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Injustice 2 SPOILER Thread: No Bars Among Us


So where exactly even are Raven/Hawkgirl/Killer Frost/Grundy & whoever else was regime on the 1st game but MIA in the 2nd? Certainly not in the same prison as Supes/Robin/Cyborg.
Yeah the only 2 above Brainiac really is Darksied and Anti Monitor lore wise right?


Specter "Literal embodiment of the the wrath of god, took over Green Lantern 'Hal" for a hot minute)
Nekron "Black Lantern leader/embodiment" (maybe)
Kinda all the "sources" of the various lantern powers. The entities living inside their power batteries/powering them.
White Lantern 'sorta'
Mr. Mxyzptlk
Whatever other New/Old Gods (Darkseid is a new god, old ones what precede them, but slightly still exist)
Phantom Stranger (might actually be god him/her/itself making themself known)

Good bit more.

There are characters stronger than say Brainiac, Anti-Monitor and Darksied, and what not but they tend to have other stuff to do compared to the three you exampled who are just straight up bad guys who need to be stopped when they show up.


Numerous questions..

Don't worry, I'll take a stab at these.

Why didn't Braniac have Firestorm create Krypronite like he did earlier in the game? - An oversight on Brainiac's part.
How did Blue Beetle, Firestorm, and Swamp Thang get caught by Braniac in the first place? -Probably in a similar manner that Green Arrow and Black Canary got caught. A fight that led to them getting sucked up into the sky.
Why was Atrocitous even here? - He wanted to recruit Hal Jordan into the Red Lanterns.
Why did Wonder Woman fly face first into Cheetah's shot like an idiot? - It was a mistake.
Why is Wonder Woman just plain terrible? - Because villainous women anger you more than villainous men.
Why didn't Cyborg Boom Tube the Skull Ship to another dimension? - Why doesn't he just Boom Tube everything into another dimension? Why didn't he just Boom Tube the other Justice League from the first game into another dimension? Why couldn't the Cyborg from the good Earth just create a Boom Tube into the Injustice Earth instead of spending the majority of the game typing on a keyboard trying to figure out how to get to the other Earth? And while we're at it, who DOES change the Batmobile's tires?
Why was Cyborg just plain terrible? - Because villainous black people anger you more than villainous white people.
Why was Aquaman's reason for fighting Batman at the end so stupid? - Probably because you didn't find it convincing.
Why didn't Grodd read Catwoman's mind to find that she was the mole? Why doesn't he just mind control everyone?
Why does Reverse Flash say he can't travel through time, but then travels through time when he does his ultimate on me? - He said he couldn't travel to his future. He can still go back to the past, which is what happens in the ultimate.
Fine I'll say it. I'll be the odd guy here.

I hate Wonder Woman. Flipping hate her guts in the Injustice games. Also, Damian is a piece of crap.

I love Batman and thus I also love the "Batwank" that you all keep mentioning. Keep it coming. I preferred Batman's ending way more than Superman's.

I don't like Superman and how it looked like he may have been changing but goes back to being the big bad at the last second.

Supergirl felt weird to me but maybe that's cause I keep hearing Rise Kujikawa.

Also maybe cause I didn't really delve into the comic books or go into whether the physics of this is possible or why didn't this do that but I didn't think too much of the inconsistencies or the errors.

I think that's my problem. I don't think.

There we go.


Wonder Woman is the real villain in this universe. Superman could have come back from the brink even after all the disaster that happened to him if he had someone there to actually pull him back. Wonder Woman instead went the Lady Macbeth route.

Anyways, enjoyed the story. Picked Batman in the final chapter because fuck Superman. Really like the Injustice universe, looking forward to more.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Was this the dumbest iteration of Braniac? There was little plotting or contingencies that I associate with the character - he was just an invading alien of brute force. I think even Spike on Smallville was a bit more cunning.


Man, that Superman ending is pretty fucked up. Wasn't expecting it to go there.

So where exactly even are Raven/Hawkgirl/Killer Frost/Grundy & whoever else was regime on the 1st game but MIA in the 2nd? Certainly not in the same prison as Supes/Robin/Cyborg.

No idea but I certainly miss Hawkgirl, she was a lot of fun in the first game. That clang of her mace was so satisfying.


