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Inside the Scorpio Engine: the processor architecture deep dive


I'm sure the Vega features MS used were all they needed for the gpu to get the most power. FP16 as shown in the dice presentation shows it helped with checkerboard 1800p but didn't make the gpu run faster then a 4.2tf gpu can

I swear you are the poster child for confirmation bias


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
So here is what we know so far.

Scorpio has a 6 inch penis with decent girth.

PS4 Pro has a 4 inch penis with not as much girth.

However during certain scenarios PS4 Pro can double it's length to 8 inches.

You forgot to add that to achieve 8 inches, the Pro needs to have the girth of a chopstick.
You forgot to add that to achieve 8 inches, the Pro needs to have the girth of a chopstick.

NSFL :Warning: NSFL


EDIT: I may have had a dream like this once... As a teenager of course...


I'm not going to pretend like I understand how full precision really works. It seems like FP32 is the route to go for better quality textures etc, going off those images posted by Ethomaz.

I'm going to stick to what I can physically see ie comparisons in 4k.

Games I really want to see patched are Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 with the ultra textures.


Is it really that hard to read just 5 pages? But since you were polite, here are the post links.

Post 1 (early Frostbite; I was incorrect, it's actually Battlefield 2, 3, and Bad Company, not Bad Company 2)
Post 2 (links to another thread, where the Shadow Fall presentation is linked, as well as the recent Frostbite presentation on Mass Effect)
Post 3 (where I link to discussion on Beyond3D about FP16 use in games including by Ubisoft)
Post 4 (BriareosGAF link to another of his posts, where he talks of FP16 in games by his studio)
Post 5 (AMD tech demo example)

And as bonuses, here's an indie dev talking packed math on PS4 Pro in their shipped game. And here's a Timothy Lottes presentation on packed math opportunities (among other things) in GCN.

Also Beyond3D:
Well it was more than five pages buy i thank you for your services.
People DO understand that SONY has some of the smartest secret sauce engineers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED secret sauce, the standard sauce levels that everyone aspires to. So while people laude MS for their HW skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 40%+ advantage to MS. And ANYONE who has seen both systems running could say there are great looking games on both systems. If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious.

I get a ton of hate for saying this – but it’s been the same EVERY generation. MS claims more power, we get there with secret sauce, we did it with Cell, we did it with Emotion Engine, and we are doing it again. And, in the end, games on our system will look the same or better.

I’m not saying they haven’t built a good system – I’m merely saying that anyone who wants to die on their sword over this 40%+ power advantage are going to be fighting an uphill battle over the next 5 years…


FP32 give better graphics than FP16... it affect quality... some simple examples:

In simple terms more precision = more accurate graphics with less artifacts.

But these cases are using fully FP16 or FP32... there are part of the code you don't need FP32 then you can use FP16 without lost quality... you can have a scenario where 80% of your code uses FP32 while the others 20% uses FP16 giving a image exactly like if you used fully FP32.

Can you provide any examples of items that would need fp32 and could benefit from fp16 instead?


FP32 give better graphics than FP16... it affect quality... some simple examples:

In simple terms more precision = more accurate graphics with less artifacts.

But these cases are using fully FP16 or FP32... there are part of the code you don't need FP32 then you can use FP16 without lost quality... you can have a scenario where 80% of your code uses FP32 while the others 20% uses FP16 giving a image exactly like if you used fully FP32.

I think these are, without proper context, somewhere between irrelevant and deceptive. These are images being produced by calculations that noticeably differ in their results depending on whether you use FP16 or FP32, but, without knowing what the calculations being used are, it is impossible to know whether it's a case of FP16 being insufficient, or FP16 being incorrectly used. More over, as you indicate, these are cases where one is purely using FP32 and on is purely using FP16, which wouldn't be the case with the PS4 Pro.

Your summary is correct though: the ultimate point with this whole debate is that sometimes you can get away with lower precision without noticeably lowering quality. There are two really relevant questions that stem from this: how often can you get away with it, and, how often will developers go the extra mile to do so? I can only speak from my perspective as someone who works on mobile games, where bothering to exploit lower precision is absolutely necessary, but I'd suggest you can use FP16 a surprising amount without anyone being able to tell the difference.

