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How do you deal with the fact that you will die?

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Anyways I don't because I'll be dead so who cares.


The fact that I will die is empowering to me. It means I never really need to be upset or depressed for too long. I never need to be jealous of others, or worry about whether I'm doing what I'm "meant to do" with my life. It means that I can forge ahead without fear. Because in the end, we all end up exactly the same way. Dead as fuck. And that fact is fucking liberating.
Plant a tree seed over me and I will become the tree. Hopefully my homies sit in at and smoke one from time to time. And if need be I will rise up with my other tree brethren to battle some evil wizard destroying the planet.
I take Ativan to deal with the panic that overtakes me when I inevitably think about it (seriously).

I feel like my goal in life is somehow finding a way to accept death. Like, if I can one day sit back and say "Yeah, I'm ready to go" that'll be the biggest accomplishment of my life.

I've got an 83-year old uncle who's riddled with cancer right now. He's got literally weeks left and he's freaking the fuck out. I'm afraid that'll be me and it really scares me. My mom worked in a nursing home for half her life and she saw people dying all the time. She says one that stuck with her was a guy who was basically screaming the whole time, clawing at the walls and begging not to go right before he collapsed. Sweet Jesus.


god i can't wait

no more worries, it's gonna be the best thing ever

i'm just hoping i don't linger

if you're worried about death, just remember: it comes to each of us in time and once you're dead literally nothing will ever matter again, so don't dwell on the sad parts.

unless you are religious in which case hey i don't envy that afterlife stuff!


It stresses me out more than it worries me. I don't really care that I'll die someday but I get a little paranoid if I think about it for too long and don't get to accomplish the things I want to do before I'm gone.
It's a bittersweet feeling, thinking about death. But ultimately I find the idea of a final ending to my life and experience to be comforting.


It doesn't bother me at all that life is finite. I stress more about aging, and other things that lead to suffering or lower quality of life.
As someone who has had a couple near death experiences, my takeaway each time has been a newfound appreciation for life's minutiae. Little things like a nice breeze, a pretty picture, even a comfy pair of jeans. There was a time when we were younger that such things were novel and exciting, because we didn't take them for granted. I addition to making me happier, that mentality is also the best comfort I've found for mortality.

Edit: I also really like Emily Dickinson's Because I Could Not Stop For Death. It's a really good outlook IMO. Oh, and Bryant's Thanatopsis.


I don't like these threads because a lot of posters in them have a "please death soon" attitude and that makes me really sad.
I remember that
1. Death implies life
2. Death is honorable as it allows for more life to come into existence with space to play the game
3. It will be like the place before I was born.
4. There will be no "I" to be aware of it once it happens.

There really is nothing to worry about.


I don't like these threads because a lot of posters in them have a "please death soon" attitude and that makes me really sad.

then don't read them? it irks me that you would feel the need to take a liberated outlook towards my finality as something sad. it isn't your life to worry about bucko




Basically. I cannot stop it. It will happen. It will be inevitable and hopefully whatever stops aging etc. is way beyond my years cause I have honestly no desire to push it further than needed. I was lucky to have the death talk early with my parents and I came to terms with the idea quickly. It doesn't mean I consider life a waste for it (even though I question my own often), it is instead a marvel that we exist and live to begin with. Might as well enjoy that.


then don't read them? it irks me that you would feel the need to take a liberated outlook towards my finality as something sad. it isn't your life to worry about bucko

It sounds like you are the one who takes issue with how people react to your post, so maybe you shouldn't be posting those thoughts if you don't want anyone to comment on them. I didn't mean any offense.
I couldn't care less, in fact it's the living that's hard.

It would take away the uncertainty.

My mother passed away last year and I feel empty since. I would never do it myself, but it happening doesn't worry me.d
I really didn't care about dying before i had kids. Now whenever I think about mortality I'm sickened by how much my death will affect them.


I take Ativan to deal with the panic that overtakes me when I inevitably think about it (seriously).

I feel like my goal in life is somehow finding a way to accept death. Like, if I can one day sit back and say "Yeah, I'm ready to go" that'll be the biggest accomplishment of my life.

I've got an 83-year old uncle who's riddled with cancer right now. He's got literally weeks left and he's freaking the fuck out. I'm afraid that'll be me and it really scares me. My mom worked in a nursing home for half her life and she saw people dying all the time. She says one that stuck with her was a guy who was basically screaming the whole time, clawing at the walls and begging not to go right before he collapsed. Sweet Jesus.

I feel like I've accomplished everything I really wanted to. Focus on defining your life goals, and check some things off your bucket list. If those goals seem completely unattainable, try to think about worthwhile life experiences you think are within reach and go after them.


It sounds like you are the one who takes issue with how people react to your post, so maybe you shouldn't be posting those thoughts if you don't want anyone to comment on them. I didn't mean any offense.

no, i just take issue with you. you weren't even explicitly reacting to my post

you entered a thread you don't like and said you don't like that the thread exists instead of choosing not to engage with it, and i felt marginalized in the process as it felt like a worthless driveby post that wasn't relevant to the thread title that also had the side effect of pitying me for something i find comforting

so go ahead and continue commenting wherever you like and i will continue criticizing you if i feel like it, i guess
I drink.

I mean, I don't think about it all that often. I don't believe in an afterlife, so I guess it's just a dirt nap to me. But sometimes I"m tired and a forever sleep doesnt' sound like that raw of a deal, ya know?


I don't think about it. I'm only 29, like others I just hope I pass away in my sleep and leave something of value (doesn't need to be financial)behind for loved ones, I guess.


Oof. I'd hate to die in my sleep. I'm very scared of dying not knowing that I'm about to kick the bucket.

Yes - I'd much rather experience my death (to whatever degree that's possible) than stop living without being aware it was coming. I'd rather be shot in the face than be picked off by a sniper; or see the car barrelling towards me than be blissfully unaware when it runs me down.


Yes - I'd much rather experience my death (to whatever degree that's possible) than stop living without being aware it was coming. I'd rather be shot in the face than be picked off by a sniper; or see the car barrelling towards me than be blissfully unaware when it runs me down.
I don't understand this.

You wouldn't be aware from a shot to the head either unless you were bleeding out painfully.

Do you like pain? I'm not being funny, I'm genuinely curious.
All I can say is death is not the end but more of a beginning to an end, consciously speaking. The real question is how is it we have conscious, like have you ever question yourself to why you are you, and not me, or anyone else you know?

The questions is not of determining purpose of why we are here, but more to how is it that we can have consciousness, like how is that you who are reading this be in that body.

Big Nikus

My hope is that in the next 40 years or so we'll be able to upload our minds in computers and live forever.

The most crushing thing to me is thinking about my fiancée. We're getting married in three months, and sometimes I can't help but think that one day... one of us will be dead, probably me first since I'm a bit older than she. And then she'll have to deal with that at an old age, thinking about our decades of life together, and finally pass away alone ?
I can't :(

This and the "intrusive thoughts" thread are not good for me.
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