Rodent Whores
I didnt, but i mean, i know the overall story and unless he was actually raised differently this time around, i just dont see how he can become evil just cause Lois dies. People die, people dont become evil cause of it. Unless i missed something big.

I just dont believe that someone whos been that good all their lives can just become evil because of one action. People who become evil imo already have that angry side in them. Like Batman. Batman i could believe it. But superman? That goody 2 shoes? I dont buy it at all. Real stretch.

From his own point of view, Superman doesn't think he's evil. He's doing what it takes to protect the world. By any means necessary.


Gold Member
I didnt, but i mean, i know the overall story and unless he was actually raised differently this time around, i just dont see how he can become evil just cause Lois dies. People die, people dont become evil cause of it. Unless i missed something big.

I just dont believe that someone whos been that good all their lives can just become evil because of one action. People who become evil imo already have that angry side in them. Like Batman. Batman i could believe it. But superman? That goody 2 shoes? I dont buy it at all. Real stretch.

That was my impression too. Supes going totally evil in the end, fighting his friends is a little out of character and seems forced. Like this dude wasn't raised by Jonathan fucking Kent. I never really bought it, it was just a little too gimmicky and comically evil.


Finally finished the story. I liked it a lot. I didn't actually care for the story in the first Injustice, it felt way to convoluted and all over the place. This one was a lot easier to follow.

Also did anyone notice that if you leave the remote alone whenever you have a choice, it will default to the person on the left of the screen, and when you go to the chapter select the character that was on the left will be on top where it says which characters you can play as (and they don't remain static). For example in the Black Canary and Green Arrow chapters, Black Canary only comes out on top once, with Green Arrow being on top in all other battles. You will notice that the story and dialogue flows a little better when you pick the person on the left of the screen. In the final battle, Superman is the character on the left, which leads me to believe that his ending is cannon.

That said, I liked the Batman ending too and I would totally be cool if Superman completely sat out of the next game's story (you can still have him as a playable character, maybe put him in a Wonder Woman nightmare or a flashback scene).

That red lantern bit feels completely out of place and random in regards to the rest of the story. Must be a seed for the sequel's story, like all the alluding to Darkseid.

The Superman ending has Superman specifically mention that with the ship and all the armies at his command his army rivaled all the Lantern Corps combined. If the Superman ending ends up being cannon I bet we see the full spectrum of lanterns come to fight him.

I don't know if the basis of the plot of Injustice is something NRS personally pitched to WB, but I sure don't like that their two main franchises are sharing too many similarities: Time travel, the multiverses, a once-good power couple turning full demonic evil tyrants, no clear ending but a bunch of cliffhangers who might/might not be fully developed.

This is all just set up for the inevitable Mortal Kombat vs Injustice where we will have three factions led by the following people: Raiden & Superman, Liu Kang & Darkseid, and Johnny Cage & Batman.


Been re-reading the prequel comics for the first game (Year 1-5), and a couple things stood out:

- original Spectre was taken out by Mister Mxyzptlk, who was then banished to the void along with Trigon. I figure Mxyz is behind the whole situation, and maybe Netherrealms will only use that as a possible finish to the entire arc in silly comic-book fashion. :p

- Teen Titans are in the phantom zone because Supes dealt a mortal blow to Conner, and the deal was that they would all go at the same time if they wanted him to save Conner.

There's an Injustice 2 prequel comic series as well, but I probably won't get around to that for a while. Anyone?



I really liked Wonder Woman in Injustice 2 just alone for almost killing Tara Strong Harley.




Seriously this. All this fucking Batman biased shit. And it's always a Evil Superman.

Are people expecting Injustice Superman to turn it around at some point or something? Dude murdered a kid in the first game, he aint turning it around.


Meh ... pretty disappointed. So many plotholes ...

- I don't understand the power levels in this game ...

It seems like : Superman > Batman > everyone else.

It doesn't make any sense.

How in hell can Batman beat Wonder Woman ? Is she much weaker than I thought she was ?

Or is it all justified with the OP pill from the first game ?

WHAT HAPPENS TO BRAINIAC ? He's never mentioned again after the final choice ...


Are people expecting Injustice Superman to turn it around at some point or something? Dude murdered a kid in the first game, he aint turning it around.
Seriously. The DC cast being split down the center is the universe these games are about. Getting pouty that they didn't decide to go back to some standard status-quo is utterly pointless. That clearly isn't the story they have any intention of telling.


