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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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There are no ghosts, someone is going into your house if you´re not at home. Most likely the landlord. Even if you think he wouldn´t do that, it´s most likely him. You can´t know him that well.

Every time some serial killer that hoards bodies in his freezer is caught, they interview the neighbors and they´re all like "What, he is so nice, he helped me carry my groceries" or stuff like that.

All y'all saying ghosts don't exist need to get real. Watch some ghost hunters and get back to me.

Watched all of ghost hunters AND watching all of ghost adventures right now. God damn hilarious. OH MY GOD DID YOU HEAR THAT, it was like hsss. It´s amazing. They´re also using a fucking Kinect to hunt ghosts. One dude actually thought he was being possessed by a demon lmao.


I firmly believe everything and anything that touches reality is withing reach of science. Perhaps not science that is available today, but some day. In this case, I think there is a more mundane explanation. There is someone visiting the apartment, best course of action is to find out who.

I absolutely agree with your first couple sentences. I'm not so sure though that the eventual scientific explanations for these events could be described as mundane. I think as science progresses, we are bound to discover some shit that will flip our world upside down. Hell, recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics/mechanics have already started to this and have resulted in some serious head-scratching amongst the scientific community.


landlord brings bit on side to your apartment.

browses porn on your comp to get warmed up, goes to dodgy sites that install viruses and shit.

makes sandwich after ruining the side-girl but explodes ketchup over the wall like he did over her arse.

dead animal smell is just the afterglow stench of his rutting activities.


Passing metallic gas
I know GAF is extremely close-minded on topics like these but, based off experiences in my own life, I definitely don't rule out the possibility of there being something...beyond.

The most crazy experience I had was in 1st or 2nd grade. I remember it vividly. Our teacher gave us a piece of paper (I remember it being like a giant cartoon bear with a giant tummy to write things in the middle) that we had to take home to our parents and have them write our basic genealogy/family lineage. Well, as was typical of me in school, I ignored the assignment and failed to give it to my mom that night. I was faced with dread when the teacher came around to collect them the next day, but to my surprise, I found the paper in my backpack, filled out with my genealogy on it. It said something along the lines of "David is from Cherokee descent and has Polish ancestors on his dad's side, yada yada"

I went home and thanked my mom for filling it out, but she had no idea what I was talking about. She didn't really think anything of it until the next parent-teacher conference in which she asked to see the "genealogy assignment". She got freaked out because she didn't recognize the handwriting on it and yeah... To this day it kinda remains a mystery as to what actually happened.

I've had other experiences but that was by far the most interesting.

Who knows.

EDIT: thought of one more. Me, my brothers, and our Boy Scout troop went camping in this large property of woods that was owned by my dads friend. We were set up next to a field of tall grass (could have been corn). During the day, me and my brother were bored and started throwing rocks and sticks into it. Well, yeah, one of the sticks I threw came flying right back at me a second after I threw it. Now sure this could easily be explained by the random chance of there being some dude just lurking in the field and wanting to mess with us (which is actually a lot more unsettling of an explanation imo lol) but it freaked us out. We were camping on private property and our small troop of scouts and adults were all accounted for at the campsite at the time. It was just weird and definitely spooked us as we were expected to sleep under the stars, not even 100 meters from the field that night.

Also, there was a separate camping trip that comes to mind that had some creepy shit happen. It was a week long scout trip at some Boy Scout retreat. One night, one of our friends ended up sleep walking away from our site. He woke up and started screaming for my dad (the Boy Scout leader on the trip). My dad happened to be up at the time, was able to find him, and brought him back to the site. The next day, nobody knew about this because the kid was kinda embarrassed and my dad didn't want to embarrass him further. The very next night though, my brother ended up doing the same thing. He slept-walked and woke up in the middle woods, without any prior knowledge of the incident the night before. My brother, being a little bit more thick-skinned than our friend, didn't yell for help though and was able to find his way back to the site on his own.

That next morning, he told all of us what happened over breakfast. He said it was the weirdest thing because he woke up standing on a picnic table and he he was completely freaked out, having no idea where he was. Upon hearing this our friend admitted the same thing happened to him 2 nights before, and while not waking up standing on a picnic table, he did say he woke up standing right next to one. My brother, my dad, and him went to the place where my brother woke up and my friend claimed he woke up in the exact same place. This spooked the hell out of all of us, even my dad to an extent.

That night my other brother, not the sleepwalker, demanded that somebody tie a rope from his ankle to his cot, in a complex knot that he wouldn't watch being tied. 😂

Crazy shit.

Lol so true.


