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I hate loot.


I think loot is abominable in all cases. It combines luck-based elements with busy work and a bunch of almost identical stuff, it's like the culmination of abysmal game design. There are no redeeming qualities to loot and it should in all instances be abolished. Very close to that, though not necessarily always horrible (i.e. not horrible when busy work is disabled by limiting th number of experience points strictly) is leveling up.

Loot doesn't have to be luck based


Loot has become another popular way to pad game time. Usually executed worse than half-assed, i.e. Shadow Warrior 2, Witcher 3, Nioh, etc. Maybe even The Division, but I only played it at launch.

It's like when Souls-inspired games remove/ignore most of the aspects that make Souls games so addictive. As so it is with loot. At least we got Grim Dawn recently, and hopefully Borderlands 3 improves on 2 if it ever releases...
I'm only early on in Diablo 3, but I'm not really feeling the loot so far. Like, I have a piece of armour for all of 3 minutes before I've got another 7 pieces that are better then it.

I don't mind a steady pace of drops, but I'm getting a new item constantly. I can't tell if it's a case of giving me shiny new things to keep me playing, but I'd probably play more if I wasn't playing inventory management simulator half the time.


Changes for me from game to game tbh.

I love it in monster hunter (until desire sensor strikes) because everything has meaningfull use.

However with the flood of Open World games accompied with trash and redundant loot i have also disliked it
I hate loot. I love exploration.

Give me one mechanically different weapon in a hidden room unlocked from a key dropped by a powerful enemy over a hundred procedurally generated weapon reskins that randomly drop from the designated mook of the area.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Loot has formed an unholy alliance with open-world design in order to create the ultimate "addictive and time-consuming, but not fun" gameplay mechanics.

I really hope there is a backlash against this shit sometime soon.


I hate second guessing if I can use it or throw it or sell it or need it for side mission or use it for upgrades or etcetc

If the loot system is managable and intuitive I really have no problem with it


Whats wrong with Witcher 3 loot? Genuine question, I didn't have any issues with it?

Loads of it is of no real use so I don't pick it up, but then I wouldn't expect random bandits etc to have anything worth having on them, so its no surprise. I just take whatever food they have. And loot I've got from the more targeted quests is generally of worth in some fashion, even if its just to sell it on. Those moments where you actually find something worth keeping/using are all the more enjoyable because it doesn't happen all that often; I don't want to be changing my gear all the time.

Admittedly there is a lot of stuff to pick up/find in Witcher 3, some of it barely any different from the last so perhaps wading through it can be a chore, but if you're selective about what you take then organising the inventory and having a good clear out when you meet a merchant is all part of the appeal for me.


bish gets all the credit :)
Loot, open world, and leveling are the trio of shit infecting every AAA game released. It's just garbage used to manipulate OCD types and pad the ever loving shit out of games so you don't finish them in a few sittings.


I hate the loot that just add higher damage rather than weapons that control differently, I don't think it add much to the game other than making me scroll through my inventory to equip the newest drop just so my character don't fall behind on damage (else enemies become bullet sponge), it can be pretty annoying.


I think the balance is that you don't really have to pick up things you don't want to.

Sure Witcher 3, for example, has a ton of crap to pick up but that's largely because you can grab things from just about every box, bag, and chest. Obviously every container can have an upgrade and it would annoying as hell if every container had the same universal currency or raw material.

But like I said, you don't have to take any of it.

The other issue is that players will have different items and gear at different points in a game. So what may be a down grade for you might be a massive upgrade for somebody else. A game loses it's variety and replayability if every player on every play-through has the exact same items every time. Obviously some people like that structure but many don't. Especially in RPGs.
Loot is okay if it makes sense.

For example, a level one goblin shouldn't randomly cough up a +99 Excalibur w/ element resistant attributes. That's just ridiculous. In a game like Breath of the Wild, for example, I know what I get after each kill. Hell, it's almost like farming.

Discussing the merits of a loot system in games seems perfectly reasonable.


I'm indifferent to loot. I love it in certain games, but in others, particularly where there's poor inventory management or no mass "salvage" type system, it becomes a burden.

While this may not quite be "loot", I was playing through the Infinite Warfare campaign this weekend thanks to the Steam sale helping me justify a purchase just for the SP, and I absolutely loved how they handled weapons this time around. Finding a new gun in the world would give you this awesome "inspection/scan" animation, tell you it's properties, and it would be available for your loadout after that.

