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"I need a New PC!" 2012 Thread. 22nm+28nm, Tri-Gate, and reading the OP. [Part 1]

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Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Should be fine, 560s are really low wattage. You have a ton of HDD's, USB devices, or anything else that draws power from your computer?
Thanks for the input. I have two SATA HDDs and two usbs (kb+mouse and controller). I also have two DVD drives that I can do without (it's been at least a year since I last used them).
But I think I'm going to play it safe and get a GTX 550 Ti. The PSU we are talking about here is not new, it's almost 3.5 years old and has had an uptime of almost 24/7. With this PSU calcultator I'm getting a 342w recommendation for my system with a 560 Ti, but if I add a 30% of capacitor aging it's 429w... that's too risky, I don't want to fry my computer. I'll get less perfomance, but I'll also save some bucks, and that card should handle current games fine right? I can do with a vga+dvi+hdmi setup too...


Get the 2500k; how much is the 1GB 6950? Aren't the new 560T 448's like $280?

Wow, it's pretty easy to miss that 'K.' Thanks! I'll definitely make sure to keep that one in mind. As for the 448 Ti's, basically. I've only found closer to $300, but I could probably find a cheaper if a searched for a coupon or deal. Thing is with the GPU, I'm shooting for the highest amount performance per dollar, while trying to keep that dollar amount well below $300. And the upcoming 7850 looks like it'll be it, with its rumored msrp of $200~, if launches with or around the 7950 in a few weeks, which will probably closer to $350, I might be able to get it for even less than that. The current 6950 is placeholder, really.

To get my Geralt on, I'm just trying to get the cheapest/best/OC-able machine possible. But one I can easily swap an Ivy bridge/7970 into down the road, and best be able to take advantage of them. It's the first machine I've built in a while, so I'm not too confident in my contemporary part IQ.


Micro Center seems like they are going to have some pretty good deals for there after Christmas sale. i5-2500k for 179.99$ and they are giving away free copies of Arkham City with a 64gig Samsung SSD) not sure of the quality on these though just saying)...99.99$


Junior Member
Okay I tried to assess the situation inside my computer and took a few more pictures.


When it comes to the cables, what I basically need to do is get longer SATA data cables. The ones I'm currently using for my disc drives are too short. If you notice in the pictures below, one of my hard drives is connected to a long blue cable that's able to run all the way around my heatsink and into the motherboard without getting in the way of anything. The three orange ones are forced to go straight to the motherboard in front of everything else because they aren't long enough to make crazy turns and such. What you see is literally the only way I could hook them up. I'm having a bit of trouble finding the right kind on Newegg.

The situation with the PSU SATA cables isn't quite as bad. I've tucked most of those in a space between the PSU and the disc drives but even those didn't give me a whole lot of leeway in how I could hook them up.

Lastly, there's a possibly MAJOR oversight I made: I just noticed what seems to be another intake vent at the front base of my computer that was pretty much completely blocked with dust. On the other side of it is a fan. I don't know if that's one of the main fans for my computer, but for the entire four years I've owned this system I didn't even know it was there. Since cleaning it out my GPU temps are the same but it couldn't hurt right?

EDIT: I tested the GPU temps for some more games. A really low-end game with little-to-no 3D graphics like EDGE brings my temps up to 50C, watching a YouTube video does the same thing. Modern Warfare 3 brings my temps in the 70's, no higher than 77C. Skyrim get's my GPU in the 90's, and The Witcher 2 puts it as high as 95C. Should I be worried about TW2?
So my PC just died so thinking of getting a gaming PC (never had one before really). I read OP and looked at some sites but I am by no means a techie so most of it is meaningless to me and I have no intention of building my own. My financial aid that I will use to help buy it (I must have a PC for my major....others are spending 2k on macs......so I don't feel guilty) comes in on Tuesday and I would like to buy one that can ship fast since I would like to have a couple days with it before I start classes (I have a ton of software that needs installed). I would like to order from a site that has rush delivery available get here by thur or fri.

So I am not looking for anything mega high end. Looking at 900-1000 dollar range or 1100 since I will need to buy a monitor. Browsing through some of the sites in OP some seem very overpriced but I liked some at Tiger Direct and Amazon.


Meh looks.

Good specs for the untrained eye. Not a gaming PC so not sure if the good specs are misleading. 50$ gift card and I trust Amazon.

Then there is a real gaming PC from Tiger Direct


More expensive. Specs look like less but I have no clue how to compare AMD and Intel processors, or graphics card (all i know is you want dedicated memory), etc. No 50$ giftcard.

