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Independence Day:Resurgence|SPOILER THREAD|Today we celebrate our idenpendendneys day

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Directed by: Roland Emmerich (This is your first and final warning).
Written by: ROLAND fucking EMMERICH and Dean Deviln--to be fair there are a lot more people who wrote this thing (fucking nine) but forget ‘em.
Produced by: Roland Emmerich and Dean Deviln--to be fair, there are a lot more people who produced this thing (fucking ten) but forget ‘em.
Music by: R.E.M. Harald Kloser and Thomas Wanker
Release Date: June 24, 2016

Friendly reminder: This is a spoiler thread, so to prevent this from looking like a redacted CIA document please refrain from using spoiler tags. Spoiler free impressions are already in the Review Thread. With that out of the way...

Welcome to the Independence Day: Resurgence OT! This year, celebrate July 4th on June 24th (just as our Founding Fathers would’ve wanted) by watching a film brought to you by Roland Emmerich, the director of the critically acclaimed “God-zilla” and “Two Thousand-Twelve”. Emmerich returns to bring upon a sequel to his only good film (except for The Patriot, funny enough, I guess): Independence Day. Eye-Dee-For is the quintessential alien invasion movie where the Earth is being terrorized from visitors from another world--only to be saved by a Black man and a Jew.

There’s something pretty poetic about that.

The Aliens don't seem to take that well at all. In fact, they prepare to strike back. They plan for TWENTY years to hit Earth again (instead of, you know, just immediately sending in another crew to mop up). It was quite embarrassing for the Aliens, really. First, a man is able to infiltrate their operating systems with his own labtop using magic fully complete with a GIF of a laughing skull (like, dude, people are dying and you had the time to put that in there?), then Will Smith is able to knock the lights out of one of them in a single punch somehow, then their favorite victim of anal probing: a drunkard redneck cropduster, files into their ship. Like, how man. Imagine how that conversation went down at home...


-I'm sorry Jerry, I'm just having a hard time believing you lost to a bunch of little people with sticks.
-Honey, their sticks were HUGE.

Now the entire world has been united. After Aliens pretty much came down and gave Earth a new asshole, people decided that maybe constant war against each other doesn't have the same benefit anymore. The Israel-Palestine conflict fizzled out 'cause man who cares about land when Aliens can be all like "I just blew up Jerusalem, where's yer God now?" Everyone decided to stop the apathy with the continent of Africa and everyone pitched in to make it better. Landmarks were rebuilt, the UN became useful, there was no more war, no more poverty or hunger, the entire world got together and held hands and even elected a woman president. Thanks to the mass genocide of millions, Earth finally got it's shit together. See? Hate really does bring people together, thanks to the common foe-- the ALIENS.


You should be thanking me for world peace!

But now there's a RESURGENCE of Alien activity and after 20 years they're back to conquer Earth... again. They were even nice enough to wait for us to get fully equipped with their technology before attacking. And once again it's up to Jeff Goldblum to save the Earth... and Liam Hemsworth, too, I guess (fuck). Also, Data is alive which is fine I guess. I mean, like, can we be reel? This movie leads into a logical conclusion after the first but who really wanted a sequel to the awfully abbreviated ID4 (even when you know where this comes from it's still dumb)? Even Will Smith was all like, "After Earth, I'm not doing sci-fi again Ronnie." But whatever, here's the diverse cast featured in the movie:


You’d all be dead now if it wasn’t for my David.

He belongs in the airrrr.

Women across America agree that Gale is the better looking Hemsworth… but his brother is still Thor.

Not Will Smith

After we kick E.T.’s ass, I’m gonna make him pay for the wall.


Roland Emmerich had a few words to say regarding silly Marvel movies:
Roland Emmerich from The Guardian said:
“When you look at my movies it’s always the regular Joe Schmo that’s the unlikely hero.

Emmerich's movies suck but they still make dolla said:
A lot of Marvel movies, they show people in funny suits running around.

