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If Nintendo treated the next Metroid Game like BotW...


Gold Member
I....I don't want that kind of a Metroid. (Souls Metroid)

I would like a Metroid that is a meditative piece on isolation done in a FPS perspective (Like prime...but more desperate).

I just don' t know if Nintendo has the horses for that.


They would never invest the time and especially the money of a Breath in the Wild into a Metroid game. They wouldn't see a return.

Also Nintendo is a relatively small company that doesn't hire the usual temp workers for crunch. They shift people around. They wouldn't devote that much personal on a Metroid game.
They don't see a return because they keep their big teams working on Zelda and Mario.

A few years ago Fire Emblem wouldn't make Nintendo see a return, and look now.

I wish Nintendo would treat their dormant IPs as they treat Zelda, that would see a return. There is a big market for a sci-fi/exploration game but they don't wanna capitalize on it.


Sprawling seamless planet with more corridors/tunnels than open space sounds great to me. In terms of changes to 'the formula', I'd need to see it to judge, but I'm sure they could come up with something great like they have BotW.

Madame M


It's amusing that my positive statement apparently came off negative to you, perhaps you know that those things were inherently bad regardless of my praise?


Well yeah if they take almost 6 years to develop a game and even switch generations before it comes out Metroid could be just as good. Remember they announced Zelda Wii U HD back in like 2011 as a tech demo and then officially did Breath of thr Wild back in 2013. This was a Wii U title.

The fact Zelda has had these kinds of development and release issues means you'll not really see Metroid for a while. Nintendo still has struggled in the post HD era with big name games.
Nintendo has always struggled with console Zelda development times. This isn't a recent trend or the result of the transition to HD.
Nintendo doesn't care about Metroid. The series doesn't have a loving father, it's nobody's baby.

It's Sakamoto. Whether you hated Other M (I didn't) or not he still made Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission.

He's continue to make a variety of great titles like Warioware, Rhythm Heaven and Tomodachi Life. He's also high up in the Nintendo heiarchy.

I'll never understand how people can look past all the weird decisions and Aonuma and especially Miyamoto do but seem to have it out for Sakamoto over one game.


It's Sakamoto. Whether you hated Other M (I didn't) or not he still made Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission.

He's continue to make a variety of great titles like Warioware, Rhythm Heaven and Tomodachi Life. He's also high up in the Nintendo heiarchy.

I'll never understand how people can look past all the weird decisions and Aonuma and especially Miyamoto do but seem to have it out for Sakamoto over one game.

It's not Sakamoto because the last we heard from him was that he was done with the franchise.
i don't think OP means in terms of budget though. Super Mario Odyssey probably odesn't have the same number of staff as BOTW nor the same budget, because the game doesn't demands this.

What breath of the wild did was to look at the core idea of zelda, the first one and apply the great things they learned with past titles and hear the criticisms that people had with the series. As we know, the results are great.

Super mario odyssey seems to follow the same mantra, but 3D marios are very different from 2d ones, so they are looking at super mario 64 and sunshine to create this game.

While the first metroid is a great game, it doesn't hold up as well as zelda 1, and different from zelda, where following titles used alttp as a template, which is a different game than zelda 1, metroid 1 was expanded upon on super metroid. When they were making prime they were very careful to make a great transition, of course some things were lost in translation like the non linearity and movement speed.

If they want to make a 3d metroid that offers the same non linear strucutre of super metroid or reinvent the franchise like prime, i would be all for that.

I wouldn't have believed a few years ago that BOTW and mario odyssey would aim to be games that modernize zelda 1 and mario 64. I have no reason to doubt that nintendo can modernize super or prime in a very special way too.


Imagine if the next Metroid game was treated with the same care and reverance. If it created that mysterious dreadul feeling of playing the first one. I think they achieved that with the first Metroid Prime, but in light of Breath of the Wild, my imagination is RUNNING wild!

And this is the feeling that i've wanted from Nintendo but have been completely denied for 2 whole generations. Now imagine how amazing Breath of the Wild would have been if they had the resources of a PS4/Xbone- level environment to develop on.

I think a 3rd person or Prime-style Metroid with the same kind of direction would be mindblowing.
Imagine if Nintendo spent six years tinkering with the next Metroid and it sold in line with even the best-selling Metroid games

They would be totally justified in ending the series forever

Big One

I'd love to see a planet-hopping bounty hunting game starring Samus myself personally. Always been one of my dream games. All of the planets would be 3D Metroid Prime areas but there'll be an open space section to travel in between them. Open space allows you to have space dogfights, maybe similar to the open sections of Star Fox.

It'll never happen due to budget but I'd still love to see an attempt at this.