I just don't get it really. What makes a PC a "gaming" pc? Am I better off just getting the regular PC?

Also a link to a solid budget monitor would be nice. sub 200$

(also printers XD but will just look those of on consumer reports.)


The video card and CPU are what define the performance or PC. The power supply must be adequate enough to provide power to these components, and since high performance components take more power, a gaming PC should have a better power supply.

The PC on TigerDirect is not great for the money, to be honest, but it's still a good deal (~50%) faster than the HP.


Second rig you linked is *way* better.

Basically, try and match the specs from one of the OP builds with a pre-built if you absolutely have to go that route.

What makes a gaming pc is generally the focus on the ability to overclock as well as a very strong video card. Since the focus is on speed, gaming PC's are usually great desktops as well, being able to handle most tasks with ease.

If there's a chance you're in the PAC NW, I offer my services to GAFers for free.
The video card and CPU are what define the performance or PC. The power supply must be adequate enough to provide power to these components, and since high performance components take more power, a gaming PC should have a better power supply.

The PC on TigerDirect is not great for the money, to be honest, but it's still a good deal (~50%) faster than the HP.

lol I look at them and just see a bunch of numbers.

I am trying to find one that is close to one in the OP but kind of hard since I don't know whats close. /grumble. I would build my own but I can just see myself waiting for two weeks for one component when I need it for school. If the Tigerdirect one is no good mind linking me one that you think IS a good deal in my 800-1100 price range? I really need some place that ships fast though.


Agreed, but that was my answer to the question, "What makes a PC a 'Gaming' PC?"




Searching Newegg and Tiger Direct, these are the only ones close to the price range with 'decent' gaming specs. Alternatively, you could go to one of the customizing type places (iBuyPower, Cyberpower, Maingear, Origin, Alienware) and build your own. Just keep the OP spreadsheet up and select the best possible while keeping in your price range. That doesn't take knowledge, just a lot of trial and effort.

Also, if you missed my previous post, if you're in PAC NW, I can build one for you. As long as you admit Blizzard is not the best PC Developer. *sarcastic wink*
Agreed, but that was my answer to the question, "What makes a PC a 'Gaming' PC?"




Searching Newegg and Tiger Direct, these are the only ones close to the price range with 'decent' gaming specs. Alternatively, you could go to one of the customizing type places (iBuyPower, Cyberpower, Maingear, Origin, Alienware) and build your own. Just keep the OP spreadsheet up and select the best possible while keeping in your price range. That doesn't take knowledge, just a lot of trial and effort.

Also, if you missed my previous post, if you're in PAC NW, I can build one for you. As long as you admit Blizzard is not the best PC Developer. *sarcastic wink*

The Newegg link doesn't seem to work

Thanks. .....and I live in Utah so not quite Pac NW.

As to Blizzard....its unlikely. They were literally my first games XD..........so a bit irrational about it.

I realize that I would get a better deal building my own. If it wasn't for the fact that not having it up, ready, and running with all my programs installed by monday jan 2 morning for my classes I would give it a go. However I have a bad habit of breaking shit XD.....so chances of me building my first PC myself without a major disaster are slim.
I meant as in, the sites where you select the different components, and they build it for you to spec.

Ah XD Do they have shipping that is affordable while fast enough to get it to me by thur if I order on tue?

Anyways. So comparing the one you linked from Tiger (the sub 1100 one since thats the ceiling I set) and Mine.



What makes the one you chose 100$ better? Lots of their stats are the same and mine has a bluray player (minor plus there). Not doubting you. I am genuinely curious.


Graphics abilities and case. A single 6850 is more powerful than a 550, and it has two of them. Dual GPU solutions are far from optimal for someone who doesn't want to tinker, but even if you have to disable one, you're better off.
Graphics abilities and case. A single 6850 is more powerful than a 550, and it has two of them. Dual GPU solutions are far from optimal for someone who doesn't want to tinker, but even if you have to disable one, you're better off.


Thanks a bunch for your help. Have a few days to mull it over. Really only want a gaming PC for skyrim and various other games (not shooters).....I have a PS3 so blueray isn't a big deal. That PC is on the high end of my price range though which gives me pause since I also need to buy a monitor and printer plus 50$ to ship since Tiger has slow ass shipping options.

Maybe I will browse the like......3 gaming pcs on amazon since I have prime XD.

Also....what are your thoughts on.


Also. Just realized a lot of these gaming PC's don't have a wireless card....which I must have for my dorm....