I don’t like people in capes. I find it silly when someone dons a superhero suit and flies. I don’t understand it. I grew up in Germany, that’s probably why.”


IS HE WRONG? Are people who put on a cape and cowl then proceed to fly SILLY? Of coursh. No one will argue. But why did HE have to say it? The ninth circle just got colder.


I just came home from a press screening (Europe).
This is a terrible movie. Poor CGI and maybe the worst casting I've seen in years. The new young faces simply can not act well, at least in this movie. DeObia Oparei is the only bright spot in the casting.

4 out af 10.
Just got back from this. As a HUGE fan of the first movie (it was my favourite movie as a kid), this felt incredibly "meh".

I'll have to see it again to fully form an opinion on it, but first impressions are not great.
Saw it today and was surprised to like it.
I guess "solid" is how I would describe it? Obviously it's a dumb blockbuster, but it was definitely closer to more thought out early examples of the genre than the loud and obnoxious likes of Transformers and 2012.

I dunno. I just couldn't hate it.
Saw it. It's really dumb with some cringeworthy scenes, the main guy is just pure eyecandy like Rico in Starship Troopers but more wooden. I couldn't hate it either, though. In fact, it made me ashamed to feel that I sort of liked it. The plot is really un-hollywoody in some ways, I guess it sorta reads like a Baen military scifi novel. The ending sequel bait was really something. Bring on part 3 with that premise, please!
Movie is awesome. Some of you take movies way, WAY too seriously.




Official Site
Review Thread

*Special thanks to Quick for the fancy shmancy images, and trudderham for creating the beautiful poster that we stole.


Just saw it. Enjoyed it, completely over the top but that's how it should be.

One thing did stood out to me. I couldn't help but feel that Usher's and Hemsworth's characters were actually both a half of Hiller in an earlier draft, but somewhere in production they decided to create Morrison as a character.


The more I think about this movie, the more disappointing I find it.

They bring back Jasmine for all of 5 minutes only to kill her off? Ridiculous.

There could have been a (admittedly corny) character arc where Dylan is just a poster child for the ESD, coasting on the success of his Father until his mother dies which kicks him up the ass and inspires him to be great blah blah blah. But we don't even get the bare minimum of a character arc with him. His whole deal is "I'm a good fighter pilot and my dad was pretty awesome." In fact it feels like there was a semi-decent script that was 4 hours long so they went in and cut anything that resembled a character arc.

We also missed out on a much better movie with the ground war between the aliens and African warlords. How awesome would that movie have been?!

Julius and the kids was stupid and unnecessary, the presumably off screen death of the new president was stupid, the aliens being kept in their exo-suits in prison seemed like a massive oversight, the aliens drilling to the core never felt like much of a threat.

There were some good moments though... the initial destruction sequences were great, the harvester queen was cool, although it would've been much more interesting if it was a tiny queen inside a super big exo-suit. Jeff Goldblum was Jeff Goldblum. Brackish declaring war at the end was great, hope we get that sequel.


there is joy in sucking dick
Currently in a double feature, the original just ended. Have a feeling the sec9nd is going to sorely miss Smith and Goldblum joint charisma.
Saw it and thought it was OK. I ain't going to lie. The ending, indicating a team up between different civilisations and Humans vs the malevolent ones... :O + Interstellar travel :O

That has me hyped!

Has there ever been a science fiction movie with humans teaming up like that?


Super Member
Saw it and thought it was OK. I ain't going to lie. The ending, indicating a team up between different civilisations and Humans vs the malevolent ones... :O + Interstellar travel :O

That has me hyped!

Has there ever been a science fiction movie with humans teaming up like that?
Stargate SG-1

lol Emmerich
Just gonna post this here for posterity

Gud maning. In less dan an hour, arecraft from hair will jon others from roundyworld. And yous will be lunching the largy airy battle in this history of Manky. Manky -- that word should have new meanies for all of us today. We can consume our pretty differences anymore. We will be untied in our come on interests.

Perhaps its fair that teddy is the four of Julie, and you will once again be fighting for our tree home, not from Trinny, Russians, or abstraction -- but from analation .