An anecdote from second grade? That oughtta shut those fedora users up. Please tell us more about how ghosts did your homework.


if the scientific methods frightens you, go back to your cave ~ bill burr, 1937

Science is great but assuming modern science has all the answers to life's greatest mysteries is pretty close-minded in my opinion. Science hasn't even come close in explaining major aspects of our existence like human consciousness. There's still A LOT to be discovered.

I can respect if you'd rather not put any serious thought into the undiscovered but theres a lot of people out there who find it worth discussing.
Science is great but assuming modern science has all the answers to life's greatest mysteries is pretty close-minded in my opinion. Science hasn't even come close in explaining major aspects of our existence like human consciousness. There's still A LOT to be discovered.

I can respect if you'd rather not put any serious thought into the undiscovered but theres a lot of people out there who find it worth discussing.
What else hasn't science explained?


I just love how the first thought was to spend money on a website about dead people rather than on a cheap surveillance camera.


Seriously, just install a camera. It's the only option you should be considering if you actually want an answer. Oh, and ghosts don't exist.


I know GAF is extremely close-minded on topics like these but, based off experiences in my own life, I definitely don't rule out the possibility of there being something...beyond.

The most crazy experience I had was in 1st or 2nd grade. I remember it vividly. Our teacher gave us a piece of paper (I remember it being like a giant cartoon bear with a giant tummy to write things in the middle) that we had to take home to our parents and have them write our basic genealogy/family lineage. Well, as was typical of me in school, I ignored the assignment and failed to give it to my mom that night. I was faced with dread when the teacher came around to collect them the next day, but to my surprise, I found the paper in my backpack, filled out with my genealogy on it. It said something along the lines of "David is from Cherokee descent and has Polish ancestors on his dad's side, yada yada"

I went home and thanked my mom for filling it out, but she had no idea what I was talking about. She didn't really think anything of it until the next parent-teacher conference in which she asked to see the "genealogy assignment". She got freaked out because she didn't recognize the handwriting on it and yeah... To this day it kinda remains a mystery as to what actually happened.
I guess you've never been around parents with young children before? Or else you would realize that parents play "jokes" like this on their children all the time. And no they usually do not come clean on the joke.
I don't know if ghosts exist, but I'm surprised at the amount of certainty from some people. No possibility at all? Even a teeny tiny possibility?

Deleted member 529084

Unconfirmed Member
My wife died in our bed a few months ago...
She was way into ghost, Ouija boards, pychics etc...

Not a peep of paranormal shit, I expected something...


I don't know if ghosts exist, but I'm surprised at the amount of certainty from some people. No possibility at all? Even a teeny tiny possibility?
You'd think that if ghosts actually existed they'd have more interesting things to say and do than splatter ketchup on a wall or tell their granddaughter to straighten out the picture frame on the wall in the hallway.
You'd think that if ghosts actually existed they'd have more interesting things to say and do than splatter ketchup on a wall or tell their granddaughter to straighten out the picture frame on the wall in the hallway.

I agree, but that doesn't answer my question.


I know GAF is extremely close-minded on topics like these but, based off experiences in my own life, I definitely don't rule out the possibility of there being something...beyond.

The most crazy experience I had was in 1st or 2nd grade. I remember it vividly. Our teacher gave us a piece of paper (I remember it being like a giant cartoon bear with a giant tummy to write things in the middle) that we had to take home to our parents and have them write our basic genealogy/family lineage. Well, as was typical of me in school, I ignored the assignment and failed to give it to my mom that night. I was faced with dread when the teacher came around to collect them the next day, but to my surprise, I found the paper in my backpack, filled out with my genealogy on it. It said something along the lines of "David is from Cherokee descent and has Polish ancestors on his dad's side, yada yada"

I went home and thanked my mom for filling it out, but she had no idea what I was talking about. She didn't really think anything of it until the next parent-teacher conference in which she asked to see the "genealogy assignment". She got freaked out because she didn't recognize the handwriting on it and yeah... To this day it kinda remains a mystery as to what actually happened.

I've had other experiences but that was by far the most interesting.

Who knows.

EDIT: thought of one more. Me, my brothers, and our Boy Scout troop went camping in this large property of woods that was owned by my dads friend. We were set up next to a field of tall grass (could have been corn). During the day, me and my brother were bored and started throwing rocks and sticks into it. Well, yeah, one of the sticks I threw came flying right back at me a second after I threw it. Now sure this could easily be explained by the random chance of there being some dude just lurking in the field and wanting to mess with us (which is actually a lot more unsettling of an explanation imo lol) but it freaked us out. We were camping on private property and our small troop of scouts and adults were all accounted for at the campsite at the time. It was just weird and definitely spooked us as we were expected to sleep under the stars, not even 100 meters from the field that night.

