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I'm in disbelief with how UTTER TRASH Infinite Warfare's MP is (also, MW still great)

I like it, been playing with a Gaffer somewhat regularly but it's starting to wear on me. The map design constantly funneling you towards action which we've seen since Black Ops II obliterated the mystery, strategy, and situational awareness the the series used to champion.



I was really good at Advanced Warfare but completely sucked at BLOPS 3. Just finished the Titanfall campaign which was awesome and even though the multiplayer feels awesome I just can't get into it the same way I am with CoD. I just picked up IW so I'm interested to see how it fares online.


Gold Member
I actually kind of like it.

Kinda how I feel about it. I still stink BLOPS III is the better wallrunnin CoD and they both pale in comparison to TF1 and TF2. But its biggest problems are the maps. Some are good while others are kinda bad. Still don't know how I feel about the loot system. I'm taking a wait and see on it.


Too many people fucking jumping with their whimp jet packs, sometimes 3 at a time. future based shooter yet no laser 2/10 and I'm still waiting for them to announce China Town for MWR because that map fukcing rocks


I think I have completely shit taste on multiplayer games.

I'm very much liking the IW multiplayer and am finding the return to MW's sniperfest a miserable experience.


He touched the black heart of a mod
IW's multiplayer has some issues (especially with the overzealous radar use and lack of decent audio for footsteps/boosting), but I generally felt the opposite. Didn't care for MWR's multiplayer. Caters to too few styles of play with too few really viable weapons for my taste. After adjusting to IW, I much prefer it.

I think I have completely shit taste on multiplayer games.

I'm very much liking the IW multiplayer and am finding the return to MW's sniperfest a miserable experience.

Well whad'ya know?

Too many people fucking jumping with their whimp jet packs, sometimes 3 at a time. future based shooter yet no laser 2/10 and I'm still waiting for them to announce China Town for MWR because that map fukcing rocks



I think its amazing how well done the campaign is versus the bland multiplayer. Its like two different teams.


Too many people fucking jumping with their whimp jet packs, sometimes 3 at a time. future based shooter yet no laser 2/10 and I'm still waiting for them to announce China Town for MWR because that map fukcing rocks

What? There is various energy weapons in the game and the first payload for the Merc RIG is a giant laser tracker.

Personally I've been liking the MP, although it's the first in the series that I've actually been sticking to the new Frontline mode rather than TDM which I played in every CoD ever as my main mode.

Edit: I will say the quick scoping mention is odd... The beta had it rampant but after the nerf I feel like quick scoping is dead in IW (thank god.)


I think I have completely shit taste on multiplayer games.

I'm very much liking the IW multiplayer and am finding the return to MW's sniperfest a miserable experience.

Me too, I enjoy IW MP and don't feel any strong nostalgia for MW. MW2 is when I really fell in love with the series multiplayer anyways.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Played the beta and found it clunky and frustrating


They improved a lot of issues from the beta, though it still may be frustrating if you don't understand what's going on with the metagame.

Mass One

I super enjoy playing the multiplayer. My only real qualification for a good multiplayer fps is too not be boring. I had this one amazing moment where I Phased Shifted behind a team then shot'em all up with the R.A.W.

I've had this surreal experience since the beta where everyone hated it but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I generally do 2.00+ KD on all the maps. I find all the maps pretty good visually and kinetically. I appreciate slightly diverging from the 3 lane structure. I got so bored of BLOPSIII because of the samey feeling of the maps.


Only issue I have with IW is consistency. Some games I do great and I feel all my shots are hitting, other times I put twice as many bullets into the opponent than they're putting into me, yet I die. I have to imagine it's connection related, but I have no idea. Funny though, I bought the Legacy Edition for MWR, but I'm enjoying IW multiplayer much more. Either my memory fails me, or people are playing in a much fucking lamer way with this remaster than they used to. I think its the latter, as I played CoD4 not that long ago on both PC and 360, and didn't have the same problem.

Titanfall 2 definitely has better movement, no question there, but I think the maps and the Titan combat are a huge step back from the first game. It's also pretty dead on PC unless you play Attrition, so it's kind of a bummer all around. At least the campaign is cool.


Press - MP1st.com
I haven't gotten around to playing the SP campaign yet (which was the primary reason for buying it as well as MWR) as I was wrapping up Titanfall's.

In the meantime, I periodically tried the MP component to see if maybe it improved a little bit from the beta, which I frankly found bizarre.



As the title states, I truly am in utter disbelief with just how much the MP component to Infinite Warfare feels like a dumpster fire.
I don't know if they designed it with nothing but twitch youtubers and their kill montage video ambitions in mind or what, but it's just... not... fucking... good... at all.

