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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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I smelled it. That's how I determined it was ketchup. I just spent some money on diedinhouse.com and was able to find out in 2007 a family member of my landlord died, but they do not have concrete information on whether it happened in the house. Any way for me to investigate this further?

Btw to those asking about the camera, I have it coming today from Amazon. As soon as I get it i'll set it up.

Sounds like logical reasoning. You're definitely the best man for the task.
Something smells
Ketchup is on the wall
Conclusion: Ghost
Surprised at the amount of non-believers!
Same here.

OP there are definitely a few good soothsayers or even seance circles in NY if you wanna communicate with the ghost.

Could be looking at a new Paranormal Activity spinoff film if your hidden camera footage leaks. Stay safe and keep us updated!


you can't put a price on sparks

"have you got some mustard for this hamburger? the ketchup ran out"


Surprised at the amount of non-believers! I'd say the possibility can always be there, however unlikely.

I don't know why you're surprised. The majority of GAF are atheist. I agree with you. I'm open to the possibility of ghosts existing. I wouldn't say they don't exist with absolute certainty.
Strangely, this reminds me of this reddit post here. Guy thinks his house got broken into and someone living, turns out Carbon Monoxide leak made him forgetful or something.


If your room heats up, sometimes bottles of condiments expand and sometimes even blow off the cap.
Happens to me a lot with certain lemonade bottles. I leave it on the counter after pouring a drink and put on the cap. Half an hour later I hear a loud 'plop' and the cap goes flying out of nowhere.


Your flat isn't haunted. If it wasd the ghost would have asked for your wifi password by now.

some comedian made this joke, can't remember who


All y'all saying ghosts don't exist need to get real. Watch some ghost hunters and get back to me.

Eum, I'm with you on ghosts existing, even if I'm not positive on them being dead people from the past as there are plenty of other possibilities.
But that being said, Ghost Hunters is pure bullshit, just like any of those shows like Finding Bigfoot and the like.
Those only exist to draw in gullible people, even if some or even most of the guys you see in those programs fully believe in the phenomenon.


Even the worst Scooby Doo ghosts did better than ketchup smears and peeing in the sink.

Get a camera or three and get recording. Don't be too obvious about it either.


You realize GAF is anti Ghost right? They try to justify themselves by saying the scientific equipment is hog wash and the people only see something because their mind wants to see something. Check with the land lord for any deaths on the property or at the library for any public records.
You realize GAF is anti Ghost right? They try to justify themselves by saying the scientific equipment is hog wash and the people only see something because their mind wants to see something. Check with the land lord for any deaths on the property or at the library for any public records.

Can you be against something that doesn't exist?


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Does your landlord have kids? My friend had a problem where someone kept coming into their house and taking DVD's. It turns out it was the landlord's kid using keys to get in and steal.


There's no such thing as ghosts. Even if there were, they shouldn't know anything about computers.

Lol IF ghosts did exist, I don't think we could then safely assume what exactly their abilities were.

OP I'd set up cameras. You might get lucky, catch your landlord snooping, sue, then profit.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
This thread seriously has me looking over my shoulder in my apartment.


Is there anywhere I can go on the internet to see if either this place is documented as haunted or had someone commit suicide in it or something? I know they have to disclose this kind of stuff but who knows maybe the Landlord kept it hidden.

Real estate law varies by state, but as far as I know most states do not require disclosure of supposed paranormal activity. I don't think most states have laws that require them to disclose suicides or murders either; though that information might be found in public records/news records. And that's for real property sales, for rentals it's even less likely to be required by law.


Passing metallic gas
Guys, GUYS. My light flickered and I felt the temperature drop! It's gotta be a ghost right?
I did just turn on my AC though.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
i had a gf who was atheist but believed in astrology ... bizarre

The planets and stars are large, visible entities! Of course they affect our daily lives through their wondrous immeasurable power!


