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I'm playing on easy


The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?


The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
Still rocking my games on Normal / Hard, sorry bro. Be strong.


You are cheating yourself.

But seriously, why not just pick more games that are inherently easy, and take more time with games that are more challenging?

Mr Branding

The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
No shame bruv. 36 with toddler and another baby on the way and I’m playing on easy. Used to rock master ninja mode in NGB and devoured Bloodborne/DS but don’t have that time anymore. I’d rather finish games and move on to new experiences.


30+ and depends on the game, gameplay mechanics and the focus of the game.

Played Uncharted games on very hard/crushing and sitting in cover for 10sec after being hit once isn't much fun. On easy though, you can pull off all the fun and cool moves, punch and run and gun and simply have a blast.

XCOM on the other hand, some perks for your soldiers don't make sense if you're not playing on ironman mode or hard difficulties. So these I've played usually on harder difficulties.

Also depends on my mood. Generally I'm still picking normal/default difficulty.
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Gold Member
Rowan Atkinson GIF

Play the game the way you want. It's your money and your choice.
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The nicest person on this forum
The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
The way I see it because I have less time to play games compare to my younger days I want get satisfying experience when I do get time to play games, to me just breezing through games is just not all that satisfying or fun……but that’s just me.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
Hey, that's alright, man. Easy mode was added for a reason :lollipop_smiling_face_eyes:

I'm a normal/hard guy. Most of the time I go with normal, but I play lots of games on the hardest setting.


Yeah, I don’t care about setting single player games to easy. I still do well in competitive multiplayer games which is way more important to me.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!

Whatever works for you is fine as long as you enjoy playing.

The older I get and the more I play, the more experience I gain in playing different genres, which leads to an increase in difficulty settings for me.


During one of the traveller fight in GoW Ragnarok, I lowered the difficulty to easy. It was just getting frustrating not insurmountable though. But with the pressure from work and studies, I just wanted to have some fun with game. So it's fine OP. Just have fun at whatever difficulty level you want.

Back in during PS1-3 generations i used to play on easy mode which got boring later on. With PS4 generation I started playing on normal, which felt decently challenging.


Gold Member
Whatever gives you the most enjoyment. You don't have to care what other think. It's not their money or their time. Always remember why you play games in the first place.


I play on Story mode just to finish them quicker, mostly because I'm not that interested in the gameplay.
But I can sink 300 or more hours in games Like Elden Ring.
The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same? Nah dude nobody is going through that,and it's not that you ain't got time,you do,its just that u ain't got the skills anymore,or u never did to begin with,I think it's time to just quit gaming it just play xbox,you should be ashamed and embarrassed to yourself for playing games on easy,I think maybe try playing cards or something...no games mate,looks like you suck at gaming PERIOD ....EASY???? LMAO HAHAHAHAHA OMG


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I don't have time for grinding. I played God of War and Horizon Forbidden West on normal during the main story, but when I have to grind for better weapons and outfits, I set the difficulty to story mode. Grinding in HFW is already enormously time consuming in easy mode, it would take at least 4 times longer in normal mode. Who's got time for that?


Because I really don't have time? I only manage one or two hours to game every other week, the little time I have I don't want to spend retrying stuff.
Then instead of beating the game in 2 weeks, beat it in 2 months. Its how I always used to do when I could only game on weekends, and not every weekend at that.

Are you playing games just to finish them, like an assignment, or to enjoy them? If you are putting it in easy just to blast through them faster, and not because you are enjoying them more than if they were on their regular difficulty, you are doing it wrong(in my opinion)
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Playing still on hardest difficult, because Normal in games too easy, gameplay not interesting, and half mechanics are useless on normal difficult


I do that too but only when I feel like the game is bullshitting me, which isn't all too often. Most recently Jedi Survivor made me do it for a particular boss fight..
The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
Nah dude nobody is going through that,and it's not that you ain't got time,you do,its just that u ain't got the skills anymore,or u never did to begin with,I think it's time to just quit gaming it just play xbox,you should be ashamed and embarrassed to yourself for playing games on easy,I think maybe try playing cards or something...no games mate,looks like you suck at gaming PERIOD ....EASY???? LMAO HAHAHAHAHA OMG


Gold Member
if i can play on easy, i likely will. if i can't? i'll either figure out how to break the ai / cheese the bosses, or die trying (& yes, i've completed all the souls games)...


You should play in whatever setting is most fun to you.

However to me, though it obviously depends on the genre, for most games I think a certain amount of challenge is a core part of the experience. It's what forces you to really engage with the mechanics and learn how to play, it's what gives you a sense of progression as your character grows stronger and you get better at the game, it's what makes boss battles rewarding and keeps me focused on the game instead of just zoning out and "pressing X to awesome".

If the game is super easy and I'm just blasting through it what am I really getting out it? Sometimes it can be a good story, sure, but that's not the case for most games. I guess there can be some instances where, for example, a game might have cool exploration and puzzles but tedious combat that you don't enjoy in which case I can understand setting it to easy just to rush past the parts you don't enjoy.
But generally when I see people saying they play on easy just to be done with games quicker I have to wonder if they really enjoy games or if it's just a hobby they are still doing out of habit
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Tears in the rain
Fossil here that started on NES. Hard mode. Always. Rewarding, fun and now I get magic digital tokens to confirm I played on Hard for cred that no one cares about. But I do. Hard.

At 50+ I don't have anything to prove to myself or anyone else. Playing on Normal has always been my sweet spot for difficulty without feeling like I'm rolling through things to easily. That said, A game being easy doesn't make it unfun for me. If the game is super long, repetitive, with dull combat it might get slapped down to easy just to go through the story.

Sometimes difficulty can be addicting as well. Souls games, Returnal, and even recently Kena of all things are super fun experience that worm their way into your brains making it impossible to put down until beat. Still, if it's not fun or full of cheap shit I'll just nope out to move on to something else.

Never feel bad about how you want to play, fuck everything else, it's your experience that matters. Life's too short to waste on anything not worth wasting time on.


My recommendation:
-> just play in the difficulty you like
-> just play with the platform you like
-> just play the game you like.

You have your own preferences and other people have their own preferences. There's enough video game now so everyone can find what the like.
I'm a normie that's usually just enough of a challenge but there's no shame in playing on easy
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