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Ion Fury devs patch out non-PC jokes and force all employees & contractors to undergo mandatory sensitivity training



Unconfirmed Member
You're using circular logic. Men are subject of humor because they are better at comedy
The audience is laughing at the men not with them most of the time.
and also unlike women they can take it, they're self-ironic. Men have been called names since the dawn of history (for real, there's reports of centuries old "shitposting", now you can't use "cunt" or "butterface" or you'll lose your job.
This is true but unrelated.


But that is exactly what tolerance is. You just have to not be a literal caveman that inflicts physical harm on others like some Antifa member because somebodies lifestyle triggers you.

I think the entire internet needs a crash course on tolerance. We could call it sensitivity training.

You're using circular logic. Men are subject of humor because they are better at comedy and also unlike women they can take it, they're self-ironic. Men have been called names since the dawn of history (for real, there's reports of centuries old "shitposting", now you can't use "cunt" or "butterface" or you'll lose your job.

The old Christopher Hitchens piece arguing this seems wrong in retrospect considering how much good female stand up comedy there is on Netflix and elsewhere. I also don’t know what the freedom to say ”cunt” and “butterface” gets you in a place of work


Nah, they deserve it. Fuck them for facilitating the REEEEEEs.
ugh. throwing a game company under the bus for their politics. this is exactly what they are doing.

people are seriously going to avoid playing a videogame because of the way some other message board thinks about them. lol. for real?

so is ResetEra now dictating all of your game playing choices? you should really check what they think about all the games you enjoy, you may need to stop playing some of them. lol. this is beyond pathetic.
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Remember when a bunch of retards didn't demand devs change things that they deemed offensive?
Nah, just sit back and enjoy. It's not cool to have opinions on things these days except for orange man bad.

people are seriously going to avoid playing a videogame because of the way some other message board thinks about them. lol. for real?
If I ever feel like playing it I'll borrow a copy from a friend. It's pretty pathetic how people like you are ok with this shit. Yeah so punk. I love political correctness and CNN! Orange man bad! Liberalism good! Idles is my favorite band!


Gold Member
Remember when a bunch of retards didn't demand devs change things that they deemed offensive?
Nah, just sit back and enjoy. It's not cool to have opinions on things these days except for orange man bad.

If I ever feel like playing it I'll borrow a copy from a friend. It's pretty pathetic how people like you are ok with this shit. Yeah so punk. I love political correctness and CNN! Orange man bad! Liberalism good! Idles is my favorite band!
Remember when devs didn't respond to every forum idiot, where the only time they contacted you was to mail gamers a patch on a 3.5" hard floppy?

But, devs did it to themselves. Gaming has got to be THE industry with the most forum chat, dev interaction, Q&A sessions, feedback etc..... If devs want feedback, better be able to take a punch.

Gamers aren't like grannies on a Martha Stewart forum talking about blueberry muffins. While grannies will respond to each other suggesting adding more eggs or butter to make a better muffin, gamers will suggest jumping off a bridge and doxxing family member info.
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ugh. throwing a game company under the bus for their politics. this is exactly what they are doing.

people are seriously going to avoid playing a videogame because of the way some other message board thinks about them. lol. for real?

so is ResetEra now dictating all of your game playing choices? you should really check what they think about all the games you enjoy, you may need to stop playing some of them. lol. this is beyond pathetic.
Why should I play this game. Why should we give them money?


Even if it were true that your anecdotes amount to a social contagion (there may be some degree of performativity to being e.g. nonbinary or questioning) where exactly is the harm? I heard the arguments about a slippery slope against accepting gay people (that it will erode families, destroy the social fabric, lead to the acceptance of bestiality, incest, etc) when I first got on the internet in the 90s and I don’t think time has been kind to those arguments

Really, becuase pretty much all that shit except bestiality has become more socially acceptable. Transsexuals, BDSM and other various sex kinks including pedophilia, higher divorce rates, ,lower marriage rates, lower birth rates, sexuality being encouraged at a younger age,

How many parents were pumping their kids with hormone blockers in 1995?

And you can't even make a joke about it without getting in trouble and being sent to "reeducation"
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
They won't probably even get any more sales by this, instead the total opposite.


The mental challenged people won't buy it cus they are super easily offended, and normal people won't jy it because of their kneeling to the first group
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ugh. throwing a game company under the bus for their politics. this is exactly what they are doing.

I agree with what you are saying, yet ........ there are many people in off topic who do the same. Like as an example, people don't want to support Disney because they are all "woke" and "SJW" like.


Still think the game looks ace - will be buying it when it hits consoles. All this game adjacent drama that exists today is so tiresome. As someone in their early 40s, I really miss the old days. When I was a kid, games were just another facet of being a kid. Seems nowadays these folks just seem to sit on the internet all day long searching in earnest for shit to get offended by. Why don't they just get other hobbies besides Twitter outrage?


Unconfirmed Member
All this brings to mind an episode of Ally McBeal. For those who haven't seen it it's a 90s dramedy about a bunch of lawyers who are... quirky. In season 2 episode 16 (sex, lies and politics) a book shop owner sues a politician. Why? Well the politician targets their bookstore in his election campaign, calling it a den of filth, for having classic books which depict sex, while taking no interest in actual pornographers, because the shop is close to the state capital. He was grandstanding with no actual interest in the issue, just using the shop to whip up fury to get power. The funny thing is politicians did that kind of thing in the 90s but now it's amorphous mobs on Twitter and they're a bit harder to sue.