Meh ... pretty disappointed. So many plotholes ...

- I don't understand the power levels in this game ...

It seems like : Superman > Batman > everyone else.

It doesn't make any sense.

How in hell can Batman beat Wonder Woman ? Is she much weaker than I thought she was ?

Or is it all justified with the OP pill from the first game ?

WHAT HAPPENS TO BRAINIAC ? He's never mentioned again after the final choice ...

If X winning moves the plot forward, X will win.
I just dont believe that evil ending. Its not in his character at all to become someone like that. Hes been the quintessential "good boy" all his life and suddenly, hes gonna be a tyrant?? I dont buy it at all.

Most villains don't believe that what they're doing is wrong. Power corrupts all and personally I find it more difficult to believe that all super heroes aren't tyrannical assholes. I don't know what you're history with these games are but I think the combo of Injustice 1 and the comics do a good job of selling Superman's change.

I think it would have been more consistent with the rest of the story if Supergirl was the one who had to take on Brainiac, and then had to choose between the Regime and Batman's Team. Instead it just turned into a retread of the last game's conflict.

Supergirl is set up as the protagonist, especially since she's got the strongest arc of the main characters. But she's sidelined at the end so Supes and Bats can beat Brainiac and then punch each other some more.

Yeah. I was actually really disappointed by all of this. Maybe this would have been the more predictable way to go but I think it also would've been the more interesting way to go

All that said, I really enjoyed the story overall. I love every scene where someone calls Wonder Woman out on her shit.

Wonder Woman is disappointingly the worst in this game. In any medium I've always found the Wonder Woman/Superman romantic relationship dynamic to be super lame/boring in pretty much every way. It's like the head cheerleader dating the captain of the football team. WHO CARES


Wonder Woman is disappointingly the worst in this game. In any medium I've always found the Wonder Woman/Superman romantic relationship dynamic to be super lame/boring in pretty much every way. It's like the head cheerleader dating the captain of the football team. WHO CARES

Wonder Woman's role in the whole Injustice universe is baffling. What's her motivation in all this? Superman's love, REALLY???????????

This is a slap in the character's face and well established position within the DC universe. Isnt she suppose to be a feminist role model but yet she is reduced to some crazed, lovelorn one dimensional villain.

Bad ,lazy,and non creative writing IMO.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
It's a small detail but I really liked a moment at the very end, before the final fight between Bruce and Clark.

When Bruce mentions the time he, Clark, and Lois were together to celebrate her pregnancy, Bruce's eyes narrow and flick away, then back with a sly expression. The corner of his lip turns up. He's watching Superman's reaction very carefully.

To me, it's Bruce trying to save Clark, to the bitter end. Mentioning that day is his last ploy to see if there's any sanity left in Superman. Perhaps the emotions stirred will get through to him. It doesn't work, but it's the perfect encapsulation of the idea that Batman absolutely never gives up.


Wonder Woman's role in the whole Injustice universe is baffling. What's her motivation in all this? Superman's love, REALLY???????????

This is a slap in the character's face and well established position within the DC universe. Isnt she suppose to be a feminist role model but yet she is reduced to some crazed, lovelorn one dimensional villain.

Bad ,lazy,and non creative writing IMO.

Not entirely. In the comics, she becomes the emotional support for Superman after Lois dies and when Batman clearly isn't going to be able to bring him the comfort he needs.

But this incarnation of Wonder Woman was always of the "man's world is crazy" variety, disillusioned that her quest for peace has failed miserably time and again, and comes to believe peace can truly be achieved at greater sacrifice, as it always was in her culture, through imposition of power, and this is reinforced by the dwindling power of Ares, the God of War, as Superman's goals become more attainable.

I actually find Wonder Woman incredibly fascinating in this universe, because - as Injustice 2 shows - she "fears" that she corrupted Clark, and that fear would be correct. Even in the main DC universe, she never had the restraint or mercy that Clark did and she got her hands dirty and often. Here, she truly is the power behind the throne. "Behind every great man is a greater woman". It was her will and her prodding that pushed Superman further and further into doing the deeds he did, while affirming his actions as the correct ones. The siren in his ear telling him to be more ruthless, more efficient. They fed into each other and create a bubble of support and action that made them the most dangerous pair on Earth, and it ate away at them until bit by bit they began justifying each other's actions until they were justifying it to themselves.