Okay, so as an example, FP32 could be used close up and FP16 everywhere else? If so then it would seem like the gap could close or even more. But I really know nothing about this stuff, I just listen to the discussions. Nonetheless, could we agree that this is a dumb oversight from Microsoft? I mean, if it's there and nothing new, why not include FP16 if it can be twice as fast in certain scenarios? If I was them I'd be 100% sure that it did everything PS4 Pro could do before even thinking about improving stuff.

We don't know why Microsoft have decided not to include FP16. There may well be a very good reason that they didn't want this particular customisation. These kind of improvements, after all, are reflected in the physical hardware. It's not necessarily cost free, or down-side free. We'll probably never know. On the face of it, it does seem like an oversight, and it is certainly one area where the PS4 Pro's GPU one up's Scorpio's.

Either way, now we'll have these discussions for the rest of the generation. And some people will convince themselves that PS4 Pro is more powerful no matter what evidence is layed out and shout from the hills to make Scorpio seem like old news not worth the money.
I guess proof will be in the pudding, or rather DF FaceOffs. Can't wait!

I think you're wrong on two counts really. First, no-one is arguing the PS4 Pro is more powerful in here. Second, I doubt these discussions will continue much beyond November.

I'm not going to pretend like I understand how full precision really works. It seems like FP32 is the route to go for better quality textures etc, going off those images posted by Ethomaz.

I'm going to stick to what I can physically see ie comparisons in 4k.

Games I really want to see patched are Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 with the ultra textures.

As I said in my response to Ethomaz, I'd be careful in reading too much into those images. You certainly won't experience any differences of that nature between a game on Scorpio and the same game on PS4 Pro. Developers will only use FP16 when they don't believe there is an appreciable difference in quality, and where there is a non-negligible difference in performance. It's important to remember that both consoles support FP32 and FP16 - but only the Pro supports performing two FP16 operations at the same speed as one FP32 operation.

Can you provide any examples of items that would need fp32 and could benefit from fp16 instead?

I'm guessing you mean wouldn't rather than would here. There are various examples that come to my mind.

1) Colour. Even with HDR, we don't use more than 16 bits to store colour. Calculations involving colour can thus often be done at FP16.

2) Texture coordinates. FP16 is typically sufficient for the position you want to perform a texture lookup. Not certain how well that holds up on a 4K texture - it's possible there is noticeable precision loss near 1. Certainly, I've never noticed any issues with precision for textures smaller than 4K using FP16. Worth noting that a game being rendered at 4K dosn't mean all of your textures are going to be 4K.

3) Directions. A lot of shader mathematics revolve around normalised vectors, which is to say vectors which represent directions with a magnitude of one. Floating point numbers are, by design, increasingly precise at smaller magnitudes. Hence, FP16 is still quite precise for a normalised vector because its magnitude is small. A basic example of where you could get away with FP16 would be in the common diffuse lighting calculation N dot L, where you determine how bright an object's surface is by dot-producting the direction of the incoming light (L) and the surface normal (N). N dot L is equivalent to N.x * L.x + N.y * L.y + N.z * L.z. My general experience is that, in this calculation, FP16 produces results that are indistinguishable from FP32. Other lighting calculations, like those involved in calculating specular reflection are a lot more sensitive to precision issues due to the relevant equations involve powers. Practically, in the PBR era, most lighting calculations require precision above that of FP16.

The general point with FP16 is that, ultimately, our intention with graphics is to output colours. Those colours are not stored at FP32, and, in fact, don't even use the full range of FP16, even in the HDR era. It is thus obvious that there will be areas prior to the output where you can use FP16 to store values, and areas where you can use FP16 to calculate values, without there being a difference, and an even wider range of areas where you can use FP16 to store or calculate values where there will be no noticeable or appreciable difference (i.e. you wouldn't prefer one output over the other). How well FP16 holds up in any given situation depends hugely on the magnitudes of the inputs, and the operation in question*. Obviously, each operation adds potential for imprecision, so, for example, repeated multiplications quite quickly see you lose precision.

