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Indy life simulation game Ooblets will now be an Epic Store exclusive on PC


Going off the trailer that looks like the type of filler I'd expect from humble monthly. I'm not sure what Epic is expecting here.

Those developer comments are funny though. They got their money and that's all they care about. Pretty short sighted.
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Herr Edgy

Hahah I thought this was fake, but turns out it's real. It's hilarious!

So refreshing to see CEOs and people in power drop this fake PR nonsense behavior. It also helps that I agree, of course.
I do believe that Epic can't go on like this if they don't substantially improve the EGS/remake the entire thing. I trust that they know this as well.


Neo Member
Could it just be drumming up drama for a game that was basically on no-one's radar (well at least I never heard about it) by releasing such a volatile statement?

I mean, well in my case, I never heard about the game and probably would've just glossed over "random game x signs exclusivity deal with epic store" if not for the drama behind it.

But if it isn't just to gain free publicity (and badly done at that) then I feel bad for them if that's how you think about the actual people that keep you in business.

Yes, it's usually a small number of the whole who are making an issue of the epic store exclusivity deals, but there are valid and serious concerns with the trend and the epic store on a whole. To just treat that in such an asinine way is just showing an ignorant and entitled side of yourself that really doesn't help anyone, especially your own game and reputation.



Haha, I love how everyone involved in this is just going full-on pantomime villain! While it's possible that it is all an orchestrated marketing strategy, I think it's probably just that they've had enough of all the criticism and have gone into Trump-style trolling mode.
The Last Night possibly coming to the Epic Store? :lollipop_worried:

As long as he doesn't adopt the "fuck you, we got paid" attitude that the Ooblets devs have, then it shouldn't be a big deal. Secured funding to complete their game comfortably is a good thing. Just don't be a massive dick to your potential customers about it.


So here’s something I’ve been thinking about.

Peoples’ main problem with piracy is that developers aren’t getting the money, and because of this the devs might suffer. The game may flop, the company may go barnkrupt, people will lose money and lose jobs, etc.

But if Epic is offering deals for devs to break even no matter what, then that’s not really a valid concern.
The devs will get the Epic money + the money from people who buy the game legit, so they’ll make a fair profit no matter what.

I have no interest in this game, I will neither buy it nor pirate it, and I am not necessarilly advocating piracy, but in this case it’s getting harder to argue against piracy.



No words.

Yeah sure, struggling parent who "don't have money for anything" has 10$ monthly sub for patreon and somehow now doesn't have idk 50$ for game. If patreon tier said he gets the game he should if not then sorry fuck off.

Dev is right. He shouldn't apologize to anyone.
Someone living in shitty country that requires shitty conversion is their own damn fault not dev fault.

Imho more devs should ignore or outright troll steam fanboy outrage brigade when it comes to epic store.

Secured funding to complete their game comfortably is a good thing. Just don't be a massive dick to your potential customers about it.


If game is good people will buy it regardless of outrage. Remember MW2 servers steam meme ?
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Someone linked this elsewhere and I responded.
NarohDethan_on_another_forum said:

Yeah, EGS deals wouldn't be possible without said billions.

Just take the L, breh.
Generalizing a few chosen lucky sobs that get to behave arrogant as fuck to their former target audience over winning the limited edition Fortnite lottery (which most certainly doesn't guarantee their future in the industry, it just postpones the inevitable if that's all they have going for them, they still need to make successful games rather than consider Tim paying them once to further his own goals all the success they'll ever need and have the games remain unplayed, as Hades and Ashen and others clearly failed to garner a following comparable to Steam indie hits like Hollow Knight and Shovel Knight and Risk of Rain 2 among tons of others) as EGS/Epic bringing some brand new business paradigm shift that "helps give more developers stability" is dumb.

That's like saying LOTTO or whatever you have in your own countries helps give more common folk stability. They keep repeating this but what about all the indies Tim doesn't care about? Like, 99% of them then? Oh right, they can go to that shitty Steam platform we're working with Tim to dismantle and make it appear as if they're just that shitty games/gamers place, whatever, who cares, more Fortnite money please.

The pro indie/pro developer paradigm shift happened when Steam with all its industry prowess stopped being a closed platform (based on our own and developer and publisher feedback, all of which EGS ignores to present a featureset and business direction on par with Steam in early 2000s yet we're in 2019 and that's fine just because they pay off some devs, pubs, and media mouthpieces?), first with greenlight then the current approach.

