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IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover IMPRESSIONS


Risk Breaker said:
Wow, that's great. Reminded me a lot of WWIIOnline, which is an excellent thing. Anyone else played that btw?

Yes. I was in the WWIIOL beta and played it for nearly a year after it went live. It was horrible everything, but despite that it was tons of fun to play. I quit playing before it really started getting all the major upgrades.


fizzelopeguss said:
one is an arcade game that had a stylised look, the other is pure sim with high poly plane porn.

Don't play the snob card. WoP had a full simulation mode as well. And none of those things change the fact that the graphics are way beyond CoD. There's nothing "stylised" about going for the photo-realistic look and high-polys only mean so much to graphics.
Zenith said:
Don't play the snob card. WoP had a full simulation mode as well. And none of those things change the fact that the graphics are way beyond CoD. There's nothing "stylised" about going for the photo-realistic look and high-polys only mean so much to graphics.
How is it playing the snob card? Haha. Wings of prey clearly isn't simulating anywhere near the amount of systems even the old IL-2 does. Of course, this doesn't excuse the poor performance vs wings of prey either way. But come on, dude. FULL SIMULATION MODE. :-DD
Zenith said:
Don't play the snob card. WoP had a full simulation mode as well. And none of those things change the fact that the graphics are way beyond CoD. There's nothing "stylised" about going for the photo-realistic look and high-polys only mean so much to graphics.

WoP is a fantastic looking game. (and more my kind of flight game anyway) But colour toning and film camera effects have no place in a simulation.



They need to get their shit sorted but i think this is another case of crazy anoraks getting a bit caught up in the details of trees, shrubs and period housing rather than "can anyone actually run this?"


The ridiculous thing is last year the same publisher released Silent Hunter 5 in similiar horrible state. Why can't they learn from their own mistakes? I know 1C decides when it's out in Russia, but why couldn't Ubi delay english release by few months?

I'm sure that eventually the game will be amazing, but I'm going to wait for at least 6 months of patching before I even consider buying it. Till then A10 Warthog is more than enough to satisfy my sim thirst


Iv put around 13 hours into Cliffs of Dover on full realism mode with full complex engine management and WoP has absolutely nothing on this flight model or damage model.. nothing.

It has its fair share of problems don't get me wrong but when this bad boy is patched up and optimised it will be the ultimate WW2 flight sim. Cant wait :)

If I get time today ill try take some videos of how it performs on my rig in its current state tonight.


Zenith said:
Don't play the snob card. WoP had a full simulation mode as well. And none of those things change the fact that the graphics are way beyond CoD. There's nothing "stylised" about going for the photo-realistic look and high-polys only mean so much to graphics.
WoP has much better art style, but detail wise it's pretty simple compared to CoD. Of course there's the question how much detail you really need in a flight sim.


So am I looking at 30fps with:

AMD 955x4 3.8Ghz
Nvidia 275 GTX with some factory OC

1920x1080 with 2xmsaa? Any chance in hell?

I want nothing more than for this game to rock.


kamspy said:
So am I looking at 30fps with:

AMD 955x4 3.8Ghz
Nvidia 275 GTX with some factory OC

1920x1080 with 2xmsaa? Any chance in hell?

I want nothing more than for this game to rock.

I get around 40-45fps over water with Q9400, 4870 512mb and 4gb ... over land its a slide show atm

Its very hit or miss though so don't want to say you'll be fine when It varies so much between systems.. I have faith that in a few months this game will be amazing


AdrianWerner said:
I'm sure that eventually the game will be amazing, but I'm going to wait for at least 6 months of patching before I even consider buying it. Till then A10 Warthog is more than enough to satisfy my sim thirst

really? I just uninstalled that. More bugs than Black Shark. Antiquated engine. Loading times between menu options.


Another update report:

Posted by Luthier on the 1C website:

"Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your continuing support! Thought I'd update you on our progress made after the release date patch went live early on the 31st of March. We worked through the weekend to improve the game some more. I have to note that this wasn't anything unusual, most of the team has been working on a schedule like this for months. As I think I've mentioned somewhere, I've been working 7 days a week since mid-summer.

Our main priority, as stated before, is improving performance.

Here's what we've done as of the end of the day today.

1. Buildings are as fast as we can make them. That's it. I doubt we can improve them more.

2. Trees are still much slower than they can be, but we did completely reshovel the entire code to completely remove microfreezes. They're gone. The code is currently bruteforcing a lot of the stuff so it's not nearly as fast as it can be. We'll be optimizing it some more. Should not take a long time at all.

