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IBT Times Fallout 4 Review Breaks Embargo *No spoilers in OP*


"I don't like this review nor his opinions, so therefore I would classify this review and his opinions as trash and discard everything. I would write this comment like Ive played the game to sound more sophisticated-."
Grimløck;184569623 said:
oh god he ranks dragon age: inquisition higher.

i thought that game was a boring slog.
Okay, this is something I never understand

Did you read the review, or know what he liked or disliked? Why would you assume simply because one game is rated higher than the other, that the cons are the same or whatnot?

Just because one game is rated higher than another doesn't mean it's better or worse in the same ways.


Tears in the rain
On one side: "Bethesda makes flawless games because the gameplay and systems matter above all else. Sure they look ugly, are glitchy, have limited dialogue systems, have sidequests that barely matter in the world, have no sense of consequence... But they are always the GOTY!"

On the other hand "Bethesda make shit games. The reviews and fans are always wrong. The gameplay is always shit!!! There is literally nothing good about Fallout 3 and Skyrim! People who bring up world design, sense of freedom, tons of content, ambient storytelling, atmosphere and replay value don't know shiiiiit."

Review thread WILL be an astounding time. Can't wait.


I think the scariest part is that the plot and characters of Fallout 4 are worse than Inquisition.
I think even at Bioware's lower points they generally outdid Bethesda. But then Bethesda always specialized in large open worlds to screw around in. The big reason it matters at all is that Fallout was better in that area under different leadership.

But then Bethesda can be odd and outdo themselves outside of their actual core game content anyway.
I really don't understand what's wrong with this review. All i read was the same kind of game i saw before by the same devs described to me. Those aren't games for everyone and it's reasonnable that ( as his review states ) the game is not for everyone.

Fallout 3 and fallout NV were slow paced ( especially at the start )
Only those whove played it stand on any real ground to say weather or not hes wrong. The rest of us need to wait before attacking this guys opinion.


On one side: "Bethesda makes flawless games because the gameplay and systems matter above all else.

I don't exactly think this is why their games resonate with people. Typically you don't need to spend much time and effort at all analyzing the mechanics to realize how broken and poorly designed and lacking in depth they are.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
They aren't even particularly good at systems.

What I personally get out of a Bethesda game is chillout gaming. I run around in a big world and play around, mostly aware that little stands in my way once I'm a few hours in.

I enjoy the space I'm in. That's what they're good at. Being first person, having every object be moveable, that adds up to it all.

As RPGs, they're pretty bad. I believe roleplaying is about feedback. And outside of being able to pick up and throw a lot of shit, there is little feedback in their games. They're power fantasies in big, open places, and when I'm in the mood for that I love the experience.

That's also true and better than how i put it. They do what appeals to players of these games extremely well. They are obviously not flawless, but those experiences obviously elevate these games to a higher place to get the kinds of good reviews and mindshare Skyrim and FO3 got.

I know Skyrim being my first Bethesda game, i can attest to that. I just like the whole package in general they have presented, it just works i think.


Okay, this is something I never understand

Did you read the review, or know what he liked or disliked? Why would you assume simply because one game is rated higher than the other, that the cons are the same or whatnot?

Just because one game is rated higher than another doesn't mean it's better or worse in the same ways.

he made direct comparisons to it in terms of narrative and characterizations. he holds DA:I highly in that regard, which i disagree with. DA:I is shit. i don't know if FO:4 will be equally as shit, worse, or better, but the fact that those two points were highlighted suggests it may be the former for me. in fact, he goes on to say that the narrative isn't the biggest issue; it's the pacing. if fallout's pacing is worse than DA:I's, then i know i will be comatose at the controller.
I don't exactly think this is why their games resonate with people. Typically you don't need to spend much time and effort at all analyzing the mechanics to realize how broken and poorly designed and lacking in depth they are.
Is it weird that delving into their brokenness is a good chunk of the fun for me? It's almost like a treasure hunt. I was so excited when I found out I could boost my stealth 10 levels in 20 minutes in Skyrim by sneak-attacking the (essential, never aggroing) Greybeards over and over.
I don't exactly think this is why their games resonate with people. Typically you don't need to spend much time and effort at all analyzing the mechanics to realize how broken and poorly designed and lacking in depth they are.