Good animations help looting feel better. Remember the E3 video from The Division when a new weapon was discovered? Yeah...they needed that in the full release.
Is Bloodborne considered to have loot? Where does the loot term exactly end or begin, generally speaking? I mean, you find things, but they all have a very different purpose and don't really replace the last weapon or armor piece you had.
I enjoy loot systems, especially when they are appropriate to the game and are integrated well, like in Diablo and Destiny.

I hate. hate. hate. hate lootboxes. gacha systems are the devil.
I 100% agree.

i hate collecting useless trinkets, worthless weapons, and what not. Why do i have to manage this shit in every game these days.

I like the way old games did it like the metroids, zeldas etc. there where a handful of items that you picked up around the world. Most of them had a purpose, some more than other. Few of them were completely worthless.


I'm with you, OP; it's become really annoying to me. I loved Nioh but the loot system has kept from returning to it for any replay/DLC. Beautiful Conan analogy as well.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
It was overwhelming in The Division, I spent more time sorting loot than shooting ;)
Deeply despise randomly generated loot, wot with every game with random loot that ive ever played invariably ending up with named, hand-crafted equipment. Which goes to show that the random loot generator is just made to be busywork.

Much like with levels, i prefer my loot unique and handmade.


I hate loot. I love exploration.

Give me one mechanically different weapon in a hidden room unlocked from a key dropped by a powerful enemy over a hundred procedurally generated weapon reskins that randomly drop from the designated mook of the area.
Yep this is how I feel. I love exploration but the rewards for it are much better if they feel unique and not just the same thing with +1 stats.


It's okay. Kind of a boring and transparent design element tbh. Like the devs just think of us as hamsters in a wheel. Yeah running in a wheel is entertaining for a few minutes, but let's not pretend we don't all know what's going on.

I far prefer games where items are predetermined and highly consequential. Zelda, Mega Man, Souls, Metroid etc.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I don't mind it in most games as long as there's a decent inventory management system.

At least for weapons and armor. Not a fan of gathering crafting materials and hassling with crafting things though. I prefer just finding weapons and armor, equipping ones that are better and selling ones that aren't (and often buying better gear or paying for upgrades).

It's starting to annoy me in Injustice 2 though as it's a hassle to go through characters and sell crappy gear and the game drops so much. It needs a sell all non-epic gear option. Or at least sell all commons or something.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Whats wrong with Witcher 3 loot? Genuine question, I didn't have any issues with it?

Loads of it is of no real use so I don't pick it up, but then I wouldn't expect random bandits etc to have anything worth having on them, so its no surprise. I just take whatever food they have. And loot I've got from the more targeted quests is generally of worth in some fashion, even if its just to sell it on. Those moments where you actually find something worth keeping/using are all the more enjoyable because it doesn't happen all that often; I don't want to be changing my gear all the time.

Admittedly there is a lot of stuff to pick up/find in Witcher 3, some of it barely any different from the last so perhaps wading through it can be a chore, but if you're selective about what you take then organising the inventory and having a good clear out when you meet a merchant is all part of the appeal for me.
Yup, Witcher 3's loot system is actually great. Even when I find stuff that's below the gear i'm wearing, you can still keep it for the purposes of either selling it or dismantling it at the villages. And it's a pretty immersive finding the right merchants who'll give you the best value for your unwanted loot dependent on the type of loot, (like armorers will be much less interested in paying the big bucks for relic swords and vice versa). Or selling back saddlebags and stuff for Roach. Love it, going into town after a couple hours in the wild like:

A very addictive loop.


MåndagSöndag;241842777 said:
I 100% agree.

i hate collecting useless trinkets, worthless weapons, and what not. Why do i have to manage this shit in every game these days.

I like the way old games did it like the metroids, zeldas etc. there where a handful of items that you picked up around the world. Most of them had a purpose, some more than other. Few of them were completely worthless.
I approve 100% with this post. Too many games where inventory management takes way too much time. It's just not fun at all. :(


The word "loot" in a video game context is usually shorthand for games with an overabundance of bullshit inconsequential item management.

Of course it sucks.


Whats wrong with Witcher 3 loot? Genuine question, I didn't have any issues with it?

Loads of it is of no real use so I don't pick it up, but then I wouldn't expect random bandits etc to have anything worth having on them, so its no surprise. I just take whatever food they have. And loot I've got from the more targeted quests is generally of worth in some fashion, even if its just to sell it on. Those moments where you actually find something worth keeping/using are all the more enjoyable because it doesn't happen all that often; I don't want to be changing my gear all the time.

