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Indivisible: Valkyrie Profile/Metroid, Indiegogo, PC/Mac/Linux/PS4/XB1 -- funded!


Santa May Claus
Can indiegogo do add-ons? It might be worth exploring that avenue if possible. It'd be nice for anyone looking to buy additional copies of the game, or some of the individual bonuses separately.


I think at this point the biggest thing missing from Incarnation reveals, for me at least, is some descriptions of how they play. I loved looking through the Skullgirls character ballot and seeing which characters the potential fighters would be based off of. I guess that was more for having an educated electorate as it were, but I still wouldn't mind hearing some more about what gameplay these Incarnations will bring to the table.

Basically, it seems that the lesson from this (and, come to think of it, the uproar over the initial Skullgirls IGG) is that a) people are dumb, and b) it's possible for your transparency to be detrimental to your crowdfund. Additionally, between this and the initial Fig campaign just barely avoiding failure, it's becoming increasingly clear that Kickstarter has established a Steam-esque position in the videogame crowdfunding space.


Additionally, between this and the initial Fig campaign just barely avoiding failure, it's becoming increasingly clear that Kickstarter has established a Steam-esque position in the videogame crowdfunding space.

Yeah. Being on IGG is looking like being exclusive on Uplay.


The comments are... depressing a bit. So many people saying they won't crowdfund a game if it's not on Kickstarter is really surprising.

indiegogo has a really bad reputation in general. While they have made great strides in getting better it doesn't change the fact that most people that actually know indiegogo know it as a place that just takes your money if the project isn't funded (not the case here since they have set it up not to be that case)

beyond that a lot of people don't trust sites they haven't heard of. Most people know kickstarter anymore, it's gone mainstream, indiegogo not so much.

That all being said, I think this project will make it. The numbers on a day by day basis have been pretty steady and if they stay at this exact rate it will miss it by 500k or so, but I know there are people like me who are waiting until closer to the deadline so they don't have to give up their money right away (another thing that kickstarter does better as I can back those freely without worrying about the money out of my bank account until it funds) beyond that I think if we are close that a few of the richer backers might put up some serious funds to get this made since they have made such a solid prototype.


Mac prototype is out!

I've tried it on my late 2013 13" rMBP and it runs wonderfully, and works perfectly well with the Dualshock 4.


Oh that is neat! I've sent in a bunch of tips to individual Kotaku editors over the last few days, and Mike Fahey was the last one so I guess he actually read it! Woop woop.

It's a really nice article too. Seriously in depth compared to many I've seen.
Mac prototype is out!

I've tried it on my late 2013 13" rMBP and it runs wonderfully, and works perfectly well with the Dualshock 4.

[Whoever is in charge] Don't forget to update the home page with the Mac version of the prototype

Was just on there and it still said "coming soon"


I really wish I was in a better financial situation and my country's currency didn't dive its worth compared to the dollar. I'd probably back a copy for the PS4, even if I don't own one right now, I really want this to make it.


For what it's worth, it seems like day to day funding is increasing:
Assuming those numbers are accurate anyway, not familiar with this site.
Aye, it's accurate. I've been using it to keep tabs since the start.
Just ignore the Prediction number. It's just a straight estimate based on the last couple of days and is woefully inaccurate.
The number of people pledging is also kinda wack. Just stopped tracking after a few days.

General amount pledged and daily pledges are good though.


I'm in for $75. I'm a little exhausted with crowd funding, but Indivisble has a lot of high points for me:

1. I miss Valkyrie Profile.
2. I never tire of Metroid-inspired mechanics.
3. I appreciate non-sexualized female protagonists.
4. I'm always on the lookout for great art styles.

Good luck to everyone on the team.


Stayed up too late last night playing the prototype. I have never played VP so the system was completely new to me, but at the same time it's pretty damn cool!

Making custom combos almost feels like a reactive FG training mode and I mean that in the best way possible: it's like trying out combos against an enemy that doesn't fight back, only these guys do fight back, just in a different RPG-ish way.

I'll be in for a pledge when I get home, even if our Canadian dollar is still crap.


Hmm, it'll probably hit 400k sometime tomorrow. Since the game grumps video the lowest daily total was 16k on the 18th, but went back up to around 20k the past two days and today might be around the same.


