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I am absolutely baffled (Fuck All Haters)


Avowed's ending was Real Time In Engine. Looks like Hellblade 2 finally has some competition. :messenger_open_mouth:

Not sure that's how raytracing works though.


Gold Member
I am 40 years old.

Gamers at my age belong in one the two following camps: They either A) think everything sucks and gaming was the shit back in the 90s, or B) think that every gen is better than the last, and are more and more amazed by what they see.

I belong in Camp B.

This gen is going to be so amazing, to the point I'll do something I haven't done since 2003 - buy every single console as well as game on an upgraded PC.

That's how horny I am for the new games.

PS5 is King.
Series X is a Beast.
Switch is pure Sex.
PC pwnz all.

I love games. I love gaming.

I'll absolutely love this gen.

Fuck the haters indeed.

I'm with you brother 🤘


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Next gen too me is already looking much more hype than the start of PS4/X1 ever was. Fuck you all haters. Fuck you all shitty Sony and Xbox fanboys. I love being a gamer, if you cry about 1 fridge or router not having XYZ games or some other dumb shit and find excuses to be pissed off you are not real fucking gamers.

I play games because they are fun and not because one plastic box has certain games or vice versa. Holy shit. Grow the fuck up.
oh spare me the crocodile tears.

you are literally defending a conference that resembled the E3 2005 conference where sony showed one CGi trailer after another. Thats what you are defending.

You said you play games that are fun. What was so fun about Fable, Forza, Avowed and State of decay trailers? where was the fun? what gameplay looks fun to you? which of the cgi and pre-rendered graphics appealed to you?

you are about to plunk down a thousand dollars on two consoles, and you are excited about a bunch of cgi trailers and current gen games. you dont see anything wrong with that?

You listed a bunch of games that are coming out in the next few years. OMG, video games are released every year. Who woulda thunk it? I had no idea. I thought games had ceased to exist. Thank you for reminding me sir. You must have some sixth sense or something. What a load of shit your OP is. You are pissed at people who are pissed at MS showing little to no next gen gameplay or even cinematic realtime trailers because you think these games will come out eventually. well, yes no shit sherlock.

The issue isnt people who are pissed. The problem is low expectation people like you who want everyone to sing kumbaya and allow these companies to lie to you, to mislead you, to underwhelm over and over again, take your money and shove some last gen games down your throat. It's why Nintendo can afford to release three last gen consoles in a row. It's why Microsoft thought they could launch a new console without actually launching next gen games. People like you are what these companies count on to mask their failings.

Back in the day, when a new console was released, you expected next gen games. Now we expect CG trailers and a promise of things to come 3 years down the line by which point they will be shoving mid gen consoles down our throat. What a sorry state of affairs.

And then you have the gal to tell US to fuck off.
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It's a tired meme used by Sony fanboys who are worried that MS is going to close the gap next gen after having the most powerful console going into next gen.
Only difference is Sony fans here will smash the report button and bitch about any negative memes about PS5, such as 9tflops etc, and mods back them up for some reason.
Using bullshit troll memes like "Xbox has no games", "gamepass filler" etc are just as bad as saying the PS5 is a 9tflop machine.
Its a area that does need to be addressed. I'm not calling the mods fanboys, and I expect that as PS fans outnumber Xbox fans here they probably get a ton more PS people on their case than Xbox ones and they react to it.
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Xbox created the narrative that it has "the most powerful console"

It has shown nothing that has backed up this claim.

No one is doubting that XBOX is investing in big budget AAA IP.

But a bunch of CGI trailers with an imminent console release is very questionable.

Unless they have an XBOX Gameplay showcase with deep dives into amazing looking gameplay all running on a series X.

Their powerful console talk is just that... talk.
Gamers can be very cruel, vocal and ridicule anything that they don’t like, but when you constantly hype up a huge, important event only to not deliver on what was promised, you are going to inevitably get a huge backlash. Look how crazy people acted with the Last of Us 2. Death threats, review bombing, ripping the disc in half, wanting to jump off a bridge, etc because they didn’t agree with the story, writing or decisions made.

Now imagine how people act with a new, potentially expensive console that supposed to be introducing a new era in the video game industry. I feel it’s mostly because the expectations were astronomically high for the Series X, Halo and the games. CG trailers, lack of surprises and not much gameplay probably left a REALLY bad impression. Gamers felt like Microsoft didn’t come through with all the time they had, promises, acquisitions and mega-hype for the world’s most powerful console. Sure, it can be unfair, but first impressions are normally the most important unfortunately. Hopefully, they can turn this mess around and get back on track, but I’m not sure if a lot of people will be on board with Microsoft’s new direction and strategy. We’ll see.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I mentioned in another thread that I liked the presentation. Most of the games looked or sounded good and it was very diverse genre wise. But what we saw really did put Microsoft on their heels going against what we saw from Sony. Again. And they're already not exactly selling consoles like hot cakes.

