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Is there enough in the pipeline to save the Wii U?

It feels alot like the DC 2000 E3, but WiiU is without support. Excellent show, but not enough to keep the consumer happy. WiiU is in a worse situation. What will happen if you don't like one of the presented games on E3? Drought, big fat drought.

I know people who love Nintendo, but don't like Smash Bros. What do they have to play the rest of this year?
I even know people who don't like Mariokart, but bought it because there isn't anything to play (awesome choice, cause Mk is superb!). WiiU owners need to buy every game otherwise they will experience drought.


The public image of a console is the most important thing. The games themselves only indirectly matter.

The public image of the Wii U stinks. Or doesn't exist.

As I said in my post earlier, there is a clear distinction between how strongly Nintendo's E3 will effect the wider markets and what people think of it on forums like NeoGAF. A lot of the stuff people often give Nintendo praise for on here - the niche games, stuff like Treehouse, oh isn't Iwata funny ha ha ha - has absolutely no bearing on the wider market, will have no bearing on the public image of the console and won't help shift units.

What are you even talking about? NPD hasn't released yet. The only info on Wii U sales post MK8 is from the system getting huge bumps week on week. Unless you're going off of vg-chartz, you don't have the info to say one way or another how MK8 has effected console sales.

Given that we know Mario Kart 8 has sold well from European and Japan data, and given that we know the system has had some small bumps from that, it's not exactly a huge leap to assume we'll see some of those small bumps in the US too. I think it's a safe assumption that Mario Kart 8 will effect console sales. Just not in a strong enough way to influence a retail "recovery". Which by extension sure as shit means Smash and Zelda won't either.


I think it's important for future consoles that Nintendo support this one. It might be a giant sales flop in the end, or it might do okay for the company, but it's never going to set the world on fire.

Still, its one of my favourite consoles. I vastly prefer turning it on compared to my PS3, which is weird considering the amount of PS3 games i have in my PS+ backlog.


I think Nintendo's performance at E3 has convinced some hardcore Nintendo fans to finally get off the fence (I know 3 people, including myself, who will probably be getting a Wii U before August now, and I know I've seen posts here on NeoGAF to that effect).

I still think Wii U will end up selling less than GameCube when all's said and done, though I'd like to be wrong.

Your post reminds me of Mr Pachter who really upset people by saying that Nintendo have fans who are very vocal in their support on forums, but for some reason allot of them don't like spending money and own a wiiU......

A hardcore gamer I would consider owns multiple consoles and buy games at least 1 a month (we have 7 consoles in house 2 x Ps4 / 2 x 360 / 2 x Ps3 / Wii LOL)

Miles X

What are you even talking about? NPD hasn't released yet. The only info on Wii U sales post MK8 is from the system getting huge bumps week on week. Unless you're going off of vg-chartz, you don't have the info to say one way or another how MK8 has effected console sales.

Dude, check the NPD prediction thread, it's pretty much assured WiiU is in a range of 70 - 110k going by the info we have about MK attach rates and such.


I don't understand why they don't put a good sized hard drive in the WiiU. The lack of hard drive is the only thing that's keeping from buying a WiiU at this point. I like buying digital, so I need the hard drive. (I know you can hook up a separate hard drive, but that makes the WiiU a more expensive purchase.)
Nintendo doesn't include a hard disk because hard disks never get cheaper I assume. It's basically a fixed $50 added to the BoM throughout the whole lifecycle of the platform. At the end of the last generation, the hard disk was the single most expensive component in a PS3.

The public image of the Wii U stinks. Or doesn't exist.

As I said in my post earlier, there is a clear distinction between how strongly Nintendo's E3 will effect the wider markets and what people think of it on forums like NeoGAF. A lot of the stuff people often give Nintendo praise for on here - the niche games, stuff like Treehouse, oh isn't Iwata funny ha ha ha - has absolutely no bearing on the wider market, will have no bearing on the public image of the console and won't help shift units.
That's actually not quite true because our opinion influences the masses. Joe Sixpack might not follow the event, but he might read articles in mainstream publications written by people who care, or ask a knowledgable friend what system he should buy.