3. Misc bug fixes, as we can get to them, are also being put in. We've fixed the extremely unfortunate FMB oversight with the labels - it was the result of an overly zealous optimization effort last week. We've also done things to our Info windows, since they gave people more problems than we could ever possibly imagine. That alt-click, we still need to figure out what to do with it. Maybe even reverse the entire thing and make the cockpit alt-clickable and chat windows normal-clickable. I don't think we've ever done anything that confused the players more than these damned windows.

4. We've also finalized updates to the multiplayer GUI - see attachment for preview.

5. Unfortunately what seemed like an easy fix to the server search issue in steam still eludes us. Since I'm only allowed to admit to our own faults but not to other peoples' I can't say anything more about this.

The plan right now is to release an open beta version of the patch tomorrow night or the next day. It'll be a small archive you manually extract on top of your game's install. This is to allow the people to test the fixes. Since we've done some radical things in #1 and #2, we don't want to make the patch live to the entire world right away. We're hoping that everything will go smoothly and nothing new is found in the update, which means we can go ahead with our plans and push the update out to steam the end of the day Friday.

Our great hope that the Friday version will allow everyone to run the game smoothly and finally begin complaining about FM and DM and AI and skins and missions and GUI and landscape and the clouds and the weather!"


Animator said:
I dont get why this runs like ass. Wings of Prey looks so much nicer than this and runs like a dream.

Well a combination of probably being forced out the door by Ubisoft not fully optimized and Cliffs of Dover having so much more going on in it other than graphics.


Yeah, honestly, this is like Operation Flashpoint 2 vs ArmA. They might be in the same 'genre' but they don't really compare.


kamspy said:
Anyone want to comment on the current state of the game?

A few patches down the line and it's in much better working order than it was. I was on a 3gig duelcore, 512gpu with 2gigs of RAM and while it still chugged over London, everything else was fine, which it wasn't at launch.

DurielBlack said:
How would this game control with mouse + keyboard?

Don't even bother.

That's not just sim-player snobbery. I've been using kb/m to test performance under various settings, and it's honestly impossible to play the game.

If you're interested in the game you sort of need one.


Copy-paste from the Ubi forum:

Tonight I have been watching the Battle of Britain movie. Seeing all those Spits, Hurricanes, Heinkels and Messerschmitts got me in the mood for a flight sim. Il-2 CoD seems to be exactly what I need, but the reports around release about the state of the game weren't very encouraging. A couple of months have passed since, so I was wondering what the current state of the game is. If I buy Il-2 CoD, I really have to go all-in, because I currently don't own a flight stick. It has been a loooong time since my last flight sim. So please, share some of your experiences, especially if you're not a seasoned player.

Any change since last month, Nickiepoo?


Dakota47 said:
Any change since last month, Nickiepoo?

As far as performance goes I just upgraded my PC so I can't tell if there have been actual improvements since my last statement. I now play with everything turned up to 11 and wow, this game really comes into its own when it actually has the power to push it along, but for the average machine I guess it'll still just be 'mostly playable but somewhat ugly and stay the crap away from London'. The campaign is designed to run on modest machines so if you meet my specs above then you should be fine for that.

For someone who wants a WW2 sim and doesn't have a killer rig I'd probably suggest that they look at Wings of Prey as well. 'Real' sim fans turn their nose up at it, it's a much more 'casual' game, but it still has a sim mode for which the flight mechanics are solid (though less detailed than CoD) and will run smoothly on a much more modest machine. If you don't mind your WW2 flight game not being the most simmist sim that was ever simmed then it could be a valid choice, you're trading the top layer of realism for a layer of polish, and for some people that's the better option, even ignoring performance issues.
Not to undermine how great CoD is, but it's certainly the 'hardcore' option and is still very much a work in progress.

However, again, if you do have the hardware then CoD is unmatched at what it does. I'm on a 3.2 quad core with a 1.5gpu and 16 gigs of ram and it runs beautifully on max settings. The game is unpolished, but in terms of being a realistic WW2 flight simulator then it can't be beat (and will continue to improve in terms of content and performance if the original IL-2 is anything to go by).

As far as flightsticks go. If someone really does want to go all in, a buddy of mine picked up this and seems to be getting good use out of it. I'm using a cheaper (well, older) stick than that at the moment, a Cyborg 3D, which does the job just fine for a few less bob. I'll upgrade at some point, but for now it works just fine.

EDIT: Another buddy of mine also suggested this, though he mostly used it for flying in BF2 rather than a 'real' flight game, so take that as you will.


