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Ico/Shadow of the Colossus collection listing on Walmart.com


Cels said:
The only real "extra" (beyond upgrading the visuals and putting everything on one disc) was the GOW3 demo...but yea, no gameplay/dlc-like extras whatsoever.
About the only thing they could do for this game is to give us the European version of Ico, since that was stuffed with bonus features. SotC, as it is, has a healthy amount of unlockables.
hey_it's_that_dog said:
No extras like that. The porting process is actually not that expensive or time consuming (if we are willing to generalize from God of War collection) and I don't think adding Colossi is likely to be in the budget.
Oddly enough, the Sly Collection is getting a few extras. Move based mini-games.


alr1ghtstart said:
April 1, 2011. You best not be fucking with me Wallyworld! I guess that means TLG comes out a few months after that. want.

April 1 is a Friday (and also the beginning of 2nd quarter), it's more than likely just a placeholder date.

Last Guardian better be the best thing since sliced bread given the wait.
Johnas said:
Last Guardian better be the best thing since sliced bread given the wait.

Well, usually in the gaming industry. long development cycles means there was issues along the way, be it technical, or design wise, so I would take that into consideration before judging a game based on how long it took to make. Thats not always the case (starcraft, GT) but I would say most of the time it is.


Gold Member
With these HD remakes, it'd be nice if they could buff up a few things like polygons, rather than just a straight HD port. As long as it's 60 FPS. It would suck if Shadow of the Colossus still wasn't 60 FPS :lol


Lion Heart said:
Well, usually in the gaming industry. long development cycles means there was issues along the way, be it technical, or design wise, so I would take that into consideration before judging a game based on how long it took to make. Thats not always the case (starcraft, GT) but I would say most of the time it is.

GT5 supposedly cost $60M (and counting) to develop. I'm pretty sure the game will be good but it better be after 6 years in the making.

When did TLG start development? At least as early as Jan. '08 right?


Cels said:
GT5 supposedly cost $60M (and counting) to develop. I'm pretty sure the game will be good but it better be after 6 years in the making.

When did TLG start development? At least as early as Jan. '08 right?
About 2005 probably. It's budget will be nothing like GT5s though.
Cels said:
GT5 supposedly cost $60M (and counting) to develop. I'm pretty sure the game will be good but it better be after 6 years in the making.

When did TLG start development? At least as early as Jan. '08 right?

I would guess conceptual design started sometime in 06 :eek:


Gold Member
Lion Heart said:
Well, usually in the gaming industry. long development cycles means there was issues along the way, be it technical, or design wise, so I would take that into consideration before judging a game based on how long it took to make. Thats not always the case (starcraft, GT) but I would say most of the time it is.
I believe they take so long because Ueda's teams are small (but talented), and he likes to have a hands-on role in EVERYTHING.

This game is like an indy title with a massive budget

Lion Heart said:
I would guess conceptual design started sometime in 06 :eek:

Job advertisements appeared early 07, so you are probably on the money. I know Ueda said he didn't know what the next game would be for a long time, so it didn't start straight after SotC


Gold Member
The Last Guardian was always going to take at least four years


This was in 2008, we all assumed they'd started years before but they could have started as late as 2007 (making 2011 just right).

They obviously have a lot of leeway, and I would guess a fair budget considering how good the game looks. I don't know how Ueda does it, I can only assume he is a very enigmatic man with a lot of respect in SCE to be able to get budgets and freedom to do what he wants.


Yoboman said:
The Last Guardian was always going to take at least four years


This was in 2008, we all assumed they'd started years before but they could have started as late as 2007 (making 2011 just right).

They obviously have a lot of leeway, and I would guess a fair budget considering how good the game looks. I don't know how Ueda does it, I can only assume he is a very enigmatic man with a lot of respect in SCE to be able to get budgets and freedom to do what he wants.
The head of SCE already said the game is late and they aren't living up to their 'Olympic' team branding anymore.


Blader5489 said:
I'd buy this just so I can own a reasonably-priced copy of ICO.

I got a copy of Ico, with the regular case, box art and manual from Gamestop less than 2 years ago for, like, $20.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yoboman said:
With these HD remakes, it'd be nice if they could buff up a few things like polygons, rather than just a straight HD port. As long as it's 60 FPS. It would suck if Shadow of the Colossus still wasn't 60 FPS :lol
It probably won't be. It will be locked 30, like the original game should have been, or like Ico was.

