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I wish my Xbox One could actually run Just Cause 3


Watched a fair bit of footage and its the number one reason why I havent picked it up yet for my XB1. Well that and im still playing F4.

Very inconsistent. Ill (hopefully) wait for a patch.


while that's definitely far from great. that's also pretty far from "terrible". that was completely playable. Shadow of hte Colossus, as an example, dived into power point mode for me on a few bosses. It's incredibly hard to time jumps when you get about 1 frame every two seconds as you're preparing to jump. I know lots of folks never experienced that, but most of us can recall older games that were genuinely unplayable in some parts.


I sold the game. Honestly, fuck this shit. We spend 60 euro's of our hard earned money on a product that is just shitty. The developer doesnt say anything about actual issues and its up to sites like DF to uncover it for the consumer.

Uninformed ppl wont even be able to know and will buy the game and is stuck with a shitty experience.

I had the ps4 version by the way. I liked the actual game, but the performance is piss poor.

I wish Microsoft and Sony would just fuck no patch it up so it runs at least 30fps.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm sorry you're running into these issues OP but recent broken AAA releases on console just confirm that I made the right choice by going PC this gen. I disagree with games being just as broken last gen, we're 2 years into this console cycle. This shit is inexcusable. That's what certification should be for.


Neo Member
The gameplay looks awesome, shame you have to buy a pc to play it in a non-shitty form.

I'd buy tomorrow if it were a solid 30fps on consoles.


while that's definitely far from great. that's also pretty far from "terrible". that was completely playable. Shadow of hte Colossus, as an example, dived into power point mode for me on a few bosses. It's incredibly hard to time jumps when you get about 1 frame every two seconds as you're preparing to jump. I know lots of folks never experienced that, but most of us can recall older games that were genuinely unplayable in some parts.

Nope. Its horrible. Your standards also seem to be horrible.

This game is has horrible performance. Dont excuse it!!!!!!!
Besides the resolution is the game really that more taxing on hardware than JC2 was? I haven't followed it much but from the little I've seen it doesn't look massively different.
Been playing some of the PS4 version and that goes slow-mo as soon as the destruction begins in any meaningful way. Awful console versions.

Very glad I rented it.


I feel bad for all the people playing on XBONE/PS4... they really should be making the games run SOLID.

I remember seeing Farcry 4 playing on my friends PS4, struggling at like 25FPS and what looked like MEDIUM graphics. Then going home and booting it up on my 980GTX on ULTRA @ 120 FPS. It's literally a whole different experience.
while that's definitely far from great. that's also pretty far from "terrible". that was completely playable. Shadow of hte Colossus, as an example, dived into power point mode for me on a few bosses. It's incredibly hard to time jumps when you get about 1 frame every two seconds as you're preparing to jump. I know lots of folks never experienced that, but most of us can recall older games that were genuinely unplayable in some parts.


Maybe it's a lot to do with what you've grown up with but slowdown doesn't bother me. Frame skipping is far worse but JC3 seems perfectly playable as its just slowdown. It's hardly Turok2 with the flamethrower.


Ugh, I see it too OP. Game just drags whenever explosions start to happen. Screws with my aim if the game feels one way now and then another a few seconds later.
I feel bad for all the people playing on XBONE/PS4... they really should be making the games run SOLID.

I remember seeing Farcry 4 playing on my friends PS4, struggling at like 25FPS and what looked like MEDIUM graphics. Then going home and booting it up on my 980GTX on ULTRA @ 120 FPS. It's literally a whole different experience.

A single 980 doesn't run FC4 at 120 fps. You can't even get it locked reliably with SLI. That game doesn't like to run at high framerates.
JC3 is the reverse Arkham Knight.

A single 980 doesn't run FC4 at 120 fps. You can't even get it locked reliably with SLI. That game doesn't like to run at high framerates.
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on that too. FC4 runs around 50fps or so on ULTRA at 1440p on a GTX 980ti. I doubt a single 980 is running ULTRA at 120fps.


A single 980 doesn't run FC4 at 120 fps. You can't even get it locked reliably with SLI. That game doesn't like to run at high framerates.

Lol, I was thinking to myself as I read his post, "damn my gtx 980 doesn't perform THAT good..." Glad to see I wasn't having issues


MS and Sony making sure this generation is known as the broken AAA games generation.

Uh where is this coming from?
Games last generation on an average ran considerably worse with tearing and framedrops everywhere.

This generation is probably the best we've had in years when it comes to performance stability. Even PS2 era games, which a lot of people use as an example for an era where developers targeted performance and 60FPS, usually never hit that target and ran unstable throughout.


I watched all 3 of your vids and fail to see anything that terrible?

There's always that one dude who is totally oblivious. "Its fine"

Watched a fair bit of footage and its the number one reason why I havent picked it up yet for my XB1. Well that and im still playing F4.

Very inconsistent. Ill (hopefully) wait for a patch.

More gold, still playing the game that drops frames when you switch weapon. Also hitting 0 FPS when changing zone.


Gold Member
Well, Sony/MS would need a policy for all games to not drop below a certain FPS for too long, but then testing whether you get certain FPS drops for an open world game would be a pain. People need to read reviews and check DF threads.

