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I miss being blown away by new-gen graphics....



Now compare this with RDR2
Quite. It's also like people think amazing looking games were ready at launch for quite a lot of systems that people love to praise. PS2 on its launch in Japan had RRV to show off, which hardly outdid anything on the DC and its major 1st party game from SONY was Fantavison :messenger_tears_of_joy: you had to wait a year in for the likes of ICO and SH2 to show off the hardware. DC had VF3TB and Pen Pen to show off its hardware. The Mega Drive had the wonders of Super ThunderBlade Space Harrier 2 to show off its hardware and with the 360 you basically had PGR3 to show off that amazing chipset.

I think some people need to stop bitching on here and also buy a new TV. I'm quite impressed with the next-gen already but you need a quality TV to truly experience it and I never played games so much. The lack of loading and with systems being so quiet its like the 16 bit days all over again and I gamed so much since those days My Series X is in constant use when I'm not at work
We did not get true next gen games honestly for last generation until 2016 which was Uncharted 4 and then 2018s for God of War and last year's Last of Us Part II.
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Diminishing returns are a bitch


I wasn’t ”blown away” by last gen either at first, but looking back at the gen there are definitely experiences that were made better as a whole. I think the biggest leap in the coming years will be among smaller developers, the lower bound will be raised significantly.
Cant believe people are still using this braindead jpg in 2021



Gold Member
I call BS on your narrative.


I think we can already talk since today movies rush SFX and end with worse results than 20 years old Jurassic Park.

Like i said, ellie can look life like in some moments, but overall when you play the game, the difference is much bigger with movie tier cg (or real life, because that is the ultimate goal of graphic fidelity), cmon. (also smart on your part to compare a deformed face against a normal face, guess who look more like a real person...)

Also, a close up to a single character during a cutscene isn't even close to an entire game isn't??! Do you play with cutscenes?

Call me when the entire game is gonna look like this stuff (and this is the first result on google, i don't even have to search a lot to find stuff that is well beyond any videogame)

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I did, it feels almost the same as 60 fps. The 4k60 without dips feels more like a next gen upgrade to me

Same here. While 120FPS itself seems impressive on paper, unfortunately the controller's lag/deadzone makes it nowhere near as big of an upgrade as on PC with M+K, while the loss of image quality due to 1200-1440p is easily noticeable. So 4K60 offers the best of both words, basically no compromises.


Gold Member
Remember Mario 64 guys ... man that was mind blowing back in the day

I have to say that Ryse felt like a pretty big leap in terms of the graphics. ANother memorable one for me was the Tomb Raider reboot, it was significantly better in the graphics department over the previous ... was it Tomb Raider Legend? Don't remember if that was a cross gen thing but I remember being impressed with that one.


I was impressed by ridge racer
I was impressed by Tekken TT
I was impressed by PGR3
I was impressed by Killzone SF
I'm not impressed by Ratchet

But I'm impressed by UE5.


Early PS3/360 games didn't look much better than PS2/Xbox games. Anyone remember Black on E3? Looked like a next gen game until Gears of War, IMO.


Like i said, ellie can look life like in some moments, but overall when you play the game, the difference is much bigger with movie tier cg (or real life, because that is the ultimate goal of graphic fidelity), cmon. (also smart on your part to compare a deformed face against a normal face, guess who look more like a real person...)

Also, a close up to a single character during a cutscene isn't even close to an entire game isn't??! Do you play with cutscenes?

Call me when the entire game is gonna look like this stuff (and this is the first result on google, i don't even have to search a lot to find stuff that is well beyond any videogame)

I put cutscenes because is when you can see the face of your character but whatevs. As I said the average CGI in movies looks way worse than AAA video games due to production constraints in the film industry. If you still say that Supreme Leader Snack can’t compare with past gen graphics we are done here.


Gold Member
I put cutscenes because is when you can see the face of your character but whatevs. As I said the average CGI in movies looks way worse than AAA video games due to production constraints in the film industry. If you still say that Supreme Leader Snack can’t compare with past gen graphics we are done here.
We are definitely done after that line.

