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How do you rate the PSX conference this year?


Leaks ruined it. TLoU2 would've been HUGE but whatever.

Good show. 7/10

I think it's unfortunate that the leaks happened because without them, faces would've melted when MvCInfinte was shown, but I don't think the show was ruined.

I'd give it an A. The thing that bothered me is was the quick cuts in the sizzle reels when I'm trying to see what the hell they were actually showing off and it'd just be gone. Actually, lol, I guess I just hate sizzle reels. ("Oh man, that looks cool! Wait! What even was that?")
Before the show, I was convinced that The Last of Us was like... a done deal, and I thought I wanted it that way. Now I'm so happy that the sequel is a thing and I can't wait to play it (although, I guess a lot of waiting will be required).

edit: I don't give a crap about Knack, Knack 2 or whatever, but I really like that the sequel was shown off. I like the fact that every once in a blue moon that a family-friendly first party game can be shown off after what seems like so many that you might not want your small child to play and given some attention for once (for Sony that is, I know Nintendo exists).


+ : Danganronpa V3 next year
+ : Ni No Kuni II looks amazing
+ : Fucking Windjammers

- : Crash doesn't look good
- : Square Enix JP was nowhere to be seen
- : Knack 2 SMH

Good conference overall.
Umm...Nier: Automata was given its release date along with a new trailer.


Gold Member
Fantastic. I think it was especially good because my expectation was pretty low. I just expected a pretty mild little conference, with maybe one or two interesting announcements. And instead we got a ton of great announcements and surprises, with a minimum of stage talk. I think they knocked it out of the park. I was very happily surprised.
9/10 great pace, some games i'm definely going to buy, Tlou2 blow my mind, the look on my wife's face with Crash appearance (only game she played and liked), and above all, something for everybody.
Don't really understand when people failed to realize that they are not the center of the world, and a great conference is the one that suits all the tastes than the one that as lots of games for a group (big or not, doesn't matter) of people.
after the shitshow that was last year's PSX, I came in with very low expectations (sans Mahvel 4, which was leaked). Safe to say, Sony absolutely killed it.

Last of Us II, an Uncharted with Chloe as the main protagonist, UMVC3 and Garou stealth drops, Yakuza Kiwami/6, a new Housemarque game, Crash and Wipeout remasters, a hot Ni No Kuni 2 trailer, and (incredibly) Knack 2. Its like they built their lineup specifically to cater to my interests, that shit was amazing!
Really good show. I like that the pacing of E3 this year was in this conference. Shawn said it himself, "I don't want to get in the way of the games". Keep it like that.

As far as the content, it aligned wonderfully with the audience (the general audience and not just the audience at the show) for this type of event and it served them well. The sheer quantity and variety of titles along with Sony showing that they are listening to their fans (at least in terms of game announcements) was just really nice to see.


I would be perfectly fine with them centering E3 and PSX like this. The 6 month gap between the shows, along with where they are on the calender, works well for them and the consumer.


I didn't really care for the last 2 but there were some good announcements for me this time around. Sadly though most of them are remasters, still there are now a few more reasons for me to keep my PS4 plugged in.

+Solid showing of upcoming games (a lot of which aren't too far off at all!) Lots of Japanese games and Vita games too, so I was happy. Plus Let It Die and Marvel Vs Capcom 3 out the same night was a pleasant surprise and some nice IP revivals. Trailers back to back, no filler.

-Missing From Software new games and Shenmue 3/Shenmue HD. ;)


9/10: great mix of new announcements, remasters and a huge final surprise. Conference was also well paced. Definetly the best PSX conference so far.
With Spiderman gameplay and FFVIIR/Shenmue 3 trailers it would have been an epic 10/10.
I wish when they did the montages they would have the titles of the games on for at least a bit. Some of the games looked cool but I have no idea what they are called so I could look them up after.



More Vita than VR, and no FF7/RE2/Shenmue updates my only complaints. Best show in a while otherwise.
- Yakuza Western release heaven
- Danganronpa V3 coming West next year
- Nier Automata release date
- New Ni No Kuni II trailer
- Parappa, Loco Roco, Patapon Remasters
- A Vita appeared on stage
- Knack is back
- Crash looking fantastic
- Wipeout was a pleasant surprise
- Uncharted and Last of Us looking decent
- Let It Die out now
- Ultimate MvC 3 back out now + new game

Best PSX conference definitely..solid 8.5/10 with a bit more hype with closing with TLOU:p2.

