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Is selling and buying used games still a big thing?

Importance of buy-sell used games

  • Still relevant to me

    Votes: 120 69.8%
  • Dont care TLDR

    Votes: 52 30.2%

  • Total voters
Uh, yeah? I sell all games I'm done with unless they are really special to me. I also sell all games I don't like or have time to finish. Always on eBay, wouldn't dream of using one of the crappy stores.

Also, some games go out of print, so you can only get them used eventually? Oh, and I can't stand the revised budget covers on some games, so if that's the only version available I always buy the original version used.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
It does burn when you get stuck with a stinker (avengers was my latest mistake), but usally wait for sales with games I’m not sure on. Been all digital since early with gen.

Same with movies, I got a small cabinet with some Blu-ray for the kids if internet goes out but that it.

The occasional stinker I can’t sell back doesn’t outweigh the benefit of not having loads of media around clogging up my home.

Also PC and Xbox are very generous on refund of digital things (Sony not so much). Easy to get money back if a game is bad from the start. Didn’t worth with avengers becuase played thru the single player before getting to the busted online and couldn’t get a refund because I played to long. At least my bro got a refund on it.
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To me it makes total sense to have that option for console players.

Used games allow folks to pay less for a game they're interested in.

Selling games allow them to use said games to put towards other games or hardware. I honestly feel like it's something that stands out in the console gaming world.

My big issue is that I wish we had a better selection of places to sell/trade-in and buy used games. Because Gamestop isn't it, but it's all that a lot of folks have.

I don't play on console too much and I'm extremely cautious about what games I buy. But I love having the option of selling/trading games in.
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Why would I pay 69€ for a game when someone always sells it for 25-35€ within a week or two from launch?

I wouldnt pay more than 20€ for any digital game, because they are worthless.

Also we lend games between friends as everybody owns ps4.

And not all adults have high income, I have fresh university degree and still cant find a job. At least education is free here so I can spend some of My unemployment support money into gaming.

Easy choice, buy one or 2-3 games for the same money


oh yeah. renting games and playing digital is fine but if you have interest in the real deal, there will always be a market. those physical games aren't going anywhere.

personally i keep finding old consoles in thrift stores. picked up a PS3, N64, and Gamecube last year from thrift stores. sometimes i find games in thrift stores too but mostly i go with online used markets.

the more people go only digital, the more the physical will go up in value, so it's a good investment.
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Since 2013, i bought borderlands 3 collector's edition and dragon quest 11 collector's edition. Other than that, all digital.


Yeah it's still big. I don't buy them but I definitely spin em after I'm done. Easy money. Ended up trading in Anthem for more than I paid for it.
Depends on if you value money higher than time. Some people like having extra cash and take the time to buy and sell used games. Others cant be bothered and see it as too much of a hassle.

Personally Id rather buy Microsoft stock than Microsoft games at full price for example. The stock makes me money and the game costs me money. You get the idea

I only buy games on day 1 if its Cyberpunk caliber, for the rest I wait a few weeks, buy used and resell later. If I really like the game and want to keep replaying it forever, I buy it digitally when its on sale.

Buying a full price game, beating it once and never selling it makes no sense to me. That's also why I'm anti digital-only consoles. What do you do with games you wanted to play ONCE and never play again? Its worth evaporates.
Reason game pass is great.


It's still pretty big here in Japan. Or bigger than the west at least. You can get pretty decent prices for selling games sometimes too. You just go to a store and sell it, no need to meet up with people.


Most of the game that I buy are resold shortly after completion.
Most of them doesn’t deserve shelf space anyway And I keep only those that I think I would to replay them someday.


Unconfirmed Member
Yes it is. Maybe not as big as it used to be, but as long as there are retro consoles existing there will be demand. I wouldn't completely focus on that, but it can still be a decent way to make some money.

Selling games? Of course. To stores like GameStop? Hell no. That's just throwing money away. Sell on Amazon.
For 120x 360 games, Gamespot be like: 10$
Easily the worst way of doing it.

Personally Id rather buy Microsoft stock than Microsoft games at full price for example. The stock makes me money and the game costs me money. You get the idea
Or you do both. I think it depends. Some just enjoy the hustle and will do it anyway.
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I gave my used games to my neighbor's son rather than taking it to GS and getting two cents, I've only kept limited or special editions and a few titles which I was fond of.
This for the old generation of consoles (360,PS3)... I have been buying everything digitally since 2013 so I'm sorry for the neighbor but the party is over. :ROFLMAO:
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At least every time I'm not really sure that I like the game.
But most times I somehow like it. In some cases I sell it.

but now I buy digital games much more often.


It used to be critical for me but not so much anymore. I make enough where it doesn't matter plus I mainly do PC games nowadays so I don't really have the option.

I know there are still many people who do rely on it to get the most out of their gaming experience. I think overall it has declined with more people doing digital options.


Said it in another thread but console games have become really expensive around here (due to exchange rate changes they cost almost twice as much as they did 10 years ago) so buying used and reselling is one of the few ways I can still afford to buy new games anywhere near launch.

For Nintendo even more so, except for very few games I want to own I almost exclusively buy Nintendo stuff used and then resell for the same (or nearly the same) price.
Reselling games is a mind trick people use to seem like they have more power in the equation. It is not worth the time spent aquiring, dealing with, and then selling a disc just to maybe get 1/3 of your money back. Just don't buy games you wouldn't feel good about owning later. Seems kind of wasteful.
Used games market is probably one of the things that really hurts studios and keeps them on the edge of collapsing based on a single release. I imagine it is going to be a huge problem for Sony this gen which is why they are moving to digital and increasing prices.