We're fighting for our right to live, to exit.

And should we won the day, the four of Julie will no longer be known as an arby cans holiday, but as the day when the world eclair are nice:

We will not go quietly into black knights! We will not varnish without a light! We're going to living! We're going to savy!

Today, we celelbrate our Idenpendendneys day
I just got home from the cinema after seeing it very good film, I'm a huge fan of the first one and I think that all the fans of the original will like it, all the time I was excited and crying all the time lol hahaha the first one is better but this one is not bad IMO, since this is the Spoiler thread feel free to ask me anything


I don't think this is gonna light the box office up like Finding Dory, but it will do alright. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug if Jurassic World is any indication.
Just got back from seeing it....so ridiculous but so awesome!

Couple things:

Did Miller's character (Liam's buddy) remind you of Jimmy from ID4...but without the dying?

Also, is it possible that they can use the interstellar travel ideology and use it to somehow go into different time dimensions and bring back Bill Pullman and Will Smith? Given how ridiculous this movie is im sure they can somehow incorporate that as an excuse to bring them back lol
Honestly came close to bursting out laughing when the queen was first shown. Mike and Jay at RLM were right when they said the designs were xeno ripoffs. I mean, lawsuit worthy ripoff.

I didn't think it was bad (parts were pretty good) but it was missing the spark of the first one. Had a very been there, done that feeling.

Hirsch, Goldblum, and Fichtner were my favorite parts. Good to see Fichtner get a lead role for once, the guy deserves some gravitas.

Shame there probably won't be another.


Ouch, I really want a sequel (last in the trilogy) and it doesn't look like we will get one

It ended up being 20+ people, but do keep in mind that this is Thursday night. Tomorrow is when it opens up completely in North America.

The movie was fun as hell. Half-baked in character stories, but it was fun as hell. It wasn't heavily reliant on destroying landmarks for the shock and awe, but there's a sliver of it when shit goes down. But in place of landmarks-destruction scenes, you get some amazing visuals of how the world changed in the 20 years since the events of the first movie, and the bigger scale of the attack.

I read the novelization breakdown that was posted on another thread, it pretty much lines up exactly to it, down to President Whitmore's "Happy Fourth of July" to the Queen and Okun's "Let's kick some alien ass."

Half-baked parts of the movie include Whitmore and his journey from the beginning to the end - it felt like he's set up to be more of a big player, which he was in the beginning, then he gets shuffled back after interrogating an alien prisoner. When it came for his "moment" though, it did hit right on the mark. I do wish his scene was saved for the end, but then we wouldn't have been witness to an awesome half-hour afterwards.

Also half-baked is the conflict between Dylan and Jake; romance between David and Catherine; and Julius' story being an unsuccessful author, distance between him and David, and suddenly being in a car with a group of kids. But this was actually for the best. If there's one thing this movie understands, it's that we don't give too big a shit at the human drama, so Emmerich kept it minimal, more so hints than outright exposition.

It never really occurred to me as I watched the first movie that they could probably learn and advance human technology using the downed space ships - I was just a kid when I saw the first, to be fair. That was a good call, and while jarring at the start, I settled in quickly.

And for once, William Fitchtner isn't a bad guy, someone on another side, or someone that dies.

I never thought I'd ever say, "I'm going to see a sequel to Independence Day", and I was incredibly skeptical of the idea, but I'm glad it happened. It was a fun movie, and I really want to see a third to wrap it all up.


Saw it in IMAX 3D.

Good parts:
- fighter jets were cool
- alien queen was cool

Uh yeah... that was about it. Very little about this film stands out for me. Granted, the first movie was made fun to watch because of Will Smith's acting, and none of the new characters in the film nor any of the returning ones are as charismatic and had lines that bring it out. Any notable character development is just missing. Almost all of the adapted alien technology are uninteresting. I wanted to like the new friendly alien species, but they made it really hard to.

I almost did spit my drink when I heard the QQ product placement. Chinese overlords are real.