Epic is actively working against that and against indies as a whole no matter how many win the Fortnite lottery or how many suck up to them hoping for that since that's still a tiny minority. Epic help themselves when Steam has been (and still is) helping all of PC gaming since its inception.

Someone living in shitty country that requires shitty conversion is their own damn fault not dev fault.
Dude, what? People just give reasons for why they want to use Steam and other platforms which actually support local currencies and local payment methods that have potential fees higher than all of EGS store fee. Like Steam does, without punishing either the dev or the customer for choosing that payment method but instead covering it which helps gaming grow in increasingly important emerging markets which will inevitably benefit everybody in this industry, even EGS when/if they get their head out of their ass and start riding on Steam's coat tails in that way after they do all the legwork like they're doing now for PC digital distribution and publishing in general after abandoning the market as pointless and non existent when Valve was working to build it up rather than tear it down like them. So people are called fanboys for liking Steam and other platforms that offer such things, then they explain why they're not fanboys but have practical reasons for it, and the response to that is oh well, it's not anyone's fault your country is shit, lulz? Wtf?
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Someone linked this elsewhere and I responded.Generalizing a few chosen lucky sobs that get to behave arrogant as fuck to their former target audience over winning the limited edition Fortnite lottery (which most certainly doesn't guarantee their future in the industry, it just postpones the inevitable if that's all they have going for them, they still need to make successful games rather than consider Tim paying them once to further his own goals all the success they'll ever need and have the games remain unplayed, as Hades and Ashen and others clearly failed to garner a following comparable to Steam indie hits like Hollow Knight and Shovel Knight and Risk of Rain 2 among tons of others) as EGS/Epic bringing some brand new business paradigm shift that "helps give more developers stability" is dumb. That's like saying LOTTO or whatever you have in your own countries helps give more common folk stability. They keep repeating this but what about all the indies Tim doesn't care about? Like, 99% of them then? Oh right, they can go to that shitty Steam platform we're working with Tim to dismantle and make it appear as if they're just that shitty games/gamers place, whatever, who cares, more money please. The pro indie paradigm shift happened when Steam with all its industry prowess stopped being a closed platform (based on our own and developer and publisher feedback, all of which EGS ignores to present a featureset and business direction on par with Steam in early 2000s yet we're in 2019 and that's fine just because they pay off some devs, pubs, and media mouthpieces?). Epic is actively working against that and against indies as a whole no matter how many win the Fortnite lottery or how many suck up to them hoping for that since that's still a tiny minority. All Epic does is help themselves, when Valve has helped the whole PC gaming industry since its inception and continues to do so with their ongoing development and, yes, that justifies a higher fee, who pays the same for less to think EGS could have the same fee with a tiny fraction of the services and support?

Dude what? People just give reasons for why they want to use Steam and other platforms which actually support local currencies and local payment methods that have potential fees higher than all of EGS store fee. Like Steam does, without punishing either the dev or the customer but instead covering it to help gaming grow in emerging markets which will inevitably benefit everybody in this industry, even EGS when/if they get their head out of their ass and start riding on Steam's coat tails in that field like they're doing now for PC digital distribution in general after abandoning the market as pointless when Valve was working to build it up rather than tear it down. So people are called fanboys for liking Steam and other platforms that offer such things, then they give reasons for why they're not fanboys but have practical reasons for it, and the response to that is oh well, it's not anyone's fault your country is shit, lulz. Wtf?


"no amount of difficult life experience makes it ok to demand that you get a Game" ?
Bitch are you for Real ?
Incase you missed the point:
YOU are the seller, you WANT People to want your product and you should try to make the Game available for as many as you can!
But hey, Sugar Daddy Epic, just like your real Dad, pays for everything, so why bother with PR and Goodwill, just accuse them of being Racist or Bigotry when your next Game doesnt sell or no one pays on Kickstarter.
And if you think Tim Sweeney is a Human and not a Lizard.......
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Can't really blame them for taking the cash, but damn, the dev sounds arrogant as hell.

Ooblet man likes his cash for this one game cause no one in their right mind gonna go anywhere near him the next one.


Of course they will, people are stupid.
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If only Tim spent the money in improving the store instead of exclusives maybe people wouldn't give them shit.

I don't care about this game but those responses are idiotic.