It's like... fascinatingly bad:

- Level layouts have no real flow to them. Just a bunch or tight corners with numerous blindspots.
- Said levels do not really facilitate the need for the movement system, like at all (never mind that said movement system is laughable when compared to Titanfall). Some walls you can wallrun on, some you can't. Some walls you can mantle, some... well... not really. At this point, the movement system feels like it merely exists here for reasons...
- The TTK... holy fuck does it not make any sense. As already stated in numerous other places, you can go down in a millisecond even though you emptied 1/3 of your clip into another player. That, coupled with the horrid level design (where you can literally catch other players spawning right in front of you) means you're constantly just doing the live.die.repeat. grind. Even when you do manage to stay alive longer than 10 seconds, the overlapping systems/mechanics/level design/etc. just nullify any potential satisfaction gained. Gains feel like luck instead of skill.
- Gunplay (despite satisfying ballistics/kick and designs) fucking sucks due to the non-existent TTK
- Quick-scoping
- Rigs are.... whatever

I could go on, but yeah, I REALLY tried to at least like this but I.... I just can't. It's BAAAAAD and it this is just even further exacerbated by the inclusion of Modern Warfare Remastered which still feels/plays amazing. Truly, less is more and the teams need to stop chasing shit like Titanfall and try something else.

As someone who plays every CoD, and loved BO3 (master prestiged it), I have to agreree.

IW feels soulless, for lack of a better term. Our review score of it, which heavily hinged on MP, was "saved" by the good SP and zombies (we gave it a 7/10).

Proof that the MP isn't as good? People that I know -- both professionally and friends -- are not interested in IW MP, which is kind of a first.

I think after the senior devs and staff mass exodus to form Respawn, Infinity War is clearly a shell of its former self.

Treyarch is the top CoD dev now in my book. Hopefully, Sledgehammer nails it next year.


Usually by now I would have clocked in 30+ hours in MP. I'm on about 5 and I'm done with the MP. Going to finish the MWR campaign then do IW campaign and delete the game.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
People have called MW2 and Blops 2 multiplayer trash as well but I loved both of those.

But anecdotally the reception to IW multiplayer has been more negative than usual so it seems it could be true this time.


Like everyone else said, if you're looking for that COD fix then go to Titanfall 2. It has cloak sniper camping, an extremely low TTK combined with poor netcode that leaves you dead without even having line of sight to the player who killed you, lots of great wall running that you can't actually do competitively due to the previous issue, etc. You'll love it!

(I like Titanfall 2, but the competitive multiplayer has some significant problems with map design, netcode, and pilot health / TTK. It's far from a perfectly designed and executed experience itself)


I didn't care for the beta but the multiplayer is growing on me. Its like an in between feel of TF2 and BF1. Mid paced? I guess you can call it that.

Can't decide which rig I like. I lean towards the heavy guy because I like the faster health regen but the TTK is so low it almost doesnt seem worth it.


Get out there and preach the good word of Titan fall 2 in the streets. More people need to be on this shit. Cause yeah like OP said comparing the two movement systems is like night and day.


After playing Titanfall 2, IW's multiplayer is a total slog.

It's like playing Titanfall without the mechs, withouth the good map design, and like someone broke the character's legs.

After TF2, IW feels incredibly restrictive. I wanted to say slow - which it is - but it just feels as if the game is holding you back from doing ANYTHING that would result in forward momentum.


I didn't like the MP at first, but now that I've spent a decent chuck of time for it, I'm starting to enjoy it. The maps aren't nearly as chaotic as I initially thought they were. The spawn system is probably the hardest thing for me to get used to. Unlike previous CODs, flipping the spawns doesn't seem to happen until you're deep into it. Like BO2 and BO3 had a general area that would flip the spawns when you run into it. This game doesn't have that. Scorestreaks seem to flip the spawns like previous games did.

The perceived low TTK is actually from the lag. Normally your screen turns red as you take damage, but a lot of times the game just goes straight to your death. The killcams show how many bullets it took to kill you. I typically die in 3-4 shots from most weapons except sniper rifles. When the connection is good the TTK is the same as it was in BO3.


People have called MW2 and Blops 2 multiplayer trash as well but I loved both of those.

Those people were Wrong especially with regards to Blops 2. I can understand some hate for MW2 cause that game had all kinds of abuse-able shit, I loved it warts and all though.


Naw it's fine. It's another cod game. People have been saying this about every recent cod.

Mw3 is trash
Blops 2 is trash
Ghosts is trash
Aw is trash
Blops 3 is trash
Iw is trash

Titanfall ain't eating nobody's lunch. Battlefield had a good launch this year.


People have called MW2 and Blops 2 multiplayer trash as well but I loved both of those.