Also, there was a separate camping trip that comes to mind that had some creepy shit happen. It was a week long scout trip at some Boy Scout retreat. One night, one of our friends ended up sleep walking away from our site. He woke up and started screaming for my dad (the Boy Scout leader on the trip). My dad happened to be up at the time, was able to find him, and brought him back to the site. The next day, nobody knew about this because the kid was kinda embarrassed and my dad didn't want to embarrass him further. The very next night though, my brother ended up doing the same thing. He slept-walked and woke up in the middle woods, without any prior knowledge of the incident the night before. My brother, being a little bit more thick-skinned than our friend, didn't yell for help though and was able to find his way back to the site on his own.

That next morning, he told all of us what happened over breakfast. He said it was the weirdest thing because he woke up standing on a picnic table and he he was completely freaked out, having no idea where he was. Upon hearing this our friend admitted the same thing happened to him 2 nights before, and while not waking up standing on a picnic table, he did say he woke up standing right next to one. My brother, my dad, and him went to the place where my brother woke up and my friend claimed he woke up in the exact same place. This spooked the hell out of all of us, even my dad to an extent.

That night my other brother, not the sleepwalker, demanded that somebody tie a rope from his ankle to his cot, in a complex knot that he wouldn't watch being tied. ��

Crazy shit.

Lol so true.


yeah, your mom totally didnt do that assignment and lie to you about it

and no way your brother and your friend didn't come up with a story to scare you

must be ghosts

boiled goose

good with gravy
Science is great but assuming modern science has all the answers to life's greatest mysteries is pretty close-minded in my opinion. Science hasn't even come close in explaining major aspects of our existence like human consciousness. There's still A LOT to be discovered.

I can respect if you'd rather not put any serious thought into the undiscovered but theres a lot of people out there who find it worth discussing.

there's a lot worth discovering but there is no justification for believing in ghosts. like at all.

explanations require things broken down into things we understand. seeing ghosts is the answer is completely asinine because it has no explanatory power. there are no effects in the world doesn't need to be explained by ghosts and importantly we don't even know how ghosts would operate or anything.

We don't know everything doesn't mean you can make shit up.

Basic argument from ignorance fallacy.

And we don't know everything about biology,the universe, consciousness,etc but we know a great deal. For example consciousness requiring a working brain.

Also quantum mechanics is frequently used to justify pseudo science babble. These days it is much more understood. It's not some special mystery different from other important advances in our understanding.

Besides human conciousness? Well that's a pretty big one if you ask me, but there's also a lot of unanswered questions in the understanding of DNA and specifics of the evolutionary process.

We certainly don't know everything about biology but we have a pretty good idea.

Evolutionary process? Umm I'm pretty sure we have this down pretty well other than historical details that might be lost forever. The process is pretty well understood.
I don't know if ghosts exist, but I'm surprised at the amount of certainty from some people. No possibility at all? Even a teeny tiny possibility?

It's a silly question.
What's a ghost first of all? How can you quantity a probability if you don't know what you are evaluating?

A spirit.

What's a spirit?

The soul of a dead person staying on earth.

What's a soul?

It's just a meaningless question.

Billy Lee

Fix some thin thread across the rooms in front of the doors and the fireplace before you go out or go to sleep. If any of the threads have broken or come off, you know someone has been there.


Fix some thin thread across the rooms in front of the doors and the fireplace before you go out or go to sleep. If any of the threads have broken or come off, you know someone has been there.
I learned this trick from an old Sean Connery Bond film :p

response to Boiled Goose in progress.

boiled goose

good with gravy
For some, a spirit could be what's left of a person after they die. I imagine it boils down to a belief in the soul and afterlife.

Ok now we are explaining ghosts with souls and afterlife.

How do these two things work?

See where this is going? you can't explain things by appealing to even bigger mysteries

Just like ghosts. No reason to believe in souls or an afterlife either.not only is there no evidence but there's not even an unexplained effect requiring a cause. if there was an unexplained effect saying ghosts its explanation would be silly for the reasons explained above. explanations have to be explanations you can't just make s*** up. argument from ignorance basics people

boiled goose

good with gravy
Someone stuck in limbo. Between worlds. I'm not even certain.

I don't believe in an afterlife, so it's strange that I believe it. But I'm not alone in it.

Stuck? Stuck how? What's stuck? Between worlds? What's limbo? This is pretty much gibberish.

you believe in something you cannot even describe or explain.

I don't even know how that's possible.I don't even know how that's possible.

Other be believing it is irrelevant. Just seems like a weak versionn of the argument from popularity logical fallacy
Ok now we are explaining ghosts with souls and afterlife.

How do these two things work?