It's too expensive. People are not going to hand over $300+ to start playing Mario Kart. They might however for $200. That's $200 for console + game. Half the price of the other consoles is something that Sony and Microsoft are probably not likely to do something about soon.

If Nintendo brings down the price to that by this holiday season, I don't yet rule out the possibility that it will outsell the GameCube. They need to go more panic mode.
I think we should all just get over with it. The WiiU is not going to miraculously start selling well. Gamecube never did whilst getting the same big hitters like Mk and Smash.

Its the lack of third party support and so many great games missing the WiiU resulting in a poor release schedule and less appeal to gamers that is restricting it.

Good thing for gamers though since if your interested you can play all those games for relatively cheap :)


We shouldn't be concerned whether the Wii U is "saveable" or not. Nintendo aren't going to drop support for it and that is really all that matters. Anyone who owns a Wii U most likely already owns another console anyway.


Well, I think it is saved in the eyes of the hardcore gamer. This E3 convinced me that WiiU is worth having.
But I'm not sure if it will even get to the Gamecube numbers.
Look forward to discussing this with you in the NPD thread. Hope to see you there to back up your prediction.

Nintendo won E3 according to Nintendo owners.

The winner who got the mindshare of the buying public will be displayed in the NPD thread.

Praise for them pumping out some new IPs and their own game coverage has been pretty broad. I think many would agree they at least had the least poor showing, considering how generally average and uninspired this E3 was from a conference standpoint.

I'm not seeing this system getting a sales bump because of E3, I'd be surprised if it did. It may when Smash is actually released, though.

Regardless, one would assume judging by the PS4's sales that the general buying public's mindshare is strongly influenced by E3, but that's not something I've seen actual data on.
Enough to save the system? I don't think there's any chance of that? Enough for it to redeem the system in the eyes of the early adopters? Possibly, yes. I think it'll be lucky to hit 15m sold at the end of its life TBH. I don't see it hitting GC's 22 (23?) million.
Save the WiiU? No, the WiiU is beyond saving.

But the WiiU needed this push so that at least Nintendo fans go out and get the system.
I still don't think the WiiU will sell more than 15mil units, tough.


I dont think WiiU can be saved at this point, but maybe theres some chance they can do it a viable platform some years, if they target family entertainment and core fans I think they have a chance to avoid total disaster.
Save the WiiU? No, the WiiU is beyond saving.

But the WiiU needed this push so that at least Nintendo fans go out and get the system.
I still don't think the WiiU will sell more than 15mil units, tough.

My guess is lifetime of around 10.5. If I'm not mistaken, I think it only needs to sell around 10 to beat the GC, and is somewhere in the 6 range right now.


We shouldn't be concerned whether the Wii U is "saveable" or not. Nintendo aren't going to drop support for it and that is really all that matters. Anyone who owns a Wii U most likely already owns another console anyway.

Yep. I don't even know why people keeps dwelling on this matter. It has been 2.5 years since the console was released and third party support has only been getting worse. So at this point in time, I don't think this question matters anymore. But what Nintendo has made clear to us during E3, is that they are commited to support the system (unlike Sony with the Vita). That is what's important to current owners and potential customers, not whether it will do GC numbers or not.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I don't see Wii U ever catching up to Xbone or PS4, but I doubt Nintendo does either.
As we speak it's the Xbox One that still has some catch up to do with Wii U. Besides I'd be really surprised if Wii U isn't selling more now than MS console since MK8, on a WW level. And it could last for a while. Halo will be huge but so will Smash and the Amiibo marketing in Q4.

Wii U's library is growing with opportunities to seduce these audiences: Nintendo fans, couples, girls and kids. I believe their E3 output cemented Wii U's appeal for these demographics. Not all Wii owners will bite, far from it, but I've seen enough friends around me buy MK's bundle not to believe Wii U is a whole different beast now.