Yeah, mechanics or complex gameplay isn't the point of these games at all.

They're games meant to let people loose in big open fields, allowing them to do whatever they want. They aren't about controlled quest or storyline growth, character development, or intricate plots, and instead put any and all power into the hands of the player. They're exploration/holodeck simulators, more than role playing games.


It's all just preference. Not gonna lie, I enjoyed DA:I a lot (even more than Fallout 3). I know I might be in the minority here...but I'm trying to keep my hype level low.

Regardless, you guys should be happy since he specifically mentions that Fallout fans will be pleased.


Reviewer liked Dragon Age: Inquisition?

That legitimately makes me take his opinion with a massive grain of salt. That game was stuffed with so much boring filler, despite it's positives.

And yet he says he is bored by this game. Shouldn't that be the OPPOSITE of a grain of salt (whatever that would be)? If he liked Inquisition that means he has a pretty high boredom threshold....


Really bummed Bethesda didn't seem to turn the ship around at all. I want a compelling main story and writing that isn't phoned in trash.

Uhhh no. I don't agree.

Compared to any Bethesda game, you bet your ass Inquisition had better story, characters, and writing. I really don't doubt it'll be any different for Fallout 4.
Ah well. Best to wait for a sale months down the road. By all accounts, not much new has been added, and the writing still isn't up to snuff.

For a fiver, I'll gladly jump in.

I seriously can't understand this logic. A sprawling, stupidly long game that took hundreds of people literally hundreds of thousands of hours to build, and because it's potentially just "pretty good" you'll only pay five pounds for it..?


Doubt it. It's going to review very well. 85+ Metacritic. That's not exactly the makings of an epic review thread.

how good did uncharted(3?) rate and how good was the review thread though.
On topic, its the reviewers opinions and just because he didnt play fallout games before doesnt mean they are invalid
"Fallout 4" is by no means a bad game, but, past the veneer of ruined Americana, I'm having a difficult time believing it's going to live up to the hype preceding it. The pacing ruins an otherwise interesting character motivation. But there is a staggering amount to do, places to find and Deathclaws to challenge. If you’re a "Fallout" fanatic, "Fallout 4" will be more of what you love -- I'm just not seeing what's really in it for newcomers.

"Fallout 4" was reviewed with a PlayStation 4 copy of the game, provided by Bethesda Softworks

So Bethesda is giving out the PS4 version for review, despite the marketing deal with Microsoft?

Also, that last summary sounds like what I want, More Fallout. I be a majority of newcomers will enjoy it.


The reviewer doesn't like long RPGs, yet praises the amount of busywork there is in DA:I.

I dunno, the review seems to find fault with everything I knew was going to be in the game after playing other Bethesda games.

He prefers RPGs with a tighter narrative over sandboxes, so let's not get carried away with this review.
If you’re a "Fallout" fanatic, "Fallout 4" will be more of what you love -- I'm just not seeing what's really in it for newcomers.



Why are you taking person's opinion as fact that the story isn't compelling and the writing is phoned-in trash?

I'm inclined to believe him because nothing from the pre release material looked even remotely charming or compelling (as far as writing and acting go), and Bethesda has a history of terrible main quests. It'd be harder to believe if he extolled on how great it was.


The reviewer doesn't like long RPGs, yet praises the amount of busywork there is in DA:I.

I dunno, the review seems to find fault with everything I knew was going to be in the game after playing other Bethesda games.

He prefers RPGs with a tighter narrative over sandboxes, so let's not get carried away with this review.

it makes me question what type of game he was expecting
Yeah, mechanics or complex gameplay isn't the point of these games at all.

They're games meant to let people loose in big open fields, allowing them to do whatever they want. They aren't about controlled quest or storyline growth, character development, or intricate plots, and instead put any and all power into the hands of the player. They're exploration/holodeck simulators, more than role playing games.

Basically this. The fundamental design philosophy behind every Bethesda game boils down to "provide an open field with a virtually endless amount of individual and unconnected activities, distractions and other things for the player to fuck around with at will". And that's it. Everything else - story, characters, basic plot and world building logic, deep (or for that matter, *workable*) gameplay mechanics, etc. - is secondary (if even that). Obviously, there's a sizable audience for that type of game.