As a basic example, you can expect a lot more precision when adding than when multiplying. I mentioned earlier that floating point number precision is higher with smaller magnitudes. The reverse of this is that floating point number precision is lower at higher magnitudes. The highest value (other than infinity) that you can store in an FP16 is 65,504, which is obviously big enough for a great many things, but, the next highest number is 65,472, and from there to 65,440. Hence, if I use FP16 to multiply two numbers together, say, 255.7 * 256.0 (= 65,459.2), I'm going to lose a lot of precision with FP16 when it gets rounded. With adding, the precision loss is far smaller. 255.7 + 256.0 = 511.7, as FP16 is capable of storing 511.75.
Huh. But why?

That's a good question, actually, I'm not sure I remember the original rationale (e.g. why not patch on the PPU via write combine?), but it's not entirely uncommon to do such things, really, just usually you have a custom front-end processor on the GPU that does DMA, etc., while on the RSX the real cost was the mode switch. Needless to say one of the earliest tasks leveraging the SPU was to move shader program patching there. (Another fun fact: stock Unreal 3 had only one SPU module, and it either did shader program patching or EDGE culling depending on the arguments passed. On Call of Duty we had in excess of 64 SPU modules by the time we finished MW3.)

What are your thoughts on the ID buffer?

I think Michal Drobot might discuss our up-sample approach at SIGGRAPH (other primary author here is Jorge Jimenez), but we don't use entity ID data as part of our custom up-sample in Infinite Warfare. DICE's is much closer to the "stock" up-sample arrangement.

Thanks for also posting real thoughts. It seems that FP16 packed math won't be useful in a truly widespread manner, at least for the near future. Can you speak to general levels of usage in real-world workloads currently? Presumably if you've consulted on this with IHV(s) that means it's worth doing at least some of the time.

Like anything sufficiently interesting, it's complicated, and workloads vary depending on requirements, context, etc. That's really my point most of the time posting in threads like this--it is essentially impossible for the consumer to ever understand the environment in which decisions like this are made or the real underlying reasons and rationale. And really, there's no reason to--that's why I like when DF just focuses on the end result *as observable by the consumer* e.g. doing analysis of frame pacing, resolution, etc. It avoids them getting into the dangerous territory of speculating about how hardware is designed, leveraged, and how software is written, which is far more complicated than possible to express accurately in web articles.
If history proves anything, all these minor 'bespoke' features never amount to much. In the end the main hardware tells the real story. CPU, GPU, RAM and bandwidth.

The Scorpio is better and that's all there is to it. XB1 was good with PS4 being even better. Now Pro is good and Scorpio even better. No big deal.


But all those people that started gaming on the ps3 are not used to Sony not having the most ~powerful~~~ toy console out there. Won't anyone think of those people?

On topic: I just want to see some games. Games are way more important than all those numbers no one even understands. And then there's the price problem.


If history proves anything, all these minor 'bespoke' features never amount to much. In the end the main hardware tells the real story. CPU, GPU, RAM and bandwidth.

The Scorpio is better and that's all there is to it. XB1 was good with PS4 being even better. Now Pro is good and Scorpio even better. No big deal.

Well said

An important thing to remember too is that FP16 won't make up for the ram and bandwidth advantage Scorpio has. This will allow 4k assets which will be a big differenterator between Scorpio and pro


That's a good question, actually, I'm not sure I remember the original rationale (e.g. why not patch on the PPU via write combine?), but it's not entirely uncommon to do such things, really, just usually you have a custom front-end processor on the GPU that does DMA, etc., while on the RSX the real cost was the mode switch. Needless to say one of the earliest tasks leveraging the SPU was to move shader program patching there. (Another fun fact: stock Unreal 3 had only one SPU module, and it either did shader program patching or EDGE culling depending on the arguments passed. On Call of Duty we had in excess of 64 SPU modules by the time we finished MW3.)

I think Michal Drobot might discuss our up-sample approach at SIGGRAPH (other primary author here is Jorge Jimenez), but we don't use entity ID data as part of our custom up-sample in Infinite Warfare. DICE's is much closer to the "stock" up-sample arrangement.