Gold Member
Really can't blame them for taking the cash but their attitude is irritating. I think people wouldn't be upset about the Epic launcher if it had basic features like a freakin' shopping cart.


Someone living in shitty country that requires shitty conversion is their own damn fault not dev fault.

What does this even mean?

I don’t think people decide wha country they’re born in, and I doubt most people have the financial stability to just move elsewhere for access to video games.
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So the devs are just cunts then? They really seem to be digging a hole with this "if you don't like our statement you're an entitled toxic gamer" narrative. Add "white" and "nazi" in there and you've reached peak ree.

And this whole "you're not entitled to a game" thing in response to earnest concerns over being able to buy internationally is just a joke. Might as well have taken it a step further and said "fuck off, we don't need your weird foreign money when we have this nice big bag of Epic dollars".

Hilarious that The Sween has stepped in to back their corner as well. Why would you stick you oar in on controversial PR like that? To pander to crazy stans that wouldn't know a watertight argument if it walked up and kissed them on the arse?

The Last Night possibly coming to the Epic Store? :lollipop_worried:

Oh dear. It's promising enough in terms of its tech and presentation that I'd be more surprised if Tim and friends hadn't reached out with silver-greased palms.

And his logic is bunk. One of the reasons people come to PC is because they don't want to deal with the console fragmentation circus, saying "it's not as fragmented as this other badly fragmented thing" doesn't justify introducing it in the first place.

What does this even mean?

I don’t think people decide wha country they’re born in, and I doubt most people have the financial stability to just move elsewhere for access to video games.
Try running his post through this:
mybigmonkey.com - Gibberish Translator

Didn't work for me, but you never know.
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Buy or don't buy our game, we already got moneeeeeeey!
Give me that Epic moneeeeey!

I don't get the outrages about games going to epic store, even more so when the devs get extra money, who the fuck is losing here? The publishers? Valve?
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What does this even mean?

I don’t think people decide wha country they’re born in, and I doubt most people have the financial stability to just move elsewhere for access to video games.

When you buy PS4 in Brasil and it costs 1000$ you blame sony for not selling it at loss or brazilian gov which sets import taxes at outrageous levels ?

And no just because you don't have control over something it doesn't matter when it come to blame. Just because you have alcoholic father that thought you fucking nothing doesn't give you a free card in life when you do something stupid.
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See, the difference is I wouldn't be a flaming cockbag about it.

The page was bad enough, If I was in charge of Ooblet's PR I'd have who ever wrote that's arse for target practice, but the statements made in Discord are just fucking disgusting.

A simple "This is how it is, it was either this or no ooblets at all" would have been fine. Might have even raised questions about the viability of indie development but, no, we can't have that discussion now as Ooblet man has clearly made his decision to be for Epic and against customers (which has been a throughline in all of Epic's horsecock) by treating everyone like an idiot baby child and anyone who has issues as being a GAMER(tm) who would never buy the game in the first place as they'd be too busy sig-heiling the nearest photo of Trump which is blatantly untrue.

I really hope Ooblet man likes his cash for this one game cause no one in their right mind gonna go anywhere near him the next one.

Do you honestly think anyone beyond a small subset of very loud gamers give a shit about Epic exclusivity? If the game is good they are going to get it. To the vast majority of people out there the Epic store is just another icon on their homescreen.


When you buy PS4 in Brasil and it costs 1000$ you blame sony for not selling it at loss or brazilian gov which sets import taxes at outrageous levels ?

Wouldn’t Epic be the brazillian government in that analogy?

Because the fact that their store don’t support a lot of countries/currencies is Epic’s problem. And people are most certainly blaming epic.

It’s not even really about the exclusivity. If they had just quietly announced that they were switching to Epic, people would’ve rolled their eyes but everyone would’ve forgotten about it within 24 hours. The part people are mad about, and the reason the devs are getting more and more negative attention, is because they have been shitty to everyone who has any concerns and complaints.
And no just because you don't have control over something it doesn't matter when it come to blame. Just because you have alcoholic father that thought you fucking nothing doesn't give you a free card in life when you do something stupid.

Why are you so heated about this? lmao
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Devs & Tim Sweeney look like they're taking social media tips from Uwe Boll...
(At least he has the excuse that his crowdfunding failed though!)



Wouldn’t Epic be the brazillian government in that analogy?

