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I'm pretty sure I just had the shittiest party experience

I'm biracial white mom/black father. Plenty of times during school life people said I "wasnt black enough", yes, even other black people, for a variety of reasons from liking to write and tk read a lot, esp horror stories by Lovecraft, King, Poe, and liking poetry Dickenson, Frost, etc, to judging me based on musical taste, liking rock music more so than the music they personally liked. It is a weird and stressful experience.

I got a lot of it from Friends since grade school/early high school who told me I wasn't very black because of my music choices, or the clothes I wore. Got it from my older sister a lot for the way I talk, mostly 'why do you have to talk like white people?' sort of stuff. I've had people argue about the difference of black vs African a lot. I've had a lot of jokes that come from well meaning people who don't 'get' it, and I've had a lot of condemnation too.

It happens a lot to some people, I'm definitely not the only black guy on GAF who's had this.

This is crazy. I mean, it's not. People suck.
But it's crazy how much they suck.
From family, too. Sorry to hear something like that exists.


Wait, was this after the party? o_O
Yes, as everyone was leaving.
Did they just invite you to yell at you?

even the girl was on some fake ass bullshit. people don't act like that if they're interested in you, I think they were all trying to fuck with you for reasons. The old "I think he's an alien, lets mess with him" treatment.

someone feels threatened by you, and the rest of them are go-along idiots not really worth your time. I'd drop the club and maybe more.
No, they weren't like this at the beginning. The girl was genuine, she felt out of place herself, and that's based on the body language that she displayed​ at the beginning of the party.

I saw her at the beginning, hugged, then we parted to do our own thing, kept eyeing each other later on, then we started dancing. Pretty natural, if you ask me.


No, they weren't like this at the beginning.

Pretty natural, if you ask me.

maybe its just the way you described it that seemed strange. tells you how much she "loves" you, she grabs your crotch to make sure you weren't interested etc. I dunno anymore.


maybe its just the way you described it that seemed strange. tells you how much she "loves" you, she grabs your crotch to make sure you weren't interested etc. I dunno anymore.
Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I'm over it.

She was drinking too.
Fuck those kind of people OP. These are the same fuckers that we escape from, they bitch how were not black or think were better than them because were not fucking up our lives everyday like morons and make good life choices.

Do you op, and you know what. From what that story says, you don't have to think your better than them, I will tell you right now, YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEM.

Keep going strong op, these people are dicks.


What is it with GAF when an OP declines themselves or other people's sex during inappropriate circumstances
OP gets trashed for not being "black" enough.
Comes to GAF to reflect, gets trashed for not being "man" enough.

It does sound like the shittiest party, OP. Though you should confront the guy at your class next time, not heads up, but mention his shit at an occasion.
What age are your friends?

'He didn't have sex with a girl so he must be GAY'

I legit haven't heard that sort of insult since I was about 13 years old.
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