I wouldn't have bought this on XB1 in it's current state... game about blowing shit up can't handle blowing shit up? WTF.

And I skipped buying my brother the PS4 version for Christmas which isn't even quite as bad as XB1.


Unfortunately I pre-purchased the game from PSN before the reviews came out. Haven't had the heart to boot it up. It was the proverbial nail in the coffin though that convinced me to buy a better GPU and stick to PC for single player only multi-platform experiences though, so I guess that's a good thing. Hopefully a patch improves things on PS4 because I don't want to have to pay for it twice. That'd be too much like rewarding this bullshit behaviour by devs & pubs.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
MS/Sony need to look out for their consumers and have games that run that poorly fail cert.
Well, here's the thing...games like this actually run a whole lot better than huge numbers of games on PS3 and Xbox 360. Heck, look back at stuff like Grand Theft Auto on PS2 - all three of those games very regularly drop into the teens and that was during the era of 60fps (which was super common on the PS2). Yet people still ate it up.

Basically, things are significantly better overall than last gen in terms of performance to the point where the WORST examples of performance are, really, just about average in terms of how they stack up to last gen games. I went nuts buying up dirt cheap PS3 games last year and grabbed a ton of stuff just to sample (like all for 1-2 Euro). I'm genuinely shocked at how poor some of those games can be. I mean, there are BIG titles that were released that never stop tearing and almost never hit 30fps. It's quite remarkable that such games ever released.


Yeah I'm sick of games just getting a pass in reviews. Games like this should only get 7/10 max...

It's literally game breaking to some like my gf, loves games but gets motion sickness from janky games. So that makes them unplayable. I will sometimes get a headache too.

Latest were witcher and fallout, pretty bad performance really. Limits my enjoyment quite a bit


I mean, there are BIG titles that were released that never stop tearing and almost never hit 30fps. It's quite remarkable that such games ever released.

Even Naughty Dog was guilty of this. I mean, two out of three Uncharted games had quite a bit of tearing (Drake's Fortune more than Drake's Deception).

How spoiled are we as a community when that could even be considered to be "not running", even with some leeway for humorous exaggeration?

Edit: Never mind, read your statement wrong.


MS/Sony need to look out for their consumers and have games that run that poorly fail cert.

Imagine if MS let it pass but Sony didn't. Then MS would have some free exclusivity for X amount of time and Sony lose out. They would have to BOTH agree for the game to fail, which I don't see happening. Maybe developers should be fined some way if they don't patch poor performance in a reasonable time?. But then you would have to determine what is reasonable in terms of performance, and time.


It's a shame console based games perform this way on both systems, but it's a fact nowadays, and we as customers can do only one thing - look at DF's reviews and think for ourselves if we're okay with such performance.
Playing bloodborne, for example, was way more significant for me than saying few damns at fps drops.
So okay, I understand that people do want to whine a bit, but hey, we're living in the era of neogaf and you can always check people's impressions before buying!

MS/Sony need to look out for their consumers and have games that run that poorly fail cert.
It's tricky idea, cause that "runs poorly" is a pretty wide thing, and you cannot cancel releases with ads that worth millions simply cause you're Sony/MS. Industry is big and each side should understand that stopping it won't do good for anyone


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Even Naughty Dog was guilty of this. I mean, two out of three Uncharted games had quite a bit of tearing (Drake's Fortune more than Drake's Deception).
Having had to revisit those games for my Uncharted Collection article, I can say that Uncharted 2 and 3 actually run with triple buffer v-sync and hold 30fps very well.

Uncharted Drake's Fortune, though? Wow, what a mess that is. The game never stops tearing (literally, as there is always a tear line visible in the overscan region) and falls under 30fps during nearly every fire fight.

The Last of Us on PS3 does not tear but it does operate under 30fps on a regular basis.

It's a shame console based games perform this way on both systems, but it's a fact nowadays, and we as customers can do only one thing
This kind of performance isn't that common. We've had just a handful of really poorly performing games this year, but the vast majority are fine. It's just a few high profile ones that stick out and they still run better than similar games last gen.


Having had to revisit those games for my Uncharted Collection article, I can say that Uncharted 2 and 3 actually run with triple buffer v-sync and hold 30fps very well.

Uncharted Drake's Fortune, though? Wow, what a mess that is. The game never stops tearing (literally, as there is always a tear line visible in the overscan region) and falls under 30fps during nearly every fire fight.

The Last of Us on PS3 does not tear but it does operate under 30fps on a regular basis.

Huh, could've sworn the castle section of Uncharted 3 had some pretty bad tearing. This might be a case of me remembering things worse than they actually were though, which I now realize does happen after watching the recent GTA: SA comparison.


Another reason why pre ordering anything this gen is asking for trouble.

To put this out and charge full price for it on consoles is outrageous.


I feel bad for all the people playing on XBONE/PS4... they really should be making the games run SOLID.

I remember seeing Farcry 4 playing on my friends PS4, struggling at like 25FPS and what looked like MEDIUM graphics. Then going home and booting it up on my 980GTX on ULTRA @ 120 FPS. It's literally a whole different experience.

Bullshit, FC4 on PS4 is 30fs 99% of the time.
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