Because the fact that their store don’t support a lot of countries/currencies is Epic’s problem. And people are most certainly blaming epic.

It’s not even really about the exclusivity. If they had just quietly announced that they were switching to Epic, people would’ve rolled their eyes but everyone would’ve forgotten about it within 24 hours. The part people are mad about, and the reason the devs are getting more and more negative attention, is because they have been shitty to everyone who has any concerns and complaints.

Does Epic set his nation exchange rate ? No.

Dev announced move to Epic store normally. He wasn't shit about it. It was outrage that it caused that in return made him angry which caused response. And imho he is right. Don't like it don't buy it.


Does Epic set his nation exchange rate ? No.

Dev announced move to Epic store normally. He wasn't shit about it. It was outrage that it caused that in return made him angry which caused response. And imho he is right. Don't like it don't buy it.

The announcement was condescing and tried pre-emptively stifle all criticism of Epic or their desicion. Things got worse from there.

I don’t know how you can be suprised by the public response to their attitude.
Do you honestly think anyone beyond a small subset of very loud gamers give a shit about Epic exclusivity? If the game is good they are going to get it. To the vast majority of people out there the Epic store is just another icon on their homescreen.
Truth, people happily accepted Rockstar Social Club to play GTA. If they really want a game the launcher doesn’t matter.

And I pretty much agree with their statement, but it’s also completely stupid and pointless to antagonize even a small part of your audience like that.
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Buy or don't buy our game, we already got moneeeeeeey!
Give me that Epic moneeeeey!

I don't get the outrages about games going to epic store, even more so when the devs get extra money, who the fuck is losing here? The publishers? Valve?

The people who actually want to buy the games but not use the EGS?


Does Epic set his nation exchange rate ? No.

Dev announced move to Epic store normally. He wasn't shit about it. It was outrage that it caused that in return made him angry which caused response. And imho he is right. Don't like it don't buy it.

No, they don't set the conversion rate. However, it's within their capabilities to regionalize pricing, just like steam does.

It's one of the top 3 reasons I rather play on PC.


Buy or don't buy our game, we already got moneeeeeeey!
Give me that Epic moneeeeey!

I don't get the outrages about games going to epic store, even more so when the devs get extra money, who the fuck is losing here? The publishers? Valve?

Game quality and originality in general will suffer, because at the end of the day devs are just humans and they will put less effort when the cash is guaranteed, it is what it is.


Devs & Tim Sweeney look like they're taking social media tips from Uwe Boll...
(At least he has the excuse that his crowdfunding failed though!)

Been a long while since I watched that video. Hilarious all over again :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Honestly, I don't know why this drama keeps on spinning over and over again. When the deal with Epic is made why can't devs just lock Steam preorders, honor the Steam preorders that were made, and then just do exclusively Epic thereafter?

Like, does Epic force them to cancel all Steam preorders? Seems like it, and if so, pretty shitty.


Why do people bring up Steams growing pains when talking about EGS.There was nothing like Steam when it launched,Valve laid the groundwork and took risks. Epic had the benefit of seeing 15 years of progress and did nothing with it.No one is saying Steam is perfect, but Epic barely addresses any of Steams problems on a consumer level.


Game quality and originality in general will suffer, because at the end of the day devs are just humans and they will put less effort when the cash is guaranteed, it is what it is.
Yeah, no, that's not how it works and exclusives in consoles are already an example of it.

The people who actually want to buy the games but not use the EGS?
Not using EGS is a self imposed barrier. Your are missing out because you want to in that case.


Dont blame devs. EGS haters are nothing but entitled Steam fanboys. So fuk those fanboys
Yeah....go back to your shitty Store and wait for EGS Premium 9,99, so you can have the same Features as Steam.
Demanding a functioning Store, let alone Management of said Store thats professional is "entitled" ?
Why ? No one ever seems to answer that, whenever it comes up ?
You DO realize People are still needed to buy Games and its in your best interest to not piss them off ?
Or are you also some Manager so far high up the Ivory Tower that you think nothing matters ?
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I think the inherent problem with this sort of attitude is although one might not blame them as a small Indie team for taking the guaranteed income from Epic by going EGS Exclusive, thumbing their nose at their fanbase in the process isn't likely to earn them positives when it comes to that all-important word of mouth down the road. Evangelists are absolutely essential for any venture these days to gain traction given how much is already competing for our attention. I do wonder how successful the conversion rate is on EGS in terms of actual unit sales. versus the false economy of being paid a stipend by Epic.