Like anything sufficiently interesting, it's complicated, and workloads vary depending on requirements, context, etc. That's really my point most of the time posting in threads like this--it is essentially impossible for the consumer to ever understand the environment in which decisions like this are made or the real underlying reasons and rationale. And really, there's no reason to--that's why I like when DF just focuses on the end result *as observable by the consumer* e.g. doing analysis of frame pacing, resolution, etc. It avoids them getting into the dangerous territory of speculating about how hardware is designed, leveraged, and how software is written, which is far more complicated than possible to express accurately in web articles.

If its ok to ask (not sure of NDA's and such so ignore me if it'll get you in bother) but do you have any personal thoughts on Scorpio and developing for it?

Always curious to hear from third party developers



Does that really matter when it has 4 additional gb of ram and over 100 more gbs of bandwidth?
If it doesn't matter than Microsoft should stop talking about all these customizations. It seems constantly we're reminded of them and how they are the thing that will help the Scorpio kick the 1080 in its nuts.

Arent you exhausted? Feels bad man.
I'm exhausted looking for actual technical data rather than buzzwords so yeah it does feel bad.

Look, if anyone here is actually saying that the Pro is greater than or equal to the Scorpio in graphical capabilities, obviously that person is wrong, full stop.

But discussing the Scorpio's hardware in a thread dedicated to that topic is in no way out of line, and the consent attacks against anyone saying anything remotely critical or analytical is, frankly, ridiculous.

The Scorpio is stronger than the Pro. That doesn't need to be the end of all discussion.

Beyond3d :)
30% on a specific process...and using FP16 not specifically Double-Rate FP16 so this would apply To Scorpio to..


Another optimization was the usage of FP16 GCN instructions in our checkerboard resolve shader. PS4™Pro has support for FP16, and we used it throughout the checkerboard resolve shader. The largest benefit was the ability to greatly lower our LDS memory usage. This resulted in a 30% performance improvement in the resolve shader.

In the grand scheme of things...this isn't much at all...and would apply to Scorpio
Wow, how did DF miss this detail?
If its ok to ask (not sure of NDA's and such so ignore me if it'll get you in bother) but do you have any personal thoughts on Scorpio and developing for it?

There's nothing specific I can discuss (and my comments should not be construed as the official position of my employer, etc.), but I will say it's one of the more fun things in the job to be on the leading edge of disclosure with new hardware. And where I am in my career now one of the few challenges left is to participate in the design process for hardware, so it's been fun seeing tastes of that through time since we work so closely with IHV partners. We also have some incredibly talented engineers on staff here who take it as a personal challenge to discover features and nuances in the hardware before first party does, which is always fun.


We already know that Scorpio will pretty much run everything in 4K other than some 720p titles which will be checkerboard 4K, as stated in this article.

That's proof in the pudding that this thing is more powerful than the Pro...

That's the promise at least.


On topic: I just want to see some games. Games are way more important than all those numbers no one even understands. And then there's the price problem.
I have no worries this time, I'm sure we'll see a few brilliant MS exclusives at E3 as usual and then there is the new third party games situation too where everything most likely run really great on Scorpio. E3 will be fun for sure this year. :)
Has it been determined if this will provide an excellent alternative to the rigs needed to support the VIVE/Oculus stuff?

If I were rich, I'd go all out on a VR-dedicated gaming rig. But I'm not rich, so I often entertained the idea of getting PSVR, but could be swayed towards this if it supports the kind of VR tech that PC is seeing.


If it doesn't matter than Microsoft should stop talking about all these customizations. It seems constantly we're reminded of them and how they are the thing that will help the Scorpio kick the 1080 in its nuts.

They do matter it's said in the article. All the customizations done were changes done from the extensive simulations from dev engines and finding all the botttlenecks they were experiencing. All the custom work done are changes to even the minute detail in the gpu such as queue caches and such. They even went into the CPU core and changed things too. They also took some Vega features that they knew would give benefit.


There's nothing specific I can discuss (and my comments should not be construed as the official position of my employer, etc.), but I will say it's one of the more fun things in the job to be on the leading edge of disclosure with new hardware. And where I am in my career now one of the few challenges left is to participate in the design process for hardware, so it's been fun seeing tastes of that through time since we work so closely with IHV partners. We also have some incredibly talented engineers on staff here who take it as a personal challenge to discover features and nuances in the hardware before first party does, which is always fun.

