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Is refusing to date people of certain races racist?

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You are looking some people like myself (NOT the OP) in the wrong way. The context for people like myself is different. I've always wanted my woman to some what reflect me to some degree. I want some of my problems to also be her problems. I have nappy hair and so does she lol.

It's the small things like that, that I'm talking about. That's a shared community amongst each other. Just "getting it" you know?
Is this the fabled culture that keeps being brought up?
They can join that community. It's 100% fine. But they don't have to join that community through me. That's the point. And that should also be fine. If they joined the community because my sister dated an Asian guy then cool. It's all love.

You are looking some people like myself (NOT the OP) in the wrong way. The context for people like myself is different. I've always wanted my woman to some what reflect me to some degree. I want some of my problems to also be her problems. I have nappy hair and so does she lol.

It's the small things like that, that I'm talking about. That's a shared community amongst each other. Just "getting it" you know?

You say to "some degree" but you have specific traits that you want so this isn't to "some degree" because some degree implies a venn diagram of shared interests. You're literally labeling other interests as unworthy without most likely even trying them out. A lot of people "get it" by the way, you just have a problem with how they "get it" which has its own specific reasoning.
LOL these threads go on forever due to people's world-ending fear of being perceived as racist. Yes racial dating preferences are racist.

I know a white woman that refuses to date white men and hates white people herself lol. Society influences all this and US is a racist society.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Culturally, I can accept that. Racially, no. I don't see why dating someone of a different race should require extra time and energy vs same race. Unless race is a big part of your life and you make a big deal about it at every opportunity, then again I'd have to ask why it's so important to you.

This I can accept, I guess, but at the same time, the path of least resistance often means maintaining the status quo, and if the status quo is racism then...

Hypothetically, yes, but when generic white girl/white guy on Tinder has "no blacks" on their profile, I would have to stretch my imagination to think that they're really interested in keeping alive their minority culture (like, what, Irish? Italian?, Germanic?) and not just blatantly shallow or prejudiced. Also, if they really were interested in, you know, keeping the culture alive, they wouldn't use "no PoC", they'd use "only <my race here>", but how often do you see this versus the opposite?

(I know this particular point is real because I'm moderately familiar with the Deaf community, which is actually struggling to keep Deaf culture alive in America in the face of increased medical options for hearing recovery. There are parents rejecting medical treatments for their children for the sake of keeping them within the culture. There are youth refusing to date anyone non-Deaf for the sake of their culture. There's friction between the wholly deaf and the partially deaf, those who live in all-Deaf communities and those who live in the mainstream (i.e. hearing), a lot of needless tribalism, all for the sake of their culture. So, I'm actually not a stranger to this reasoning, but I don't approve of it at all.)

I love your deaf people example alot and is really a great point. You are allowed to disagree with it, but it doesn't mean those people are wrong.

NOW! Those other people that you spoke about on Tinder.......yeah.....there's probably mountains of racism there.


Is this the fabled culture that keeps being brought up?

People acting like interculture isnt a real thing are literally fighting a losing battle.

There is a reason there is, even on a liberal forum such as ours, a BCT,ACT,HCT, and a LBQTCT.

Its not strange that people, on average, will congregate(date) near people who look like them and share their life experiences.


That what was beautiful then is not beautiful now should be proof enough that the human concept of beauty is not wholly biological. If it's not biological then it must be sociological and if it's sociological, you can exercise some degree of control over it.

Some degree. That could be across a culture over generations or individuals over the course of the week. I think it is the former, but that's just a guess.


So, by definition:

You're already going down a poor path by appealing to some supposed universal definition. Whose definition is this and why should we accept it.

A socially constructed category of identification based on physical characteristics, ancestry, historical affiliation, or shared culture.

I'm going to challenge this because it makes it seem like this things can be unconnected. They aren't. Racial categories conflate all four of these. Based is also a weird word to use there.

So, by refusing to date a certain race, you can be refusing any of these:

Except we can't really tease any of them out from the other ones. What's actually going on behind this?

So you can have preference on physical characterisics. You can find some races physically unattractive based on certain characteristics (ex. Skin color, facial features, etc) which define their race.