So yeah that sucked. The best part was the initial gravity-city destruction, but that was it. Queen was cool, and there's always some cool imagery in Emmerich's movies, but what holds it up is so bare it doesn't even matter in the end.

This movie lacked tension for some reason, the first movie had that at least. It's paced well but it's never feeling desperate like the first one was. Queen is cool, but it left me feeling like this movie would've been a better video game.


Great thread! I'm glad that you guys kept the queer title "Idenpendendneys day Resurgance" (The review thread has continued the trend of queer titles and the word Resurgence is (mis)spelled as Resurgance)

Many kudos to the visual effect companies. Their work is probably the only reason I should be watching this film.


Guys, in terms of grand scale VFX and catastrophe pornography, how does ID Resurgence hold against Emmerich's 2012 flick?
Did he raise the bar in that aspect?
Do you feel that the film gave even more destruction and calamity of epic proportions? Or is it just that 2012 cannot be topped with regards to the catastrophe factor?


There's a LOT more destruction showcased in 2012, but what we get here is damn pretty. The VFX work is the best from his films, easily.


Guys, in terms of grand scale VFX and catastrophe pornography, how does ID Resurgence hold against Emmerich's 2012 flick?
Did he raise the bar in that aspect?
Do you feel that the film gave even more destruction and calamity of epic proportions? Or is it just that 2012 cannot be topped with regards to the catastrophe factor?

The destruction was barely anything on screen. What you saw in the trailers is literally all the wide scale destruction in the movie. The only new bit was one of the mothership's feet stopping right next to the white house. No bar's were raised in my opinion because of how fast the movie was moving the whole time. Ironically this was one of Emmerich's least destructive films, at least in terms of what's shown on screen. 2012 still holds the crown for destruction.

As for my thoughts on the film to echo them here from the review thread, I feel like there's another hour on the cutting room floor that's waiting for an extended edition Blu-ray. I barely get time to take in a new area on screen before things jump ahead.

Overall though I liked it. Getting much more story about the aliens gives me a better perspective when I decide to re-watch the first one.

Also, there's nothing worthwhile post-credits. Some text mentioning how many people and man hours it took to make the movie. Seemed like a jab or plea at executives from 20th Century Fox.

I hope they give Roland Emmerich another sequel. Taking the fight to them based on what the orb thing said can be an absolute orgy of cgi space battles for Roland. I want to see this refugee planet also.

Killing off Vivica Fox's character so early was incredibly dumb. Felt like the writers weren't sure how to fit her in with the film and made it into a death I barely registered emotionally.

That alien queen was fucking bad ass looking. I loved all the on screen action with her.

How the fuck did the Eiffel Tower survive what seemed like all of Asia and the middle east being tossed to all of Europe/Atlantic coast. Never change, Roland.
What a terrible, terrible movie. The only laugh I got the whole time was when they introduced the Chinese pilot. They might as well just stopped the story and stared into the camera and said "please buy movie tickets in China". Just a total letdown on all levels. The first one is in my top 10 all time, and I had lowered expectations but I was expecting more than Jeff Goldblum standing around doing nothing.


The destruction was barely anything on screen. What you saw in the trailers is literally all the wide scale destruction in the movie. The only new bit was one of the mothership's feet stopping right next to the white house. No bar's were raised in my opinion because of how fast the movie was moving the whole time. Ironically this was one of Emmerich's least destructive films, at least in terms of what's shown on screen. 2012 still holds the crown for destruction.

So you're getting the feeling that this might even have less destruction than "The Day After Tomorrow" in terms of quality and quantity?...
So much then for Roland Emmerich saying in various interviews that after his film 2012, he started thinking what he could do with the power of the digital technology to the Independence Day franchise. And the advancement of the digital VFX made him feel compelled to create another Independence Day movie/

Thus far, ID4 and Godzilla have received the 4K remastering
Let's hope that both "The Day After Tomorrow" and 2012 will follow suit.

