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Is there a Next-Gen game you're afraid will be bad?

Xenoblade wii U

Combat looks fun, but that's far from the most important thing in an RPG. As there are brilliant rpgs with unimpressive combat.

edit: Doom reboot worries me more tough.


I think of all announced games, MGSV is one of those that will turn out great.

Currently, I think Evil Within might be a huge disappointment based on previews.

Noooooo I get the same feeling on Evil Within. It's a shame, I want a good horror game.


Xenoblade Chronicles X ...the graphics and music will probably be outstanding but i'm afraid the story might end up being another generic save the world jrpg one =/ or that it might not improve some of ideas in xenoblade.

Zelda U ...if Anouma fails to deliver a true open world experience/it being another tutorial heavy zelda game.
FFXV hopefully it releases in my lifetime. I pray it's good and critically acclaimed and it sells good, so it can open the door to more jrpgs and encourages Japanese publishers to take chances.

The next street fighter? Is it going to move the storyline forward after 3rd strike? Do they have an idea on the fighting system they want to implement? ( I hope it looks like the new guilty gear)

DMC5 if capcom isn't going to bring back the original Dante just do a Sparta sequel it's the very least they can do. I seriously want some type of bounty system I mean Dante is a demon hunter after all, some rpg elements/open world could do wonders I think.

Special mention: RE7 it should just get rebooted at this point
Xenoblade wii U

Combat looks fun, but that's far from the most important thing in an RPG. As they are brilliant rpgs with unimpressive combat.

The thing that worries me the most about the new Xenoblade is the music. I really really really like the music in the first game (it might be my favorite soundtrack ever, along with Ys III), it's a very important part of the Xenoblade experience for me. Hope Sawano delivers.


I'm vaguely worried about Bloodbourne being too good, actually.

"Good" in the sense of erring on the side of caution, sameness, polish, and mainstream appeal, rather than boldness, experimentation, and willingness to be rough around the edges in order to deliver a more interesting experience.

I trust From Software to deliver, but the fact that it's being more heavily promoted than past Souls games means there's a nagging concern in the back of my mind.


Neo Member
The Division: I hope it doesn't turn out like Watch_Dogs in terms of graphics. Hopefully the story will be interesting and have good replay value. Also I'm worried about the microtransactions


Not necessarily "afraid" since I'm kinda expecting it, but The Witcher III. The biggest reason I'm excited for this is the first open-world in its series and I'm a huge sucker for just roaming and exploring big lands. And apparently this is at least as big as Skyrim (which, for the record, I absolutely loved despite some obvious flaws), so that sounds fantastic to me. Combat seemed sliiiiiightly better in E3 gameplay footage than TW2's but that doesn't say much, since I found that one to be awful. To be honest, I didn't particularly liked TW2's story THAT much as well (never played the first one), but the concept of the Wild Hunt is pretty interesting.

So in short:
+ exploration
+/- story
- combat


Order 1886. I have a feeling it will be a 4-6 hr game, even smaller than Infamous SS. This will review like Beyond Two Souls. Nice looking game, but publications could trash it for lack of game play and content.
Zelda Wii U
Uncharted 4, altho after U3 and The Least of Us I think I'm done with ND
Smash, but I hope they learned from their mistakes with Brawl
Halo Next, I don't trust the new team after 4


I don't know about Next-Gen but I am worried about a few games for current gen...

Destiny - Where's the content (before the DLC)?!
TLoU: Reported - Do I want to pay $25 for multiplayer?
Evolve - Where's the rest of the game?
Xenoblade Chronicles X - Too much like its predecessor?
The Order: 1886 - Nothing but bloody werewolves? That's boring.
Alien: Isolation - Glorified DL title loaded with pre-order?


Wait, wut? SS small?

He isn't wrong though. Whether you love the game or not, you can't deny that SS was incredibly short.

On topic though, I'll have to throw my hat in with those saying Xenoblade X. It should be great, but I think it runs a pretty high risk of having an extremely underwhelming story.


Final Fantasy XV / Kingdom Hearts 3 / Type-0 HD
~ Square Enix really haven't made anything great on a non portable console since PS2.

