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iOS 11 |OT| iPad becomes useful

Guess Who

Google Drive finally updated with Files support, which also seems to have fixed the issue of "every single file type wants to open in Google Drive".
Looks like the Youtube and Google Photos apps destroyed my battery in the background, don't know what happened there, never had this issue in the past.

I'll keep an eye on that. Battery looks better today.

Between these runaway background processes draining batteries and Google Drive fucking up the Files app, it's almost as if Google wants to screw up the launch of a competitor's OS. If I was going to go all conspiracy theorist, that is.

EDIT: And on the subject, I don't feel "Looks like you need to reset it and start fresh" is an acceptable solution, despite understanding its likely the only one that will work. I didn't pay the apple premium to have to completely rebuild my phone every OS release. This shit is meant to "just work".

I've been using iOS since the first iPhone and performance issues always get worked out by the first couple point releases. For the person whose phone was straight-up crashing and exhibiting severe issues, yeah, there's something very wrong with their phone that I've never seen, either a corrupted install or a hardware problem, so that's why I suggested a fresh install.


Ya know, I've been noticing, when I get into a car and my phone auto connects...I have no idea what it's going to play.

Sometimes, the last thing I listened to is Apple Music, but it prioritizes playing the last podcast instead. Sometimes it'll play Apple Music, but not what I last listened to, rather just my manual music library.

Same with plugging in headphones, no idea what it'll show first...
Occasionally, yes. But I had this issue already on iOS 10. At some point the badge will go away. Pretty annoying.
What is truly annoying is opening an email straight from tapping a notifcation, reading it, and yet kept as unread in the app. You have to tap on it again at the inbox and only then will it be marked as read.

This bug predates iOS 11 though.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Wtf swiping right to multitask apps won’t work for me now. Even tried enabling and disabling the settings
whoever said turning off icloud helped the battery, i tried that today on 7+. turned off all the apps that i dont have anything to save with (in icloud settings) and my battery seems more normal now.

Seems to have helped a lot
One thing I've always wanted since I got the first iPhone was to be playing music on it, come home and iTunes on my Mac would seamlessly pick up where the iPhone left off. I guess this is not a common use case or something because it seems like such an obvious feature to me. Especially with the HomePod.
One thing I've always wanted since I got the first iPhone was to be playing music on it, come home and iTunes on my Mac would seamlessly pick up where the iPhone left off. I guess this is not a common use case or something because it seems like such an obvious feature to me. Especially with the HomePod.

I think they’re waiting until iTunes dies and putting it in the new app. It’s one of the most oft-requested features and something Spotify has had since like... ever.


I think the framerate drops are getting worse over time if anything, even after the .0.1. Today I had several outright stalls, rather than a choppy but moving framerate.


Another change in this update that wasn't immediately obvious to me, which I found very frustrating earlier, is that when you swipe down it always displays your notifications now, rather than remembering whether it was last displaying notifications or widgets.
It basically renders the PCalc widget useless, since it prevents you keeping some figures open and quickly swapping between them and the calculator without having to change apps - which is also much slower due to the home button being required rather than 3D Touch.

I think the framerate drops are getting worse over time if anything, even after the .0.1. Today I had several outright stalls, rather than a choppy but moving framerate.
Immediately following the update, things were better for me. The stutters were completely gone on my 7 Plus. But they have returned, and while I don't know that they are worse than they were before, they are at least as bad.


Immediately following the update, things were better for me. The stutters were completely gone on my 7 Plus. But they have returned, and while I don't know that they are worse than they were before, they are at least as bad.

Yeah exactly that, they seemed to improve right after the update but then they came roaring back after a while. Restarts don't restore that post-update feel.


Ok, gotta say either 11.0.1fix battery drain or logging of icloud drive did fix something, but ipad air 2atm at 49%, time use a little more than 5 hours. So i guess i will be able to reach easily 10 hours with a full charge, which was my average time with ios 10. I guess everything is back to normal now for me.