Superman would not have turned into the tyrant he did without Wonder Woman's urging, and Wonder Woman would not have become his most ardent supporter if Batman had managed to pull him back from the brink.

She wanted to heal Clark and the world, and became blind to the misery others suffered in that pursuit.


I was really hoping their was a third ending after it hinted that if I beat all character scenes in the story i'd get an alternate ending. I thought it meant alternate to superman and batman's endings.

Dr. Fate hinted that "you must insure order or the Lords of Order will do it for you. If not through Brainiac then through..."

I thought for certain this hinted that if Brainiac was defeated it guaranteed Darkseid as the "True Boss" of the game in a final chapter. Was disappointed he wasn't used in the story in this manner.
Wonder Woman is the real villain in this universe. Superman could have come back from the brink even after all the disaster that happened to him if he had someone there to actually pull him back. Wonder Woman instead went the Lady Macbeth route.

Anyways, enjoyed the story. Picked Batman in the final chapter because fuck Superman. Really like the Injustice universe, looking forward to more.
For real though. Wonder Woman is a straight up evil bitch in this universe. Her personality consisted solely of anger and bloodlust, even suggesting that Kara, a teenager (I think) may have to be killed if she doesn't immediately fall in line, even after she just got to the planet. Of course Superman already killed a little kid in the first game so that's not such a foreign concept but still. If it wasn't for her I feel like Superman could have been saved in this game.

I'm curious to see where they go with a third game, and which ending they choose to follow. I feel like Batmans ending makes the most sense to use, but it might be interesting to see how they would do Supermans ending.

Don't worry, I'll take a stab at these.

Why is Wonder Woman just plain terrible? - Because villainous women anger you more than villainous men.

Why was Cyborg just plain terrible? - Because villainous black people anger you more than villainous white people.
Or maybe it's because he didn't like their actions or motivations, not the fact that they were female and black. FFS


I'm a fan of the "Wonder Woman is the real villain" concept. But at the same time Superman at this point is a child murderer and threatened to murder a family member who's also one of the last of his race. Supes is pretty far gone.


I'm a fan of the "Wonder Woman is the real villain" concept. But at the same time Superman at this point is a child murderer and threatened to murder a family member who's also one of the last of his race. Supes is pretty far gone.

I'm split on this concept. In enjoying this idea i must throw all logic and reasoning out the window.
I like my villains complex w/ multi-layers. Superman is 2 dimensional and Wonder Woman is 1 dimensional villain here.

Those blaming WW for Superman's heel turn, IMO have reduced him to be a simple idiot(grieving or not)who can be easily swayed to kill a child among many others.

Wonder Woman is an enabler at best IMO. She mistakenly killed huntress, Superman willfully killed Shazam.

I dont mind both Superman and WonderWoman as villains but give me something meaty to chew on please. Greif is one thing but for Superman to do a 180 on his character is ....???????

Killing Joker i can see / understand but after that his actions are baffling to me.


I'm split on this concept. In enjoying this idea i must throw all logic and reasoning out the window.
I like my villains complex w/ multi-layers. Superman is 2 dimensional and Wonder Woman is 1 dimensional villain here.

Those blaming WW for Superman's heel turn, IMO have reduced him to be a simple idiot(grieving or not)who can be easily swayed to kill a child among many others.

Wonder Woman is an enabler at best IMO. She mistakenly killed huntress, Superman willfully killed Shazam.

I dont mind both Superman and WonderWoman as villains but give me something meaty to chew on please. Greif is one thing but for Superman to do a 180 on his character is ....???????

Killing Joker i can see / understand but after that his actions are baffling to me.
It was FIVE YEARS between Lois's death and the start of Injustice. It wasn't overnight.

The comics handle it with incredible skill as he grows more and more and more isolated, frustrated, and misguided. He and Batman try talking it out time and again and the situation just keeps deteriorating.

Before Shazam, he starts killing supervillains and justifying it. He starts resorting to torture for "the greater good". Then he starts killing unpowered villains. Then antiheroes. He starts taking steps to quell opposition, non-lethally at first (like the Titans), but he gets more and more unstable.

His ultimate villainous turn is when he beats Green Arrow to death after his parents are injured in the crossfire.