Blu-Ray rated IDR with 3/10


Saw the film last night and watching the scenes in Chinese without subtitles near the start of the film made me think while shopping The Librarians to Chinese investors Devlin got into a conversation over his previous works and they thought a trilogy/follow-up for this should happen. Wouldn't be surprised to learn there are more scenes with that girl removed from the US release but in there for the mainland China release which position her as more of a main hero of the story. Maybe her backstory of how she fit into the events of the first film. I'm reminded of this - http://www.slashfilm.com/heres-how-the-chinese-cut-of-iron-man-3-is-different/

Thought the script was weak but directing was good. That abrupt ending makes me believe it will be a trilogy. The fight scenes with aliens were flashy and I bet will be huge with fans of Transformers movies in China who like big budget Hollywood action movies. Even if this bombs hard here I expect it to do crazy numbers there and said investors will gladly fund that follow-up movie.
I still liked the characters in this movie way more than I do characters in what Michael Bay does.

David was still awesome.
Julius was still awesome.
Whitmore was still awesome.
Okun was... well that was something lol
Lesser Hemsworth was alright, didn't really bother me, same for:
Patricia Whitmore
Dylan Hiller
Warlord dude was badass

Thing about Dylan was that he was too moody, but it made sense given the context. I'm also 100% sure that Jasmine was given an abrupt death because of the actress. They couldn't get Will back, or Margaret Colin (the bigger shame, admit it) so it stands reason to me to assume that Vivica was probably like well alright I'll come back but for only a little! Sure, conjecture until noted but I figure that's more than likely what went down.

This is not a good movie and I'd never claim it to be, but it was a lot of fun and for me a more than passable sequel to an already ridiculous thing. I actually liked the adoption of the alien tech, gave the movie a more futuristic and different feel, and it makes sense to me that along the way of the asshole aliens' conquest that they'd run into another species and piss someone else off. That's a pretty sensible (in context) direction to go in; if the next one gets made, earth will get blown up (which is why they introduced the "Refugee" planet), they'll leave earth before it gets destroyed, reform with the good guy aliens on the new planet, and together destroy the bad aliens.

That's about the only direction it could go. Anyway, really enjoyed it. Full endorsement from the Captain of the BBDF.


So you're getting the feeling that this might even have less destruction than "The Day After Tomorrow" in terms of quality and quantity?...
So much then for Roland Emmerich saying in various interviews that after his film 2012, he started thinking what he could do with the power of the digital technology to the Independence Day franchise. And the advancement of the digital VFX made him feel compelled to create another Independence Day movie/

In terms of quantity, it was less than Day After Tomorrow in my opinion. They mention the east coast being destroyed also when the mothership is coming down but the only thing we see is a foot of the mothership stopping next to the white house. The only widescale destruction shown was some Asian city being affected by gravity and then Dubai getting chucked into London. But these scenes were short so I didn't get a sense of quantity.

As for visual quality, this is definitely higher quality than Day After Tomorrow and a notch better than 2012. How the destruction was shown was definitely 2012-esque but he put much more of that VFX towards the aliens themselves fighting humans which we never really saw in the first one because cgi was still young and would've aged terribly. I'm thinking that's what he meant in advancement.
Yeah there was a lot of destruction but I feel like a lot of it happened off-screen. People complaining about the pacing/editing are on point, it absolutely feels like it got shredded in the editing room. The destruction it did show was super immense and crazy to look at, but it didn't go on and on like it did in the first one or even other Emmerich disaster pornography.


Movie was garbage... absolute garbage, and this is coming from someone who loves the original.

New cast is completely lifeless, cliche and you have no emotional connection to them. The shoehorned Asian Pilot for China pandering is sooo obvious. She doesn't utter more than a word of dialogue after her initial introduction.

The deaths of Vivvica, Pullman and Madam President were so rushed and erratic they completely missed the emotional punch. The best death was the Jewish Doctor because he at least had some character development and a relationship to another character in the film.

Less Destruction than the first... what? How?

