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Inception was released exactly 5 years ago today (RTTP)

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Was getting caught part of your plan?

Funny thing I realized today thanks to a friend - It's been exactly 5 years since this film BRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd all the way into our hearts (or should I say our minds? dohohohoho)....or not, depending on who watched it.

Now this was strangely of importance to me because I remember the year this came out, my teenage self was goddamn crazy about this film since I saw it in the theater. Seriously, if you hung around me that year, I would not shut up about this film. In fact, I've ended up watching about 4 times more that year when it got released on home video, then a couple of more times after albeit with lesser fanboyish eyes.

So as soon as I realized that it was the 5th anniversary of the release, I figured 'what the hell' and loaded it up ASAP. This time though, through my 20-something eyes with arguably more sophisticated tastes (lol not really, I wish).

Anyways, I just finished my re-watch, and well...
+Though I'm not viewing this film with the same rose tinted glasses, I still think it stands as one of the more creative and refreshing sci-fi summer blockbuster films of the past 5 years. Note that I said blockbuster, because obviously serious-beezkneez dream movies have been done before such as The Cell or Paprika (the latter will be something I'll get back to in a bit). This is because it didn't feel like it was relying on a trend, whether basing it off a franchise or following a particular blockbuster trend (e.g. giant robots, superheroes etc.). It was a genuinely new and intriguing universe that also took the time to build itself up from scratch. It was just such cool new idea based on a premise that's not too often used for sci-fi action for that matter.

+ Lots of creative uses with special effects, both CGI and conventional. The rotating hallway, the city of Paris reconfiguring itself, the hospital collapse, those actually built Penn Rose steps illusions are always great to witness. Limbo's layout and design in particular is the most fascinating one for me. In fact, I'd say a lot of the production design in this film is really well done in general.

+ I am likely in the minority for this one but this still remains as one of my favorite Hans Zimmer scores. Not only does it have this really classy but modernized noir feel, but it also gets really haunting and terrifying when it needs to be. This is especially with ultra-slow down of that Edith Piaf song he did for the film - I remember when that started playing during the opening logos in theatre, the hairs on my back stood up immediately.

Also, Time is such a great track.

= All of the cast acted really well and serviceably. No one was terrible, but no one did anything spectacular either. Though only nitpick I can think of is Cotillard's accent somewhat getting in the way of her more emotional lines. Also, Tom Hardy is still a walking swag machine in this movie.

+/- For a movie about dreams, erm....I realized that it's kind of a waste that a lot of it devolved back into gunfights and explosions. Oh don't get me wrong, they're done under really creative and exciting circumstances at times too (e.g. the rotating hallway), but the thing is, I really think it should've gone into a bit more 'crazy' territory.
This where I get back to Paprika - that film had some excellent surreal scenes,visuals and designs thanks to it's premise and almost none of it involved a bullet. Not to mention, a lot more colorful and energetic too. This is why I also think the strongest scenes in this were the dreams in France or Limbo, because there's just so much playfulness and creativity going on with the locations and what the dreamers did with them. It just makes you want to see more of the creation, rather than the action.

-/+ Cinematography is not as great as I remember it to be. I mean, it's generally really good half the time (e.g. scenery shots) , but goddamn everything turns messy once action scenes start. Picture wise, they get so enclosed and "panicky". It wasn't really an issue during the hallway scene though but man, I feel like I could have loved it even more if there were better shot choices. I think this is probably one of the reasons Nolan decided to replace Wally Pfister as his cinematographer for Hoytema.

- Everyone talks exposition too much. I mean, I said earlier that I loved all the world building done into this movie because all the info was fascinating. That said though, doesn't change the fact that most of the time dialogue sounded inorganic and like a video game tutorial at some points as they explained "the rules". Not to mention Cobb, Saito, and Mal in particular kept regurgitating their philosophical catch phrases a bit too often. Problem is, I can't see being more subtle with the exposition being any better either.

So overall, whereas I'd used to rate this film something ridiculous like 9.5, I think I'll settle for a more appropriate 8.0-8.5. It's got a chunk of hiccups needed working, as well as wasted potential, but I still consider to be one of the most exceptional modern sci-fi blockbusters in recent years. I still strongly recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Now, I'm just gonna sit here and wait until the anti-Nolan GAF hivemind led by Sculli devours me.


I have a poster for this movie hanged cause my ex worked at a movie theatre at the time. I got one for Inception and one for The Social Network at the same time

I love the social network, don't care much for Inception, but I leave it cause "LEONARDO DICAPRIO" on it is way bigger than the title of the movie and it makes me laugh


Nolan didn't "replace" Wally Pfister (who won a—totally undeserved—Oscar for this movie), he was busy working on Transcendence.


Main problem with the film is they weren't nearly creative enough with the fact the movie took place in dreams. Dreams are weird as shit, and they spent a lot of the time in a boring city and a boring mountain.


This movie reminds me of sadness.

*Reminds me of someone close to me that passed away. I recommended the movie to them fierce. They finally saw it and loved it.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Nolan didn't "replace" Wally Pfister (who won a—totally undeserved—Oscar for this movie), he was busy working on Transcendence.

Oh, now I remember.

And now that I remember he made Transcedence, Wally was a lot better off staying a cinematographer.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Main problem with the film is they weren't nearly creative enough with the fact the movie took place in dreams. Dreams are weird as shit, and they spent a lot of the time in a boring city and a boring mountain.

Not sure what kind of dreams YOU have...


Main problem with the film is they weren't nearly creative enough with the fact the movie took place in dreams. Dreams are weird as shit, and they spent a lot of the time in a boring city and a boring mountain.
Yea I expected a lot more abstract worlds.