Uncharted 4
~ Not bad, but worried it will go in a more darker direction and will lose its humour and charm

Ratchet and Clank Redux
~ Worried it might just be a little side project whilst Insominiac's A team works on Sunset Overdrive

FFXIV is great, sorry.
I don't know about Next-Gen but I am worried about a few games for current gen...

Destiny - Where's the content (before the DLC)?!
TLoU: Reported - Do I want to pay $25 for multiplayer?
Evolve - Where's the rest of the game?
Xenoblade Chronicles X - Too much like its predecessor?
The Order: 1886 - Nothing but bloody werewolves? That's boring.
Alien: Isolation - Glorified DL title loaded with pre-order?

Why would you be worried about TLOU. You know exactly what you are getting. It is a safe purchase, just depends on if you think it is worth the money.
Not a game, but engine. I'm concerned about Source 2 and its reception.

Firstly there's expectations and this is the main stuff. When Source was first unveiled it sure made some noise and people are expecting the same to happen. Problem is it was a decade ago, and really, HL2 was Valve's last cutting edge game. They've been sitting on the same engine (with some iterations here and there) ever since, meanwhile the industry has left it in the dust. Outdated tools, outdated tech, you name it. So why should we expect its successor to make noise again when Valve have gotten so out of touch with tech? I mean they have yet to implement something like streaming. Not to mention Valve's focus on MP services requires games to run even on toasters smoothly, which puts cutting edge tech and high fidelity rather out of the question. They're just not interested in that anymore, unlike when they shipped the HLs. So again, if people expect it to look like UC4, or the Order etc...they're going to be in for a disappointment.

Secondly, we know it's mainly going to be OpenGL based. If people have been following news these last months, it hasn't been painted in a very good light at all. Lots of debates happened, "truth facts" came up, the vendor situation is not that good with AMD "leading the way". Not an optimistic outlook, and Valve themselves haven't done anything to change that perception, when OGL is crucial for their living room goals. Of course we know Valve doesn't talk, and they could be like "it'll show them when it's revealed!" and maybe for them the issues are non-issues.

But it has been in works for years, with leaks and Valve references here and there, yet still no show. Sure, if it isn't ready, don't show it, but the more you wait, the more people's expectations increase.

I hope it delivers, but keeping my expectations in check and hope others do the same.


Neo Member
Cyberpunk 2077, even thought it's reasonably far out, is the only game I'm really fearful of disappointing me, and that's mainly because I used to be a bit of a CP2020 nut.

and Fallout 4 - please be good, and moddable from the get go.


I'm with you on this one. Not necessarily expecting it to be bad but more safe and uninspired.
Like Gears 3.5 with shiny graphics.

I'm worried about this one as well, but for the opposite reason. Personally I hope it stays quite close to the formula. When I'm buying a sequel I want a similar game (new story, new settings, new maps) - I don't want the game re-invented. I would honestly prefer a Gears 3.5


Pokémon Z or whatever they decide to call it. Pokémon X and Y felt like a step backward compare to gen 5 and 4.

I am also worried that Smash Bro 4 will be bad and hated on with everyone once again going back to melee.

Strangely I am not to worried about Zelda U, probably because we know nothing about it yet.
The number one game you should ALL be scared about being bad is the new Star Wars Battlefront (3).

I mean really, it's being developed by a BATTLEFIELD dev!
Evil Within. I'm already a bit wary at this point and I think a high profile bust of a horror game could be another nail in the coffin when it comes to bigger budget horror titles.

Came to post exactly this. For a while, I saw Evil Within as an opportunity to revive the traditional survival horror genre, since Resident Evil has gone an action route, Silent Hill is all but silent (*boom tish*), and the jury is still out on the overall impact of The Last of Us on the genre as a whole. Of course there's indie stuff, but I'm talking high-level exposure a la Resident Evil in the late 90s.

I mean, for a while I've been wanting a game to do for survival horror what the original Street Fighter IV did for 2D fighting (and quite possibly, fighting period) in 2008: completely reinvigorate its genre.