In a sense, it's a gameplay philosophy that is closer to that of open world action games such as GTA and Just Cause than to that of open world RPGs.


Basically this. The fundamental design philosophy behind every Bethesda game boils down to "provide an open field with a virtually endless amount of individual and unconnected activities, distractions and other things for the player to fuck around with at will". And that's it. Everything else - story, characters, basic plot and world building logic, deep (or for that matter, *workable*) gameplay mechanics, etc. - is secondary (if even that). Obviously, there's a sizable audience for that type of game.

In a sense, it's a gameplay philosophy that is closer to that of open world action games such as GTA and Just Cause than to that of open world RPGs.

Exactly. I've lost thousands of hours doing nothing apart from exploring the wasteland of Fallout 3. I've got a week and a half off work just after it comes out, so I'm making plans with people now in advance so I know I'll actually go outside...


Why are you taking person's opinion as fact that the story isn't compelling and the writing is phoned-in trash?

Bethesda's past history is so freakishly bad that if they were to improve it I would think nearly every reviewer and leaker would be gushing out their eyeballs about it.

This reviewer kind of sounds like me, anyway. His quote sounds exactly like what I said after a while with Fallout 3, NV, and Oblivion. He also seems to like Inquisition, and the comparison makes sense.


Unlimited Capacity
Bethesda games are like this. Ever since Fallout 3, they are never that great when they launch. They are playable, you can get some fun out of them, but they are largely overrated. I get them at launch, play them until I get tired, then 2 years later come back with all the DLC and mods and the games are like 20x better. It is nice to know and see the difference first hand. At least for me it is.


Grimløck;184569623 said:
oh god he ranks dragon age: inquisition higher.

i thought that game was a boring slog.

To be fair, some people consider it an awesome RPG.

But yeah, for me it was mind-numbingly boring.


If you’re a "Fallout" fanatic, "Fallout 4" will be more of what you love -- I'm just not seeing what's really in it for newcomers.
Surely he means a Fallout 3 fanatic. Guy sounds like a newcomer himself, not surprised he thinks "Fallout fans" and games are one in the same.


I've watched a few hours of streams and leaked video, I feel confident that anyone who loved fallout 3 will love this as well. It seems to be exactly what I'm looking for.


Is it weird that delving into their brokenness is a good chunk of the fun for me? It's almost like a treasure hunt. I was so excited when I found out I could boost my stealth 10 levels in 20 minutes in Skyrim by sneak-attacking the (essential, never aggroing) Greybeards over and over.

In principle, you're absolutely right. This is one of the greatest strengths of Morrowind's gameplay. Morrowind is generally held in much higher regard than the sequels by hardcore TES fans, while the game systems are in fact just as broken and unbalanced as subsequent titles. The main difference here is that Morrowind is inherently much more freeform and sandboxy in how its gameplay systems, the world and its characters are all seamlessly intertwined. When facing a quest or any other kind of challenge, you are invited to play around with the systems as you see fit and there is no real "right" or "wrong" way of dealing with things. This is where a lot of people get their satisfaction from since it really enables their creativity and sense of agency.

But with each new entry in the series, this aspect has been diminished through things like scaling back the complexity and openness of the systems (like creating your own spells, and the variety of spell types available), and also imposing more arbitrary restrictions where certain things no longer have to abide by the fundamental mechanics, like an NPC becoming unkillable or completely immune to mind-altering spells because reasons. It makes the games more rigid and only playable in the narrow, pre-defined ways the designers explicitly intend. This is why the newer games are more criticized for this.


Always funny when someones opinion on a game is discarded simply because they enjoyed a game you do not, grow up people. He didn't like the game, doesn't make his opinion any less valid than your own.


After 20 or so hours, when you've got a nice set of perks and a decent arsenal to complete some of the bigger quests with, the story does get a bit more interesting, but I'm not confident saying that the payoff is worth the investment.

did he even finish the game?


It's weird but his negative points are exactly what I want from this game. Granted I didn't read all of it because I don't want spoilers. If you like Fallout you'll like this game. Ok good, I didn't buy this game because I want fans that don't enjoy Fallout or have never played the game before to enjoy it.
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