenes in each characters story or ending movies? I didn't buy Famitsu this week so I can't check the text, but they had a bunch of anime screens and it said "ANIME MOVIE/CUTSCENE FROM MAKERS OF CHAMPLOO, MANGAGLOBE" in big text.

Jonnyram has the magazine IIRC, maybe he can check the blurb or scan it?


Bebpo said:
Maybe the anime stuff are cutscenes in each characters story or ending movies? I didn't buy Famitsu this week so I can't check the text, but they had a bunch of anime screens and it said "ANIME MOVIE/CUTSCENE FROM MAKERS OF CHAMPLOO, MANGAGLOBE" in big text.

Jonnyram has the magazine IIRC, maybe he can check the blurb or scan it?

Check the official site. There are TWO openings. There's OPENING <SENGOKU> with the TMR theme and there's OPENING <TOKYO> with credit to Manglobe. So I wonder wtf is up. :D
ToyMachine228 said:
True if you consider watering down graphics an enhancement.

I read this: and thought to myself If I bump this, hell will break loose.

"A friend of mine asked me if I wanted some rice, I said no. But then I thought, I wanted a thousand of something...so I then said yeah."

There is another interview with Kobayashi on the latest issue of Edge (the one with the Zelda gold case cover sleeve).

Interesting bit he said that if the game does more than what it was expected (thus having a chance to break the 15% profit margirin 'barrier' he'd like to see Killer 7 become a franchise.) hm, not suprising considering it's Capcom.

And considering Capcom aimed to sell 330,000 copies of Killer 7 worldwide including BOTH versions--it's quite possible.

I for one would love to see a Killer "8" with the same presentation style but a slightly more refined gameplay touch.


Didn't Kobayashi also produce the Steel Batallion games? I thought he jumped ship to Clover with everyone else (notable) besides Inafune?


C- Warrior said:
"A friend of mine asked me if I wanted some rice, I said no. But then I thought, I wanted a thousand of something...so I then said yeah."
Someone just mixed two Hedberg jokes together. Good job.
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