One thing I've always wanted since I got the first iPhone was to be playing music on it, come home and iTunes on my Mac would seamlessly pick up where the iPhone left off. I guess this is not a common use case or something because it seems like such an obvious feature to me. Especially with the HomePod.

To add to the random requests, I’ve always wished I could save my spot in a playlist to come back to later. Often I will play a new playlist that’s updated every week, change to my gym playlist later, and want to come back to my previous list but forget where I was. A simple “resume” option for playlists would do it


So the Files app won't sort folders and files separately?

Nope, that's not the Mac OS Way (tm) (although I think recent macOS versions finally added an option for that because Windows switchers demanded it)

what are you saying?
of course macOS can sort by "kind"(folder vs. file) before "name".

edit: oh shit, it really didn't do that before last year's Sierra? ... i literally never noticed. How weird. Probably because i always sorted by "kind".

Guess Who

what are you saying?
of course macOS can sort by "kind" before "name".

In Windows, "files" and "folders" are listed separately regardless of any other sorting options. In macOS and iOS, files and folders are intermingled in most sorting options (except "kind", where folders are considered their own "kind" - but iOS has no "kind" sorting option).


I've been using iOS since the first iPhone and performance issues always get worked out by the first couple point releases. For the person whose phone was straight-up crashing and exhibiting severe issues, yeah, there's something very wrong with their phone that I've never seen, either a corrupted install or a hardware problem, so that's why I suggested a fresh install.

Sorry I didn't mean for that to sound like a shot aimed at your advice. My frustration is with that being the only real solution from a company such as Apple, not at those people offering it.

Mr Swine

Is there a way to force the new video player on YouTube if you are not using the app? Works really well on iPhone but on Ipad it uses the standard video player. Is it because you can PiP with it?
I hate how you can’t have message notifications be hidden when they show up on your screen but available when you open notification center like before. gonna allow nosy people to see your messages when you show them something.


formerly "chigiri"
I hate how you can't have message notifications be hidden when they show up on your screen but available when you open notification center like before. gonna allow nosy people to see your messages when you show them something.

Isn't this use case exactly what turning off "Show as Banners" but leaving "Show on Lock Screen" and "Show in History" achieves under an apps' notification settings? This is what I have most messaging apps set to so that I don't get constant messaging banners interrupting games but still can see all messages when I want to.

Limiting "Show Previews" is another setting that can be enabled to further limit snooping if the device is locked.
I hate how you can’t have message notifications be hidden when they show up on your screen but available when you open notification center like before. gonna allow nosy people to see your messages when you show them something.

Turn off banners, leave on “show on lock screen” or “show on history,” or both, as is your preference
So weather widgets are not working for me. I got between Jersey and Philly as i work in the city. I got into the city and come home and the weather widget still says philly with the temperature in the middle of the afternoon. Odd thing is the time of day is right. I have to restart it to say jersey. I then applied the weather channel widget and that worked until I got into the city and the temperature wont display at all. I hope iOS 11.1 brings a fix.


I can't wrap my head around how Slide Over isn't worse in this iteration. If an app isn't in my dock and I want to slide it over I have to go back to the home screen what the heck?

Glad I managed to dodge these battery issues at least.


if the security updates are your concern, i don't think your S6 is going to receive many more updates either.
What version of Android is it running? Wikipedia says 7.0.
So your iPhone running iOS 10.3.3 might run more recently released OS version than your S6 edge ;) - though the S6 edge is certainly a way more exciting piece of hardware

Though i'm not all that well versed about whether or not Android rolls out security updates on a per-app basis. - like, an updated Chrome or messages app
You know, I had not considered that at all :lol But yeah, it is a bit fancier and my battery was giving up, with some nasty burn marks on the screen. My gf said the phone was up to date and after a fresh install, about 40 apps had their own patches waiting. I gotta say, my main Android draw is being able to play my own Unity projects on it, but other than that, I miss Apple hardware so far xD The curved screen is mostly a nuisance tbh.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I can't wrap my head around how Slide Over isn't worse in this iteration. If an app isn't in my dock and I want to slide it over I have to go back to the home screen what the heck?

