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Homeworld Remastered Collection pre-order up on Steam. Feb 25 release, $30 (15% off)

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Homeworld Remastered |OT| At last, they have come for me. I feel their lives, their destinies spilling out before me. The denial of the one true path, played out on a world not their own, will end soon enough. Soon there will be four, glorious in awakening, struggling with the knowledge of their true selves. The pain of revelation bringing new clarity. And in the midst of confusion, he will find her. Enemies brought together by impossible longing. Enemies now joined as one. The way forward at once unthinkable, yet inevitable. And the fifth, still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering. I can see them all. The seven, now six, self-described machines who believe themselves without sin. But in time, it is sin that will consume them. They will know enmity, bitterness, the wrenching agony of one splintering into many. And then, they will join the promised land, gathered on the wings of an angel. Not an end, but a beginning. The Age of S'jet.

Probably a bit too long.

Actually I could go for "Homeworld Remastered |OT| The Age of S'jet"


Homeworld Remastered |OT| All of this has happened before and will happen again

This gets my vote.
Not only is it a cool BSG reference.
But it signifies that Homeworld happened before (over 10 years ago).
Now its happening again in a remastered form.

Plus its a nice respect to Campbell Lane.
Also, RIP Campbell Lane.

Original Cylon Hybrid.
Voice of the Bentusi.


I loved cataclysm for the way it made the mothership a bigger part of the action.
In some respects the Kuun-Lan was your most powerful ship. Fully upgraded, its turrets hit as hard as heavy cruiser secondary turrets, except they tracked as fast as corvette ones. And then there was the Siege Cannon (though it was rather difficult to use).

Demigod Mac


Addressing Homeworld: Cataclysm earlier today, Gearbox COO Brian Martel affirmed that the studio "would love" to do something with the game but is being obstructed by some unfortunate problems.

"The [source] code," he said. We don't know where it exists."


"It really comes down to finding the original source code. If somebody out there has it, we would take it and make sure we at least released the classic version."

Even without the source code, Martel indicated that "there are some clever things [Gearbox] might be able to do if there was enough interest."

Let's hope someone from Barking Dog finds the Cataclysm source code in their attic on a Zip disk or something.

If not... let's make that interest happen, people.

Hey Gearbox - Cataclysm would make great DLC.


I can't believe that nobody has it somewhere, but I thought it would be under a different right thing anyway?


It's probably out there somewhere. I mean the art and designs was in ones box in his garage all that time. And even if that's not the case if the modders have proved one thing they are dedicated, they'll probably whip up something.


A user on Neogaf called Warm Machine worked on Cataclysm (cinematics I believe). You can contact him or her in case they might know someone who know the whereabouts of Cataclysm.


Just noticed a small write up on the remastering of the game by Joystiq.

Edit: shoot, getting outsmarted by the HTML on mobile. I will fix it when I'm at a desktop in a bit. I hope I don't blunder the OT like that!
Edit #2: Aaaand that should fix it. Leaving this here for posterity in case I botch the OT and a laugh is needed.


I hope I'm not the only one who sorta liked Homeworld Cataclysm...even if the Beast was just the Homeworld version of the Borg. Would love it if this could also be re-released later on.

"The only one blah blah" ... WHYYYYYYY??? Don't use that in teh internetz.

Cataclysm has been mentioned in every single page of this thread beside the very first one. Plenty of folks like Cataclysm. Some, like myself, consider it the best entry in the series.


I wonder if we are going to get any newly created expansions if this sells well.

If we are lucky they may do a Catalysm remastered DLC.

They have added Steam Workshop support so any additional content will be through that.

Though if this and Shipbreakers do well, they may consider further sequels/prequels.


"The only one blah blah" ... WHYYYYYYY??? Don't use that in teh internetz.

Cataclysm has been mentioned in every single page of this thread beside the very first one. Plenty of folks like Cataclysm. Some, like myself, consider it the best entry in the series.

I'll throw in for the Cataclysm crowd too. Always enjoyed it and I'll never forget freaking out when I realized that a bit of the Half-Life soundtrack was used when the Beast begins to subvert the Somtaaw mining ship. Plus I had an early idea of for the OT title involving Cataclysm but decided to shelf it since it wasn't part of the release.

I've always enjoyed ancient race stuff so the idea of the Beast and the Naggarok were really interesting to me.

If we are lucky they may do a Catalysm remastered DLC.

They have added Steam Workshop support so any additional content will be through that.

Though if this and Shipbreakers do well, they may consider further sequels/prequels.

I would love to see more stuff but at the same time I'm excited to have the remasters and Shipbreakers.