Except no specific physical characteristic really defines any race. That's not how being categorized works. What you're doing is essentiallizing certain traits to the group and then distributing that to every member of the group. That's not a good move on either count.

Therefore, you can prefer just not to date that race.

You can in the sense that nothing is actually physically stopping you from thinking this way, though again there are clear problems with the act of categorizing here, but this wording is getting dangerously close to folding in a moral value statement about it.

Which is fine, that doesn't make you racist. You cannot control who you're attracted to. Same with sexuality. People can't control who they find attractive.

I've seen this over and over again in the thread and it still makes no sense to me. I don't see how whether or not we have any active control over something, whatever that means, says anything about whether or not it's racist. Moreover I'm not sure the premise here is true. I think people have more control over what they are attracted to than they tend to think. Regardless, there is clearly some social element in all this as conceptions of beauty change with respect to both time and place.

This is a poor argument built on a lot of assumptions and coupled with poor logical extrapolations.

Spiritual East? that's a façade. Stature, status is more important to them

I'd agree it's a vapid characterization, it's literally the core of orientalism, but the solution isn't to just say the opposite.
Ew no



There, better. -)

Haha. Reminds me of a recent interview with Idris Elba and Trevor Noah, where he was saying he watched the movie with his partner, and he enjoyed the movie but admit he got a bit annoyed every time there was a shirtless scene with Elba because she'd always go "oof" or "hhhnngg" every time xD
Girl bye


Just have your preference and choose to date who you please, just don't tell anyone about said preference. Chances are, none of the races on your "do not date" list are interested in you anyway, so you can go happily about your business as a closeted racist.
Traditionally the West has been seen as materialistic and contrasted with a spiritualistic East. So it's a pretty odd thing to say, since you're turning it on its head entirely.

I agree with gutter trash - i think the perception is wrong. For example (to generalise) Indians are much more concerned with wealth and status than we are in the west.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
People acting like interculture isnt a real thing are literally fighting a losing battle.

There is a reason there is, even on a liberal forum such as ours, a BCT,ACT,HCT, and a LBQTCT.

Its not strange that people, on average, will congregate(date) near people who look like them and share their life experiences.

I think you mean intracultural right? If so that's exactly what I'm talking about.


Okay, what if it was "dark skin" instead of ethnic background more generally?

Geez I wonder what sort of history might be involved with disliking dark skin.

I knew someone in college who said she never found guys with blond hair attractive. I don't know why, that's just how she felt. Is that any more or less arbitrary than "height" or "skin color"?

No, but luckily how arbitrary something is isn't the only thing going on here. Which is the entire point of that post you quoted. Being categorized as Black is a fundamentally different thing than having hair of a specific color.

Making decisions based on appearance is always surface level and "unfair" in a large sense, but I think we've generally agreed that it's acceptable for dating.

So, why did you have quote that post if you refuse to address it. You're reducing race to being just a physical trait. That isn't what it is.

I agree with gutter trash - i think the perception is wrong. For example (to generalise) Indians are much more concerned with wealth and status than we are in the west.

The perception is wrong, but it's wrong because of reasons endemic the the West trying to define itself in opposition to the Oriental other. It's wrong because it's stupid to say a culture is materialistic and other sis spiritual without qualifying it heavily. The issue is the bolded. Turning the statement on its head doesn't fix the problem, it does nothing.
Because it helps them "allow themselves" to be racist.
(And show ignorance on sexual orientation as well)

This is nonsense. Instead of shit posting and insulting others in this thread, trying coming up with some intelligent counter arguments instead of showing ignorance like Trump.
This is nonsense. Instead of shit posting and insulting others in this thread, trying coming up with some intelligent counter arguments


Why would you want to give extra highlighting to your post with inaccuracies and false equivalencies that have already been addressed and debunked (and ridiculed) at many points in this thread?

This thread doesn't need to be more circular than it already is.
Try reading through the thread.


This is nonsense. Instead of shit posting and insulting others in this thread, trying coming up with some intelligent counter arguments instead of showing ignorance like Trump.