It was a long, LONG slippery slope. Joker was just the catalyst.
It was FIVE YEARS between Lois's death and the start of Injustice. It wasn't overnight.

The comics handle it with incredible skill as he grows more and more and more isolated, frustrated, and misguided. He and Batman try talking it out time and again and the situation just keeps deteriorating.

Before Shazam, he starts killing supervillains and justifying it. He starts resorting to torture for "the greater good". Then he starts killing unpowered villains. Then antiheroes. He starts taking steps to quell opposition, non-lethally at first (like the Titans), but he gets more and more unstable.

His ultimate villainous turn is when he beats Green Arrow to death after his parents are injured in the crossfire.

It was a long, LONG slippery slope. Joker was just the catalyst.
Makes me wish we got a fully fleshed out RPG set during these 5 years where you can play as different heroes and choose which side you're on.


Damn ... after looking up some stuff on the injustice universe, I discovered the game isn't even coherent with the tie-in comics.
.specially regarding Zsasz's fate
You could say the comics are not canon, but the game itself makes MANY references to the events of the comics, some pretty specific too and requires us to have read the comics regarding some characters (Green Arrow for example) and the next moment, completely ignores what the comics told us...

The writing in this game is a mess.


Damn ... after looking up some stuff on the injustice universe, I discovered the game isn't even coherent with the tie-in comics.
.specially regarding Zsasz's fate
You could say the comics are not canon, but the game itself makes MANY references to the events of the comics, some pretty specific too and requires us to have read the comics regarding some characters (Green Arrow for example) and the next moment, completely ignores what the comics told us...

The writing in this game is a mess.

If you ignore the prologue, which has almost no bearing on ANY of the rest of the game, it works a lot better. I literally view the prologue as a non-canon chapter that just lays the ground-work for newbies that "hey, Superman's bad now and Damien split from Batman". Everything else is pretty loyal to the comic tie-in, actually.

It's just the prologue that's a mess. The rest is fine and actually pretty good, I thought.
Damn ... after looking up some stuff on the injustice universe, I discovered the game isn't even coherent with the tie-in comics.
.specially regarding Zsasz's fate
You could say the comics are not canon, but the game itself makes MANY references to the events of the comics, some pretty specific too and requires us to have read the comics regarding some characters (Green Arrow for example) and the next moment, completely ignores what the comics told us...

The writing in this game is a mess.

Zsasz was likely a deliberate choice put in for non-comic readers. Injustice 1 doesn't really deal with the Batman/Robin split outside of a few lines. In the comic it's much more in depth. Injustice 2 doesn't really have the time to set it all up since the first game ignored it. They need to establish Robin as a killer who turns on Batman, and accidentally killing Nightwing in that scene doesn't do it, and they definitely don't have time to deal with the whole Alfred/Zsasz arc. Having him kill Zsasz there sidesteps canon but brings non-comic players up to speed in the quickest way possible.


Yeah bringing about World Peace in such a way that the God of War was damn near powerless. Real Dick move that. People called Superman evil yet look at all the people Batman threw into the meat grinder for his crusade against Superman. I swear some people have a real problem separating cause and effect. Does anything go the way it does in Injustice without Bruce their egging it on with one of his Plans? Dick died cause Batman couldn't stand to have his Psycho party pals who are convicted felons put in a better prison, how that got turned into Superman's killing everyone is beyond me. He gets upset over Superman killing Parademons (I guess in this Game it gets turned into Superman inviting Kaliback to come to Earth for peace talks with Apocalyse then pulling some Lannister shit.)

Half the time Superman in the Injustice comics is just defending himself and the Earth from attacks set up by Batman and Company. Hell that Green Lantern business started cause the Elders were Scared that with Superman in charge people would need them anymore. And Hell WHAT DID SUPERMAN DO TO THE THE PEOPLE OF EARTH THAT WAS EVIL? Save them from Death and Enslavement time and again? The People were With Superman and the Regime at the start of Injustice, it was the Killing of Luthor that made the People start to fear Superman because they didn't have Context of Why Superman killed him. Guy had been helping Batman the whole time under Superman's nose, a Huge betrayal so yeah Supes killed a traitor.