Part of me feels like they would be struggling to come up with something story wise since it feels like a good bit of the Kushan/Hiigaran tales have been told. Now that I think about it like that I could see some more side stories like Shipbreakers working. For example something about the Bentusi but then I realize that it wouldn't be Campbell Lane voicing them so that might end that idea.


Part of me feels like they would be struggling to come up with something story wise since it feels like a good bit of the Kushan/Hiigaran tales have been told. Now that I think about it like that I could see some more side stories like Shipbreakers working. For example something about the Bentusi but then I realize that it wouldn't be Campbell Lane voicing them so that might end that idea.

I always thought the ending of HW2 leaft open a lot of possible stories, since they basically for the first time truly started to explore the galaxy.


I think cataclysm is so beloved because of how interesting and different the two factions were. The lack of variety in the two races was my biggest gripe with both hw 1 and hw 2.


Cataclysm was OK. I fully support every effort to bring out a remaster, but it's not a big deal to me.

I enjoyed HW2, but the story was a bit of a mess. Wouldn't mind seeing them go clean slate on that one and starting there.

If Shipbreakers succeeds of course. I'll be getting Shipbreakers.


Why do they need the source code to release the original version of Cataclysm?

Gearbox could just buy a used disc and put the files on steam with a cracked .exe! iirc some publisher did that a few years ago.

They could also go to GOG or Night Dive Studios.


Why do they need the source code to release the original version of Cataclysm?

Gearbox could just buy a used disc and put the files on steam with a cracked .exe! iirc some publisher did that a few years ago.

They could also go to GOG or Night Dive Studios.

they said they have some creative ideas if all hope is lost.


Why do they need the source code to release the original version of Cataclysm?

Gearbox could just buy a used disc and put the files on steam with a cracked .exe! iirc some publisher did that a few years ago.

They could also go to GOG or Night Dive Studios.

I believe its more to update the whole game to modern systems.
Adding Widescreen support to the classic games and make sure the UI scales well (no stretching or shrinking)
Then making sure no bugs and glitches are present on all modern hardware.
Some games have notoriously bad performance on modern systems.
Haegemonia comes to mind, that has a sound system error that crashes the game.
There is a community fix, but even then it can happen on the occasion.

I'm pretty certain it will appear on Steam in one form or another.
But they are most likely keeping a watchful eye on sales of the remastered version to see if its worth their time and money.

Mr Swine

I believe its more to update the whole game to modern systems.
Adding Widescreen support to the classic games and make sure the UI scales well (no stretching or shrinking)
Then making sure no bugs and glitches are present on all modern hardware.
Some games have notoriously bad performance on modern systems.
Haegemonia comes to mind, that has a sound system error that crashes the game.
There is a community fix, but even then it can happen on the occasion.

I'm pretty certain it will appear on Steam in one form or another.
But they are most likely keeping a watchful eye on sales of the remastered version to see if its worth their time and money.

Can't they simply port the game using the modern homeworld engine for widescreen support and os support? If they managed that for Homeworld then it shouldn't be hard to do it for Cataclysm or?
Cool. I'll pick it up eventually. It's over-priced for such an old game, remaster or not. But I'll grab it when it goes on deep discount in a few months. My personal buy in for Steam games is 66% off, insta-buy at 75% off. It'll get there, probably sooner rather than later.
I was super excited for a moment there.. Then I looked at the pictures and thought the original game at 1080p and 16x SSAA and 16x AF looks almost as good. Not sure what I was expecting but it made me think "But, why?"


Can't they simply port the game using the modern homeworld engine for widescreen support and os support? If they managed that for Homeworld then it shouldn't be hard to do it for Cataclysm or?

Well the remastered versions all run on a modified Homeworld 2 engine.
The Classic versions all run on their original engines but been modified to offer widescreen support and OS support.

Whilst Cataclysm ran on the original Homeworld engine.
You would think considering they have adapted the original engine it should be easier right?
Yes and no.
Yes the main leg work is done and should be simple.
No it requires manually moving all the assets and code to the modified engine which is time consuming.
Its easier to have the original source code and make changes that way.

Though considering they would have to do that with the remastered version anyway it may just be easier to move Cataclysm to the Homeworld 2 engine entirely.
Though then there wouldn't be a proper classic edition.

They could also just put up the original classic version of the game and use outside fixes (Like a modfied launcher) to run the game.
Though that is hardly an ideal solution, It would work.

Of course I could be wrong, a lot of this is speculation.
It would be nice if Gearbox could give a more detailed explanation.
Or just bloody announce Cataclysm will be DLC at a later date.


I was super excited for a moment there.. Then I looked at the pictures and thought the original game at 1080p and 16x SSAA and 16x AF looks almost as good. Not sure what I was expecting but it made me think "But, why?"

Did you see the comparison video? If you did and you still claim the original looks almost as good with aa and af then you may need glasses
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