But anecdotally the reception to IW multiplayer has been more negative than usual so it seems it could be true this time.
Yeah a lot of dislike for Blops2 was strong because it was a step back from MW2 because why the hell did the newer game have an older engine.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
It's the first CoD I haven't bought and I don't regret my decision, it just looks awful. At this point I only trust Treyarch but in general I am absolutely sick of all the futuristic bullshit and gimmick mechanics they keep adding. I just want some boots on ground gunplay.
The single player is worth it to pick up on sale. It's worth full price for me, but I suggest playing it even if you have to wait for it to be cheaper.


It is currently the 22nd most watched game on twitch. Modern Warfare Remastered is 7th.

This is why I don't think we're going to see another Infinite Warfare title again. If next years title is Advanced Warfare 2, we're going to see another remaster of an older game packed in.
Yeah, after loving the Black Ops 3 MP (best in CoD so far for me) just can't get into it in Infinite Warfare. Small maps and constant spawn-die-spawn seem worse than ever. Then again, I'm loving Titanfall 2 online so think it's went a long way to making CoD seem lesser by comparison.


Press - MP1st.com
Naw it's fine. It's another cod game. People have been saying this about every recent cod.

Mw3 is trash
Blops 2 is trash
Ghosts is trash
Aw is trash
Blops 3 is trash
Iw is trash

Titanfall ain't eating nobody's lunch. Battlefield had a good launch this year.

Don't think "fine" is the right term here. While CoD gets shat on every year, even if it's unwarranted, IW is different. This is an entry where lot of media, YouTubers and gamers all kinda agreed on.

Its OT is not that active, which is a stark contrast compared to BO3.

Know what's even more telling? I think IW is the only CoD game in recent memory that launched and press didn't get a press release in the next 24 hours or even within the week. That in itself, is quite telling.

Just my two cents. :)

leng jai

Sounds like they should have just scrapped it completely and made MW the multiplayer component. IW campaign + MW campaign/multplayer would have been an incredible package at normal price.
Single Player is really, really very good.
The Multi here is terrible. It's not BLOPS III copied and pasted because BLOPS III had a good multi.
This is Ghosts II. All the shit I remember from Ghosts awful multi is here in all its glory. Multi here is a giant bag of fail.

Ignore it and play the SP and Zombies.


I played the beta and didn't like it. Only completed two sp missions so far, spent the rest of my time in cod4.

Anyone got numbers for playing IW compared to COD4?


It's bad, real bad. I can't believe IW took all the criticism from ghosts and 3 years of dev time and gave us this.

Treyarch is the only consistently good cod studio now. And we won't get one of their games again until 2018


It's bad, real bad. I can't believe IW took all the criticism from ghosts and 3 years of dev time and gave us this.

Treyarch is the only consistently good cod studio now. And we won't get one of their games again until 2018

Ghosts looks like a masterpiece now compared to this. Except the weird drab colour to everything it really wasn't that bad in hindsight.

Also i think Treyarch have been poor recently too. Enjoyed w@w and BO1 but since then....nah.

I think all of the cod devs are pretty average at best.


you can thank ALL the people who kept bitching (and keep bitching) about campers, and those who just run n gun acting like they enabled an invincibility cheat.


MW has consistently more viewers than IW on Twitch. Watching Orb stream IW is just awful, the game looks like shit. MW is still fun.


- The TTK... holy fuck does it not make any sense. As already stated in numerous other places, you can go down in a millisecond even though you emptied 1/3 of your clip into another player.

Okay... there may be a silver lining here.

Just tried Hardcore mode and did WAAAAAY better

Can we get some gameplay (yours and not just one or two cherry picked clips but enough where the game is obviously UTTER TRASH) where you are landing pinpoint aim and somehow unload 1/3rd mag but then just fall dead instantly?

This "I unload half a magazine and all's I get is hitmarkers. Hardcore mode is where its at!" is old as COD4.

When I get taken out I'm just dead, I got killed first. I don't get a a chance to spray half a mag then die out of nowhere.

A lot of haters are just victims who sprint die then sprint to the next death. "I die and get shot in the back! Over and over!!' "Thats all that happens" "The game could only appeal to children" "All they do is jump! No SKILL!" "BOOTS ON THE GROUND! The maps make me die!!" "They spawn behind me everytime!!"

The fun in all COD Multiplayer games is to learn the maps through repetition, hot spots, constant mini map awareness, where teammates are or aren't tells you where enemies are or wont be. Equip Dead Silence with a $12 used dss1 and some open back headphones. So many little lambs to pre aim you can hear coming front back left and right.

IW is fun as fuck.
I really like how they turned off the aim assist on certain guns at range. Long distance SMG vs SMG fights: struggle city and its hilarious.


What I can't stand is the constant jumping and flying around that some of the players do (and are usually very successful with). That's not the kind of game I want to play when I launch COD. Titanfall handles the double jump so much better.
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