The small movies inside love\robot on netflix are average budget cg and that stuff looks miles better than any vg.

Dude we are not even close to realistic water or hairs in videogames, not even fucking close, and those are 2 randoms element that can compose a scene, did you already forget that video about physics?! Are you really convinced that we are anywhere close thwt stuff?! Cmon you can't be this blind or in bad faith...
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Why would games that came out at the end of a generation look markedly different than the games being produced at the start? TLOU2 literally came out the same year as the PS5 and was, by all accounts, taxing the hell out of the machine.

. . .as to not being blown away. I was blown away with RETURNAL and everything I've seen from R&C has me very excited for what people are going to be able to do with this hardware. Waiting on the next FORZA drop to see what MS has in store for their hardware and what it can do.

I understand your point, but there was a time when launch games rivaled anything to be produced on the console. Halo CE and Rogue Squadron on gamecube for example.

This image gets posted every time this topic comes up, and I've grown tired of how utterly disconnected from reality it is. In a world of compute shaders, image reconstruction, ray tracing, and asset streaming, using polygonal detail as any kind of benchmark for graphical improvements is laughably out of touch.

The jump from Assassins Creed: Black Flag from the launch of the PS4, to the UE5 demo that Epic put together, is a massive, massive leap forward in visual fidelity. This gen is just getting started.


To be fair Black Flag always looked like a 360 game to me, so a demo of a demo of a ps5 game should be a massive leap.
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Half of the games you listed weren’t even within the launch year of the PS4. The Last of Us Part II only released last year. If you want PS5 to wow you to the same extent, you might have to allow the same amount of time to pass by.
My bad. I thought they showed gameplay or trailers of those games pretty early into the generation. I remember seeing Horizon Zero Dawn gameplay way before it was released and TLOU2 was shown really early on too, not sure when though.
If you play on a good PC then you're unlikely to be blown away by anything consoles do.
I don't play on PC anymore, plus I was still more impressed by Sony's first party games on PS4 than I was with anything I had on my computer. I think it's their attention to detail and animations. I feel like computer games are cookie cutter too much of the time.

Edit: Also, I think part of the reason I'm not as impressed this generation is because I had the PS4 Pro. That kinda spoiled me. If I was still on the base PS4, I'm sure the PS5 would've been insanely good for me right now.
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yh miss it too. i mean where are real next gen games ? not just slightly better looking then previous gen games ? i mean on pc you can do next gen then now , if thats only thing that will be better then its sad .. and stop doing those next gen upgrades like hey we added 4k/60fps... yay so next gen , so awesome yes .. well no .
at least on racing side because noone else kinda making new games for pc now , so when F8 and GT7 will come out they will blow away at least racing games... so thats cool, but then other games... next gen .. i dont see it .
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yh miss it too. i mean where are real next gen games ? not just slightly better looking then previous gen games ? i mean on pc you can do next gen then now , if thats only thing that will be better then its sad .. and stop doing those next gen upgrades like hey we added 4k/60fps... yay so next gen , so awesome yes .. well no .
at least on racing side because noone else kinda making new games for pc now , so when F8 and GT7 will come out they will blow away at least racing games... so thats cool, but then other games... next gen .. i dont see it .
Right now it feels like everything is just 4K remasters of older games.

I wanna see something that brings the PS5 TO IT'S KNEES!


I made the switch from base PS4 to PS5 2 months ago and I´m still blown away by the graphics and performance of everything. Spiderman was a big visual leap. Returnal looks fantastic and as many people mentioned: There is Ratched coming up and already blowing people's minds.

This generation is young and Covid fucked the production pipelines of a lot of developers. This year will be slow but looking at the first party titles already looking fantastic, I have no doubt that this generation will live up to it´s hype.
I remember being blown away by the move to 3D with the PS1. Yeah, those days are gone, ha.

But diminishing returns from a visual standpoint don't prevent being wowed by the content. Great games will always land with impact.


Better framerate should be a given not concession for good graphics.30fps is playable but in over average graphics with 60fps


I miss the early days of PS4 when they showcased Killzone Shadowfall, DriveClub, The Order 1886, Infamous Second Son, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us Part 2... etc.