StuBurns said:
I really hope they rework the controls with SotC, it needs it.
What speciffically? I remember some people complained about the horse controls, but it looked like none of them realized how semi automatic the horse movement really is (just like a real horse really) - horse would steer on his own around the windy roads for example, just as real horse wouldn't just go straight to his death below. There was no need to micromanage it there or in similar such tighter spaces.

If you mean the wanderer's controls, yes, they were definitely a step down in tightness compared to Ico, where controls were just wonderfully realized. The things, controls in SotC were that way because of the fact that everything in the game was physics based. There were no differences with how his running was handled on flat surfaces compared to dynamically undulated surfaces. You can probably see why this would pose a problem as manual finetuning of controls just wouldn't work with the gameplay concept of the game. That's why I think they won't be able to change it for these remakes either. They'd need an entirely new and more precise engine to really change it. However, the other factor that attributed to control feeling worse than in Ico was the framerate. The control definitely feels better when you run the game at a steady 30FPS+ in an emulator.

StuBurns said:
Certainly if it's going to do it better I welcome the change, but if it's going to do it worse then I don't. Left stick is move, right stick is aim/camera for example. Any time anyone tries something else it's massively inferior, people should experiment of course, but if the experiments don't birth something better, don't ship with them.
Ico and GoW both use fixed point camera and it works perfectly fine, better than it otherwise would given the concepts of both games. SotC really had just one control inconsistency compared to most games, and it inherited that from Ico - triangle was used for jumping instead of X. Really no big deal, they were probably thinking that /\ is on top and points up, so it should mean jump.


Gold Member
Lord Error said:
It probably won't be. It will be locked 30, like the original game should have been, or like Ico was.
The game went to 60 FPS when it peaked, what makes you believe it was supposed to be 30?


Yoboman said:
Oh? I didn't see that, link?
I don't have a link off hand, it was a video interview around the time of E3. But I believe Ueda has even addressed it citing issues getting things up and running on the PS3, which might be easier to google.

EDIT: To be clear, they didn't say it had taken more than four years already, they said it wouldn't make it out in the fourth year.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yoboman said:
The game went to 60 FPS when it peaked, what makes you believe it was supposed to be 30?
Yeah, you're right I remember that... It happened so rarely though that it seemed like a bug, kinda like in MGS4.


Chrysalis said:
Bought, but...

that makes me part of the problem. It still kills me (as a Sony fan) that they cut BC the way they did. I had a launch unit to upscale old games, but it died. I suppose I could buy another PS2 and play that, but it would look like crap on my HD monitor. So...Sony to the rescue! Re-purchase your gaming catalog to solve a problem we created!

My BC ps3 died too,but even if it were still alive,i'd buy it in a heartbeat,60 fps,anti-aliasing and whatnot,plus ico didn't even have widescreen mode and looked blurry as hell on my hd tv even when being upscaled.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
The negativity reminds me of my wife's initial reaction to the blu-ray release of Sleeping Beauty. She has nostalgia for the grainy vhs version and didn't like the crispness of the blu-ray. That is until we watched the special features and they mention that the BR release is as close to the original cells as the movie has ever been. She realized the beauty in it.

So yeah. This rerelease will be what SOTC should have been in those bullshots. What the game would have been without being limited to the PS2.

Ermm,outta topic but,i hate those new "sidebars" on Sleeping Beauty and Snow White and other disney blu-ray releases,i'd rather have them give us an option to watch it in pan and scan mode,original aspect ratio be damned!.


Gold Member
Lord Error said:
Yeah, you're right I remember that... It happened so rarely though that it seemed like a bug, kinda like in MGS4.
Well MGS4 was uncapped as well. They are actually similar.

There were many occasions where SotC was around 45 (same as MGS4), I don't think either was a bug. But it was rare


sparkle this bitch
Cels said:
GT5 supposedly cost $60M (and counting) to develop. I'm pretty sure the game will be good but it better be after 6 years in the making.

