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I Hate Society.

If you guys are gonna bully me over my fucking avatar then i can't be bothered to hear any of you out.
Whilst I empathise with your plight, I don't see you helping yourself here.
You have willingly put yourself, and the way you choose to portray yourself, into the public domain.
Just like I am responsible for my own comments, how they are phrased, and the consideration I put behind them - so are you and everyone else with their own comments.

The internet can be a toxic place.

I used Twitter for 3 months. I found it unbearable. So I removed myself from that toxic environment. I didn't demand people on Twitter change to suit me.
Perhaps its time to detox - and maybe take up the more empathetic offers that people have made in this thread. Focus on the constructive.

Good luck.

EDIT: One particular community member springs to mind: Ailynn Ailynn . This is someone who has faced considerable challenges, used introspection, and always shows compassion to others. Whilst it is not my intention to summon a person into this thread without their prior consent, I think the example they set is a goal for many of us to follow. Not just in their treatment of others, but their attitude to overcoming the issues they find themselves facing. I would encourage you to read some of the wisdom in their posts on this site.
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See, there is your problem op. You got riled up by a few negative comments in this thread while the rest has been trying to be helpful.
And now all your focus is on the negative.
This thread is actually a good representation of society.

Stop focusing on the negative.
Take matters into your own hands.
Learn to love yourself (not in a selfish way) so others will be able to love you.


Sir, if you're still reading the replies to this thread, I'd like you to read what I have to say:

I've been in your current position, it's taken me a while to pull myself out of it, I honestly still struggle with it on (more frequent than I'd like to admit) occasions.

At the end of the day what you're looking for is validation. That's why you made the thread, you're reaching for it. In doing so I think you've found, like you have in life, that it's not easy to get from others. The answer to how you do get it is not looking to others for it. Give it to yourself. You owe yourself that much.

Be a part of your own support system, seek therapy (it really does help), and try to stop letting the actions, or inactions, of others dictate how you feel. You can't control what others do, but you can control you.

Rat Rage

Make an appointment with a therapist and take steps to work through your problems. You've been drowning in bitterness for a long time now, and you radiate all that negativity outward, which changes how people act toward you in return. No matter how you've been wronged in the past, the people you're interacting with now are not those people, yet you treat everyone as if they are.

See a therapist.

This is a good advice.
I was like this in my teens and early 20's. It's a vicious cycle of self loathing that makes you lash out, that then means people treat you like crap, so you hate yourself more.

Honestly, therapy would help, but ultimately you will have to change in order to feel better.

The world has no obligation to like you for who you are, especially who you are 'deep down'. The world is cruel and unfair and will do it's best to kill you until one day, inevitably, it succeeds.

So do what lur species is best at. Adapt.

Being who you are now sucks, so be soemone else. It only takes about a year for something you force yourself to do at first, to turn into a habit, then become your normal.

Just aim low so you constantly succeed. Anyone can keep their home neat and clean, stop using smart phones or the internet after 9pm, eat better, get outside more and exercise.

Start out with small things you know you can easily achieve. Put your phone on to charge at 9pm and don't touch it again until the morning. Go for a walk around your block each evening before getting ready for bed. Sign up to your local library and read a book (any book, just Harry Potter or something) before bed.

Look to find new hobbies that improve your life and you respect. Try walking in nature, even just a park. Buy some pencils and a notebook and draw a little doodle each day. Experiment with cooking food you've never made before. Learn from mistakes and keep doing it until you get better.

Keep doing that, and everytime you achieve something, aim for the next easy thing you can do. Get yourself into a mindset where you feel like you're winning.

Also, stop worrying about everyone around you. People don't like you? Sod 'em. You can meet new, better people once you've made yourself better too.

You genuinely have the power to improve yourself and that will make you feel better. It just takes determination and perseverance, and it will take years, but it's better than being the person you are now that you hate all that time instead.
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Well saying shit like that isn't helping.

Anyway im done. I will no longer be replying to this thread and frankly I regret making it.
People bothered to answer your thread and you focus on the negatives. I mean, I don't know what you're expecting. You didn't come with an open mind and you're not willing to do what it takes.

If you hate everyone why do you expect people to love you?
You sound like you think the world owes you something. Well, it doesn't.
As for fake friends, bruh 90% of people in the western society are fake. It's just the way it is. You think anyone attending a chrissening or thanks giving in your house really enjoys themselves? They all are fake. But if you're fake as them and accept that fakeness attitude, your social skills will improve.
If people treat you like crap, you need to treat them exactly the same. You ain't never gonna command respect with that whinning attitude.
Start pursuing things you care about, stop caring about what other people think and grow a pair of balls. With this attitude, you should have success in life.


You sound like you think the world owes you something. Well, it doesn't.
As for fake friends, bruh 90% of people in the western society are fake. It's just the way it is. You think anyone attending a chrissening or thanks giving in your house really enjoys themselves? They all are fake. But if you're fake as them and accept that fakeness attitude, your social skills will improve.
If people treat you like crap, you need to treat them exactly the same. You ain't never gonna command respect with that whinning attitude.
Start pursuing things you care about, stop caring about what other people think and grow a pair of balls. With this attitude, you should have success in life.
When you put it like that


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
I don't think GAF should be concerned with the OP, I've seen a lot of these threads over the years.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Well saying shit like that isn't helping.