Praise for them pumping out some new IPs and their own game coverage has been pretty broad. I think many would agree they at least had the least poor showing, considering how generally average and uninspired this E3 was from a conference standpoint.

I'm not seeing this system getting a sales bump because of E3, I'd be surprised if it did. It may when Smash is actually released, though.

Regardless, one would assume judging by the PS4's sales that the general buying public's mindshare is strongly influenced by E3, but that's not something I've seen actual data on.

I don't own an Xb1, Halo remake climbed to no 1 in amazon preorder chart after E3 announcement. Its a good example.

If it did not hit that general audience sweet spot, then those sales (even anecdotal on Amazon) would not have happened.

Its that simple. I don't have an Xb1 and not a fan of halo, but I can at least see it was a hit and will be for MS.

Consoles are the same story...

I think smash will sell well as a game, don't think it will shift WiiU's to make it noticeable in an NPD thread.


That's actually not quite true because our opinion influences the masses. Joe Sixpack might not follow the event, but he might read articles in mainstream publications written by people who care, or ask a knowledgable friend what system he should buy.

Joe Sixpack doesn't give two shits about Treehouse or the Reggie eating a fire flower skit. Or any of the other surrounding issues which I feel are clouding certain sections of GAF's perception of this years show.

Which backs up my point from earlier. For Joe Sixpack it comes down to the games. And in the cold light of day this is what Nintendo's E3 should be judged on. So what is Joe getting from Nintendo in terms of games? He's getting Smash and Zelda. Which he knew he would be before. And.. what else? What did Nintendo show in terms of games this year that gets anyone who doesn't already own a Wii U excited?

There are lots of people declaring Nintendo to be the runaway "winners" of E3, for what pointlessly little that means anyway. Some are suggesting the Wii U is set for a recovery on the back of that. I disagree, and think that judged on games alone - and not who had the best staging or set up or funniest videos - I'm not seeing an awful lot from Nintendo this year that warrants such positive attention. Certainly not from Joe Sixpack or the majority of others in the wider gaming market.
Maybe I missed it but they have no games releasing between now and October and then its just Bayonetta which will be as successful as W101 aka not successful. Not saying its not a good game but it won't have mass appeal. Then Smash sometime in the winter which is probably ready to release much sooner but they want to sit on that game so they can sell you some toys to go with it. Nintendo can't afford to delay games like Sony and Microsoft because they don't have the third party support yet they are doing just that. I say no. This console is still dead.

EVOL 100%

It's never going to sell well but they can use the Wii U's remaining lifespan to generate some of their lost goodwill that they desperately need. This E3 was a decent start.


As we speak it's the Xbox One that still has some catch up to do with Wii U. Besides I'd be really surprised if Wii U isn't selling more now than MS console since MK8, on a WW level. And it could last for a while. Halo will be huge but so will Smash and the Amiibo marketing in Q4.

Wii U's library is growing with opportunities to seduce these audiences: Nintendo fans, couples, girls and kids. I believe their E3 output cemented Wii U's appeal for these demographics. Not all Wii owners will bite, far from it, but I've seen enough friends around me buy MK's bundle not to believe Wii U is a whole different beast now.

See you in NPD thread...maybe you are right....all will be revealed ..soon...


Neo Member
As long as the WiiU keeps afloat Nintendo should be fine off the back of 3DS sales.

I think they're doing the right thing in regards to strategy right now. They're well aware this console isn't going to be a mainstream success, so they look to be doubling down of being the niche console; Appealing to people who don't quite get their gaming needs sated elsewhere. Saving stuff like Bayo2 and Devils Third and pushing weird new IP's like Spaltoon all suggests they know their place...