Cheers mate! understand that you can't really go into specifics, appreciate the insight though : )


If history proves anything, all these minor 'bespoke' features never amount to much. In the end the main hardware tells the real story. CPU, GPU, RAM and bandwidth.

The Scorpio is better and that's all there is to it. XB1 was good with PS4 being even better. Now Pro is good and Scorpio even better. No big deal.

This Guy gets it.


If history proves anything, all these minor 'bespoke' features never amount to much. In the end the main hardware tells the real story. CPU, GPU, RAM and bandwidth.

The Scorpio is better and that's all there is to it. XB1 was good with PS4 being even better. Now Pro is good and Scorpio even better. No big deal.

12 page thread boils down to it's most obvious simplest post. Congrats.


The single reason for that is because OnQ123 has an agenda to push. If FP16 was measured in any type of unit other than teraflops it would be just another bullet point in a list of tech specs. But saying "PS4 Pro is 8.4 Teraflops FP16" makes the uninformed public think that PS4 Pro has a secret sauce because 8.4 is bigger than 6. Although it has been explained to him many times that the importance of that spec is nowhere near the importance of the FP32 Teraflop count, by developers no less, he keeps banging on the FP16 drum because he wants to emphasize the 8.4 Teraflop number. This is from a poster who believed that the 6TF number that Microsoft gave for Scorpio was FP16 and that Microsoft would release a 3 TF console one year after Sony's 4.2 TF PS4 Pro.

Yeah that's right I made up all this fp16 stuff before Scorpio & PS4 Pro specs was even leaked just because I knew that I could use it for my agenda.


No... I'm not.

Use of FP16 instead FP32 decrease memory and bandwidth use by half (without compression or tricks) and you saying you can execute the same instruction instead of 2 differents didn't impact anything for graphics because graphic instructions are all the same executed in parallel.

Yes, you are.

Usage of FP16 inside the GPU for shader processing doesn't mean jack shit for memory and bandwidth. I generally fail to think of any game which is using 128 bits precision for render targets and frame buffers. Most games are outputting to R10G10B10x2 surface formats these days (which is 32 bits), some games (and only on PC mostly) are using FP16 for more precise tone mapping. D32F is a single component depth buffer format which is 32 bits. What you're saying simply doesn't exist.


If history proves anything, all these minor 'bespoke' features never amount to much. In the end the main hardware tells the real story. CPU, GPU, RAM and bandwidth.

The Scorpio is better and that's all there is to it. XB1 was good with PS4 being even better. Now Pro is good and Scorpio even better. No big deal.

Well said

An important thing to remember too is that FP16 won't make up for the ram and bandwidth advantage Scorpio has. This will allow 4k assets which will be a big differenterator between Scorpio and pro

If it doesn't matter than Microsoft should stop talking about all these customizations. It seems constantly we're reminded of them and how they are the thing that will help the Scorpio kick the 1080 in its nuts.

They do matter it's said in the article. All the customizations done were changes done from the extensive simulations from dev engines and finding all the botttlenecks they were experiencing. All the custom work done are changes to even the minute detail in the gpu such as queue caches and such. They even went into the CPU core and changed things too. They also took some Vega features that they knew would give benefit.


This is possibly the fastest turnaround I have ever seen on GAF.

"None of these extra features really matter, UNLESS Microsoft says they matter."

I actually laughed when I saw this play out.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.

This is possibly the fastest turnaround I have ever seen on GAF.

"None of these extra features really matter, UNLESS Microsoft says they matter."

I actually laughed when I saw this play out.
It's been a trainwreck of a tech thread.



This is possibly the fastest turnaround I have ever seen on GAF.

"None of these extra features really matter, UNLESS Microsoft says they matter."

I actually laughed when I saw this play out.

This marketing push to style xbox as the go-to brand for Real High Performance Gaming Enthusiasts has my full attention. It's going to be hilarious.

This is possibly the fastest turnaround I have ever seen on GAF.

"None of these extra features really matter, UNLESS Microsoft says they matter."

I actually laughed when I saw this play out.

Matt, you are saying this is not true? Are you saying that PS4 PRO is more powerful than the Xbox Scorpio thanks to "FP16"?