Imagine if Nintendo spent six years tinkering with the next Metroid and it sold in line with even the best-selling Metroid games

They would be totally justified in ending the series forever

Nintendo releases Metroid because it's probably something like "we have to release a Metroid down day when we have an idea, to keep the fans awake"
While they are "We have to release a Mario and Zelda for the next console so start working on as many ideas as you can for those games "

In a perfect world Nintendo would "...have to release Metroid, F-Zero, 1080, Wave Race for the next console, work the ideas"


It's not a simplification at all. Those are literally the only features in the game. It's basically a game for toddlers too.

Honestly if they used BotW as a template, I think they could make something amazing. Just have the game be more "vertical" with Metroid-style upgrades and backtracking. Use the Z-targeting system with little need for manual aiming with a second stick. I can imagine the world of Super Metroid fitting loosely into a game like that.

I'd be curious how they do an open world (I mean if we're still talking open world) and still keep that claustrophobic atmospheric "aloneness" that comes with the Metroid franchise. Beucase while those load doors in Prime served a technical purpose, they also added to the feeling. Removing those and opening things up might be a bit... non Metroid. Then again, the freedom to do anything and opening up the entire world (since backtracking is definitely a core pillar) would be pretty dope too.


Imagine if Nintendo spent six years tinkering with the next Metroid and it sold in line with even the best-selling Metroid games

They would be totally justified in ending the series forever

What did Super Metroid sell, or Metroid Prime, compared to other Nintendo games of their eras? That bad?


4-Time GIF/Meme God
- first person (doesn't need to be in the Prime series)
- a open world map only with a few weapon that you get in the begining and not a single one during the rest of the adventure
- new suits to acess new areas are ok, but they don't have to be required to progress in the story
- the natural plataforming and collecting stuff, but with more speed like Doom
- you have to fly and do stuff with your ship
- a simple multiplayer arcade like thing, like Overwatch


How about a Metroid Switch game in which you can "switch" between space suit form (traditionnal Metroid gameplay) and Zero Suit Samus form (which would be more like a BTA)?


Is there even anyone left at Nintendo who is a driving force behind Metroid?

Someone like Aonuma/Zelda and Shiggy/Mario?

Who over at Nintendo cares about this franchise?
It's Sakamoto. Whether you hated Other M (I didn't) or not he still made Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission.

He's continue to make a variety of great titles like Warioware, Rhythm Heaven and Tomodachi Life. He's also high up in the Nintendo heiarchy.

I'll never understand how people can look past all the weird decisions and Aonuma and especially Miyamoto do but seem to have it out for Sakamoto over one game.
Loving father (or mother!). Sakamoto doesn't care for the franchise.
Imagine if Nintendo spent six years tinkering with the next Metroid and it sold in line with even the best-selling Metroid games

They would be totally justified in ending the series forever

I shouldn't laugh but well, sometimes the truth is kinda amusing in its own weird way.
Give me great atmosphere of tranquility and isolation with brief periods of tension. A world that feels alive but desolate and alien that is hiding a secret. Remove the doors and replace them with another form of item progression without going open world. Don't start Samus off from square one by making her powerful from the get go and make her stronger. Give me a story that is found not told. Finally a huge scale for bosses and an element of verticality in the fights.

That would be worth the price of the Switch, a decent sized memory and the game.

[edit] Also new mechanics in terms of motion, Mirrors Edge is a good basis to build from but more accessible to the newcomers but depth there for people who like to get into mechanics and more expansive in what a Chozo suit could add to this sort of repertoire.


Sorry, this is will never happen, Nintendo hates Metroid and its fans.

or you know maybe

Metroid has never, evvvvvvvvvvver sold in the same league as Nintendo's heaviest hitters, so they look it as a B-list property that they're not willing to throw their full weight behind?


the best selling metroid game ever is at something like 2.5 million, for a over 20 year old franchise thats nothing

This wouldnt sell well enough to recover the cost


I'm very interested in seeing a well-made 3d third person Metroid. Prime ran its course by the third one, and while 2d is great, we've had plenty of them so far. I wanna see the kind of game I was hoping for on N64, but with all the lessons learned and polish applied by modern Nintendo. BotW seems like a good template for the kind of world design a Metroid game could use.


OK let's get real.Forget BotW, at this point all of us ninty fans will have a collective orgasm even if they just release Prime Trilogy remaster.
-An overworld/hub akin to the city we saw in the canceled Prey 2 where Samus can pick up sidequests/bounties, etc.
No, why? None of this. Metroid was always about isolation. Villages in BoTW make sense because the series has always had NPCs. Metroid works best when Samus is on her own; putting a hubworld inhabited by harmless, sentient beings doesn't fit well with the feeling Metroid games try to convey.


Is there even anyone left at Nintendo who is a driving force behind Metroid?

Someone like Aonuma/Zelda and Shiggy/Mario?

Who over at Nintendo cares about this franchise?
Kensuke Tanabe.

He's been trying to get Prime 4 made for years. He's still totally on-board for more in the Prime universe.
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