I wish Microsoft luck and I want more competition for Sony, but that (edit: Halo) presentation. Dog.
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How about showing something that looks good?

it looks good for what it is. It's not a last of us 2 game. its a quick open world shooter at 4k and 60 fps that needs to run at a array of hardware as it also comes to PC. Performance is king here and no clue why even focused on 4k to start with, probably pressured because otherwise console fans would slam them for being a weak box can't even do 4k. After all console warriors are the most toxic community i ever encountered.

Like the Xbox showcase?

Yea because nobody wants to showcase there game without it being completely and 100% done and even then u probably don't want to show gameplay other then a heavily tailored gameplay looking on rails half cgi trailer. Because those console fanboy shitters will vomit all over you because of it.

I wish we went back into the early days of gaming, where devs would just showcase there game and techniques behind it without it being complete done and still in really early phases. Now it's almost suicide if you do so.

It's a tired meme used by Sony fanboys who are worried that MS is going to close the gap next gen after having the most powerful console going into next gen.
Only difference is Sony fans here will smash the report button and bitch about any negative memes about PS5, such as 9tflops etc, and mods back them up for some reason.
Using bullshit troll memes like "Xbox has no games", "gamepass filler" etc are just as bad as saying the PS5 is a 9tflop machine.
Its a area that does need to be addressed. I'm not calling the mods fanboys, and I expect that as PS fans outnumber Xbox fans here they probably get a ton more PS people on their case than Xbox ones and they react to it.

Jup happened to me in a PS5 thread. stated some facts in a thread and boom post got removed + warning from a mod that u can't even identify as it has no name and then u get this.


It's pretty darn pathetic. Sadly they can abuse their power all day long because there is no way to identify who even does it and no explanation other then stuff like this.

From this point on i just ignore all the PS5 threads mostly as its basically visiting resetera where u gotta do there purity test or else u are culled.
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Not Banned from OT
Gamers can be very cruel, vocal and ridicule anything that they don’t like, but when you constantly hype up a huge, important event only to not deliver on what was promised, you are going to inevitably get a huge backlash. Look how crazy people acted with the Last of Us 2. Death threats, review bombing, ripping the disc in half, wanting to jump off a bridge, etc because they didn’t agree with the story, writing or decisions made.

Now imagine how people act with a new, potentially expensive console that supposed to be introducing a new era in the video game industry. I feel it’s mostly because the expectations were astronomically high for the Series X, Halo and the games. CG trailers, lack of surprises and not much gameplay probably left a REALLY bad impression. Gamers felt like Microsoft didn’t come through with all the time they had, promises, acquisitions and mega-hype for the world’s most powerful console. Sure, it can be unfair, but first impressions are the most important unfortunately. Hopefully, they can turn this mess around and get back on track, but I’m not sure if a lot of people will be on board with Microsoft’s new direction and strategy. We’ll see.
The studios were purchased in 2018. You expected them to shit out good AAA games in 2 years? So i should expect the next sucker punch game in 2022-2023?

The faux outrage has been by mostly people who have zero interest in a series x but to grind some imaginary axe against Microsoft. Fine but it doesn't give them free reign to shit up ever single xbox thread. I think that is the OP frustration he can't discuss anything with out 50 drive shit posts, bait attempts or concern trolling. Its basically going back in time to gsmefaqs levels at this point. You hate the show that is cool but if a few people want to discuss a game or 2 from it they should be able to in relative peace.


it looks good for what it is. It's not a last of us 2 game. its a quick open world shooter at 4k and 60 fps that needs to run at a array of hardware as it also comes to PC. Performance is king here and no clue why even focused on 4k to start with, probably pressured because otherwise console fans would slam them for being a weak box can't even do 4k. After all console warriors are the most toxic community i ever encountered.

Yea because nobody wants to showcase there game without it being completely and 100% done and even then u probably don't want to show gameplay other then a heavily tailored gameplay looking on rails half cgi trailer. Because those console fanboy shitters will vomit all over you because of it.

I wish we went back into the early days of gaming, where devs would just showcase there game and techniques behind it without it being complete done and still in really early phases. Now it's almost suicide if you do so.

Jup happened to me in a PS5 thread. stated some facts in a thread and boom post got removed + warning from a mod that u can't even identify as it has no name and then u get this.


It's pretty darn pathetic. Sadly they can abuse their power all day long because there is no way to identify who even does it and no explanation other then stuff like this.