Edit: Fuck that. Would have to pay extra for USB 3.0....wireless cards....and OS.....and who knows what else I missed.

.....i will try looking at sites that allow you to choose specs and I will just copy one of the options in OP and see how much this is. They really do make this unnecessarily complicated.


Junior Member
Okay I tried to assess the situation inside my computer and took a few more pictures.


When it comes to the cables, what I basically need to do is get longer SATA data cables. The ones I'm currently using for my disc drives are too short. If you notice in the pictures below, one of my hard drives is connected to a long blue cable that's able to run all the way around my heatsink and into the motherboard without getting in the way of anything. The three orange ones are forced to go straight to the motherboard in front of everything else because they aren't long enough to make crazy turns and such. What you see is literally the only way I could hook them up. I'm having a bit of trouble finding the right kind on Newegg.

The situation with the PSU SATA cables isn't quite as bad. I've tucked most of those in a space between the PSU and the disc drives but even those didn't give me a whole lot of leeway in how I could hook them up.

Lastly, there's a possibly MAJOR oversight I made: I just noticed what seems to be another intake vent at the front base of my computer that was pretty much completely blocked with dust. On the other side of it is a fan. I don't know if that's one of the main fans for my computer, but for the entire four years I've owned this system I didn't even know it was there. Since cleaning it out my GPU temps are the same but it couldn't hurt right?

EDIT: I tested the GPU temps for some more games. A really low-end game with little-to-no 3D graphics like EDGE brings my temps up to 50C, watching a YouTube video does the same thing. Modern Warfare 3 brings my temps in the 70's, no higher than 77C. Skyrim get's my GPU in the 90's, and The Witcher 2 puts it as high as 95C. Should I be worried about TW2?

Maybe cleaning out that other vent did make a difference. I'm getting a -10C difference in Skyrim compared to last time I played it. Now it's sitting in the 60's and 70's.

Ty. Are there any USB 3.0 cards out there? Or would it not make a difference? Would it be worth it to buy a more expensive one if I am not sure where my wifi is actually located in the building?

...and yeah. Def going prebuilt. Been doing hypotheticals on the build to order sites and most of em are coming out 4-500 more than similar prebuilt rigs.


relies on auto-aim
Wow, it's pretty easy to miss that 'K.' Thanks! I'll definitely make sure to keep that one in mind. As for the 448 Ti's, basically. I've only found closer to $300, but I could probably find a cheaper if a searched for a coupon or deal. Thing is with the GPU, I'm shooting for the highest amount performance per dollar, while trying to keep that dollar amount well below $300. And the upcoming 7850 looks like it'll be it, with its rumored msrp of $200~, if launches with or around the 7950 in a few weeks, which will probably closer to $350, I might be able to get it for even less than that. The current 6950 is placeholder, really.

To get my Geralt on, I'm just trying to get the cheapest/best/OC-able machine possible. But one I can easily swap an Ivy bridge/7970 into down the road, and best be able to take advantage of them. It's the first machine I've built in a while, so I'm not too confident in my contemporary part IQ.
Looks good to me. You might be interested in picking up the ASUS mobo instead as it has a nice bios for overclocking.

The only thing that stands out is the 650W PSU. Get the 750TX or a 550W.
Ok silly question, is 12 gb of ram going overboard?
Eh, if you have 4GB and buy a 8GB kit I'd sell off the 4GB kit personally unless you do stuff that uses it.
Maybe cleaning out that other vent did make a difference. I'm getting a -10C difference in Skyrim compared to last time I played it. Now it's sitting in the 60's and 70's.
Did you clean the GPU fan vent / exhaust yet?
Under 90C should be ok for shorter periods of time. Does taking the side panel off help your temps?



Take that link.

- Change the CPU to a 2500K.
- Change the cooling fan to Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo.
- Change the video card to NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 2GB
- Change the power supply to a Corsair CMPSU-750TXV2
- Change the Hard Drive to 1TB SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 32MB Cache 7200RPM HDD
- Add Microsoft® Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Grand Total: $1,149.00

- The GTX 560 Ti is faster than the GTX 560...but considering the base 560 has 2GB of RAM and is $40 cheaper, it's a clear winner
- Xtreme Gear PSUs are supposedly very poor PSUs, and are not rated well at all. Get something that will run the PC without it possibly frying your system. For the record, pre-built PCs (HPs and the like) also generally use very poor PSUs.
- While an SSD is nice, you're going for a cheaper build and you need storage space, so a 1TB HDD should be more suited.
- This system does include USB 3.0 and an operating system.

