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How would you like to see next gen play out?


One console future just means total compatibility. PS3 games on Wii consoles with 360 controllers if you want.

And why would platform holders ever want that? The only way you'd see total compatibility for all games would be if it was the only platform in town like the iPad.


i want to see a redesign of the dual shock controller to be a bit more comfortable to hold (no, not talking about flipping the stick and d-pad to be like 360). bring on the boomerang!


More consolidation, simpler OS, less tech haze.

Options are nice, but this looming threat of another console is exhausting to me. The current competition in the market is great, but I'd like to see some more console manufacturers get over themselves and allow me to do more with less hardware purchases.

Things like Amazon and Stream on PS3 come to mind, or OS agnostic cross talk with PCs and Android phones. I also want each console to have an OS at LEAST as snappy as the Vita's. I also hope we don't lose any great studios that only did so-so this gen (the team behind Driver: SF, Insomniac, etc) thanks to a split market bright on by the myriad of platforms. Get the Android OS on another piece of hardware, maybe?


I would love it if both MS and Sony launch in 2014 so we had a better chance at a bigger jump in performance.

- MS and Sony both launch at the end of 2013

- MS goes for a more moderate jump in power compared to Sony but still dominantly outclasses Nintendo with taking a relatively minor loss

- MS focuses much more on services, apps, windows 8 integration, kinect, etc. over game development. XB3 has a handful of console exclusives but mostly becomes the defacto console for multiplatform games.

- Sony focuses on another beast of a machine but prices more aggressively than this gen, taking another huge loss per console.

- PS4 sales trail woefully behind XB3 because it targets only the hardcore without properly addressing the expanded market

- The Wii U tablet is a hit with the expanded market but falls short of matching the same excitement and fervor created by the original wii-mote.

- Both XB3 and PS4 sales trail behind Wii U for the first 3-4 years primarily due to higher price and missing the tablet controller boat. However, XB3 and Wii U sales are closer than 360 and Wii sales were this gen. At the end of 5 years, the worldwide LTD are roughly 85 mil - 60mil - 40 mil for Wii U, XB3, and PS4 respectively.

- Launch prices are $300 and $400 for Wii U and XB3/PS4 respectively. MS and Sony both also have $500 SKUs but they are more premium packages and the $400 SKU is not a tard pack.

- 360 continues to sell moderately well for the first few years of the next gen, bringing it's final LTD to 80-85 mil. Wii tops out at a little under 105 mil

- After 6 years on the market, Wii U's successor is released in 2018, is only marginally more powerful than XB3 and PS4

- Both MS and Sony decide to follow the same pattern they did this generation and keeps XB3 and PS4 successors off the market until 2021

- Final LTDs in 2021: Wii U: slightly less than 100 mil, XB3: 90 mil, PS4: 55mil

- Nintendo dominates Japan, MS dominates NA, tend to go back and forth in Europe

I don't get it. Why would price play a factor in Wii-U vs PS4/720, but not Wii-U vs PS360?

I'm also confused why you would want Nintendo to be 6 years behind the tech curve again.


I dunno, just more great games. Hoping Microsoft and Sony put out another good set of systems.

One thing that isn't really a thing right now that I'd like to see is for Sony and MS to embrace digital distribution. All new releases available digitally day and date with retail. Don't know how likely that is, but I'd love for it to happen.


I dunno. If I buy hardware or software, is it actually mine or am I effectively renting the bastard?

$60 gets you 48 hours. The rest is DLC.

Day 1 game prices determined by average game review scores. Max cap at 60 unless its collectors edition.

Nice idea in theory, but this would just encourage moneyhats. Just imagine, spending money on review scores would allow them to charge a higher price at retail. And for consumers to feel it was justified.

One console future just means total compatibility. PS3 games on Wii consoles with 360 controllers if you want. I think if we're reaching a point where graphics aren't going to get much better, its a great way to go.

Again, nice idea, but the licensing fees that each manufacturer earns means it can never happen. You could just wait a few years and emulate them on PC, i guess?

I started this gen with the 360 and PS3 but have just got bored of the experiences they're giving me. Developers need to concentrate less on over budgeted "AAA" titles and more on creating unique, original experiences.

So Nintendo and PC for me then, seeing as they already have that. Nintendo needs better online though, but at least they are realising that they need to give the traditional controller as an option.


Only charge for downloadable content if it adds something major to the game. If we're just getting extra items or costumes, then give it to us free of charge. I hate looking through the store and seeing all this content, but each item is $0.49 to $0.99.


I don't get it. Why would price play a factor in Wii-U vs PS4/720, but not Wii-U vs PS360?