Every time they showed something for the PS4, I was floored at how good it all looked.

Now-a-days though it's like... HEY IT LOOKS THE SAME AS A PS4 GAME BUT IT HAS 60FPS!!!! WOW 60FPS! SO NEXT GEN!

I'm so sick of it.

The last time I was blown away by something for the PS5, was when they showed off UE5. That's pretty much it. Everything else just looks like last gen stuff with some extra detail and 4K resolution.

I must confess though, I've stayed away from any videos or screenshots of Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart because I wanna go in with fresh eyes. Hopefully this is the game that really makes me think "Man, now this is what next gen can really do"

What are your thoughts? Is 60fps enough to call it "next gen" or do you really wanna see that graphical leap we've come to expect each new generation even if it has to be 30fps.

If a game looks as good as UE5 demo, I'll gladly play it at 30fps.

What is there left to be blown away by it?

Everything that will come now as a next step is photorealistic games which look like real life and thats something you see everyday.

Expect way harder rules and regulations for games if that happens due to the realistic nature.
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What is there left to be blown away by it?

Everything that will come now as a next step is photorealistic games which look like real life and thats something you see everyday.

Expect way harder rules and regulations for games if that happens due to the realistic nature.
Well, the UE5 demo definitely impressed me. That's the kind of tech that I expected this gen. Can't wait until games start using stuff like that.


Where's the reflection of the portal on the floor?

There are actually a few reflections missing, it is the 6 moth old footage (eagle eyes will notice the Hud and icons have also changed...would love to see a comparison with new video)

sadly the Gif function on Gaf only has so many options available lol (also why there was no gameplay in Demons Souls gif)
Man I game on a 3090 on PC, ps5, series x, and switch.

And all of them equally still blow me away with some things. I know sometimes we set the bar for our tastes a little high, and maybe im guilty of it too, but the older I get - and the more I talk with some of yall I realize art style reigns supreme over raw power put into graphics.

Since getting this heavy ass card I been going back replaying some of my fave console games and they honestly blow me away as if I never seen em before.

Its the reason why I think if they ever released bloodborne with good customization options on PC it'd quite possibly be one of the best looking games ever made.
That reminds me. The whole portal thing just seems like they did it because they COULD, not because they needed to. I think they're trying to show off the PS5 SSD as sort of a full length tech demo for it rather than designing without loading screens. It's almost like they're shoving it in your face otherwise we wouldn't believe them that the SSD is fast.


Yeah I got demon souls on ps5 in 4K and it looks amazing, but I’m not blown away. It’s not like seeing gears of war for the first time, or even seeing FFX. What blows me away nowadays is the art style of the game, I enjoy the look of BOTW more than most games out right now.
Yeah I got demon souls on ps5 in 4K and it looks amazing, but I’m not blown away. It’s not like seeing gears of war for the first time, or even seeing FFX. What blows me away nowadays is the art style of the game, I enjoy the look of BOTW more than most games out right now.
I don't understand the obsession with demon's souls. It looks good, but it also looks like it totally could've been done on last gen systems at 1440p/30fps. Nothing about it really screams next gen.


Demon's Souls is very good, but it's not something far beyond what a PS4 can do (except for the resolution).

Every gen have a game that make you think "there is no way the previous gen can run this".
Pilotwings, Ridge Racer, TTT, PGR3.
With PS4/XONE thing were slightly different, Killzone and Ryse were extremely good but not unthinkable for a PS360 (TLOU, GoW).

Demon's Soul looks like a PS4 Pro game with higher resolution, better textures and better shadows. A PS4 PRO PRO game, probably developed with a PS4 in mind for some time.

UE5 proved PS5/XSX can do much more in terms of visual, the next gen is yet to begin.


Here's the thing Dust-by-Monday Dust-by-Monday

The bulk of what we've gotten thus far is cross gen, we've yet to see TRUE next gen capability...

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

The Medium


And of course the unreal 5 and Hellblade 2 demos are but a glimpse of what next gen can do...

Did you just list The Medium next to Returnal and Ratchet and Clank? 🤭
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