I’ve bought plenty of critically-acclaimed games or ones I’ve been hyped for and they end up being total stinkers for me. So I’ll continue to go physical copies to have the option to recoup some costs. Gamepass has the potential to be a game changer for me though.


Imo as i grow older, with more stable income and lesser time, i dont care about buying too many physical games and to take time meeting up to transact pre-owned games.

Same. I could scrounge for some savings, but my limited gaming time is also worth something, I've been all digital all ready all generation. Also disk drives are the loudest things in most consoles.

Quite happy with the PS5 DE direction. Substantial price cut that gives you that back from the start while being 1 for 1 the same specs otherwise as the full PS5.
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Where does everyone sell their games nowadays? Clearly there is eBay and Facebook Marketplace. But I'm surprised this forum doesn't buy/sell much at all compared to the other forum that shall not be named.


If physical vanishes, you won't be paying less.
The PC market has been almost exclusively digital for more than a decade at this point and that only favored aggressive pricing.
Market demand decides the price, not physical as an alternative.

And if anything the retail market for years put its best effort to keep digital delivery prices HIGHER so it wouldn't look a bad option in comparison.
To the point some retailer DEMANDED price parity with the DD version as a condition to put a title on the shelves.
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Hold onto your panties
Still is and doesn't seem to be declining. That's part of the fun in buying physical copies of games. You can't resell and most cases not be refunded for digital; it's a done deal once you pay and download. If buying used wasn't so popular, why is YouTube flooded with these collectivists who have spent thousands on used games from the U.S., Europe, and Japan and encourage viewers to "find these games." Where I lived in Illinois we had franchise stores that made most of their business buying used current and past gen games and still make a huge revenue selling them back. Amazon, eBay, and other sites cater to the used buyer market. I like digital, too...but used buying will continue to be a thing until we start seeing digital only; only then will it possibly be less of a "thing."


I could see not caring about selling used, but buying used will always be relevant. There will always be old games out of print that I am interested In Finding.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Of course! I always and only sell games I regreted buying, and those times I get rid of it in like a day or two.


Over the last year I've moved towards digital more but I do sell games i know I won't pay again. There's some games I've purchased and regret, of those games the only ones I remember are the digital ones because I couldn't trade them in to recoup some of the purchase. I'm a lot more picky about what I'll buy digital (not including good sales) because of no way to get anything back.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I just got like $210 from some old games at Gamestop. So yes.


Fucking right it is. And now with new games for the upcoming gen costing over $100 here in Canada after taxes, you can damn well bet I'll be waiting on more games and buying them used from EB or local classifieds.
I love owning physical games. It’s nice to have a collection of them and to be able to play even years down the road, regardless of its availability online. I think it’s especially important for many games that have licensing issues where it may be difficult or impossible to make it available for download or purchase again.

There is definitely the convenience of digital, but it should come with a steep discount. I’m ok with potentially not having access to a game I bought if it was only $5.

I think a subscription pass to digital games would be the right move, but only if the online catalogue is built up. If games go in and out of rotation then it’s no better than owning a game digitally that might shut down servers. Microsoft seems to be doing their best to bring forward purchases and ensure games you bought previously stay accessible, but I am still skeptical of how things will turn out in another few years.


I just paid for a massive chunk of my PS5 and games just from listing a bunch of my old stuff on ebay.

If you know what you're doing and know how to bump up the price with higher shipping costs, I'm getting like 88-92% of my listing price as profit.

You have to print slips, package things, drop them off, make listings, ect. But, to me it's a great benefit of buying physical games.


GameStop isn't bankrupt yet, so yes evidently.

also it's still relevant for last gen titles, especially now with Xbox Back Compat and stuff


Of course. Why should i waste 70 bucks on a singleplayer game (without any replay value) when i can sell it with zero effort to a reseller for 30-40 bucks or trade it for an equal game? Over the whole gen that's a lot of money.

I personally never buy single-player games on launch, I just wait till they are 50% or more off. I still need to play Spider-Man and God of War, I've seen them for $15 or less and still haven't bought them lol. Tha'ts my digital strategy at least.
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I have a six figure income and trade games all the time.

If I can offset the cost of new games by offloading ones I’ll never touch again, then I do it. I don’t see any point in paying full price just because I have the means to do so.

Until games launch at cheaper price points for digital, I don’t see any reason not to buy physical.

This changes of course for older games that you can regularly snag for pennies on the dollar after they’ve been out a couple years. That I have no problem with.


Yea, but I'm not going to buy a used copy with dried semen and bbq sauce in the cracks if it only saves me a few bucks.
As a software developer on a decent income, I respect every damn cent that I earn and hour expended of my limited life, so I -predominantly- only purchase tangible objects that can be resold, where possible.

...And the last time that I bought a used game, it was a copy of Forza with a surprise bag of weed hidden behind the manual. Winning. :messenger_beermugs:

I didn't know what to do with the bag of weed, so I called up a girl that I met overseas and she said that I could just use some A4 paper to create a joint... so I got stoned and played a lot of Forza 6... and now I really like that game :D
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