If you need to keep the budget lower, give me a price, and give me your pre-built options and we'll see if going with something like CyberPowerPC is worthwhile for you.

If you must, you can go back to their default PSU and save yourself $80. I'm just always hesitant to recommend crappy PSUs...but hey, it would probably be equivalent to whatever you'd get in a pre-built anyways, so take that into account.


Wait, even better:


All you need to change is the power supply to the Corsair TX850V2, the cooler to a Cooler Master Hyper 212, and upgrade the video card (free) to the 2GB GTX 560.

Grand Total: $979.00

Absolutely smokes the prebuilts you've listed. By a lot. It's a much better deal than the above "Holiday Special".

If you want to cut costs as much as possible, you could go down to the regular Intel 2500, the Biostar H61 motherboard, and the regular Intel 1156 Heatsink. You'll lose the overclockability, but the updated price would be:

Take that link.

- Change the CPU to a 2500K.
- Change the cooling fan to Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo.
- Change the video card to NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 2GB
- Change the power supply to a Corsair CMPSU-750TXV2
- Change the Hard Drive to 1TB SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 32MB Cache 7200RPM HDD
- Add Microsoft® Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Grand Total: $1,149.00

- The GTX 560 Ti is faster than the GTX 560...but considering the base 560 has 2GB of RAM and is $40 cheaper, it's a clear winner
- Xtreme Gear PSUs are supposedly very poor PSUs, and are not rated well at all. Get something that will run the PC without it possibly frying your system. For the record, pre-built PCs (HPs and the like) also generally use very poor PSUs.
- While an SSD is nice, you're going for a cheaper build and you need storage space, so a 1TB HDD should be more suited.
- This system does include USB 3.0 and an operating system.

If you need to keep the budget lower, give me a price, and give me your pre-built options and we'll see if going with something like CyberPowerPC is worthwhile for you.

If you must, you can go back to their default PSU and save yourself $80. I'm just always hesitant to recommend crappy PSUs...but hey, it would probably be equivalent to whatever you'd get in a pre-built anyways, so take that into account.

Erm. Really 1100 is a hard ceiling for me. 1000 is my goal.

Only willing to go to 1100 if it includes a wireless card. (or will order one online)

And yeah any help is much appreciated. Just looking at this stuff makes me feel winded.

Wait, even better:


All you need to change is the power supply to the Corsair TX850V2 and the cooler to a Cooler Master Hyper 212.

Grand Total: $979.00

Absolutely smokes the prebuilts you've listed. By a lot. It's a much better deal than the above "Holiday Special".

Checking it out now. Ty much.

Edit - I can never tell how many various USB and HDMI ports these things have.


Eh, if you have 4GB and buy a 8GB kit I'd sell off the 4GB kit personally unless you do stuff that uses it.

Have 6 and was thinking about buying another 6, I remember my cad programs were running out of memory and freezing up last project I was working on.
So I guess that answers my question.


Edit - I can never tell how many various USB and HDMI ports these things have.

Take the motherboard model number and Google it. The product page for the motherboard will tell you that. As for the HDMI port, the video card will either come with an HDMI port, or DVI ports that can be converted to HDMI with an adapter (often included with the video card, or alternatively, bought for cheap off Monoprice).

Don't forget to select the free upgrade to the 2GB GTX 560!
Is Corsair CMPSU-850TXV2 the one you want me to get for power supply?

Also...heres hoping this deal doesn't go away by tue after Christmas because I can't order till my financial aid comes in :p


Yeah, that's the one. It's completely overkill for the system, but they're not really offering any decent cheaper options. =\

The system as a whole is actually pretty well priced, though. Not very far off building it yourself, tbh.
Also is 148$ a reasonable price for 22" Widescreen 1680x1050 TFT Active Matrix LCD Display? Or is it a shitty display. May as well order one of those while I am at it.

Also is it worth it to spend a little extra money....like 40/50$ on a wireless card if I am not sure how far I will be from wifi source? Or does it not make an appreciable difference?


Also is 148$ a reasonable price for 22" Widescreen 1680x1050 TFT Active Matrix LCD Display? Or is it a shitty display. May as well order one of those while I am at it.

Also is it worth it to spend a little extra money....like 40/50$ on a wireless card if I am not sure how far I will be from wifi source? Or does it not make an appreciable difference?