I'm also confused why you would want Nintendo to be 6 years behind the tech curve again.

Perhaps I should have elaborated a bit more. It's not just about price, it's about what's currently new and hot, which all next gen consoles will have going for them over the current gen. If Wii U's hook takes off with the mass market, which is what I'm hoping, PS360 being cheaper isn't going to matter. They're independent products that will be primarily evaluated on their existing merits first and compared directly with competing products secondarily. Ultimately I'm predicting a $300 nintendo package being more desirable to the mass market than any possible $400 MS/Sony package independent of any direct comparison between the two. Price is very important, but there are many other things that impact mindshare. It's the reason PSP sales are far below 3DS sales in Japan even though it has a much more impressive library of games.

"New" factor being equal, price will probably play a role in the sales of Wii U/PS4/XB3. It'll depend on how well each company will be able to attract the mainstream market where price matters most. With the hardcore, not so much, but you and I have always disagreed on which market is larger/more important.

As for why the Wii 3 would only be marginally more powerful than PS4/XB3 in 2018, it's mainly because I don't foresee there being a real need for too much more power past the upcoming gen. Budgets are going to hold developers back moreso than tech, so it's going to have to equalize at some point. Of course, tech requirements could definitely change if we have some radically new input or display method emerge within the next 10 years. As for Wii U's power specifically, I just want it to be able to run ports, which will depend more on feature sets than raw power. I feel that's all that's really going to matter.


It would of course have different types of controllers, just like all three current consoles do with their traditional, motion, and wheel peripherals.

Peripherals are a very different beast to the baseline controller. The closest anyone has ever gotten to a successful add on is Kinect, and that's with a concerted, 500 million dollar ad campaign from the parent company of the platform -- and even there, I think we can all agree that it has significant problems with software support. Otherwise, you have a world littered with Playstation Moves and Wii Balance Boards and Eyetoys.

In theory, the PC has been capable of supporting any controller anyone could come up with for a long time, and yet very few peripheral controllers have ever been made for the PC, and those that have been made are niche. Why do you think that is?

King Boo

more games on pc.

more nintendo games...on their system.

that's it.

of course i would like these things as well:

the last remnant 2
kirby air ride 2 or a game with similar mechanics with online mode
pikmin 4 (should be at least 2 pikmin games for wii u)
remake of streets of rage
cross platform multiplayer between pc and others
some new franchises
a nintendo sega capcom rpg game

i'll stop for now...there's too many things that i want if i keep going with this post
I think the idea is that you still have several manufacturers, like with dvd players, and you still have companies competing to make cheaper components. Not like an ipad where its manufactured by one company.

Also i'd imagine any controller would be compatible with any platform so you'd just buy the best 3rd party controller available for that genre.
I think the only gamer group willing to put up with 3rd party controllers is the fighting community, and only because arcade sticks tend to provide better control in fighting games over standard controllers :< Steel Battalion also comes to mind, but that seems to be mostly a novelty (and they had to include controls for standard controllers anyway afaik).

Outside of the mentioned game(s) and genre, I don't see specialized 3rd party controllers really taking off that well. If it were possible now, 3rd party developers could regularly make a game and develop their own optimized controllers for those games and meet some success. I don't see how a one-console environment would make a big difference there.

Monopoly, huh? Like that one DVD player manufacturer has a monopoly on the DVD market?

A one console future does not mean one console manufacturer. It means one standard format. There would be much MORE competition in terms of pricing and quality of the actual players.
So... that doesn't seem drastically different from now. It sounds like hardware manufacturers would still have to differentiate themselves somehow outside of pricing? Like whether or not they're more compatible with certain genres, what (additional) services they offer, maybe if they have exclusive offerings?

I don't know if the DVD player market is a good example anyway; the content (and technical girth) of games cover a pretty wide spectrum, which is why (for example) we don't see stuff like Uncharted or Battlefield 3 on iPad or Kindle. In terms of input and output, I doubt movies have to differentiate too much. If all possible hardware was just overpowered as heck to handle any kind of game in the near future and only differentiated on company name and price, I'd probably just pick up the cheapest reliable hardware based on reviews. That doesn't seem like there's much decision making.

It would of course have different types of controllers, just like all three current consoles do with their traditional, motion, and wheel peripherals.

There would still be hardware competition, games would just work on every console no matter who did it. Just look at the blu-ray players on the market, they're made by Philips, Samsung, LG, Sony, Daewoo, etc. and they all play the same discs, there's no monopoly. Perhaps there is a reason this model wouldn't work with consoles that I'm not seeing?
1. If there's literally no difference other than the company name on the product why wouldn't I just buy the cheapest reliable hardware based on reviews? That doesn't seem competitive, that just seems like it'll corral everyone to do one thing.