Its smart of them not to outright compete with the other consoles. Do what you do best


I think it's going to stay shy of Gamecube numbers, but will be saved 'enough' that it doesn't do huge damage to Nintendo's finances. Nintendo will have to keep thinking really hard what to do next though. They can't really sustain two consoles by themselves, let alone with QoL to come. At least not without expanding, which could be risky considering their failure to create a large fanbase.
I think it's way too late for the WiiU to be saved.

What I'm hoping for is that their current line-up will provide them enough sales to at least break even of make a small profit of the WiiU.
And they need to cater to their core customers because they are the only ones left.

Miles X

As we speak it's the Xbox One that still has some catch up to do with Wii U. Besides I'd be really surprised if Wii U isn't selling more now than MS console since MK8, on a WW level. And it could last for a while. Halo will be huge but so will Smash and the Amiibo marketing in Q4.

Wii U's library is growing with opportunities to seduce these audiences: Nintendo fans, couples, girls and kids. I believe their E3 output cemented Wii U's appeal for these demographics. Not all Wii owners will bite, far from it, but I've seen enough friends around me buy MK's bundle not to believe Wii U is a whole different beast now.

Forgetting $399 XB1 bundled??

Even ignoring that, May in US looks to be on par with each other, Japan gave WiiU like 40k for May?

At most WiiU outsold XB1 in May WW by like 70 - 100k when you factor in Europe.

June and XB1 will obliterate WiiU in WW sales.


probably not..the wii u is a "dead console" no matter what nintendo does and how good their games are,since the problem is the lack of third party support.
That being said,I'm planning to buy a wii U,even if I don't know when and at what price yet

Miles X

Ah, bad source on my part I guess. Yeah, I don't see it approaching 12.

2.35m across 18 months (which includes launch and holiday season). This thing only has another 20 (end of 2015) - 32 (end of 2016) months before it starts free falling. I doubt very much it's gonna hit 6m in US.

Miles X

Yeah, not sure about that, moreso on a WW basis.

You should be. Japan is already down to 9k for WiiU, what do you think it's going to do in June? It'll be irrelevent.

XB1 has shown it can rise to numbers like 300k+ in the US with marketing/effort (Titanfall). We don't know how people will respond to the $399 bundle be we know it has the potential to do impressive numbers.

And as far as Europe is concerned they'll be on par, they were during UK MK launch week, let along going forward, and UK is a big part of Europe (it'll cancel out any possible WiiU gains in the rest of Europe).

How do you calculate WiiU getting anywhere near XB1 WW numbers during June? It's no contest.
You should be. Japan is already down to 9k for WiiU, what do you think it's going to do in June? It'll be irrelevent.

XB1 has shown it can rise to numbers like 300k+ in the US with marketing/effort (Titanfall). We don't know how people will respond to the $399 bundle be we know it has the potential to do impressive numbers.

And as far as Europe is concerned they'll be on par, they were during UK MK launch week, let along going forward, and UK is a big part of Europe (it'll cancel out any possible WiiU gains in the rest of Europe).

How do you calculate WiiU getting anywhere near XB1 WW numbers during June? It's no contest.

What $399 bundle? You mean the console by itself?


You should be. Japan is already down to 9k for WiiU, what do you think it's going to do in June? It'll be irrelevent.

XB1 has shown it can rise to numbers like 300k+ in the US with marketing/effort (Titanfall). We don't know how people will respond to the $399 bundle be we know it has the potential to do impressive numbers.

And as far as Europe is concerned they'll be on par, they were during UK MK launch week, let along going forward, and UK is a big part of Europe (it'll cancel out any possible WiiU gains in the rest of Europe).

How do you calculate WiiU getting anywhere near XB1 WW numbers during June? It's no contest.
This is... positive thinking.
The Titanfall deal was better than $399 kinectless xbox and it didn't do jack in most of Europe. And the UK market is big, but certainly doesn't somehow eclipse the rest of Europe.


2014 is still mostly barren gamewise. By 2015 it doesn't matter what games they have coming out. Will retailers even be stocking it at that point.