Not a reasonable price for a display like that at all. I'd expect to pay $100-120 at the most for a 22" display today. Get yourself this:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236049&Tpk=asus vw246
24" 1080p will feel much bigger than a 22" monitor, trust me.

Or this, if you want to keep it around $150, actually:

The Asus card that I linked earlier:
Has very long range. Heck, the USB card has really long range too:
I use that USB card on my PC downstairs, and it gets very good speeds from my wireless N router across 2 floors.


Oh, for your monitor situation, they also have this promo on CyberPowerPC on the one I linked:

[Holiday Special - Free Upgrade from Asus VW224U] 24" Widescreen 1920x1080 Asus VS247H-P LCD

Same price as the 22". That's a good deal.

Actually, as you say, they have wireless network cards as well. Go with the $26 option.
Not a reasonable price for a display like that at all. I'd expect to pay $100-120 at the most for a 22" display today. Get yourself this:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236049&Tpk=asus vw246
24" 1080p will feel much bigger than a 22" monitor, trust me.

Or this, if you want to keep it around $150, actually:

The Asus card that I linked earlier:
Has very long range. Heck, the USB card has really long range too:
I use that USB card on my PC downstairs, and it gets very good speeds from my wireless N router across 2 floors.

Ok so monitor is robbery. They are trying to get my on the extras XD.

So...from what you are saying. There is no real advantage to getting a card as opposed to usb?


Ok so monitor is robbery. They are trying to get my on the extras XD.

So...from what you are saying. There is no real advantage to getting a card as opposed to usb?

A card should have better range, though the wireless range from the USB card is pretty damned good. Read my post above though, choose the free 24" upgrade and the $26 network card and you should be set.

Can't say how good their network card is, but it looks similar in design to the Asus that I've used, so it should be okay.
Not a reasonable price for a display like that at all. I'd expect to pay $100-120 at the most for a 22" display today. Get yourself this:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236049&Tpk=asus vw246
24" 1080p will feel much bigger than a 22" monitor, trust me.

Or this, if you want to keep it around $150, actually:

The Asus card that I linked earlier:
Has very long range. Heck, the USB card has really long range too:
I use that USB card on my PC downstairs, and it gets very good speeds from my wireless N router across 2 floors.

Ok so monitor is robbery. They are trying to get my on the extras XD.

So...from what you are saying. There is no real advantage to getting a card as opposed to usb?

Here are the options they give me. If they suck will just order the Asus.

None [-19]
PCI Wireless 802.11n 150Mbps Network Interface Card
Linksys WMP600N Wireless-N Dual-Band Adapter [+47]
802.11b/g/n 300Mbps PCI Wireless Adapter Network Card [+7]
802.11b/g/n 300 Mbps Wireless Card + External Dual 2.4G 7 Dbi Omni-Directional High Gain Antenna [+30]
802.11b/g/n 300 Mbps Wireless Card + External 2.4G 7 Dbi Omni-Directional Wireless Antenna [+20]


[Holiday Special - Free Upgrade from Asus VW224U] 24" Widescreen 1920x1080 Asus VS247H-P LCD

802.11b/g/n 300Mbps PCI Wireless Adapter Network Card
GAHHHHH 10-15 days to ship. No rush option.

Why must you antagonize me internetz?

Why must the choice either be convenient OR good? Why can I not have both /cry.


Worst case scenario: you miss out on the free upgrade to the 2GB GTX 560 (not a big deal, really), and have to order the monitor from NewEgg.
As much as I am in love with the build and it has everything I want. Will probably go back and order the tigerdirect prebuilt. Will end up spending 2-3 hundred more after monitor and crap.

Waiting 2-3 weeks to get a PC isn't an option for me.


Go with the $1,099 build then.

As it's been said, it has two video cards (which does necessitate tinkering sometimes to get working in some games), and it's probably not overclockable, and I assume the PSU is definitely not of terribly good quality, so you won't be getting as much bang for your buck. But, it's still much better than any other prebuilt linked here so far.
Thanks :) planning on it.....also what does PSU stand for :p

At the very least I feel more educated lol.

Oh and is there a resource that can easily compare video cards and AMD vs Intel Processors? Thats the part i find most confusing.

Will just order the monitor and wireless usb card you posted earlier .


relies on auto-aim
Thanks :) planning on it.....also what does PSU stand for :p

At the very least I feel more educated lol.

Oh and is there a resource that can easily compare video cards and AMD vs Intel Processors? Thats the part i find most confusing.

Will just order the monitor and wireless usb card you posted earlier .
You could look through the OP. ctrl+f benchmark


Neo Member
If there's a chance you're in the PAC NW, I offer my services to GAFers for free.