2. If there are differences (outside of name and pricing) such as certain hardware being more suitable for certain genres or having exclusives offerings (and I'm sure that can still be done), that doesn't seem too different from what we have now?

3. Has 3rd party game controller adoption ever been good? How often has non-standard input adoption for games been successful?


Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, the only thing I want to see happen next gen are traditional controllers at least as good as the Xbox 360 controller, and improved social / friends list functionality. Other than that, I'm open to possibilities.


He even mentioned dvd players... Is there a company who holds a monopoly on dvd players or did they get so cheap that everyone owns several of them?

Then he should be talking about a standardized platform, not one console. And yet I still greatly disagrees that this is better for the consumer.
For there to be less emphasis on DLC, constant updates, online passes, easy party games, forced multiplayer, annual sequels, shooter blockbusters… basically I want it to go in the opposite direction.


Perhaps I should have elaborated a bit more. It's not just about price, it's about what's currently new and hot, which all next gen consoles will have going for them over the current gen. If Wii U's hook takes off with the mass market, which is what I'm hoping, PS360 being cheaper isn't going to matter. They're independent products that will be primarily evaluated on their existing merits first and compared directly with competing products secondarily. Ultimately I'm predicting a $300 nintendo package being more desirable to the mass market than any possible $400 MS/Sony package independent of any direct comparison between the two. Price is very important, but there are many other things that impact mindshare. It's the reason PSP sales are far below 3DS sales in Japan even though it has a much more impressive library of games.

Well I question how "new" the system will look to the masses, but we'll see. I hope success for them, and I can care less if they sell the best again, I just don't want them to be the lead for development in the industry. That would be a very boring and uneventful generation.

"New" factor being equal, price will probably play a role in the sales of Wii U/PS4/XB3. It'll depend on how well each company will be able to attract the mainstream market where price matters most. With the hardcore, not so much, but you and I have always disagreed on which market is larger/more important.

Just so you know, I acknowledge that the mainstream and casual markets are larger than the hardcore market. I think we've just disagreed to which and when either should be catered to at the expense of the other demographic.

As for why the Wii 3 would only be marginally more powerful than PS4/XB3 in 2018, it's mainly because I don't foresee there being a real need for too much more power past the upcoming gen. Budgets are going to hold developers back moreso than tech, so it's going to have to equalize at some point. Of course, tech requirements could definitely change if we have some radically new input or display method emerge within the next 10 years. As for Wii U's power specifically, I just want it to be able to run ports, which will depend more on feature sets than raw power. I feel that's all that's really going to matter.

Yeah, you have a point here. Hell by this time, we'll probably be using the PS4/XB3 for cloud gaming and the hardware in the box may be irrelevant.


Physical media
Options for motion control or standard controllers
Better security. Hello, Sony.
Lots of good and great JRPGs on the handhelds and consoles
Less FPS
A decent DragonAge
An HD and capable Nintendo console
An affordable Sony console
A Skylanders sequel that you can use your old Skylanders on
An updated Pokemon Colosseum
A Zelda that has Zelda as the protagonist, developed by Retro or From
DQ X for WiiU launch
Persona 5
Devil Survivor 3


my reputation is Shadowruined
A push for curved OLED displays to help with better FOV in first person shooters. Displaying 3d graphics on a 2d plane is flawed.

Improved haptics on the gamepad.


MS and Sony die/3rd party and Valve, Nintendo, and Apple team up to make a console with Apple sleekness and internal design, Valve online interface/infrastructure, and Nintendo handles the first-party software and chooses the next fad.


Why? I'm not seeing the point in owning several boxes that are all capable of doing the same things.

The Wii, PS3, iPad and PC are all capable of doing the same things?

This attitude makes sense if you are an exclusively PS3/360 gamer who may dabble with PC games if you can use a game pad. For everyone else, this isn't true, as different platforms produce different types of games.


Here is my humble wish list:

1.Consoles are backwards compatible with games and DLC from this gen.
2.Consoles don't constantly red ring (I'm on my sixth 360 and third PS3)
3.No arcade versions of consoles.
4.Tighter quality control on game releases. In other words, finish your damn game before people pay you money for it.

I think these are 4 pretty reasonable requests, they won't happen though.

Edit: oh yeah, and Shenmue 3.