Batman never apologies for any mistakes and his fan seem to love him for that, Why. Only and Asshole never admits to being wrong. Superman fights so the World won't need him anymore but I don't think Batman does the same since Batman NEEDS an Enemy to Be Batman. I believe once Superman Killed the Joker Batman immediately set his New Enemy as Superman and did everything in his Power to push him further over the abyss until he finally snapped. Read the comic it's all there.


Yeah bringing about World Peace in such a way that the God of War was damn near powerless. Real Dick move that. People called Superman evil yet look at all the people Batman threw into the meat grinder for his crusade against Superman. I swear some people have a real problem separating cause and effect. Does anything go the way it does in Injustice without Bruce their egging it on with one of his Plans? Dick died cause Batman couldn't stand to have his Psycho party pals who are convicted felons put in a better prison, how that got turned into Superman's killing everyone is beyond me. He gets upset over Superman killing Parademons (I guess in this Game it gets turned into Superman inviting Kaliback to come to Earth for peace talks with Apocalyse then pulling some Lannister shit.)

Half the time Superman in the Injustice comics is just defending himself and the Earth from attacks set up by Batman and Company. Hell that Green Lantern business started cause the Elders were Scared that with Superman in charge people would need them anymore. And Hell WHAT DID SUPERMAN DO TO THE THE PEOPLE OF EARTH THAT WAS EVIL? Save them from Death and Enslavement time and again? The People were With Superman and the Regime at the start of Injustice, it was the Killing of Luthor that made the People start to fear Superman because they didn't have Context of Why Superman killed him. Guy had been helping Batman the whole time under Superman's nose, a Huge betrayal so yeah Supes killed a traitor.

Batman never apologies for any mistakes and his fan seem to love him for that, Why. Only and Asshole never admits to being wrong. Superman fights so the World won't need him anymore but I don't think Batman does the same since Batman NEEDS an Enemy to Be Batman. I believe once Superman Killed the Joker Batman immediately set his New Enemy as Superman and did everything in his Power to push him further over the abyss until he finally snapped. Read the comic it's all there.

Superman murdered a kid.


i thought they were going to retcon a lot of comic related stuff from the prologue, but they barely actually change anything after that and it was very faithful to the comics.


Wonder Woman is the real villain in the Injustice universe, and I love it.

Again what did she do that was villainous? Yes she killed Huntress but that was an Accident. You can't play with the Big Dogs using PED's and expect kid gloves. Hell Why was Helena against the Regime anyway? Isn't her thing killing the Bad guys too?

And I believe Billy wasn't transformed into Captain Marvel when Superman killed him, Like it shows in Kingdom Come an older Billy looks just like Captain Marvel. Why else would he try to say Shazam when Superman grabbed him instead of just knocking him away with his equal strength? Also Captain Marvel is just as Invulnerable as Superman why would Heat vision kill him. If Superman is a Child killer for killing CM then Harley is a Sex offender for hitting on him knowing he's really a kid.


Again what did she do that was villainous? Yes she killed Huntress but that was an Accident. You can't play with the Big Dogs using PED's and expect kid gloves. Hell Why was Helena against the Regime anyway? Isn't her thing killing the Bad guys too?

And I believe Billy wasn't transformed into Captain Marvel when Superman killed him, Like it shows in Kingdom Come an older Billy looks just like Captain Marvel. Why else would he try to say Shazam when Superman grabbed him instead of just knocking him away with his equal strength? Also Captain Marvel is just as Invulnerable as Superman why would Heat vision kill him. If Superman is a Child killer for killing CM then Harley is a Sex offender for hitting on him knowing he's really a kid.

It's only been five years. Billy was definitely still a kid. His intro pretty much confirms it.

And Harley's crazy as a loon and has the mental behavior of a 12-year-old anyway, so of course she would like hanging out with him. Her creepy stalker behavior was some of the funniest stuff in the Injustice comics.
Still haven't beaten the story mode yet (pretty much there I think, Chapter 11), keep getting sidetracked by Multiverse mode.

I'd love to see some of these dynamics in the real DCU, Aquaman and Black Adam should have their own alliance, especially since most of the super hero powerbase is based on the US.

I think they made a mistake with making Superman too evil, he isn't really redeemable after killing Billy in cold blood. It's far more interesting when they play around with the morality and effectiveness with executing criminals, they should highlight the deficiencies in Batman's methods, or atleast how fucking he absurd he is with his shit.


