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I just cried for the first time with a game.

FF7 Crisis core ending was pretty hard on me. I had done a ton of the side missions so I had really grown to like Zack. I didn't full on cry but it made me tear up.





I've never cried during a game, but some have managed to draw emotion out of my plastic robot heart.

The ones that immediately spring to mind are the ending of Earthbound and the beginning of Mother 3. I will shed tears at the thought that we'll never get another one, though.
Eva's speech at the end of MGS3 and Snake salute. I replayed Snake Eater recently and I think that's pretty much one of the most emotional moments I've ever seen in a videogame.

Also, Mass Effect 3 (
Anderson/Thane death
) and MGS4 (
when Snake "shot" himself before the credits
). The CoD 4 ending was also sad.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Lots of Mass Effect 3 stuff in this thread... did everyone forget about ME2?!

Only once did tears well up during a game for me.

This was many many years ago when I finished Lunar: The Silver Star on Sega CD.

My favorite childhood gaming memory. Scratch that, favorite gaming memory ever.


I'm pretty sure 96% of the people who say stuff like this quote here just read a summary of the scene (There's this girl and then she dies) and didn't actually play the game without knowing that it's coming.
You're wrong, I played the game without any prior knowledge of the story.


As an emotional individual I generally tear up quite easily when it comes to audio-visual media. Weirdly enough reaching that limit is much harder for me in games. Still these were the tear jerkers for me:

1. MGS3-
Conclusion of Big Boss V Boss

2. SotC-
When Agro falls and the music kicks.

3. FFX- The conclusion

4. Journey- Overwhelmed by the sheer beauty and soundtrack

Now, I did come close while playing ME3 when
Mordin sacrifices himself.

I have yet to play Ico and Peace Walker but I assume I'll be expecting an emotional ride with those as well.
MGS4's ending got me.

MGS3, SoTC, Journey, Persona 4 came somewhat close.

Half-Life 2: Episode 2's ending left me emotionally in awe.


A game is yet to make me cry.
Soap dying
in Modern Warfare 3 almost got me though, did not expect that at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Link's Awakening didn't make me cry, but it definitely cut deep.


MGS 3's ending made me bawl like a baby but I was young and going through an emotional period in my life.

I haven't cried at any other games though... Mass Effect 3 did make me sad on numerous occasions though:
Deaths of Legion, Thane, Mordin and Anderson; some of the moments you have with your bro Garrus and then the London hub conversations with your LI and Liara etc. I also felt some real impact when Thessia was destroyed, felt bad for everyone. Can't help but think Shepard's dreams could have been a hell of a lot more effective if we could have connected to it in an emotional level.
Genius spoiler tag. Thanks, I'm currently playing the game.

I was looking forward to playing it for the first time on Vita so this also bothers me. I stopped watching the endurance run on Giant Bomb about a third of the way through to experience it for myself.

the chris


I almost cried at this one, my girlfriend at the time had just gone overseas to study for a year and the game helped distract me from that thought for a little while.

Nier was also a very moving experience when you go through the game a second time.


Both NiGHTS games. The first had a love story between two kids who hadn't yet met, our even spoken. Pure and innocent and with the most beautiful music accompanying their eventual meeting (I really haven't done their story justice there). And the second had NiGHTS
making the ultimate sacrifice
, bowing as he does so. Stunning. Having 4 or 5 drinks inside me at the time may have had something to do with it too though!


The nearest I've come to crying at a video game was getting majority pissed and frustrated off at God of War 2 on hard or very hard difficulty.


Unconfirmed Member
For some reason Final Fantasy IX got me teary eyed, I think it was because it took a while for me to beat it and I took a lot of time on the game. But I think it was more happy tears than anything.

In recent year though the only two games to hit me in any way are Lost Odyssey and Mother 3.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.


The English version is so terrible and Engrishy. Utada can't make lyrics in English.


FF7....made me quite upset indeed.

MGS4 was real lumpy at the end
scene in graveyard

Journey was pretty lumpy again
just because of the parallels I draw with it and real life, made me kinda sad

My partner cried during Gears 3....I laughed. I still feel bad about it lol.


Lots of games have made me cry. I'm not a badass like some people, I guess.
Lunar 2's pre-epilogue ending got me particularly good, though.
I almost cried at this one, my girlfriend at the time had just gone overseas to study for a year and the game helped distract me from that thought for a little while.

Nier was also a very moving experience when you go through the game a second time.

Oh sweet Jesus, no game has made me cry so much as Nier. More than once.

Emil's apparent death at the end of your first playthrough...was very happy to see him survive in, what was it, ending B or C.

Also every single boss battle in the second playthrough, when you realize just who exactly you've been killing. The robot's story was especially moving. Whole battle was fought through a pall of manly tears.
Crisis Core:
When you are fighting that unwinnable battle, "The Price of Freedom" is playing in the background and your memory roulette thing is fucking up big time :(
I never got teary eyed in MGS3. The player never really had an emotional attachment to The Boss imo, so it never hit me hard.

MGS4 on the other hand. That was 10 years of emotion bottled up.


From what I recall, I've shed tears for the following games/moments.

Xenosaga Episode III:Ending/Epilogue cut scenes
Klonoa (PSone):Ending

There may have been a few other teary eye titles, but I've had PLENTY of chocked up/spine tingling/stomach drop moments in games.

Legend of Heroes: Trials in the Sky:Ending/Epilogue scenes.
Yakuza 1, 2, 3, 4, Dead Souls: Various cut scenes/all endings.
Disaster Report: True ending.
Lost Odyssey: End of disk 1/some of the story book readings.
Haunting Ground: Various endings
Ace Combat Zero: Final mission/ending moments.
Shadow of Colossus:
horse buddy falls
ICO: ending scenes.


This. Well, no tears, but I was very close...
After all those years, still an awesome ad.


watch it on youtube
The Halo 3 marketing campaign was high art itself. I loved the interview with the vet as he looked at the diorama. I wish an all-out trench warfare on Earth scenario like in the ad campaign was present in the game itself before heading off to the ark. Would have made a much more satisfying conclusion to the first act than the one we did get.


there's ALWAYS ONE
The scene in Dragon Quest V in which
you travel into the past and help your father find his locket
is the only thing that made me shed actual tears.
Emil's death
in Nier got me pretty teary though.

Yakuza 3, when a certain person takes a bullet for you. Pretty sure that was the first time a tear was shed.

I almost cried at this too, except the person wouldn't shut up, and the death scene took a good ten minutes.


Neo Member
Shed a few tears during a certain moment in Lost Odyssey. Also cried during a few sections in Mass Effect 3. You know a game is special when it makes you feel emotionally attached to the characters and their outcomes.
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