PSX is generally not a conference for me as I'm not into all the quirky stuff, but this was really good. I'm more an E3 person and Sony's 2016 E3 was probably the best conference I've ever see.

So it's hard to rate it too highly, but I wouldn't be disappointed at all if this is the level of consistency we can expect from PSX going forward.



+PS1 remakes

- Not a lot VR
- No PSN updates (name change)
- RE7
- Crowd
Missed the actual show but the announcements that followed on GAF were brilliant. Not a bad event at all as far as announcements and trailers go.


9/10, for a fan event (small e3 thing) it was really solid and well paced.

crash looked cool
wipeout redux was cool
knack looked cool
alot of variety
marvel was hype
nino kuni looked awesome


Really, really good show. Paced well, with some really fun announcements. The announcements weren't all front page news caliber, but they catered to the audience of more hardcore fans really well. You could tell by some of the reactions that people were into it.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Great I thought, but the lack of fanfair for VR (being relegated to a sizzle real) hurt it enough to keep the event from excellence
Why not FF7Remake? It appeared in 2015 (with gameplay footage at PSX 2015), and now in 2016 it disappeared again.... Not even a short trailer.... Dat f*ck?

Why not Biohazard 2 Remake?

Because new entries of each series needs the marketing focus right now.

Where is my Dino Crisis 4?

lol. Asking for DMC5 would be fair, but now we're going crazy.
I thought it was pretty outstanding. The only thing I was left hoping for was a From tease, but there was so much other good stuff that I don't care that much.


I think it's unfortunate that the leaks happened because without them, faces would've melted when MvCInfinte was shown, but I don't think the show was ruined.

It's a good thing then, that I didn't know about TLOU sequel and WipEout collection before the conference. I was completely amazed by both, eventhough Shinobi had hinted at the latter. Even if I would have known about them, it wouldn't have made the conference any worse. After all, two of my most awaited games were shown there. That's why I can't understand how the leaks would make the conferences worse than they are.
Was the cheering phony? I heard a lot of "ooo what's that" or "no way" like comments that sounded scripted to me. Ruined the live presentation for me.


The good

Knack2 (yes, i love knack)
Wipout collection
Parapa,Patapon and Locoroco coming to the ps4
Horizon,The Last Guardian, Ni No Kuni new trailers
Yakuza 6
One indie game that i dont remember its name really grabbed my attention (it reminds me of Rime)

The I dont care but i understand theres gotta be variety

Call of duty
The Last of Us 2

The i dont understand

Why Parapa,Locoroco and Patapon arent coming to the vita? They are tailored made for the system.


10/10 because of Chloe and Ellie in one conference.
Nah, it's not just that. Pacing was practically perfect again like at this years E3 and the variety of the lineup in general is really great. Really looking forward to a lot of stuff the next few months and beyond.

Biggest disappointment:
Yakuza 6 for 2018. It is understandable since they can't release 3 yakuza games in like 6-8 months or so, but I really would've liked to see it sooner. But at least it's coming, love you Gio.


- Yakuza Western release heaven
- Danganronpa V3 coming West next year
- Nier Automata release date
- New Ni No Kuni II trailer
- Parappa, Loco Roco, Patapon Remasters
- A Vita appeared on stage
- Knack is back
- Crash looking fantastic
- Wipeout was a pleasant surprise
- Uncharted and Last of Us looking decent
- Let It Die out now
- Ultimate MvC 3 back out now + new game

You forgot Windjammers and Ys Origin ;D


Junior Member
- Yakuza Western release heaven
- Danganronpa V3 coming West next year
- Nier Automata release date
- New Ni No Kuni II trailer
- Parappa, Loco Roco, Patapon Remasters
- A Vita appeared on stage
- Knack is back
- Crash looking fantastic
- Wipeout was a pleasant surprise
- Uncharted and Last of Us looking decent
- Let It Die out now
- Ultimate MvC 3 back out now + new game

You missed out Nioh :p
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