Thanks for your extensive answer, Nickiepoo! Especially your info on the flight sticks is highly appreciated.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Hm, I bought Wings of Prey today, it seems to be a better option for me. I was struggling with dogfighting in arcade mode, so it might be some time before I buy CoD.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap


Wing of Prey kicks ass but as I adjusted controls (and to controls) I want to try something else - more sophisticated. I'm eyeing this game as I have a pretty beastly rig (i5-2500k + 6950 2 gig) but if the game is still horribly optimized for milticores...


subversus said:
I'm eyeing this game as I have a pretty beastly rig (i5-2500k + 6950 2 gig) but if the game is still horribly optimized for milticores...

It's significantly improved. With that rig you'll be fine.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Nickiepoo said:
It's significantly improved. With that rig you'll be fine.

fuck it, I bought it. Wing of Prey is a fine game but since I played a lot of simulators in 90-95 I can't understand its arcade style. I know there are realistic modes and I tried them but unlimited ammo kind of kill the purpose... Anyway, unlimited ammo or not Il-2 seems to be a more fleshed out game. I'll play both.


subversus said:
fuck it, I bought it. Wing of Prey is a fine game but since I played a lot of simulators in 90-95 I can't understand its arcade style. I know there are realistic modes and I tried them but unlimited ammo kind of kill the purpose... Anyway, unlimited ammo or not Il-2 seems to be a more fleshed out game. I'll play both.

Do offer some impressions after you've played it. I am still on the fence.
Sethos said:
Even Wings of Prey could be used as a comparison, that game looks amazing and the performance is just above and beyond fantastic, so completely smooth. The simulation aspect can be discussed obviously but purely from an engine point of view ...
Yea I was looking for a Dubbya dubbya deuce flight combat game and it boiled down between wings of prey and dover. Glad I picked wings for 5 bucks. Played it for the first time today and loved it. Runs silky smooth, looks pretty good and handles well. No complaints here :/


Can't wait for this to release in North Am. Got to try it at Nickiepoo's place last month, and it ran pretty smoothly, and so much fuuuuun. If you have a dogfighting itch, you pretty much have to get this game. I got a new flightstick (X52 Pro) and TrackIR in anticipation for this.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
pillarofdawn said:
Yea I was looking for a Dubbya dubbya deuce flight combat game and it boiled down between wings of prey and dover. Glad I picked wings for 5 bucks. Played it for the first time today and loved it. Runs silky smooth, looks pretty good and handles well. No complaints here :/

Unfortunately, it is impossible to play in "sim" mode past mission 5 or 6. The missions were designed for the "arcade" mode, and even then, they are extremely difficult.

Gorgeous game though, and great TracKIR support. Just too bad about the awful design.

Their other game, Apache Assault, suffered the exact same problems.
FlyinJ said:
Unfortunately, it is impossible to play in "sim" mode past mission 5 or 6. The missions were designed for the "arcade" mode, and even then, they are extremely difficult.

Gorgeous game though, and great TracKIR support. Just too bad about the awful design.

Their other game, Apache Assault, suffered the exact same problems.
That's disappointing :( I was gonna get a flight stick for it too....


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
While it ran fairly well for me in this 1 minute I've played it, it doesn't use my flightstick. Some buttons work but the flightstick itself - doesn't. I have downloaded a control.ini file made for my model and it still doesn't work. Googled the problem, found nothing yet.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ok, I fixed this. I didn't see an option...

Just did my first flight, but it's too early to post impressions. I run it maxed out with 4xAA and while there is some jerkiness (not stuttering) it doesn't affect gameplay. it feels like 30 fps for me with occasional dips into 25 fps.

I'll post some impressions later today. So far it feels more meaty than Wings of Prey.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Ok, so I agree with Nickiepoo on this one. Give it a year or 6 months while you're polishing your skills in Wings of Prey. WoP is an enjoyable game with a layer of realism, if you own a flightstick you're obligated to play it. CoD is a serious game. I see me playing it much more than WoP. Graphics are much more detailed than WoP and London is breathtaking. My game currently runs at 15-20 fps when I fly above London (graphics are maxed out) but it 30-40 when I'm in countryside. Still it needs to be improved.

I'd play it now but it's a serious sim and I need some training with lesser ones. If you're an experienced player and own a beastly rig buy it now and enjoy it.


subversus said:
My game currently runs at 15-20 fps when I fly above London (graphics are maxed out) but it 30-40 when I'm in countryside. Still it needs to be improved.

I've heard that turning 'building detail' slightly down from max can have a large effect on performance without really effecting the actual graphics, but I haven't been able to confirm this myself.

However, my computer (which gets 30-40 over London) still hangs for a split second while over London as 'chunks' of it are loaded in for the first time so I agree that there still needs to be some optimisation.

As an additional note, a buddy gifted me a TrackIR and wow, this game was made for it. I am having to relearn how to fly, but I'll never be able to fly in any other way again. The difference that being able to shift your head around freely in the cockpit makes is outstanding.