Glad I managed to dodge these battery issues at least.

yep, its so bad now :(


So, does anyone have issues with WiFi turning itself off? Doesn’t turning it off in the control dock thing not actually turn it off? It’s been driving me crazy and messing with my connectivity.


iPhone 6s Plus updating apps takes way to long and my phone gets hotter than it should, I am on the new update 11.0.1 . In particular the last two updates of XCOM during the updates made my phone really sluggish, but I noticed it while updating other apps it takes way longer than it should . I probably should have waited until 11.0.3 or 11.1 , I couldn’t wait to try new control center. I think my battery is at least 30% less after the update too. I do think there is something weird going on with an iCloud issue but I don’t want to turn that off right now Apple should figure it out soon hopefully.


i assume they didn't put much thought into slide over, as it's basically a feature only used on devices that:

* are iPads
* do get iOS 11
* have less than 2 gigs of ram

i.e. iPad Air, iPad mini 2 and mini 3

That’s not true. SlideOver exists on the iPad Pros too, and you can even use it in addition to side-by-side. I use it all the time now.

The Real Abed

I need to decide whether I want to stay on the beta channel and get 11.1 or jump off and get 11.0.1.

Funny thing, if I check for updates on my phone it says 11.1 is available. But if I connect to iTunes, iTunes tells me 11.0.1 is available (Because I guess iTunes doesn't know if you're on the beta channel or not, only that you're on 11.0 and that 11.0.1 is available.) so I guess I have options.

I told myself I was gonna jump off the beta train when the final version came out. But I haven't committed yet.


Cant update on my ipad from 11.0 to 01

And why does my ipad gets the apps i download on my phone?
I havent said that i wanted this, how do i turn of that shit? . Its beyond annoying

I regret updtaing to 11 on my phone and ipad. Its so buggy and messy. And alot of stupid things in it.


Cant update on my ipad from 11.0 to 01

And why does my ipad gets the apps i download on my phone?
I havent said that i wanted this, how do i turn of that shit? . Its beyond annoying

I regret updtaing to 11 on my phone and ipad. Its so buggy and messy. And alot of stupid things in it.


iTunes and App Store

Untick apps


nods at old men
Nope, that's not the Mac OS Way (tm) (although I think recent macOS versions finally added an option for that because Windows switchers demanded it)

In Windows, "files" and "folders" are listed separately regardless of any other sorting options. In macOS and iOS, files and folders are intermingled in most sorting options (except "kind", where folders are considered their own "kind" - but iOS has no "kind" sorting option).

Wow, had no idea, haha.
Well, I hope that funcitonality comes. How do you deal with this haha? My head hurts looking at them.


I can't wrap my head around how Slide Over isn't worse in this iteration. If an app isn't in my dock and I want to slide it over I have to go back to the home screen what the heck?

Glad I managed to dodge these battery issues at least.

In terms of getting an app into slide over, I suppose I can see how it requires a bit more set up. Personally, I only use a handful of apps in slide over so I just made a folder on the dock to house them.

In terms of usability, however, it's far better for me. I hated using the old slide over because there were too many drawbacks, and I found it was almost always better to just split view instead. The exception was apps that didn't supporting multitasking. This new one doesn't lock you out of using the main app anymore, so you can continue working in the background while having an active conversation via imessage or just being able to multitask two apps even if the main one doesn't support multitasking. You can move it from left to right to avoid obscuring anything under it, which also means you can use 3 active apps all at once. On top of all of that it supports the iOS11 features like drag/drop.

I dont think its close to perfect but I def think its a step forward vs the old one.
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