On topic, between a ghost and some random human, possibly being in your apartment or coming in and out while you're asleep or away, I would choose a ghost.
You realize GAF is anti Ghost right? They try to justify themselves by saying the scientific equipment is hog wash and the people only see something because their mind wants to see something. Check with the land lord for any deaths on the property or at the library for any public records.
You know who else was "anti ghost"?

The fucking Ghostbusters. And they were cool, not like all these dickless 'pro ghost' people who go round shutting down containment grids.


I know GAF is extremely close-minded on topics like these but, based off experiences in my own life, I definitely don't rule out the possibility of there being something...beyond.

The most crazy experience I had was in 1st or 2nd grade. I remember it vividly. Our teacher gave us a piece of paper (I remember it being like a giant cartoon bear with a giant tummy to write things in the middle) that we had to take home to our parents and have them write our basic genealogy/family lineage. Well, as was typical of me in school, I ignored the assignment and failed to give it to my mom that night. I was faced with dread when the teacher came around to collect them the next day, but to my surprise, I found the paper in my backpack, filled out with my genealogy on it. It said something along the lines of "David is from Cherokee descent and has Polish ancestors on his dad's side, yada yada"

I went home and thanked my mom for filling it out, but she had no idea what I was talking about. She didn't really think anything of it until the next parent-teacher conference in which she asked to see the "genealogy assignment". She got freaked out because she didn't recognize the handwriting on it and yeah... To this day it kinda remains a mystery as to what actually happened.

I've had other experiences but that was by far the most interesting.

Who knows.

EDIT: thought of one more. Me, my brothers, and our Boy Scout troop went camping in this large property of woods that was owned by my dads friend. We were set up next to a field of tall grass (could have been corn). During the day, me and my brother were bored and started throwing rocks and sticks into it. Well, yeah, one of the sticks I threw came flying right back at me a second after I threw it. Now sure this could easily be explained by the random chance of there being some dude just lurking in the field and wanting to mess with us (which is actually a lot more unsettling of an explanation imo lol) but it freaked us out. We were camping on private property and our small troop of scouts and adults were all accounted for at the campsite at the time. It was just weird and definitely spooked us as we were expected to sleep under the stars, not even 100 meters from the field that night.

Also, there was a separate camping trip that comes to mind that had some creepy shit happen. It was a week long scout trip at some Boy Scout retreat. One night, one of our friends ended up sleep walking away from our site. He woke up and started screaming for my dad (the Boy Scout leader on the trip). My dad happened to be up at the time, was able to find him, and brought him back to the site. The next day, nobody knew about this because the kid was kinda embarrassed and my dad didn't want to embarrass him further. The very next night though, my brother ended up doing the same thing. He slept-walked and woke up in the middle woods, without any prior knowledge of the incident the night before. My brother, being a little bit more thick-skinned than our friend, didn't yell for help though and was able to find his way back to the site on his own.

That next morning, he told all of us what happened over breakfast. He said it was the weirdest thing because he woke up standing on a picnic table and he he was completely freaked out, having no idea where he was. Upon hearing this our friend admitted the same thing happened to him 2 nights before, and while not waking up standing on a picnic table, he did say he woke up standing right next to one. My brother, my dad, and him went to the place where my brother woke up and my friend claimed he woke up in the exact same place. This spooked the hell out of all of us, even my dad to an extent.

That night my other brother, not the sleepwalker, demanded that somebody tie a rope from his ankle to his cot, in a complex knot that he wouldn't watch being tied. 😂

Crazy shit.

GAF is home to an extremely large group of fedora users.

Lol so true.

I know GAF is extremely close-minded on topics like these but, based off experiences in my own life, I definitely don't rule out the possibility of there being something...beyond.

I firmly believe everything and anything that touches reality is withing reach of science. Perhaps not science that is available today, but some day. In this case, I think there is a more mundane explanation. There is someone visiting the apartment, best course of action is to find out who. And secure the apartment.
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