3 of my friends who are not what we could call "gamers" bought a wiiU over the last month.
They all had a wii last gen.

Nintendo will keep delivering new announcements during the year, the doom and gloom will fade away, PS4/XB1 owners will buy it as a second system once they'll get bored of playing shooters.

Sales will only growth imo, slowly but steady.


You never get a second chance to make a first impression. It would take something massively multiplayer/user, some social media tie-in juggernaut of an application to reverse this course. They're not interested in the hardware, they're not interested in the library available today, they're not really interested in revisiting that decision either.

The WiiU spent a bit of time in the rearview mirror and now it is over the horizon, a fading, dusty memory. If they drastically reduce the price and increase marketing of their best titles, they can hope to achieve first place in the "my other console" race.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
You should be. Japan is already down to 9k for WiiU, what do you think it's going to do in June? It'll be irrelevent.

XB1 has shown it can rise to numbers like 300k+ in the US with marketing/effort (Titanfall). We don't know how people will respond to the $399 bundle be we know it has the potential to do impressive numbers.

And as far as Europe is concerned they'll be on par, they were during UK MK launch week, let along going forward, and UK is a big part of Europe (it'll cancel out any possible WiiU gains in the rest of Europe).

How do you calculate WiiU getting anywhere near XB1 WW numbers during June? It's no contest.
Well to feel sales potential, message boards and online retailers rankings are flawed yet existing indicators, which show Wii U is generating more interest now. I don't believe in impressive numbers, nor do I feel a big rise of xBox One demand in June. I could be wrong, we'll see in few weeks.

And the UK market is big, but certainly doesn't somehow eclipse the rest of Europe.
Isn't it between 30-40% of it?


Not sure if it'll save Wii U, but there's definitely enough to justify my Wii U purchase. I'm happy and I hope others and future-comers are happy.


Wii U > GameCube > Virtual Boy

If that's the expectation than I would think that is within the realm of possibility (though a bit unlikely EDIT: Very, very unlikely). But the GameCube can't really be called a "success" (despite it being a cool machine) from a sales perspective so that isn't real a gauge for success.

I agree that the Wii U will never be a success, even though I'll eventually buy one. Nintendo is better off just finishing off the projects they have for this console and just putting everything they have into a new generation. If they fail again then they should really just give up the hardware market entirely.


I think Nintendo had a chance to do a lot more for the Wii U. Smash Bros. should be launching on that system first, not the 3DS. Still, the number of announcements should be enough to secure a decent life for the system, even if it struggles to even come close to Gamecube numbers. Anything is possible, of course, but I suspect Nintendo's best hope for the future is it becoming the go-to secondary system for hardcore gamers.

Miles X

What $399 bundle? You mean the console by itself?


This is... positive thinking.
The Titanfall deal was better than $399 kinectless xbox and it didn't do jack in most of Europe. And the UK market is big, but certainly doesn't somehow eclipse the rest of Europe.

Many people were holding out for a Kinectless bundle. Didn't say it eclipsed the rest of Europe, I said it cancels out WiiU's gains there (as it'll be pretty even across the board there for the two)

Well to feel sales potential, message boards and online retailers rankings are flawed yet existing indicators, which show Wii U is generating more interest now. I don't believe in impressive numbers, nor do I feel a big rise of xBox One demand in June. I could be wrong, we'll see in few weeks.

Isn't it between 30-40% of it?

message boards? I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. If message boards were anything to go buy Vita would be doing a hell of a lot better than it is. And various other trackers have XB1 doing well, well above WiiU, don't just concentrate on Amazon (if you need to concentrate on anecdotal evidence that doesn't help anyway)

Depends on the system.

Young men are not the majority of the market: http://www.theesa.com/facts/pdfs/esa_ef_2013.pdf

It's a common misconception, that actually had the consequence of homogenizing the AAA space.

Don't kid yourself, males make up the vast majority of console gaming. Mobile might be more popular for females which skus those figures.
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