Still haven't beaten the story mode yet (pretty much there I think, Chapter 11), keep getting sidetracked by Multiverse mode.

I'd love to see some of these dynamics in the real DCU, Aquaman and Black Adam should have their own alliance, especially since most of the super hero powerbase is based on the US.

I think they made a mistake with making Superman too evil, he isn't really redeemable after killing Billy in cold blood. It's far more interesting when they play around with the morality and effectiveness with executing criminals, they should highlight the deficiencies in Batman's methods.

I actually think Aquaman is mostly the middle-ground. He has little love for the Regime, yet no qualms about executing Grodd when the opportunity presented itself.

I think, though, the rules are a bit different. He is KING of Atlantis, not some vigilante citizen working outside the law to get things done. He and Black Adam both have responsibilities to protect their respective kingdoms and it is a King's right to determine the fate of criminals, including execution.


And I believe Billy wasn't transformed into Captain Marvel when Superman killed him, Like it shows in Kingdom Come an older Billy looks just like Captain Marvel. Why else would he try to say Shazam when Superman grabbed him instead of just knocking him away with his equal strength? Also Captain Marvel is just as Invulnerable as Superman why would Heat vision kill him. If Superman is a Child killer for killing CM then Harley is a Sex offender for hitting on him knowing he's really a kid.

If you really have read Kingdom Come then you should know that Shazam uses his magic word to call the thunder and hit Superman with it because magic is more effective against him.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The thing about Superman in Injustice is that he simultaneously does actually bring about "world peace" for the average person while being a complete psycho to anyone who gets in his way and acting like a total asshole to his own allies. His madness is really absurd in the first game, he's so tightly wound it's hard to believe he had the discipline to create a worldwide regime.

By comparison Batman, while manipulative and ruthless on paper, comes across as a far more rational being who isn't totally out of his mind. It's a tone thing. I think, in Injustice 2, Superman is a bit more subtle. If it wasn't for his murder of Billy in the first game, as well as his generally lunatic demeanor there, Injustice 2 Superman would come across as far more morally grey.

In general though Injustice doesn't do a good job of showing us what the fascist Regime is like for the average person. There are literal stormtroopers on the street. Do they just sweep for metahumans and super criminals, or has the Regime gone full Nazi on everyone? If the former one could see the average person supporting the Regime as Super Cops who primarily protect them from super villains.


I'd love to see some of these dynamics in the real DCU, Aquaman and Black Adam should have their own alliance, especially since most of the super hero powerbase is based on the US.

I'd really love to see Harley be a Bat ally in the regular books. Really cool idea from this universe with a lot of potential.
While I like the different take on the DC universe, they really need to dial back on Batman being the great savior.

Batman talks down to Superman and the Regime, saying that it isn't their place to lead the entire world. Meanwhile, after merging with Luthor Corp, Wayne Industries is probably the biggest corporation in the world and Bruce Wayne is personally spearheading the reconstruction of the planet and guiding world councils on what to do. The irony of this is never brought up.

Secondly, Batman has constructed Brother Eye in this universe and has once again kept it secret from the world. In the mainstream comics, Batman's construction of a secret satellite (a re-imagining of the satellite that empowers OMAC, who would be a cool choice for a DLC character) that monitors and takes out supers was shown to be an awful idea stemming from his most paranoid period (thanks to Identity Crisis). Here, it's brushed aside as being necessary and not once is he reprimanded when it is immediately hijacked by Brainiac to expedite his conquest.

His disregard for the "circle of trust" in the beginning and his notion of him putting Superman behind bars is also kind of dumb, because if it wasn't for another universe's Justice League, especially their SUPERMAN, he'd never been able to stop the regime.

Batman is my favorite superhero and always has been since I was a kid. I love him, but it cheapens the character to make him the infallible cynic who will never bend and is always the best. They humanized Superman more in this game, despite his saturday morning villain routine in the last game, I just wished they would have done the same for Batman.

I would also like to know more about this universe's history of Batman. Superman's is really unique as he was completely untested. Luthor was his friend and only opposed him after the regime, he only heard of Brainiac and is only just now facing him, it's interesting to see how little hardships he faced before the Joker blowing up Metropolis with Lois and their child just instantly broke him. The only thing we now about Batman is that at least Dick, Jason, and Damien were Robins, but not much else.
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