When did TLG start development? At least as early as Jan. '08 right?
GT is a poor example. GT already made back more than it's budget with their two demos.
2nd, GT is a massive full scale production team. Team Ico is a much smaller studio if I recall. Finally, GT is going make bank off of advertisements.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Also, to whoever mentioned hoping that they will use MLAA, they probably will, but even if they don't, both games look unbelievably jaggy-free even with just 2xAA on an emulator.

But you know what's going to really suck?

We are going to get these remakes on PS3, which is great as PS2 can't do them justice anymore, if it ever could - but then the PS4 is going to come out and I can already see it, none of the PS3 releases are going to work on it. Chances of them using some supercharged Cell variation in PS4 are pretty slim, and chances of whatever off-the-shelf CPU they chose of emulating Cell in software are probably even slimmer. If there's one reason I hope PS4 comes as late as possible, it's that by that time the Intel/AMDs CPUs might be fast enough to emulate Cell.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
fingers crossed for 30FPS locked. 60, if possible, I guess.

Will buy these in a heartbeat, I never did play Ico, and I unfortunately played SOTC mid-way through this gen, meaning it looked a tad dated and the performance was more than a little disappointing. Really wonderful game, that aside, though.

I need to buy the Sly collection, too. Is that out?

Lord Error said:
Also, to whoever mentioned hoping that they will use MLAA, they probably will, but even if they don't, both games look unbelievably jaggy-free even with just 2xAA on an emulator.

But you know what's going to really suck?

We are going to get these remakes on PS3, which is great as PS2 can't do them justice anymore, if it ever could - but then the PS4 is going to come out and I can already see it, none of the PS3 releases are going to work on it. Chances of them using some supercharged Cell variation in PS4 are pretty slim, and chances of whatever off-the-shelf CPU they chose of emulating Cell in software are probably even slimmer. If there's one reason I hope PS4 comes as late as possible, it's that by that time the Intel/AMDs CPUs might be fast enough to emulate Cell.
good point, hadn't thought of this. :(
The frame-rate in SotC never really bothered me when I played it last year. Yes it was apparent, but for some reason I was never bothered by it.

But if they can get this game running at 60FPS. I would die.


Lord Error said:
Also, to whoever mentioned hoping that they will use MLAA, they probably will, but even if they don't, both games look unbelievably jaggy-free even with just 2xAA on an emulator.

But you know what's going to really suck?

We are going to get these remakes on PS3, which is great as PS2 can't do them justice anymore, if it ever could - but then the PS4 is going to come out and I can already see it, none of the PS3 releases are going to work on it. Chances of them using some supercharged Cell variation in PS4 are pretty slim, and chances of whatever off-the-shelf CPU they chose of emulating Cell in software are probably even slimmer. If there's one reason I hope PS4 comes as late as possible, it's that by that time the Intel/AMDs CPUs might be fast enough to emulate Cell.

So what? I didn't buy a PS3 to play PS2 games, and if I buy a PS4 it won't be for playing last-gen games either.

Lulz at your dreams of the PS4 emulating the PS3.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
jett said:
So what? I didn't buy a PS3 to play PS2 games, and if I buy a PS4 it won't be for playing last-gen games either.
space in the home for a million consoles, especially as someone who generally ends up buying all the current-gen hardware, is kind of limited. BC is a HUGE selling point, to me.


Gold Member

Why is the animal so chill about having half a dozen spears and arrows stuck into him?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
this thread has actually made me think about which console I'm likely to adopt first next gen. after the great experience I've had with the PS3 this gen and Sony's cooperation with companies like Valve, it's looking like I'm going to get the PS4 first this time.

Of course, pricing and software will be the ultimate decider.
Rez said:
this thread has actually made me think about which console I'm likely to adopt first next gen. after the great experience I've had with the PS3 this gen and Sony's cooperation with companies like Valve, it's looking like I'm going to get the PS4 first this time.

Of course, pricing and software will be the ultimate decider.



Lion Heart said:
Well, usually in the gaming industry. long development cycles means there was issues along the way, be it technical, or design wise, so I would take that into consideration before judging a game based on how long it took to make. Thats not always the case (starcraft, GT) but I would say most of the time it is.

Yeah, I was being snarky. Games can definitely stay in the oven too long and get overdone as well, although I don't see that being the case here. I trust Ueda to provide a very worthy successor to Ico and SotC, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting tired of waiting for it at this point.
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