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How Bad Is Your Souls Withdrawal?


This reminds me, I still have half of ds2 left, plus the dlc. I should get back to it....
You definitely should. The DLC for Dark Souls 2 is among the best content in the series, especially in the level design department. Shulva and Brume Tower will make your jaw drop.
I’m fine, looking forward to something new from Miyazaki and co. I love the games but I’m a bit burnt on them at the moment. And when I’m in the mood again I still have Dark Souls 2&3 DLC’s to get through, or work on a replay of Bloodborne/DS3.


Trying for the platinum now. I do hope they release something early next year though. New IP or Bloodborne 2.
Or a Dark Souls reboot.


Strangely enough Zelda BotW is harder than any Souls game I played, I think it is because I wander off aimlessly into areas which one-shot my 5-hearts.

To answer the question... ya somehow BotW is giving a Souls fix.
Played the first one. Beat it. Never played again. Way to frustrating for me, difficulty just for the sake of difficulty to me is more annoying than fun.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

Have you looked at DarkMaus? It's pretty much top-down Dark Souls. It's supposedly really short, but its full price is also $10.

But it's PC only if that's a concern.
I heard of it, and yeah PC is no issue as that game doesn't look too demanding but... it honestly looks boring. :\

Not as bad as my withdrawal from the Turrican series, Strike series, Colony Wars series, G-Police series. (Insert lots of other franchises that are no longer being developed).
Feel free to make a thread about those...

Give it a rest

Bland world
Bland characters
Bland music
Bland art direction
Bland enemies

I can appreciate that it tried with the combat though, lol!
Yeah, pretty much how I feel too.


I dont understand people that are burned out. There are how many fps' released annually? Combat aside, I love the art, atmosphere and exploration in Souls games and no one does it as well as From.
I played all the Souls games in a span of one year, from 2016 to 2017 and I haven't felt burned out on the genre at all. In fact, I want more.

I've also played Nioh earlier this year, and I'll replay it on PC next month. I guess I'll be fine for now.
I'm fine. Having played through four of those games pretty thoroughly I'm getting kind of worn out on the formula, I'll play Bloodborne if I ever get my hands on a PS4, but I'm not in need of more of these games.


Been fine though I feel another Bloodborne playthrough coming and I'll probably get around to the last DS3 DLC sooner rather than later.
Plus pick up the Complete Edition of Nioh.


Just finally played through 3 a few months back. (I was waiting until DLC was finished.) I think I’m ready for a long break so it feels fresh when it comes back. Unless they announce Bloodborne 2, then I am all in, baby.


Junior Member
For me, Bloodborne and Nioh ruined my love for traditional Souls game. The faster-paced combat makes a huge difference to my overall enjoyment and now I'm struggling to get into DS3, even though DS1 was amazing when I first played it.


I was personally burned out after DS3. I think another 6 months and I will be ready and hyped for whatever is next.


if anything i'm glad the souls games seem to be on a hiatus. Fell in love with Demon's souls when i imported it back in the day and when DaS 3 came out i didn't buy it for a good year and when i played it it felt like they were just recycling content from older games with no personality of it's own.

aAt this poimt i'd rather wait for A fresh take on tje souls formula rather than the same shit as we got with DaS3


For me, Bloodborne and Nioh ruined my love for traditional Souls game. The faster-paced combat makes a huge difference to my overall enjoyment and now I'm struggling to get into DS3, even though DS1 was amazing when I first played it.

Ironically I had the opposite reaction to the combat in Bloodborne, and I'm struggling to get into DS3 because it is faster than Ds1 or Ds2 lol.

I prefer the slower combat pace were stamina management is critical, and you have to rely more on positioning and tactics rather than your reflexes.

I still appreciate what BB and Nioh did, but I hope the next soulslike game FROM makes is a slower paced one.


No such thing, each game offers so much replayability and build variety that you could play each one multiple times differently to your previous play through.

So no withdraw at all I just replay one of the games with a different build.


Don't have it, played the souls games kinda like you would play GTA, playthrough the main portion of the game once or twice, maybe do some side stuff and dabble in the multiplayer a bit and move on.

Not really into the Souls religion like a lot of people on Gaf are.


Nonexistent. It needed a break, I couldn't even bring myself to buy DS3 for $30 on Steam after my burnout midway through BB.


Don't really have this problem, even though I love the series. Souls is a pretty long and intense experience, both atmospherically and from a gameplay perspective. Usually by the time I'm done with one of them I have little desire to play again or move on to the next for some time. That's probably why I still haven't gotten around to DS3, although admittedly I was waiting for the DLC to all be out and such before jumping in.


In the past year I played all these games for the first time, almost back to back:
Demon Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls III

I loved it, but I'm good with taking a break for a while.


Shadow Of is basically the exact opposite of Souls so I would stay away from those. Wretched gameplay, horrible environments, the list goes on.

Disagree about BotW being floaty though, first time I ever heard that. I think it feels pretty great.


I can do without it for a couple of years. Hoping for more "traditional" rpgs with towns and npcs and stuff now. Which is why Elex is right up my alley right now.


I turned to Monster Hunter for quite a while, it scratches my general itch of wanting to control a human in third person swinging a melee weapon at a thing, reading its behaviors and carefully planning my every movement. But I hit 200+ hours in 4U and X, then even checked out 3U a bit which I missed out on. I'm at a pretty hard wall with what little content I have left in those games, so I'm just in another withdrawal phase until World comes out.

Robot Pants

I’ve had my fill for now. Maybe forever as i don’t even play games very much anymore.

Dark Souls 1 will always be my favorite. Doubt they can ever top it. Although I will say 3 came very very close. It might even be just as good


So it's like the souls games


I'm also a bit burnt out, as I still haven't found the motivation to play through the DLC of DS3. I'm still really looking forward to the next Souls-like game, whether it be Bloodborne 2 or a new IP.

I found Nioh & Lords of the Fallen to both be pretty boring, and after watching an hour or so of The Surge decided to skip it. I do want to give Nioh another go though, but considering I was bored after ~3 hours and it's supposed to be really repetitive, I don't think it's for me.
Completely burnt out. Loved Demons, DS1 and BB. I tried 3 and it just felt recycled and lifeless. I miss being completely taken off guard by a dragon burning a bridge you're walking across, some shitty little enemy hiding behind a corner, enemies that didn't have homing attacks, not attacking every chest incase its a mimic.

There were just so many things fresh about early souls that you never expected but then you adjusted to the potential of danger and that feeling was lost and every moment where something unexpected happens you pretty much expected it to happen.

Part of the reason for burnout is I just don't get that feeling of despair I got when first playing Demon's. I never played a game like it where I needed to plan my attacks, dodge, block etc... I was used to press X to win combos and regenerating health that the transition actually felt challenging. But in later games that challenges dissipated as my skill grew and so did the sense of accomplishment from the franchise.

Plus the fucking min maxing PvP community eventually leading to 1 shot builds just sucked all the fun out of invasions too.

It'd be nice if they want back to the drawing board and build up something that feels fresh,


the formula is so tired at this point it needs to stay away for another 3-5 years aka next gen and when/if it comes back it needs to do something new and interesting.


I'll live

Sorry but Nioh is trash to me.

And anime code vein looks like trash as well.

It says made by the publishers of dark souls aka namco bandai not from software themselves

No thanks
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