That poster was being slightly rude, I don't think it's shit posting though. Meanwhile the exact arguments you've made have been made and summarily and easily dismantled throughout the thread. Meanwhile you haven't addressed the significantly more detailed post addressing you right below the one you quoted. It seems a bit odd to ask for people to do something if you're going to ignore when they do it.
I'd say if you find fewer black women attractive then that's probably ok but to say you're not attracted to black women period is a bad look. You're basically saying they're all the same. Which is inherently racist.

I would admit that I find more white women attractive but I'd also say I'd seen some stunning black women.

Yeah. Like there are probably a dozen stereotypical black women, I don't know how to put it, appearances? From the different shades of their skin to the different sizes and shapes of facial features, etc. If you say flatly that there isn't a black women you find attractive barring instances where the black woman looks like another ethnicity pretty strongly, it's really hard not to assign some level of racism to your preferences. The only reason I'm a little cautious here is what about cases where a person otherwise has no negative racial biases towards black people. What if the only discernible racist belief is that they aren't attracted to any black woman?

It's a bit of a grey area. If somebody wants to consider that person racist it's hard to argue against, especially the negatively charged interpretation of the word, but if such a person exists I would be willing to consider them something else.

I don't know if the hypothetical person I'm describing exists. I just view it kind of like sexuality, you don't choose what gender you are sexually attracted too. Obviously not being attracted to an entire ethnicity implies something, and that something could easily be assumed to be ingrained negative biases even if completely on a subconscious level, but this is a different concept to wrap my head around. Especially with somebody like Beyoncé, if I may be a little forward.
Why do you want to equate sexual orientation which is innate, with race which is not? It's not like you're born to be attracted to certain races, physical characteristics, or cultures...

I’m not sure what you’re saying.

I was comparing:

having a sexual preference on sex


having a sexual preference on physical characteristics

You can’t control either one of those.
I think I know why this discussion is such a problem.

So, by definition:


A socially constructed category of identification based on physical characteristics, ancestry, historical affiliation, or shared culture.

So, by refusing to date a certain race, you can be refusing any of these:

physical characteristics, ancestry, historical affiliation, or shared culture.

So you can have preference on physical characterisics. You can find some races physically unattractive based on certain characteristics (ex. Skin color, facial features, etc) which define their race. Therefore, you can prefer just not to date that race.

Which is fine, that doesn’t make you racist. You cannot control who you’re attracted to. Same with sexuality. People can’t control who they find attractive.

Now, refusing to date someone based on the other parts of the definition, which generally have nothing to do with who the person actually is:

ancestry, historical affiliation, or shared culture

If you don’t date someone based on those. I’d say yes, that’s racist.

I think what some people are trying to say, that "that" preference many of us have- It's not a legitimate preference. It's a preference given to us by white systemic powers that disinfranchise many people. Our cultures are shaped in the beauty standards of white westernes. Fashion, Hollywood, Music, Video games, Advertisment- All of these pop culture institutions that have a overwhelming part in shaping what we are attracted to, and what we find sexy, are about white people. Even when they don't have a white skin tone, they are appropriating white features.

Some of our prerfences are biologically- strong jawline, healthy head of hair, big wide hips, a muscular body- you know, stuff that is about fertility, are of course not related to this.

But imagine for a second, an alternative world where African nations win over european powers, enslave them, steal their resource, discover America and make the western world in the image of the African ethnicity as the symbol for good. african preferences become the norm, the social accepted standard of beauty, and as a result everyone (including many white people) begin to have a bias towards black beauty standards. These preferences are not by natural design, but biased constructs.

I think it's important to flip a scenario on its head (play devils advocate) and then try and engage the hypothetical- examine how this would be on its head. Does it really make sense that many of our beauty standards are the way they are? There are def some bias here that has to do with lack of representation of non-white people. There is def something going on with our own preferences not being entirely or own, but given to us by our culture. When we are a born, we are a clean slate. In a different world, some of the most unsexy features to us, could be the most sexy.

Are you willing to engage with that possibility?


I'm not sure what you're saying.

I was comparing:

having a sexual preference on sex


having a sexual preference on physical characteristics

You can't control either one of those.