Seriously, if anyone wants to get the most out of this game and has cash to spare (like, $150), then you owe it to yourself to get one of these.

I know I sound like a salesman, but jeez I love this thing for Cliffs of Dover.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Yes, I'm eyeing TrackIr myself. It's good for racers too.

And yes, turning down building details improves perfomance a lot, but I'm "maxed out or bust" kind of guy.

Hari Seldon

Can't wait to try this game out. Out on July 19th for NA Steam people. I realized I could have gotten it from gamer's gate earlier however I figure I would await the "official" release to allow the bugs to iron out. And yes I have trackIR and it is pretty much required.


Why am I the first one from North America posting impressions?

Haven't played much yet, but buddies and me finally managed to figure out how to set up our own server and spawn in AI in a potential semi-horde mode or something.

With X52 Pro and TrackIR, flying is a dream!


New beta patch, new sounds, new graphics, new planes, new maps, new physics and new AI.


It's here! Here's the readme:

* RUSSIAN README: Извините, не успеваем перевести!
* ENGLISH README: This readme is only partial;
* SOUND: Still working on the content for the new engine, but many of the features are already present in this build;
* MAPS: No new missions are provided for these in the beta version of the patch.

* Drastically reworked graphic algorithms dealing with in-game color;
* Rewrote the sound engine from scratch;
* Added three new multiplayer maps: Steppe (medium), Fields (small), and Scimitar (small);
* Updated multiplayer GUI to allow users to easily select a position in an existing plane.
* Added two new aircraft - Bf. 109 E-4 and Bf. 109 E-4/B. These two are equipped with MG/FF-M cannons and so make use of the famous Minegeschoss.

* Reworked routines for gyro bombsights;
* Removed allusion to Engine 4 from He 111 model;
* Improved memory consumption for multi-crew aircraft;
* Airborne status is now checked correctly even if the aircraft in question departed prematurely;
* Landing status should be applied correctly when ditching in water;

* Reworked bombardier cockpits in aircraft so affected (He. 111 and Ju. 8 to accomodate new Lotfe gyro routines;
* Small caliber bullet hits on the ground now show difference in material being hit;
* Modifications in Blenheim's damage visuals;
* Added a range of visual SFX for higher-caliber guns;
* New bombsight visuals in Blenheim bombardier's cabin;
* Returned the famous Il-2 stall sound effect;
* Doubled the distance at which the tracers can be seen.

* Increased Lotfe bombsight gyro operational limit to 15 degrees of aircraft roll / pitch;
* Lotfe type bomb sight now stabilizes aiming platform to horizontal plane;
* Removed sudden jump in view angle when viewing through Lotfe ocular and moving bomb sight elevation for the first time in the flight;
* Increased side slip input limit to +/* 30 degrees for the Lotfe bomb sight;
* Made Kurssteuerung mode 2 for level bombers. This mode will also stabilize the aircraft in level flight;
* Reworked motor startup routines to accomodate new options available in the new sound engine;
* Adjusted ricochet angles on firm surfaces;
* Redesigned bomb sight in Blenheim and made it easier and more realistic to use;
* Blenheim bomb sight plane is now adjustable to reflect changes in plane AoA in level flight. Correction is applied automatically over a period of sustained flight and can compensate up to 3 degree changes in plane attitude;
* Fixed issue where overstress would inflict damage to airframe regardless of the Vulnerability difficulty setting.

* Changes to bombs' detonators setup will now be carried over once applied without the need to rejoin the server;
* Increased Lotfe bombsight gyro operational limit to 15 degrees of roll / pitch. This will give more tolerance to aircraft maneuvers as strict limits put too much obstacle to communication between bombardier and pilot while playing on-line;
* When flying as a bombardier, you should now use "Aircraft - Drop Ordnance (Bombs)" key (instead of "General - Fire Current Weapon" key) to drop bombs. This will remove confusion of on-line bombardier players who could not drop bombs using the key we're accustomed to.

* Decreased bombsight altitude indents by ten times. This will give you more control of the altitude input and make bomb sight aiming more precise;
* You can now switch off the boost cut-out control in Spitfires.

Download links - RUSSIAN
The file is 499 MB (524,281,733 bytes)
torrent: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=55442AUK
direct link (megaupload): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CCGAAQ9T

Download links - ENGLISH
The file is 499 MB (524,287,214 bytes)
torrent: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JLF4FU6J
direct link (megaupload): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MA26GNU1

Video of the sound and graphics:



The sim is coming along very nicely :)

Edit: Bf-109 video, amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTTZLDSmUXk&feature=player_embedded
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