I'm in Oregon, so if that counts I had a question. I need a graphics card for my brother's i3 th67 build, and I was wondering what the best one to get was currently.

I heard AMD's linux drivers were way behind Nividia, but that's alright if I'll get a lot more gaming bang for my buck by getting AMD.

The 550 ti recommended in the OP seems to be sort of weak. So I was also wondering if it's even worth getting a 560 ti with only an i3. Will it bottleneck?

Edit: Using a 400w antec PSU.


intel 2500 EMCJHJA32

Can I get some feedback on this build?

Things to know:
- I wanna stay under $1000
- I use an Apple Cinema Display 27" (2560x1440)
- I've never assembled a PC before, so I'm really worried about cooling fans (like, are the fans that come with the case enough?)
- Similarly, I'm timid about overclocking and would rather not unless you can convince me I'm an idiot not to

My shopping cart so far (prices after rebate):

Intel Core i5-2500 - $194.99
ASUS P8P67 (REV 3.1) LGA 1155 Intel P67 - $134.99
XFX HD-695X-CNFC Radeon HD 6950 2GB - $209.99
G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 - $43.99
Fractal Design Define R3 Titanium Grey - $109.99
Seagate Barracuda ST1000DM003 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" - $119.99
SeaSonic S12II 520 Bronze 520W - $59.99
DVD - $16.99

Total after BS and shipping puts it in the $950 range.

- Any low-hanging fruit for improvements?
- What else do I need in terms of tools, etc?


For someone looking to spend <$1000 and who's new to the scene, I wouldn't bother looking at overclockability as a selling point.


+1. I've had this monitor for about a month now, and it has been great. Colors are good, for a TN panel, and the input lag is practically non-existent:


(Note: This site reviews the UK version, which is the VK246H)

I also don't detect any unnatural color shift, which is also common among TN panels.

If you're a gamer, you can't go wrong with this monitor.


intel 2500 EMCJHJA32

Can I get some feedback on this build?

Things to know:
- I wanna stay under $1000
- I use an Apple Cinema Display 27" (2560x1440)
- I've never assembled a PC before, so I'm really worried about cooling fans (like, are the fans that come with the case enough?)
- Similarly, I'm timid about overclocking and would rather not unless you can convince me I'm an idiot not to

My shopping cart so far (prices after rebate):

Intel Core i5-2500 - $194.99
ASUS P8P67 (REV 3.1) LGA 1155 Intel P67 - $134.99
XFX HD-695X-CNFC Radeon HD 6950 2GB - $209.99
G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 - $43.99
Fractal Design Define R3 Titanium Grey - $109.99
Seagate Barracuda ST1000DM003 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" - $119.99
SeaSonic S12II 520 Bronze 520W - $59.99
DVD - $16.99

Total after BS and shipping puts it in the $950 range.

- Any low-hanging fruit for improvements?
- What else do I need in terms of tools, etc?

Too slow, GAF! I just ordered.


+1. I've had this monitor for about a month now, and it has been great. Colors are good, for a TN panel, and the input lag is practically non-existent:


(Note: This site reviews the UK version, which is the VK246H)

I also don't detect any unnatural color shift, which is also common among TN panels.

If you're a gamer, you can't go wrong with this monitor.

Yep, it's my favorite TN monitor. Very, very fast. Colors are reasonably good, as you say. Backlight bleed is minimal as well.

Too slow, GAF! I just ordered.

Solid build. Can't really go wrong with that.

Just to give you a heads up: gaming on a 2560*1440 display is very demanding, so you may or may not find performance a bit wanting when playing at that resolution. You did the right choice by going with the 6950 2GB though...at such a high resolution, VRAM does start becoming important.


Thanks for the input. I have two SATA HDDs and two usbs (kb+mouse and controller). I also have two DVD drives that I can do without (it's been at least a year since I last used them).
But I think I'm going to play it safe and get a GTX 550 Ti. The PSU we are talking about here is not new, it's almost 3.5 years old and has had an uptime of almost 24/7. With this PSU calcultator I'm getting a 342w recommendation for my system with a 560 Ti, but if I add a 30% of capacitor aging it's 429w... that's too risky, I don't want to fry my computer. I'll get less perfomance, but I'll also save some bucks, and that card should handle current games fine right? I can do with a vga+dvi+hdmi setup too...
550ti is a little underpowered. You might want to check into a 6770 if you're not set on nvidia.
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