You're asking for "intelligent counter arguments" and totally ignoring my post. I've addressed how this is problematic on two fronts. I'm not sure your statement here is actually factually correct, and even if it is, nothing about not having control over something makes it not racist.

I think what some people are trying to say, that "that" preference many of us have- It's not a legitimate preference. It's a preference given to us by white systemic powers that disinfranchise many people. Our cultures are shaped in the beauty standards of white westernes. Fashion, Hollywood, Music, Video games, Advertisment- All of these pop culture institutions that have a overwhelming part in shaping what we are attracted to, and what we find sexy, are about white people. Even when they don't have a white skin tone, they are appropriating white features.

Some of our prerfences are biologically- strong jawline, healthy head of hair, big wide hips, a muscular body- you know, stuff that is about fertility, are of course not related to this.

But imagine for a second, an alternative world where African nations win over european powers, enslave them, steal their resource, discover America and make the western world in the image of the African ethnicity as the symbol for good. african preferences become the norm, the social accepted standard of beauty, and as a result everyone (including many white people) begin to have a bias towards black beauty standards. These preferences are not by natural design, but biased constructs.

I think it's important to flip a scenario on its head (play devils advocate) and then try and engage the hypothetical- examine how this would be on its head. Does it really make sense that many of our beauty standards are the way they are? There are def some bias here that has to do with lack of representation of non-white people. There is def something going on with our own preferences not being entirely or own, but given to us by our culture. When we are a born, we are a clean slate. In a different world, some of the most unsexy features to us, could be the most sexy.

Are you willing to engage with that possibility?

He doesn't need to even engage with that counterfactual to see the point. Ideas of beauty changing in different times and cultures is quite well documented.

Attraction obviously has at least some cultural component.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You are allowed to disagree with it, but it doesn't mean those people are wrong.

Denying your baby/child a medical procedure that can vastly increase their quality of life because you're afraid of cultural drift is completely unacceptable to me. The point is "maintaining culture" can lead to a lot of morally reprehensible decisions and this is just one of them. I don't even want to get into, for example, arranged marriages or coerced polygamy, and those are cultural too.

I'm big on cultural relativism by the way, but I have spent a lot of time thinking about these things and I have lines in the sand drawn all over the place so I can't and won't grant people a blanket "well it's their culture" license.
That poster was being slightly rude, I don't think it's shit posting though. Meanwhile the exact arguments you've made have been made and summarily and easily dismantled throughout the thread. Meanwhile you haven't addressed the significantly more detailed post addressing you right below the one you quoted. It seems a bit odd to ask for people to do something if you're going to ignore when they do it.

Your post that dissected my post illegitmized yourself after you “debunked” my use of the actual definition of “race”


Yes. It is a huge problem in the gay world too.

I can.. understand having “preferences” for things but to totally swear off an entire race of human beings? Multiple races? There could always end up being the perfect person for you right where you’d least expect it!


Your post that dissected my post illegitmized yourself after you ”debunked" my use of the actual definition of ”race"

Where's debunked coming from? I certainly didn't use that word. I think the conception you were advocating for was poor and so I argued against it.

What's the "actual definition" of race? Who gives words their "actual definition"?

Of course that's not even that relevant, because not every point I made in that post hinged on that understanding of race either.

This reads a lot more like you just don't have any responses for any of the points I made. That's fair enough, but then don't go and whine when people dismiss you out of hand. You aren't willing to engage, why should anyone else engage with you?


How did this thread get to 27 pages?

The question was answered in the first post.

Kinda reminds me of a friend I had as a teenager. Always insisted he wasn't racist but wouldn't date a black girl, if you ever asked him if he found a famously beautiful black celebrity attractive, (Beyonce for example) he'd be like 'of course', so I always just shrugged it off as him trying to be edgy.
He eventually married a black girl and as far as I know is very happy, so I guess I was right.
People acting like interculture isnt a real thing are literally fighting a losing battle.

There is a reason there is, even on a liberal forum such as ours, a BCT,ACT,HCT, and a LBQTCT.