Anyway im done. I will no longer be replying to this thread and frankly I regret making it.
This is exactly what I mean by getting off the fucking internet more specifically social media. Nothing and nobody is going to help you on social media and overall it's just a very toxic place especially places like Twitter.

I am pretty much in the same boat that you are in so if you would like to talk to me privately feel free to but I won't be able to offer much help except that I can sympathize with you.

Kev Kev


Big Mood right now.

Seriously I hate humans. It's not just a dislike or an annoyance.

Growing up I've always been hurt. If it wasn't bullying it was being lied to. People always treated me like crap.

Girls never ever gave me a chance and always lead me on. Fake friends never make any sort of effort to make plans with me or chat with me. I have to do everything.

Everyobe treats me like im an idiot.

I hate people.

check out into the wild, great flick

I can relate, but I try to be the best I can be despite arseholes.

If having some alone time helps to get away from people, then I would recommend that and try again with people.

I know it's hard as I get that sometimes, but deep down I don't wish to hurt people just because of their ignorance or bitterness.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I can relate, but I try to be the best I can be despite arseholes.

If having some alone time helps to get away from people, then I would recommend that and try again with people.

I know it's hard as I get that sometimes, but deep down I don't wish to hurt people just because of their ignorance or bitterness.
Well you're a better person than I ever will be. Because deep down all I feel is intense amount of hatred for both myself and everyone. Sure it is not healthy but I'm just being very honest and I've burned all my bridges.

I hope there is still time for the OP. I'm too old and it's a bit too late for me.
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Big Mood right now.

Seriously I hate humans. It's not just a dislike or an annoyance.

Growing up I've always been hurt. If it wasn't bullying it was being lied to. People always treated me like crap.

Girls never ever gave me a chance and always lead me on. Fake friends never make any sort of effort to make plans with me or chat with me. I have to do everything.

Everyobe treats me like im an idiot.

I hate people.

Hmmm, I can relate to this, especially the fake friends thing which is what I always had in high school and college, 100% phoney friends that could give 2 fucks about you. I met some real friends though in some support groups for addiction. Maybe you would find similar in some support groups for depression or something. Like LIVE groups in person where you share your real struggles and get to know people being vulnerable also. Finally made some true friends via that.

Having said that I still do have a strong misanthropy, I would feel joy at the human race being obliterated. That’s probably a lot of my own self hatred though I’m guessing.
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Neighbours from Hell
Do you spend a lot of time on social media? That tends to lower one's opinion on society. The more you get out in the world the more you appreciate society and people. With exceptions of course. If you live in some really bad neighborhood with a lot of gang or drug activity I could see someone not knowing a lot of good wholesome people.

I just think you need to meet the right people.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Hmmm, I can relate to this, especially the fake friends thing which is what I always had in high school and college, 100% phoney friends that could give 2 fucks about you. I met some real friends though in some support groups for addiction. Maybe you would find similar in some support groups for depression or something. Like LIVE groups in person where you share your real struggles and get to know people being vulnerable also. Finally made some true friends via that.

Having said that I still do have a strong misanthropy, I would feel joy at the human race being obliterated. That’s probably a lot of my own self hatred though I’m guessing.
the Internet only compounds having fake the Internet only compounds having fake friends especially. It is even worse than it is in real life, because a lot of the people you think are your friends online will be very quick to turn their heads. I found this out the hard way just very recently.
Well you're a better person than I ever will be. Because deep down all I feel is intense amount of hatred for both myself and everyone. Sure it is not healthy but I'm just being very honest and I've burned all my bridges.

I hope there is still time for the OP. I'm too old and it's a bit too late for me.

I understand what you mean. I did that when I was still a Teen as I couldn't handle being treated badly after being emotionally abused.

However, it's never too late! There are ways to stop the cycle! I hope it can help you even a little.


the Internet only compounds having fake the Internet only compounds having fake friends especially. It is even worse than it is in real life, because a lot of the people you think are your friends online will be very quick to turn their heads. I found this out the hard way just very recently.

Yeah no one cares about anyone on the internet there is nothing truly personal people are just words. Even in MMO’s no one really cares have to have a REAL LIFE connection to have a truly real friend. At least, from my experience anyway maybe there are exceptions.
Well saying shit like that isn't helping.

Anyway im done. I will no longer be replying to this thread and frankly I regret making it.
Everyone makes mistakes, dude. You want to make sure you learn from them though.

Listen more before replying. Learn to relax. Stay positive. Be confident. The world is a big place and its people and everything going on cannot be boiled down to blanket statements. You hate humans but you are one of them. You are part of those people in this society so get used to it and focus on improving areas of yourself where you feel you fall short.

At the end of the day, we all just want to be happy and enjoy life but that's just not possible when you feel depressed so it is actually very good advice to talk to a therapist and speaking to one is not as uncommon as you might think. It doesn't mean you're crazy. And chances are there is something deep down you don't want to confront and don't fully understand but that is a private matter.

That people care enough to reply and offer advice to the best of their knowledge is also a lot better for you than what you were probably expecting ("Yeah, society does suck, OP!").
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Unconfirmed Member
Get over yourself and either improve or make enough cash to live away from others.


I would add to all of this that you (in general) are not better than society. Hating society and humans is the same as hating yourself.... Might want to sit on that for a while.
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