I'm the opposite. I think Halo 5 is going to be one of the best. I can see 343 taking what the community didn't like in Halo 4 and actually implementing things that most of the players want to see.

They had the chance to do that after Halo Reach, and they actually made it far worse.

Halo 5 for me.
Final Fantasy XV / Kingdom Hearts 3 / Type-0 HD
~ Square Enix really haven't made anything great on a non portable console since PS2.

Uncharted 4
~ Not bad, but worried it will go in a more darker direction and will lose its humour and charm

Ratchet and Clank Redux
~ Worried it might just be a little side project whilst Insominiac's A team works on Sunset Overdrive

All legitimate fears for sure. The Uncharted 4 one I wouldn't be worried about. Straley and Druckmann did help create Uncharted 2 so they know what the fans expect of the series.

I will add Halo 5. So much riding on this title I don't think 343 are up to the task. Also they need to create a MP mode that doesn't drop off a cliff after week 2


Chances are, the next Dark Souls game will start development right after they're done with the DLC(if it haven't started already) and, again, wont be directed by Miyazaki.


Why would you be worried about TLOU. You know exactly what you are getting. It is a safe purchase, just depends on if you think it is worth the money.

That's what I'm worried about; already beat it on hardest on Survivor mode and stopped playing multiplayer/Factions. Seems like it will be short lived and I might not be motivated to replay the campaign.


I'd be in the dick
The Evil Within-I haven't seen or heard anything positive in regards to this game. The scares look super lame too. I can't get excited for it despite being a Mikami fan.

The Division-I'm worried about how Ubi will monetize it.


If this thread was two months ago, most responses would be Destiny.

Now none of them are.

As for me; nothing I can really think of. Maybe The Division, or Halo 5. I don't think 343 will find the magic to the series. The Division looks and sounds amazing, but it also feels like one of those "look how cool these features are" only to find out the game is actually quite shallow.
Every new IP. The top of my list is currently Shadow of Mordor. If that flops, it's back to MMOs for anything taking place in Middle Earth.
Everyone's afraid to say it, but Smash 4.

I still remember Brawl.

And for people who have played it, remember that he could still change his mind before the release and use a completely different build.

I'm sure it will be good, but I'm still nervous.

I was never serious enough a player to have major grievances with Brawl apart from the obvious (the blandness of SSE and the practically unplayable online mode), but I am wary of the very real possibility that Smash 4 will bring nothing new to the table other than the standard addition of a few new characters that I may or may not play. The only addition to the feature set that has really leapt out at me so far is the move-set customization. And I have little faith in the 3DS version's controls or its relevance/longevity past the release of its Wii U counterpart.

As fervently as I've wished for a nonlinear Zelda for as long as I've been playing Zelda, I wouldn't take that at the expense of the tightness and elegance of dungeon design for which the series is known. For me the appeal of the Zelda series has always been an intellectual one where, much like Metroid, the environment is a problem to be solved. You're not just running around. So my hope is that the purported openness and nonlinearity of Zelda U implies a large-scale puzzle-world with multiple pathways and solutions and plenty of freedom of movement but which is in a fundamental sense still a puzzle; if not, then I'm unsure if I want to follow where the series wants to go. (Then again, I'm from the camp that found Wind Waker's Great Sea to be by far the most interesting 3D overworld, so I have reason to be optimistic.)

Yoshi's Woolly World was by far the most beautiful game I saw out of E3, but after revisiting Kirby's Epic Yarn for the first time since release and finding it too slow and sparse to accommodate the full spectrum from novice to expert play (something that Mario and DKC have spoiled me to expect), it remains quite possible that Good-Feel's Yoshi game will similarly dazzle me with art, then bore me.

I may be a nut for Firaxis games but I just can't bring myself to set high expectations for Beyond Earth. The restructured tech tree resembles one of the weaker aspects of Endless Space, and to begin with I never fully warmed to Civilization V, to which Beyond Earth looks like a highly developed in-house standalone mod in the same way that the remake of Colonization was for Civ IV.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
The Order, it's been pushed so many fucking times, it was supposed to be a launch title and doesnt hit until 2015.
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