Its not strange that people, on average, will congregate(date) near people who look like them and share their life experiences.
Yea but those threads talk about stuff from all over the planet, pretty much anyboby can go into one of those threads and find a topic/start a topic and there's a good chance somebody will find intrest
Where's debunked coming from? I certainly didn't use that word. I think the conception you were advocating for was poor and so I argued against it.

What's the "actual definition" of race? Who gives words their actual definition?

Of course that's not even that relevant, because not every point I made in that post hinged on that understanding of race either.

This reads a lot more like you just don't have any retorts for any of the points I made. Fair enough, but then don't go and whine when people dismiss you out of hand. You aren't willing to engage, why should anyone else engage with you?

You can’t force someone to change who they find attractive.

This goes for more than just race. This is not a just racism issue.

It’s ridiculous. Some of the things in this thread sound like they’re coming from hyper conservatives which is something I did not expect from this forum.


How did this thread get to 27 pages?

The question was answered in the first post.

Kinda reminds me of a friend I had as a teenager. Always insisted he wasn't racist but wouldn't date a black girl, if you ever asked him if he found a famously beautiful black celebrity attractive, (Beyonce for example) he'd be like 'of course', so I always just shrugged it off as him trying to be edgy.
He eventually married a black girl and as far as I know is very happy, so I guess I was right.

no one wants to be a racist so 27 pages of mental gymnastics.
You can’t force someone to change who they find attractive.

This goes for more than just race. This is not a just racism issue.

It’s ridiculous. Some of the things in this thread sound like they’re coming from hyper conservatives which is something I did not expect from this forum.
We aren't discussing whether someone can shift their perspective on traits they find attractive. That's a separate discussion altogether. We are discussing the legitimacy of sexual racism when choosing a partner.


I want some of my problems to also be her problems. I have nappy hair and so does she lol.

It's the small things like that, that I'm talking about. That's a shared community amongst each other. Just "getting it" you know?

This is something that's difficult to articulate but I do get it.

I'm open to dating anyone that I'm attracted to. But I do admit that when I date non-black (and particularly, black american) I do miss the solidarity aspect of being with a black woman. There are certain shared experiences as black people living in the south that we joke about, talk about, and communicate to each other non-verbally that is comforting and even romantic/attractive.

And yes the example you listed about you both having nappy hair is something me and my black girlfriend also joke about and share together. Just yesterday she had a story about her job, pay, and her natural hair (where she is the only black woman) that she could unload in a way that didn't involve a lot of explanation. And there are probably 1000 other little every day things that she has never had to explain to me academically about her experience, and vice versa. We just get it. And it's comforting to come home and have that.

The free flowing, 'you're in my head' conversations we have after watching Insecure, or Get Out, or a black comedy special, or see Viola win best actress, or see a police car behind us, and the way we communicate using shorthand words, phrases, black movie quotes, looks, grins, contextual use of the n-word or other black slurs like jigaboo etc is just something I really enjoy. And it's something that, in my experience with dating non-black women, has been something I missed. Sure I could get it from friends and family, but it's just different not having it as strongly with your partner.

Again that's not to say I wouldn't date non-black women. I have. I would. And it's also not saying all experiences with a black woman would be the same (I dated a Nigerian girl and we didn't really share what I just listed above). My relationship with my current girlfriend is largely dependent on her as an individual, not solely because she's black. But I'm not going to act like I don't get what you're saying.
You can't force someone to change who they find attractive.

This goes for more than just race. This is not a just racism issue.

It's ridiculous. Some of the things in this thread sound like they're coming from hyper conservatives which is something I did not expect from this forum.

You need a lot more time for these "ideas" of yours to cook. Do you even understand the definition of half the words you're using?
We aren't discussing whether someone can shift their perspective on traits they find attractive. That's a separate discussion altogether. We are discussing the legitimacy of sexual racism when choosing a partner.

And I argued that you can’t control what skin color nor physical features you’re attracted to.

I just don’t see how that makes you a racist.

D i Z

People acting like interculture isnt a real thing are literally fighting a losing battle.

There is a reason there is, even on a liberal forum such as ours, a BCT,ACT,HCT, and a LBQTCT.