This is possibly the fastest turnaround I have ever seen on GAF.

"None of these extra features really matter, UNLESS Microsoft says they matter."

I actually laughed when I saw this play out.

There's a difference in a bespoke feature trying to give impression of 2x performance then features that allow the gpu to be more efficient in handling bottlenecks. At the end of the day these are just features to help use full advantage of the hardware. There's not special magic to make a gpu be more powerful then what they do. 6TF vs 4.2tf that's all there is to it. Like I said MS did custom work that allows the gpu to be more efficient and devs can take advantage of



This is possibly the fastest turnaround I have ever seen on GAF.

"None of these extra features really matter, UNLESS Microsoft says they matter."

I actually laughed when I saw this play out.

I don't know...

First line...

And then... is something on every XBO.


Thanks for the info! If I understand, this means that packed math allows quicker computation, but the same bandwidth usage, right? So would this mean that rather than make space for higher resolution buffers, it might instead make time for higher quality shaders operating on a smaller buffer?

Wait, what? Let me explain it differently. There are two ways to get some benefit from using FP16 on modern GCN. The first way which is applicable to all GCN3+ is to pack two FP16 registers instead of one FP32 one and process them at FP32 speed. This saves on chip memory (registers, LDS) and allows you to generally get two results faster than you would otherwise. The second way which is applicable to Neo and GCN5+ is to pack two FP16 registers and process them at double FP32 speed. This adds the advantage of a higher speed processing to the previous advantage of getting two results faster.

In both cases you're looking at the same bandwidth usage as two FP16 numbers will consume the same bandwidth as one FP32. You're winning in latency of shader operations which basically means that you're winning in performance.

Buffers is generally something which reside in device memory (VRAM) and they have no relation to shader processing as you're writing results from the shader execution to some surface format which in 99% of cases is either 32 or 64 bits already.

Here's another analogy: most data used in modern games are stored in 16 or 32 bits image formats (meaning either 4 or 8 bits per component). GPUs are processing this data in shaders with FP32 precision though (which is 32 bits per component) because this is the only way to make sure that there are no rounding errors (which will result in noticeable visual artifacts on shaded surfaces) during shader processing. This is basically similar to what's happening on the output of the pipeline - after you've processed the data with FP32 (or FP16) precision you're writing results to a memory buffer with significantly less precision because there is no need to use 128 bit precision for something which will be shown to a human eye - eye just won't see any difference between 32 and 128 bits.


Just read the new article,

One thing i've read a few times now is that each MB is tailored to match the processor that its given.

Does this effectively mean that there will be a silicon lottery when buying a Scorpio much like we see with PC GPUs and CPUs? ie: good and bad consoles

Or has this always been the case to an extent with consoles as well? Ive just never heard about it applying to consoles before.


Just read the new article,

One thing i've read a few times now is that each MB is tailored to match the processor that its given.

Does this effectively mean that there will be a silicon lottery when buying a Scorpio much like we see with PC GPUs and CPUs? ie: good and bad consoles

Or has this always been the case to an extent with consoles as well? Ive just never heard about it applying to consoles before.
I think the whole point is to avoid that, to fine tweak each console to make sure it's as good as that specific console can be in terms of reliability?


There's a difference in a bespoke feature trying to give impression of 2x performance then features that allow the gpu to be more efficient in handling bottlenecks. At the end of the day these are just features to help use full advantage of the hardware. There's not special magic to make a gpu be more powerful then what they do. 6TF vs 4.2tf that's all there is to it. Like I said MS did custom work that allows the gpu to be more efficient and devs can take advantage of
No there isn't.

Using FP16 is just another method for tying to make graphics hardware more efficient. The basic logic behind everything here is the same, only in one case you are dismissing it, and in another you are calling it meaningful.

They are equally important. They are small features that help to squeeze a little bit more juice out of these machines.


No there isn't.

Using FP16 is just another method for tying to make graphics hardware more efficient. The basic logic behind everything here is the same, only in one case you are dismissing it, and in another you are calling it meaningful.

They are equally important. They are small features that help to squeeze a little bit more juice out of these machines.

Yup I just said that in your quote good reading
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