What a freaking coincidence, for some reason I was in the mood to watch inception today after nearly a year. Great movie, interstellar can't even hold a candle to it.
I still think the critics were exaggerating how the movie was too 'cerebral' for the average movie watching audience, how it was too complex for them. Honestly, with the amount of exposition being spouted at us it was pretty easy to follow.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Interesting movie. Only saw it once though. Wonder if it holds up.

Also, I found this trailer, and especially the music in it, absolutely fantastic:

Man, I remember watching that specific trailer so many times when it came out.

I was like "I have no idea what this is about but it looks so damn interesting"

I still think the critics were exaggerating how the movie was too 'cerebral' for the average movie watching audience, how it was too complex for them. Honestly, with the amount of exposition being spouted at us it was pretty easy to follow.

Conversely, it was also why I find anyone complaining it to be 2deep4them probably just lack a minimum attention span.


Since he's a Cleveland fan, he probably dreams about cheering for a winning football team.


Yes,I've had dreams about the Browns winning before. Can't get more abstract than that.

I still think the critics were exaggerating how the movie was too 'cerebral' for the average movie watching audience, how it was too complex for them. Honestly, with the amount of exposition being spouted at us it was pretty easy to follow.
Pretty much. Everyone talked about how complex it was but it was pretty shallow and the plot was straight forward. The movie is still entertaining, but it could have been so much more. It's probably a solid 7.5 although I liked it much more on the first watch.


Actually watched it yesterday for the first time in a long while. It's still an amazing movie. When it first came out I saw it like 3 times in cinemas and then a few more times on blu, it started getting boring and my opinion of the movie went down a bit. But seeing it again after some time made me appreciate it fully again. It's so rare to see a big-budget spectacle of a movie that is it's own thing. It's not set-up to be a trilogy, it's not based on a book or a tv series or comic book and it's not a sequel. It stands on it's own and it manages to walk the line between thought-provoking and complex and simply entertaining.

And the hallway fight is still as amazing to me as the first time I saw it.

A note on why the dreams aren't weird as shit: the dreamscapes are created by 'architects' and a bit part of the plot revolves around letting the subjects become aware that they're dreaming. Obviously if they're jumping around on fluffy clouds on candy elephants the illusion of being awake will break pretty easily.


Main problem with the film is they weren't nearly creative enough with the fact the movie took place in dreams. Dreams are weird as shit, and they spent a lot of the time in a boring city and a boring mountain.

But if they made the worlds too abstract they'd fool nobody, and inception would never happen.

Limbo was more creative because it was Sim City while you were sleeping.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Also, one thing I forgot to mention:

The reaction of my theater at that ending will forever stay with me.
Probably my favorite movie of all time, which is something I've struggled to accept up against stuff like Alien and They Live and all the classics, but it really just comes together perfectly. It's really not a film about the internal world-building logic nor the "is it a dream all along" nonsense but about a man getting over the loss of his wife and how it haunts him, and it's executed in a really fantastic manner.

I really wish more sci-fi was stuff like this instead of comic book IP bullshit like the Marvel/DC "cinematic universes." Such a snore and they're nothing but behemoths that suck up way too many resources from the rest of the filmmaking world.


Also, one thing I forgot to mention:

The reaction of my theater at that ending will forever stay with me.
Watched it last night with the gf who hadn't seen it and her reaction at the ending was priceless. Like an hour later she was still going "it looked like it was gonna fall, right?? RIGHT!?".


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Inception was all interesting ideas and boring execution. Too much boring exposition, good music that was simply overused and overbearing at times, uncreative dreamscapes, and dull shootouts. I thought it was overrated.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
When it cut to black—and I'm not exaggerating—the entire audience made the loudest gasp imaginable.

There were about 5 people who yelled "what the fuck" consecutively from different points of the theater for mine. Combined with all the gasping and "ARRRRRGGGGHs" from everyone else.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I was reminded of this fact by my Facebook "On This Day..." section.

I saw it at midnight; great experience.


Was Inception the first movie that used the Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm sound? Hans Zimmer took that old French song and basically created something that every single freaking movie trailer uses now a days.


Wow, this movie is exactly five years old? That's a real coincidence, because the last time I watched it was around a year and three months ago. Crazy when you actually think about it.


+/- For a movie about dreams, erm....I realized that it's kind of a waste that a lot of it devolved back into gunfights and explosions. Oh don't get me wrong, they're done under really creative and exciting circumstances at times too (e.g. the rotating hallway), but the thing is, I really think it should've gone into a bit more 'crazy' territory.
This where I get back to Paprika - that film had some excellent surreal scenes,visuals and designs thanks to it's premise and almost none of it involved a bullet. Not to mention, a lot more colorful and energetic too. This is why I also think the strongest scenes in this were the dreams in France or Limbo, because there's just so much playfulness and creativity going on with the locations and what the dreamers did with them. It just makes you want to see more of the creation, rather than the action.

I agree with this. There were definitely dreamlike moments (I liked the train in the city scene), but overall the 'dream-ness' could have been better.

The one film that really nailed the feeling of dreaming for me was Coraline. It's even got the
feeling of waking up at the end, but still actually dreaming
. Whether or not the other world is a dream is irrelevant :p


Saw Inception at the theatre, my jaw was on the floor during the whole movie. Amazing music. I too feel like I appreciate it more for each time I watch it


If I pulled that off, would you die?
Ellen Page was so forgettable, typical Nolan female character.

Zimmer score was good though and it looked great in Imax.
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