From this point on i just ignore all the PS5 threads mostly as its basically visiting resetera where u gotta do there purity test or else u are culled.
Normally after a reveal or the like the mods tend to allow a little bit of room for crazy reactions, and then they tighten the rope after a few days. They did it with the PS5 reveal, after the MS showcase and the road to PS5. I assume the same thing is happening here as well.
I don't mind a bit of trolling if it's funny and witty. But there is some weird stuff that goes on.
I put a thread up defending 343 for trying to keep the OG Halo artwork and feel, and that may have limited some creativity. That thread got Locked pretty quick for a reason I wasnt told or understood. But oh well, not going to go to war over a thread lock. But when you see a front page full of anti Halo troll threads created by know PS fanboys just to pile more shit on Halo, none get locked. Why they would lock a thread trying to put reasons to why 343i had the art direction they did, yet the 20 troll threads are left to run their full life I do not know.


You got to love GAF. My picture was deleted, because "Don't derail the thread with console wars. Please stick to being on topic" and the comment from strato too while dozens of pictures and mocking and shitting on Microsoft and the op comments are absolutely fine. Seems to depend on which side you choose.
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Gold Member
Cause the show lacked gameplay!! And the little game play it had, it was disappointing.

Gosh, it's not that hard to grasp!! Why would I be excited over a title screen?!? Also, Rare said they don't even know what Avowed is, lol. How can you be hyped for that game? It's not like rare has kojima levels of fame and clout that you can get hyped with a cryptic trailer.
Stalker 2...it's no news. It was announced once 10 years ago and then again two years ago.

The studios were purchased in 2018. You expected them to shit out good AAA games in 2 years? So i should expect the next sucker punch game in 2022-2023?

The faux outrage has been by mostly people who have zero interest in a series x but to grind some imaginary axe against Microsoft. Fine but it doesn't give them free reign to shit up ever single xbox thread. I think that is the OP frustration he can't discuss anything with out 50 drive shit posts, bait attempts or concern trolling. Its basically going back in time to gsmefaqs levels at this point. You hate the show that is cool but if a few people want to discuss a game or 2 from it they should be able to in relative peace.

I definitely understand where you are coming from. I’m sure this is how the Last of Us 2 fans felt. In fact, I think that was worst. To my knowledge, people aren’t sending death threats to the voice actors of Halo Infinite or employees at 343.

Yeah, games are very difficult and time consuming, but people are surprised it took approximately 2 years to come up with some CGI trailers and Halo had 5 years and a $500 million budget if I heard correctly.

If I don’t like something, I’ll express my opinion and then move on. Not everyone is like that though. I know game development has complications and you have to familiarize yourself with the hardware. Problem is, the internet can be a cruel, toxic place and if you screw up or disappoint, you are going to hear it over and over sadly. I don’t think Sony or Nintendo would of received much different treatment if they really disappointed to be honest.
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Halo - PC gameplay
Grounded - Maybe Xbox SX gameplay
Forza - “in-engine” 30fps cinematic, 2022?
Medium - Launch Exclusive with Xbox SX gameplay?
Destiny - Xbox SX gameplay?
Ori - 4k 120fps gameplay?

thats what you got. if that impressed you, well thats great. everything else was cgi, which is meaningless.


Gold Member
Which game reveals from the Sony conference were CGI?

They specifically stated that everything was running on an actual PS5, so I'd like to find out which ones were lies if you have some insider information.

It's become a common theme over the last couple of days that people are deluding themselves into believing the two conferences were identical.

That is despite the fact that everything at the PS5 conference was actually running on PS5 hardware whereas we saw nothing running on Series X hardware at the Xbox conference and most of the stuff shown was CGI.

It's delusional.
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No, they stated it was “captured”. You’re fooling yourself if you think the Horizon footage was in-game.
So you think the Horizon footage was CGI? And what else did you think was CGI?

And is the assumption here that they were able to say it was "captured on PS5" because they ran a CGI video on some device and used a PS5 as a capture card device to record the video being played on that 2nd device? Is that the other part you're getting at?
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I thought it was ok. The Halo stuff could have been more compelling, but at least it looked like a return to “real” Halo.

The key thing is you can play all that stuff for $9.99 or $14.99 a month plus a shit ton more depending on which sub you pick. You could even buy it for a month, play what you want, cancel, and then re-sub when a new game comes out.


I thought the MS show was remarkably MEH. Nothing to celebrate about. They showed a handful of titles I have some interest in (Psychonauts 2 will be the sequel of one of my all time favorites, for one, and the new Rare title looks pretty), but nothing I'd call a "hype train".

What I'm not sure is why Playstation fans on this forum are being all giggly and smug about it. It's almost as if they forgot barely one month ago Sony had an abysmal show as well.