I agree with what you are saying, yet ........ there are many people in off topic who do the same. Like as an example, people don't want to support Disney because they are all "woke" and "SJW" like.
That's fucked up Mr. Resident Disney Shill. How could somebody have that opinion???


Really, becuase pretty much all that shit except bestiality has become more socially acceptable. Transsexuals, BDSM and other various sex kinks including pedophilia, higher divorce rates, ,lower marriage rates, lower birth rates, sexuality being encouraged at a younger age,

How many parents were pumping their kids with hormone blockers in 1995?

And you can't even make a joke about it without getting in trouble and being sent to "reeducation"

That would make sense if there were a causal relationship established between a and b not just running together a lot of phenomena into a folk theory with ideology filling the explanatory void.

-It is true that acceptance of lesbian, gay, and bi people leads to more social acceptance of trans people because the internal logic of the case for human rights is the same i.e. your disgust shouldn't figure in choices people make that aren't harming others
-divorce rates are actually declining, although that's partly a consequence of increased cohabitation, and one of the major unifying causes in this triad with lower birth rates is economic i.e. how much resources people have to build families and developed economies not requiring high fertility (better health care) or large families (labor market structure). blaming it on lax morality is then just changing the subject
-what sexuality means here is ambiguous - if you mean sexualized clothing maybe but statistics suggest teen sex has gone down significantly. If your inference were true it's swamped by other factors


Neo Member
Remember when a bunch of retards didn't demand devs change things that they deemed offensive?
Nah, just sit back and enjoy. It's not cool to have opinions on things these days except for orange man bad.

If I ever feel like playing it I'll borrow a copy from a friend. It's pretty pathetic how people like you are ok with this shit. Yeah so punk. I love political correctness and CNN! Orange man bad! Liberalism good! Idles is my favorite band!

Phonepunk is a really annoying poster. You can't win against someone who thinks he's right 100% of the time.
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But I thought in the free west they didn't censor video games or force wrong-think employees to undergo re-education.

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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
The internet has given rise to some cool shit, but I think I could live without it all if it was destroyed and we went back to a non-connected world. It would absolutely kill shit like this, because there wouldn’t be a platform for idiocy like we constantly see now.

I mean, yeah, that would mean the end of GAF and on-demand information... but I lived through a time just like that, before the internet was a thing, and we survived just fine. I’d miss all of you, but it would be worth the sacrifice if it meant less outrage and fewer platforms for the Perpetually Offended to ruin shit for everyone else.

Good point. I think when the next recession inevitably comes along many if not most of these social media outlets will go belly up. We're already at the point where Wall Street is losing patience with the current batch of start ups and venture capital isn't as forthcoming as in years past. When these places have to prove themselves under tight economic conditions, they won't be able to. It would not surprise me at all if Twitter and Reddit go out of business in the next recession. They've been money pits for years and have only proven the notion that if a site gets a big enough following it'll become profitable is completely wrong. A world without a Twitter or Reddit will be a wonderful thing.


Oh noez, they turned lesbian, how will the world cope? It's the end of human civilization!
GTFO with that sh*t.

Yeah, because fetishistic sexual practices were never part of the common collective's fantasy in the history of western civilization. Casanova, Marquis de Sade, Greek pederasty, Roman orgies, the medieval obsession with zoophilia, Caligula and various other sexual trends such as this one from the 1800s:

It may come to you as a surprise, but fetishes are nothing new and are part of every human civilization and culture. It's only now that the power of the internet allows you to witness it in all it's boundless glory while in the past, most of that stuff was relegated to selective literature and obscure historic or sociological research. This topic is not the place for your square musing on how sexual liberty is bringing along the apocalypse.

I think compared to f*cking a turkey's cloaca until your Parisian whore is cutting its throat to make your climax more pleasurable, western civilization can deal with a few lesbians and a couple of furries on the internet.

Usually all this stemmed from the upper classes who had the means to bribe and influence officials to avoid punishment due to sodomy laws. But it could also have deeper causes.
I remember reading that short before the French Revolution, commoners were also keen on torturing and killing the aristocrats' cats. A sign for the turbulent times to come


those fucking retards don't care about the patches or employee changes

ion you fucked up and i hope you enjoy the review bombs coming your way (which i neither condone nor condemn)
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people are seriously going to avoid playing a videogame because of the way some other message board thinks about them. lol. for real?

so is ResetEra now dictating all of your game playing choices? you should really check what they think about all the games you enjoy, you may need to stop playing some of them. lol. this is beyond pathetic.
Nobody here cares about what resetera thinks about our games. Where did you get that idea?

The issue is when a game actually changes because of what they think. The issue is censorship in general. Most here don't want to support that shit.
The female protag of this game seemed to conform to SJW ideals, so Im not really surprised to see the game devs on their knees, apologizing to angry gay guys.
Again, the devs should've just ignored the whining coming from Reset.
Im waiting when they decide to take Duke Nukem 3D and the likes off the digital stores and bring them back with non feminist jokes, strippers and urinals....what a time to be alive /s.
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