Admittedly there is a lot of stuff to pick up/find in Witcher 3, some of it barely any different from the last so perhaps wading through it can be a chore, but if you're selective about what you take then organising the inventory and having a good clear out when you meet a merchant is all part of the appeal for me.

Nothing. It was my source of income when I was crafting all the armours. I'm thankful for that loot.


I love loot. Some of my favorite games ever are loot games. Elder Scrolls games, Destiny, Borderlands 2, Diablo series. One of my favorite gaming moments of this gen was when I finally got a Gjallarhorn to drop after playing Destiny since it launched for 5 months. I wish I could've gotten it sooner, but the anticipation combined with finally getting it was an awesome moment.
I partly agree with you.

I largely dislike loot that serves no purpose or is combined with 4 or 5 other RPG systems that each have their own grind.

Good Loot
Used as by your enemies damage/defense modifiers (IE Harder encounters get you better gear) recent examples (Zelda BotW, Borderlands)

Bad Loot
Typical RNG Crap where you just blast the same enemies on repeat until you luck into the piece of loot you want.

Good loot
Frequently drops and is easy sell. Used as a reward for most activities

Bad Loot
Tied into 3+ other RPG systems. IE Now that you have your perfectly rolled weapon, you have to level it up and unlock its full potential with grinding for secondary and tertiary currencies.

Bad Loot
Hidden behind timers

All three of those were Destiny, at least when i stopped playing a few months after Taken King launched.

Really hope that part is better in the sequel. I really enjoy the combat and will sink another couple hundred hours either way, but I just hope that stuff is better...

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Monolith handled loot extremely well in LOTR: War in the North so I'm cautiously optimistic. Shadow of War is a very different kind of game but at least they have experience.
Ummmmm Monolith didn't make LotR: War in the North...

Stay away from my favorit game: Dragons crown
Loved the loot system in that game, it was one of the best I've seen tbh.

Yeah loot sucks. Only game I actually like it in is Diablo 3 since it feels like you find something useful every five minutes.
That's too often though. Sometimes I just wanna go smash shit up, not open my inventory every second.

Agreed. I hate how a lot of games are just filled with utterly useless filler. Loot, map icons for terrible side quests, xp bars for weak upgrade systems, 6 different tiers of meaningless bonus collectibles....I just don't give a shit about any of that stuff. It's all a waste.
Ehhhh loot systems aren't like those things at all. The rest of the things you describe are pure filler, but loot is (usually) an important mechanic, essential to progression. You don't like it and that's fine, you probably just don't like RPGs very much, but it's not the same thing as bonus collectibles or whatnot, c'mon.

Is Bloodborne considered to have loot? Where does the loot term exactly end or begin, generally speaking? I mean, you find things, but they all have a very different purpose and don't really replace the last weapon or armor piece you had.
Not really, at least not in the sense the thread is describing (the OP mentioned Bloodborne as a positive example :p). "Loot systems" typically refer to systems like in Diablo, Borderlands, Dragon's Crown, Nioh, Destiny, etc.


Whats wrong with Witcher 3 loot? Genuine question, I didn't have any issues with it?

Loads of it is of no real use so I don't pick it up, but then I wouldn't expect random bandits etc to have anything worth having on them, so its no surprise. I just take whatever food they have. And loot I've got from the more targeted quests is generally of worth in some fashion, even if its just to sell it on. Those moments where you actually find something worth keeping/using are all the more enjoyable because it doesn't happen all that often; I don't want to be changing my gear all the time.

Admittedly there is a lot of stuff to pick up/find in Witcher 3, some of it barely any different from the last so perhaps wading through it can be a chore, but if you're selective about what you take then organising the inventory and having a good clear out when you meet a merchant is all part of the appeal for me.

The main problem with Witcher 3's loot is that crafted items are so much better. At the end of a big questline someone hands you a legendary sword that's been in their family for generations and it's vendor trash compared to something you crafted ten+ hours ago. The DLC's are a little better about it (Blood and Wine has a couple of legit great items in particular) but the "loot" in most of the main game is just trash. Being more excited about getting crafting items and the money to use them than actual equipment is not good loot.


Junior Member
Did someone say

Loot systems are often bad designed I hated it in Borderlands because it was unbalanced as fuck; a weapon could be cool and fun but then you get an ugly much powerful and boring item seconds later so you "should" change in order to progress in that bullet sponge hell

But I love some good loot
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