And just to be clear I have absolutely no plan to purchase either of the two consoles. I already did that mistake with a PS4 Pro and it turned out to be my favorite dust collector/Youtube machine to use from bed.
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I wish we went back into the early days of gaming, where devs would just showcase there game and techniques behind it without it being complete done and still in really early phases. Now it's almost suicide if you do so.
There is only 4 months left before Halo Infinite had to launch. If you believe Halo Infinite is in "very early phase" by now, then the studio has other problems apart from angry fans.


Good grief.

Sony’s conference was mediocre, with little gameplay.

XBox’s was a disaster because of Halo, and had even less gameplay.

Neither company has done anything to warrant some of the defences being put up in this, and other, threads.
People actually like Elder Scrolls games!? I thought that was a meme. If you are going to copy something go copy Dark Souls, Zelda BoTW or something that at least has some quality in it.
Have you been living under a rock the last 5 years or are you joking?

I'd rather Elder Scrolls be done right by somebody else making a new IP that's similar than have another boring Souls clone that's just as annoying and not-fun as the actual games.
Good grief.

Sony’s conference was mediocre, with little gameplay.

XBox’s was a disaster because of Halo, and had even less gameplay.

Neither company has done anything to warrant some of the defences being put up in this, and other, threads.
Sony does not need defending as they are the industry leader.
Xbox deserves all the backlash, if only as retribution for all the literal PR lies that had flooded this forum for months. The lies got found out, there had to be a reckoning.


Snake Oil Salesman
I am absolutely baffled, flabbergasted and flat out confused how people are saying that coming out of the Xbox Games Showcase that Xbox Series X is lacking next-gen offerings and vice versa.

We got 2 major big triple AAA RPG announcements.


2 big FPS game

Halo Infinite

Next Gen Forza Motirsport entry

A new platformer The Gunk

Next Gen entry of State of Decay 3

The Medium an amazing looking silent hill like vibe game with crazy implications and psychological horror

Scorn another atmospheric horror game

What else do you fucking monkeys want? 2 big RPGs, nee next gen Stalker Entry, 2 platforming games, next gen racing game, another entry in co op horror survival, a new Warhammer 40,000 L4D type game and all of that is not big enough for you fucking cry babies?

Mind, there will be more in the coming months?

I don't know about you but...

Halo Infinite
State of Decay 3
Psychonaunts 2
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
The Gunk
The Medium
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
Spiderman Miles Morales
Horzion Forbidden West
Demon's Souls
Resident Evil 8 Village

+ Whatever is unannounced for both brands in the coming months

Next gen too me is already looking much more hype than the start of PS4/X1 ever was. Fuck you all haters. Fuck you all shitty Sony and Xbox fanboys. I love being a gamer, if you cry about 1 fridge or router not having XYZ games or some other dumb shit and find excuses to be pissed off you are not real fucking gamers.

I play games because they are fun and not because one plastic box has certain games or vice versa. Holy shit. Grow the fuck up.


Everything said in the OP is spot on. Unless Sony has a second salvo prior to release, I think the XBox Games Event will be remembered as the day XBox surpassed PlayStation. They now have a small lead. Let's see what they do with it.
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I sort of agree with but we didn't get a lot of gamplay of all these games. A lot of games like state of decay 3 should have been shown just based on how Janky state of Decay 2 is. You claim to have the worlds most powerful console yet halo infinite looks like it can be current gen. The best looking next gen game hellblade 2 gameplay could have saved this show. Outside of Halo a total lack of single player narrative exclusive games. This is something Xbox said they would fix. This was their show and again its wait till next show. Now in defense of xbox and halo both godfall and spiderman look like they can run on a ps4. I expect launch games to not be crazy good looking. Look at ps360 launch games. Iv always got every system my whole life but I have a family and a demanding job now. Having all systems for me is a waist of money. Based on Phils promises I assumed xbox would fix the mistakes they have made but it seems to be more of the same. Forthe first time since xbox has been out I can see myself using playstation as my main console (hell only console) next gen. I hope all those acquisitions rumors are true. (Blooper absobo, Techland, WB)

BTW Avowed looked awesome


Gold Member
OP also told me in another occasion that ac valhalla combat in the recent footage was "stellar" for him, maybe he is just a guy with low expectation and easy to please?! :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

i'm with you op, Xbox event was not total shit, just a solid 6/10, not much worse than sony event.
I think the interesting question will be how much is having really solid versions of 3rd party games going to matter too, even cross gen. If either the XSX or Ps5 could get Valhalla running at 60fps that would be pretty sweet. And Cyberpunk will look like fire on both as well.
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