See where this is going? you can't explain things by appealing to even bigger mysteries

Just like ghosts. No reason to believe in souls or an afterlife either.not only is there no evidence but there's not even an unexplained effect requiring a cause. if there was an unexplained effect saying ghosts its explanation would be silly for the reasons explained above. explanations have to be explanations you can't just make s*** up. argument from ignorance basics people

I understand, but that doesn't mean you can't ask the question. If you have a belief or faith in something spiritual, or are just interested in the possibility, it's a decent discussion. For those who are just "nope" about the topic, then I can see why there is no discussion to be had.

I don't think there's a problem with being open to the possibility.


you believe in something you cannot even describe or explain.

I don't even know how that's possible.I don't even know how that's possible.

Other be believing it is irrelevant. Just seems like a weak versionn of the argument from popularity logical fallacy

To be honest, I don't care that much. I don't claim to have the answers.


I know GAF is extremely close-minded on topics like these but, based off experiences in my own life, I definitely don't rule out the possibility of there being something...beyond.
You are the closed-minded one here. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean you're open-minded. There's 7 billion people out there, billions of them able to record any paranormal activity, yet there is no absolute evidence. Nothing. You are the one ignoring that, you close off your mind and decide to focus purely on anecdotes with no proof what so ever. So don't tell me I'm the closed-minded one when you have your head in the sand.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I understand, but that doesn't mean you can't ask the question. If you have a belief or faith in something spiritual, or are just interested in the possibility, it's a decent discussion. For those who are just "nope" about the topic, then I can see why there is no discussion to be had.

I don't think there's a problem with being open to the possibility.

Sure it is fun to discuss made up stuff. I love fantasy and sci fi.

Asking questions is different from believing.
To be honest, I don't care that much. I don't claim to have the answers.

if you don't want to discuss that's totally fine. but not only do you not have answers, I'm not sure you even have a question.

you're the one who said you had experienced stuff. I was curious how you can believe an explanation that you can't even describe
Sure it is fun to discuss made up stuff. I love fantasy and sci fi.

Asking questions is different from believing.

For you all this is absolute bollocks - I get that. But there is a difference between fully accepting something like the afterlife and just being interested in the possibility of it being true. The certainty of some about this topic is understandable, but I'm not sure why there is contempt for the question.


if you don't want to discuss that's totally fine. but not only do you not have answers, I'm not sure you even have a question.

you're the one who said you had experienced stuff. I was curious how you can believe an explanation that you can't even describe
I never asked a question.

I've written about it, a while ago, and it was super long and it wasn't even that detailed. What I experienced was not exclusive to me and It was not exclusive to one location. I randomly talked to a person who experienced similar things with specific details that made it even more concerning.

For me to explain my story to you and detailing my explanations will take too long. I'm not in the mood to. Take that as you will :)

boiled goose

good with gravy
For you all this is absolute bollocks - I get that. But there is a difference between fully accepting something like the afterlife and just being interested in the possibility of it being true. The certainty of some about this topic is understandable, but I'm not sure why there is contempt for the question.

I think the quick dismissal comes from the fact that this is a pretty common unjustified believe or meme. there's basically nothing new to say about it. These unjustified beliefs have actual consequences in the world.

Let's say you wake up one day with a rash. if someone said what if the rash comes from little tiny Pixies that poke you with tiny crab claws at night. is that a possibility that should be dismissed quickly? Or would you also come to its defense, asking why are people being so close minded?

the double standard for ghosts compared to crab claw holding tiny Pixies is that it is a somewhat common meme like I said above.

I would even argue that Pixies holding tiny crab claws are less absurd than the concept of ghosts based on what we understand about the universe


Dead animal smell, ketchup on the wall to look like blood? There is no ghost, someone is fucking with you to make you think someone has been murdered in your house.

In fact, it looks more like someone is trying to frame you for illicit activities rather than anything supernatural happening.


For you all this is absolute bollocks - I get that. But there is a difference between fully accepting something like the afterlife and just being interested in the possibility of it being true. The certainty of some about this topic is understandable, but I'm not sure why there is contempt for the question.
Are you one of those people who likes mysteries and to contemplate possibilities of mysterious stuff but doesn't actually feel like going the extra step and applying a healthy dose of logic and skepticism?

I used to have some of those magazines about atlantis, the mystery of the pyramids, aliens autopsy, ufos etc. etc. as a young kid. It gave me wonder and excitement but basically that stuff is like fan fiction for reality. If you look behind the curtain it is pretty clear it is all bullshit and the supposed mysteries have some good explanations, sometimes interesting ones, other times boring ones. But nothing paranormal required.

Having said that, reality is much more fascinating and much more exciting than fake stories/misrepresented facts etc. Contemplating the scale of the universe for instance is fascinating, awe inspiring etc. Largest star discovered so far.
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