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I'm playing on easy


Normal or hard for me. But I actually went down to story mode difficulty for the final dungeon of Tales of Arise because it was so over bloated and boring.

I still enjoy my games challenging but play however it makes you happy. I have a friend in his late 40s. He plays games using cheat codes plus story mode difficulty. I don't understand how he gets any enjoyment out of that but hey, everyone's different.


There is a reason games have an easy mode......so people can use it.Of course there will be a lot of hardcore gamers on here who will consider difficulty as a big part of their gaming experience so just ignore them when they say something snarky.Enjoy your gaming.
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I usually go normal for my first playthrough and "save" the harder difficulties for later runs, even if I'm fairly confident I could handle them from the start.


Gold Member
However you want to play is fine, but I (also between 30 and 40) personally do think you are cheating yourself a bit. A fair challenge is much more rewarding to overcome than no challenge. If you just want to see the story, watch a summary on YouTube. For the same reason I don't really get "just the story" difficulty modes.

But again, that's me, and what I've found to be rewarding. You do you!


I'm in my mid-early thirties and I still hit the hardest mode I can in video games - especially Capcom games. I have had to narrow down the amount of games I play these days - I'm not sweating in a ton of games like I did during high school and college.


Gold Member
I usually play on Normal.

Exceptions include many of the Yakuza games on Easy, because I'm into those for the wacky missions and characters, not so much the combat.


That depends, if the game is fun on harder difficulty i play on harder difficulty.
But in case of Metroid Prime Remastered i wish i would have started on easiest difficulty since the game doesn't get more fun with difficulty.
Nah. Nothing wrong with it. When it a good game and I like the challenge. I keep how it is. But if it a story driven game and I’m feeling like it a chore, I maybe do the same. Could be why I hadn’t finish some games. But that mostly cause I lose interests.

hemo memo

Gold Member
There is a reason games have an easy mode......so people can use it.Of course there will be a lot of hardcore gamers on here who will consider difficulty as a big part of their gaming experience so just ignore them when they say something snarky.Enjoy your gaming.
I really appreciate devs who make changing difficulty available anytime. With how big games are nowadays, it is a big time investment if you had to start a new save just to change the difficulty


One of the green rats
That’s okay for everything except Jedi survivor! Lol story mode is ridiculous.
It’s still okay but just don’t talk about it.. it wasn’t an accomplishment… at all.
It’s really the only game I’ve ever felt strongly about the easiest difficulty setting.
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The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
First of all, totally understandable.

However, some games on easy are sooo easy that it's not fun.

For example, I started playing Ryse Son of Rome and didn't notice it was set on easy. So I went through maybe 1/3 or half of the game and it was too easy. No challenge at all. So I stopped. I will finish it on the next level above easy.

So if there's a level above easy and just below medium/normal, that would be perfect.
It's all good.
Dance Rocking Out GIF by MochiDad
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Just enjoy the games the way u like. Thats why dificulty modes are there.

I still play them all on default dificulty, cuz it always seem the way the game was meant to be played and usually feels more balanced, but if i get stuck on a boss for too long, i just switch for an easier dificulty to move forward if im not in mood to git gud. Just did that last week for the last boss of Kena after dying like 5 or 6 times.


I used to only ever play normal and never change it.
These days I’m still on normal 9 times out of 10 but I have no issues playing on easy if I want to.

I’ve been playing Ghostwire Tokyo on easy. Can’t remember what else before that.


I do this mainly with survivial horror games.

I know a big part of survival horror is managing scarce items, but i can't be asked to anymore as i get older. I play those games for the experience.

TLOU2 customisable diffictuly would be amazing if more games implemented something similar.

Where you can toggle difficulty of different aspects of the game, like lessen the scarcity of items but maintain the difficulty of the enemies.
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38 here with 1 kid, wife and 2 jobs.
I play on normal and also still play games like Elden Ring/Dark Souls etc..
Very rarely i will put games on easy mode, if i fail more than 3-4 times at a boss eg


Heavily depends on the game.

Sometimes hard/normal can become an unfun slog if the game isn't well balanced, I wouldn't hesitate to lower the difficulty to easy in some cases.

You have nothing to prove to anyone. Do whatever you enjoy.
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I usually play racing games hard, because im good at those games. Single player games i usually play easy, because im there mainly for story.


Rodent Whores
Play however you want, that makes sense for your time and personal enjoyment factor. Personally, I enjoy playing on at least normal difficulty, as it's probably the design that the developer intends, but most of the time I'm playing on hard for a challenge because I enjoy challenges. While I feel easy mode is for people who aren't good at the game, it's a necessary feature because, well, lots of people aren't good at games.