Dont blame devs. EGS haters are nothing but pro-consumers. So fuk those pro-consumers

Corrected for accuracy.
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No, they don't set the conversion rate. However, it's within their capabilities to regionalize pricing, just like steam does.

It's one of the top 3 reasons I rather play on PC.

They might or they may not. Like i said it is not epic or dev fault that his country has shitty exchange rate.
Also epic seems to want to add regional pricing, already they did it for brasil.


Corrected for accuracy.

What "consumer" should want is more competition for steam so that prices could be lowered and more promotions would happen. Instead we have children who argue that firing up game from another shortcut is such huge obstacle as much as buying other console is. The most annoying ones are those who scream about lack of steam features that somehow make games worse. Last time i checked no one fucking cares about that when they play destiny or diablo or any other non steam game.

The rage is simple to explain. Steam fanboys feeling threatened by Epic having real shot at making a difference on market.
It is effectively console wars all over again. Same arguments, same type of people etc. When Epic store will get up to speed in features i guarantee you that rage will not end it will look same way as day 1. Because it is not about features but simply about Steam losing monopoly on PC market.

And it is not like consumers aren't already wining. Just finished few rounds in for honor which i got FREE from epic store and every week you get free game. We could already have cheaper games but devs didn't like that Epic gave people credit which fucked with their other stores obligations. Shitload of people bought B3 about 20% cheaper but then Gearbox had to remove game from sales because they were shitheads.


What "consumer" should want is more competition for steam so that prices could be lowered and more promotions would happen. Instead we have children who argue that firing up game from another shortcut is such huge obstacle as much as buying other console is.
Do you even buy pc games? Steam is the worst place to buy games in terms of deals the majority of the time. There are plenty of 3rd party legit sites that compete with each other and are cheaper.


It's one thing to take the bag of money to fund your game, which most people with common sense understand, but it's another thing to be a complete ass about it.

I want the game, but I can wait a year (or more). Fuck Epic.


What "consumer" should want is more competition for steam so that prices could be lowered and more promotions would happen. Instead we have children who argue that firing up game from another shortcut is such huge obstacle as much as buying other console is. The most annoying ones are those who scream about lack of steam features that somehow make games worse. Last time i checked no one fucking cares about that when they play destiny or diablo or any other non steam game.

The rage is simple to explain. Steam fanboys feeling threatened by Epic having real shot at making a difference on market.
It is effectively console wars all over again. Same arguments, same type of people etc. When Epic store will get up to speed in features i guarantee you that rage will not end it will look same way as day 1. Because it is not about features but simply about Steam losing monopoly on PC market.

And it is not like consumers aren't already wining. Just finished few rounds in for honor which i got FREE from epic store and every week you get free game. We could already have cheaper games but devs didn't like that Epic gave people credit which fucked with their other stores obligations. Shitload of people bought B3 about 20% cheaper but then Gearbox had to remove game from sales because they were shitheads.

You EGS shills really are funny as fuck. It's always about the money with you. I don't give a fuck about cost, my income comfortably exceeds my expenditure, and I already own several hundred games to boot. A weekly free game is just simply either a game I already own or a game I'll probably never play because if I want something, I just buy it when I feel the price point is reasonable. At this point in time I don't need more games I'm never going to play in my digital life.

When it comes to Store clients, I'm all about the feature set. If Epic came out the gate and EGS was a comparable client to Steam I'd be A-OK with it, but the plain truth of the matter is they didn't. I gave it a fair shot at launch, but it's so barebones it makes even the likes of Uplay look classy, and it's pretty clear based on their roadmap that Epic has zero intention of ever making it comparable from a user perspective. I see little point in patronising a company that ultimately is less interested in providing an improved user experience versus building market share for an inferior platform.
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I think the inherent problem with this sort of attitude is although one might not blame them as a small Indie team for taking the guaranteed income from Epic by going EGS Exclusive, thumbing their nose at their fanbase in the process isn't likely to earn them positives when it comes to that all-important word of mouth down the road. Evangelists are absolutely essential for any venture these days to gain traction given how much is already competing for our attention. I do wonder how successful the conversion rate is on EGS in terms of actual unit sales. versus the false economy of being paid a stipend by Epic.

Corrected for accuracy.
LoL nope . Entitled fanboys
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