Hmm, it'll probably hit 400k sometime tomorrow. Since the game grumps video the lowest daily total was 16k on the 18th, but went back up to around 20k the past two days and today might be around the same.
Yeah, pledging's been really consistent for the past handful of days. Not too bad a floor and there's definitely room for big spikes with more coverage.

Hope we cross the 50% hump in a reasonable amount of time. I'll feel way better once we do.


Backed at $30 a few days ago, but hoping to be able to afford to bump it to $100 by campaign end. This game is sounding like something of a dream come true and I really want to see it happen.



Stream going on for a bit. They've been showing the animation cleanup process along with shading stuff.

edit: looks like they finished cleaning up that frame. Not sure if they're doing more.



Stream going on for a bit. They've been showing the animation cleanup process along with shading stuff.

edit: looks like they finished cleaning up that frame. Not sure if they're doing more.

Who would have ever thought animation was painsteaking. :)


Altun used FLY!




Not like it's any surprise, but their animations are going to be beautiful. I can't wait to see how you're going to block out Narssus and Yan's attacks as well.


Maaaan, I love Kushi and Altun the more I see them. Just imagining them fighting is like, woah.

We're so close to 400k (and the next Incarnation!), too. :0



LTTP, but it's never too late to back. Quite liked Skullgirls despite not much good in the fighting. Good luck to L0 and team.

I'll play what looks like a great prototype later.


I came for the Art/Metroidvania, but I'm staying for the Valkyrie Profile combat. I had never played that game. It took a bit to get used to, but the demo sold me on the combat.

In for $60.


New Incarnation from the latest update: Naga Rider

Defender of the dharma and hero of Tai Krung City, the warrior of justice Naga Rider vanquishes evil with a swift and bold Naga Kick!

By day he is an ordinary civilian named Moggal, but at night he creates magical golden armor through the power of Iddhi to become the Naga Rider. He cruises the streets on his magical "Legless Mount," defeating any criminals who cross his path.

There are many unscrupulous characters in the seedy underbelly of Tai Krung City, but few as nefarious as the drug lord Mara. After Naga Rider's wife and child are killed as bystanders in a drug-related crime, he wages outright war on the kingpin.

El Sloth

Hahaha, Ancient South Asia Kamen Rider is awesome.

"Naga Kick" indeed. I totally hope he has an attack/super using his motorcycle.


Eh not digging it. Reminds me of a low-budget power ranger with a WWE belt

I like the look of the armour, but I see what you mean - for me at least, it's the lack of contrast between the black plating and the near-black undersuit which gives it a bit of a "low-budget" impression; which might be completely intentional, of course. If it wasn't, then removing the undersuit entirely and just having plates of armour over bare skin would create much more visible contrast than the black-on-grey.
Stayed up too late last night playing the prototype. I have never played VP so the system was completely new to me, but at the same time it's pretty damn cool!

Making custom combos almost feels like a reactive FG training mode and I mean that in the best way possible: it's like trying out combos against an enemy that doesn't fight back, only these guys do fight back, just in a different RPG-ish way.

I'll be in for a pledge when I get home, even if our Canadian dollar is still crap.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of combos we can make with all the incarnations at our disposal. This game will blow our minds come 2018.
Backed at $30 a few days ago, but hoping to be able to afford to bump it to $100 by campaign end. This game is sounding like something of a dream come true and I really want to see it happen.
I'm thinking of moving up from $100 to $125 for the shirts. I hope a lot of people are looking to up their contributions like us towards the end of the campaign. Lab Zero is going to need every dollar they can get.
Kushi must have grappler tier upper body strength at this point.
New Incarnation from the latest update: Naga Rider
He looks okay, but someone like him is going to shine more once he is playable.


I like the look of the armour, but I see what you mean - for me at least, it's the lack of contrast between the black plating and the near-black undersuit which gives it a bit of a "low-budget" impression; which might be completely intentional, of course. If it wasn't, then removing the undersuit entirely and just having plates of armour over bare skin would create much more visible contrast than the black-on-grey.

You just explained it much more eloquently and better than I ever could.
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