Sony to come back to its former glory with a PS2-level of success, with amazing softwares once again, fit for a true console.
PC devs (bioware, bethesda, IW, Epic, etc.) to come back to PC-gaming only, where they truly belong. No more consolisation of those games.

Beth Cyra

All I want is amazing software on all platforms.

If I had to get specific a FF with Nomura as lead artist and Kingdom Hearts 3 with Squall and Cloud making an apperance.

Robot Pants

I would like to see risks taken, a wider genre of games, more or less a golden age of gaming like the golden age of cinema in the 70's.
But it won't happen.


I will be going nextbox only next-gen so I want all of my arcade titles to be BC.
I also want to be blown away with graphics, I don't care how they do it but please just blow me away.
I also want my wife and 2 young kids to start looking at the xbox and not think that that's Dads box, I want them all to start wanting to use it one way or another. Kinect has my son slightly interested but the lag and awkwardness frustrates him.


The Wii, PS3, iPad and PC are all capable of doing the same things?
I see that you put a tablet in there to throw me off, very clever >_<

And you left out 360 because PS3 and 360 were essentially trying to do the same thing. Add motion control to either of those via a peripheral and you have something that can do anything the Wii does.


There have never been bug free games, nor will there ever be bug free games.

true.. but at least try hard enough that the bugs arent there through normal gameplay.. that it would take an extraordinarily wierd motion to actually trigger it... may even be entertaining to go bug hunting hehee
I would like to see Nintendo win again, but with the other two on their heels a well. Solely because assault Nintendo is amazing as fuck. Hopefully sony get more success with their first and second party too, as they have come such a long way and I feel like they aren't recognized enough.


Full-scale "consolization" of PC games. Including near-100% support of gamepads, and even split-screen support. I'm ready for it.


Experimentation ala Fahrenheit.


LA Noire was another experiment I enjoyed.

I'll say what I think will happen.

1. Microsoft will release the most powerful hardware and will be #1 in the US thereafter.
2. Nintendo will be somewhat successful with the Wii-U, but nearly on Wii levels. They'll be in second place well into next gen.
3. Sony will go with less powerful, safer, hardware that falls between Wii-U and Nextbox. They will never be #1 in the US again and will hold 3rd place in the console race.

4. Apple rumors...if true, will deliver a "casuals" gaming system that will most likely be overpriced. We know overpriced does not equal unsuccessful though. (I'm not sure I see them entering the actual "CONSOLE" race)
5. If Steam/Valve releases a "system" it will do well, but it will most likely be relegated to PC gamers and "hardcore" multi-platform gamers. I do not see them getting significant market penetration and threatening the big 3.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Here’s what I’d like:

1) Less of a graphical arms race between developers, it’s good for nobody: eats up money, spits out risk and stifles innovation. Chances of that happening, roughly zero unless …

2) … there’s a more even playing-field between consoles, and less willy-waving over raw power. Chances of that happening, roughly zero unless …

3) … more emphasis on control schemes and the uniqueness of individual consoles, so more console exclusives. Chances of that happening, roughly zero, unless …

1) … less of a graphical arms race between developers …

Oh dear.


Used games
cross platform arcade sticks
steam sale prices and frequency on XBL/PSN
Free online
No paywall for apps
UK trend for BOMBA prices
Reliable hardware, previous gens' hardware was so reliable, this gens' not so much


How I want it to be:
Sony getting back on its feet and focusing on selling consoles and games and not in fighting pirates
Kinect, Wii U Tablet, Move etc. "failing". Being used for game they are suited to (Move, Waggle for e.g. Golf, Kinect for Dance games).
Games focusing on their strength instead of on bullet points (e.g. Multiplayer games getting single-player campaigns or even worse single player games getting multiplayer (ME3 is the worst offender, get 100% in single player only if you play multiplayer), adding Kinect, Move, Wii U tablet support ...).
No region-locking (in fact remove even the linking of DLC to a specific region-published game, DLC should work worldwide with every copy of the game)
Death of Online Passes

How I believe it will be:
Kinect and Wii U tablet support mandatory for their respective platforms
Games licensed to a single console, can be played only if console is online
Sony leaving the console business, selling of their software studios to EA, Activision, Microsoft and Apple.
Nintendo going handheld only when Wii U fails to take off.
Microsoft happy to be the one console maker until
Apple goes into the console business
2 things

- Indie devs not having to rely on exclusivity publishing deals (timed or not) to make their games and have easier access to any platform

- Less handholding in games i.e. let dumb people play with sticks or something
All Japanese devs finally realize how great the PC is and releases ports of all their games on there. Small scale Japanese devs should target Steam as well.
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