The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
This sounds like an addiction, like you play games in that small time frame because you HAVE TO play games [due to being an habit], and in the end not really savoring them.
And difficulty has nothing to do with this. But just the fact that you're asking yourself that question is very indicative, imho.


Depends. Does it make it more or less fun? Do you still enjoy it? If you still enjoy it and it mean you have time for more games than otherwise then why not.

I’m in my 40s too and if somethings just frustrating in it’s difficulty, and being a blocker I’ll find a way to progress. Either google or lowering difficulty. Once the story is over for me I never touch a game again, and I’m not a completionist.


Gold Member
The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
Your time, your money, you do it for enjoyment I presume. So, play on the settings that allow you to have fun, and continue to game. I'm 51, I'm thankful when I have time to game. Maybe when I'm 80, I'll need to play on Easy like you. But, if that day comes, I'd rather play on Easy, than not at all.


Gold Member
Play however you want, you don't need internet strangers to validate your decisions.

But I couldn't respect myself if I played a game like Jedi Survivor on "Story" mode because you almost literally cannot fail. 80 hits to be killed, parry and block windows of zero so you'll always parry or block unless you're just too inept to press the button ever... You're not playing a game at that point, just navigating a visual novel.
As I march inexorably towards fifty, my threshold for frustration gets lower and lower. Once I feel it kickin in, I have zero qualms about dropping the difficulty level. I have no "gaming ego" to assuage, and I don't care about related trophies/ achievements.


I usually pick the second to hardest difficulty on the first run because I appreciate challenge, so I can replay it on the hardest difficulty if I really like the game.
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that! I'm always gonna love you, no matter what. No matter what happens. You're my son and you're my blood. You're the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life.

Little Mac

I stick with normal unless incentivized otherwise (like better loot/exp for grinding harder difficulties).

I'm interested in the new FFXVI game (enough to possibly buy a ps5 for it) and I was watching the Dev stream a week or so ago. They have these gear accessories in the game that can do stuff like auto dodge or auto attack if the player chose to equip them. Thought it was interesting and could really open up the game for people intimidated by the combat and just wanted to focus on the story. Not sure if I'll use them or not though ... because I enjoy a challenge and grinding levels, or learning, until the game's difficulty becomes easier.
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Gold Member
Very rarely I'll drop down to easy to finish a game I'm not crazy about but want to finish the story.


Gold Member
Dont really see a point to playing on easy. its just button mashing and stat/skill building decisions dont matter.

Just watch the narrative or someone else play it


If a game has shit mechanics that hinders gameplay, I will stick it on easy. I think I did this with Deathloop recently. The aiming is ass, no point trying to play it properly.

Beaten plenty of tough games. Not going to waste my time on poor mechanics.
Prefer hard mode ever since my first heroic run of Halo 3 in 2007. Normal/easy for genres im not too familiar with like jrpg.


The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
So do I. my friends give me crap for it, but sometimes I just want to mindlessly play games. Espcially after platting bloodborne and demons souls remake I just want an easy relaxing game lol


If there’s 4 options of difficulty I’ll usually pick the 3rd. Hard? If there’s only 3 options I’ll pick the hardest one. Though sometimes I’ll pick normal if it suits the flow of the game.

Some games are brain dead broken on easy and sometimes a game just turns to a grind on the hardest difficulty without a decent gameplay flow.

You can sort of tell what difficulty a game is made specifically for. I’ll usually choose that one.


Gold Member
Don't fall into the trap of seeking validation on game settings. Play the way that makes it fun for you. I used to play hard all of the time until I realized it was taking the fun out of some games. Now, I set it to whatever feels right.


Gold Member
I use easy to run through games that have been sitting in my backlog for years. Seems in most cases all it does in drop more ammo/life around the levels rather than change much up.


The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?

Yeah I'm in the same boat. 48 soon and I just wanna relax. If a game is not relaxing, then I'll just watch some youtube or netflix.

Time is at a premium as you get older.

Lokaum D+

The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
Im 35 with a 7month old baby girl, i have close to no time to play games like you, for some time now, last 2-3 years i choose to play less games but i play those games on hard to make the most of it, we dont need to play 15 games in a year, we older ppl just need to find good games that stick with us, like Elden Ring that i played for almost half year.

Find some good game and take ur time when playing it, even if u dont have much time, its not a race, u dont need to finish in a week, just sit, enjoy and relax.
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What the fuck is wrong with this company?

Op: no, never. I always do normal because that’s how the game was designed to be played. If I love a game I’ll whack it on hard the next time I play it.

If I want a story I’ll read a book. I play games for the playing bit.
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