Its not strange that people, on average, will congregate(date) near people who look like them and share their life experiences.

As in those groups that you presented, you do know that your dating pool is always dominated by your interests, and not so much your skin color, right? Or have you not figured that out yet?


You can't force someone to change who they find attractive.

Define force here. Attraction clearly has at least some social basis. Clearly that can be impacted. Of course, this also has nothing to do with your broader point as I've addressed above. If you want this to be relevant you need to argue for why not being able to change something makes it not racist.

This goes for more than just race. This is not a just racism issue.

Except it is a racial issue when we're talking about people being blanketly unattracted to certain races. You can't decontextualize this here. Race is not the same thing as height as has been addressed over and over again in the thread.

It's ridiculous. Some of the things in this thread sound like they're coming from hyper conservatives which is something I did not expect from this forum.

Cute ad hominem, but no saying that peoples attraction sometimes has at least a partially social basis is not inherently conservative.

You've also still chosen not to engage with a significant amount of what I was saying.

And I argued that you can't control what skin color nor physical features you're attracted to.

You didn't argue that, you stated it.

I just don't see how that makes you a racist.

You don't see how not liking someone based solely on someone's race could be racist?

That's the most obvious level. We can also point out there are certainly racist elements going on in why people like or dislike certain features, and why people associate certain features with certain races.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Some degree. That could be across a culture over generations or individuals over the course of the week. I think it is the former, but that's just a guess.

On a generational level, yes, it happens only over a long time because most people just "go with the flow"... This is what causes people to apply the naturalism fallacy regarding attraction. "It's how I always was so that's how it always will be", when their personal experiences don't even encompass more than three decades. If you pay even the slightest attention to history, you'll see that attraction and courtship is highly cultural, that culture isn't fixed at all, and that culture can be and has been changed consciously and unconsciously.

The idea that if a thing is "natural" then it's also "fixed" is not only untrue, but toxic to tackling prejudice in our society.
having a sexual preference on sex


having a sexual preference on physical characteristics

You can't control either one of those.
You're muddying the definition of "preference" there in order to analogize two different cases. I strongly recommend you reconsider what "preference" means in terms of sexuality. A preference is favoring a thing A over a thing B, but it is not a rejection of B. I prefer Shake Shack to Burger King, but I will happily eat at Burger King if I wanted burgers and that's all I had available.

On the other hand, for a 100% gay man, their "sexual preference" doesn't mean they are open to sleeping with women if men are not available. It means they are physically incapable of sexual arousal by a woman. This is not a matter of "preference" but what's possible/impossible. I wouldn't "prefer" Shake Shack if I was biologically incapable of eating at Burger King.

Unless you're simultaneously arguing "everyone is actually bisexual" as well?
So here’s the thing (warning white privilege incoming)

Appearance-wise I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to have a racial preference. Similar to liking red hair or blue eyes or something. But that’s a preference - ruling out dating a race entirely to me seems shallow, dumb and yes, racist.

100% of the time I’ve ever encountered this the rationale (if given) has nothing to do with looks and is instead backed up by stereotypes, in which case fuck you, you’re racist.

So I guess what I’m saying is

By equating them to what gender people are attracted to.
And you actually expect people to take your "argument" seriously.

You’re attempting to argue that it’s OK to refuse to date a gender (I think you mean “sex”, gender is something enteriely) due to physical attributes, but it’s NOT OKAY when those physical attributes belong to a race.

I don’t see how having a sexual preference is much difference than a physical preference, when both are pretty similar.


There are some people who feel that way. It's okay that they do. All I'll ask them to do is treat them respectfully and kindly and as humans. Not dating certain someone types of people isn't a humanity crime if the motive is in the right place.
People can do what they want, but they won't avoid people labelling them or calling them out on problematic behaviours or views
You’re attempting to argue that it’s OK to refuse to date a gender (I think you mean “sex”, gender is something enteriely) due to physical attributes, but it’s NOT OKAY when those physical attributes belong to a race.

I don’t see how having a sexual preference is much difference than a physical preference, when both are pretty similar.

You feel sexual preference is a choice?
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