Half the characters in the movie were pointless and could have been gutted for more focus on the originals. I still don't know any of their names. Dana Snyder, British Scientist, Black Machete, American Scotty, Chinese Pilot, All their stories were pointless and could have been cut entirely from the film to make it better. (New General / President was great.)

And what the FUCK was up with that school bus filled with children?!? Why was this in the film?? It served no purpose whatsoever. I'm trying to comment on this but I can't wrap my mind around it.

The original film was all about huge build-ups with great payoffs. This film had none of the former, or the latter.
IMDb's trivia page is kind of amazing in how most items were added by a marketing team.

About nine visual effects companies made the amazing awesome start-of-the art visual effects seen in the movie. These are [in alphabetical order]: Cinesite, Digital Domain, Image Engine, LUXX Studios, MPC, Scanline VFX, Trixter, Uncharted Territory, and Weta Digital.

Director Roland Emmerich is a master at mixing grandeur and fun. Production Designer Barry Chusid said: "Roland thinks big. When you dream up something big, he would think of something even bigger. He's always pushing boundaries of scale and scope" and "Roland is one of the bolder directors I've ever worked with. He allows you to take chances that you might not take and sometimes you end up dangling over the cliff but most often you end up on a wondrous road that you never even imagined."

For director Roland Emmerich, Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) marks a return to the universe he and co-writer and producer Dean Devlin created two decades ago. They captured cinematic lightning in a bottle - electrifying audiences around the around the world with drama, action, fun, unforgettable characters, and a presidential speech that's still quoted today. In short, the film was nothing less than a game-changer: it became part of pop cultural conversation, and reminded audiences why they go to the movies.

Many people might ask what happened to Will Smith's character Steve Hiller who appeared in the original Independence Day (1996)? The official 'Independence Day 2' website states: "According to an official report, Captain Steve Hiller (Colonel Hiller by 2007) died during a test flight of one of the new Alien-infused Earth Space Defence fighter jets. His son, Dylan Dubrow (played by Jessie T. Usher) will carry on his legacy."


I enjoy that the general setup for a potential sequel is basically Destiny.

Floating orb comes to save humanity from a group of Aliens that are more or less called "The Hive" and they are trying to destroy the orb. Instead of the orb protecting Earth, we just go to it's planet.
So did they kill the aliens or what?

A giant orb that sort of has a stare like this


appears from some space warp on the moon base, making them think it's with the evil aliens, but is actually from a race of good aliens that the evil aliens harvested, but as an advanced technology they survived and relocated to a "refugee" planet, and now the good aliens sent the orb to warn the earthlings and to work with them to combat the evil aliens, so the giant queen evil alien is after it so that can't happen as it would pose a legitimate threat, so the queen herself (really big) goes after it at Area 51, which is where they're hiding it, and lesser Hemsworth along with not Will Smith and the ex-POTUS's daughter in a stolen alien fighter attack the giant queen as it's stomping around Area 51 after a school bus full of kids being driven by Jeff Goldblum's dad

They kill the queen which is being shielded by many small alien fighters flying in a tornado-like manner around the queen because lesser Hemsworth gets the idea to... something about the eye of the tornado, giving them a window to blow away the queen before she can kill more earthlings, and Brackish Okun who wasn't dead just in a coma has figured out everything and decides they're going to team up with the good aliens for an intergalactic war with the bad aliens, saying "it's time to kick some alien ass"

and it ends
It was the silliest movie I have watched in awhile. It felt like that the scenes were shot before writing the story and the director just said "fuck it! Let's just pull shit from our asses." I was cringing with my friend the whole time, but you know what? It was a lot of fun despite how stupid it was. I enjoyed the visuals as well.

Oh, the funniest part is the ship monitoring the earth's crust and mantle. We don't possess the technology to do it, and even though they adapted the technology from the aliens, I doubt a ship looking for a treasure will have the equipment necessary to monitor and visualise what's going on with the drilling. Oh, and also create a timer lol.

Would I recommend watching it? Sure! But don't expect much. I would wait until it leaves theaters.
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