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Is this kickstarter project a scam? Sento Towel

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Yes. Every Kickstarter is a scam. They place risk on consumers while the manufacturer profits fully.

You definition of "scam" has gone so far beyond the actual definition that it's absurd. Placing risk on consumers to get a product that they obviously want and want to make happen is in no way a scam. People get so worked up over Kickstarter, it truly boggles my mind.

The money laundering accusations, with literally nothing to back them up, are equally hilarious.


Wat? The picture of the people using the towels on that page - they look thin like paper. Looks like you'd be drying yourself off with a bedsheet. Why are people backing a towel like this? Go to a homegoods store and there are so many expensive towels to choose from that you'd not need to kickstart a 'super fluffy cloud-like' towel. xD


You definition of "scam" has gone so far beyond the actual definition that it's absurd. Placing risk on consumers to get a product that they obviously want and want to make happen is in no way a scam. People get so worked up over Kickstarter, it truly boggles my mind.

The money laundering accusations, with literally nothing to back them up, are equally hilarious.
There are a lot of legit products and companies born from kickstarter. But there are always those that ruins it for everyone .... and It is kinda amazing how easily people fall for a product even if they are told it could be a scam. The backers are still increasing lol


Should've bought a dicktowel, bro.

Free chopsticks with every pledge!

Looks like a campaign built on a lot of targeted social media advertising. It's Japanese! It's organic cotton! Did we mention how soft and absorbent this five star product is! Did we mention it's Japanese?


I'm sure you'll receive something, but when, and what the quality will be... no idea.

So far I've been lucky with kickstarter, huge delays on my first kickstarter but the final product was pretty solid.


I wonder if the towels are legit made in small batches or just some cheap Japanese towels with their label printed on it
Free chopsticks with every pledge!

Looks like a campaign built on a lot of targeted social media advertising. It's Japanese! It's organic cotton! Did we mention how soft and absorbent this five star product is! Did we mention it's Japanese?
what the towels really need is some kanji on it like 馬鹿
I wonder if the towels are legit made in small batches or just some cheap Japanese towels with their label printed on it

The description says it uses 100% Japanese cotton, but they never say the towels are actually made in Japan (unless they've said something in the updates).
They're gonna go to Walmart and buy a bunch of $5 mainstays towels and send them to all you suckers backers and pocket the (huge) difference.

Free chopsticks with every pledge!

Looks like a campaign built on a lot of targeted social media advertising. It's Japanese! It's organic cotton! Did we mention how soft and absorbent this five star product is! Did we mention it's Japanese?

These towels are made with authentic anime titty.

El Topo

Free chopsticks with every pledge!

Looks like a campaign built on a lot of targeted social media advertising. It's Japanese! It's organic cotton! Did we mention how soft and absorbent this five star product is! Did we mention it's Japanese?

Did you know that the Japanese perfected everything? Buy this now! Now! Pledge as much as you can for this PERFECT JAPANESE <What are we selling again, Jim? Oh, right> TOWEL!


Junior Member
Why is this on Kickstart? Why does it need that? Why did you pledge? A Kickstarter to me is kind of like "I want to do this one unique thing, but I can't, because it would cost 100k just to get production STARTED", not "hey guys, look at these sleek towels. Don't you want them? You can buy them, kind of"


I wonder if the towels are legit made in small batches or just some cheap Japanese towels with their label printed on it
what the towels really need is some kanji on it like &#39340;&#40575;
This response is too clever not to muster at least one reply.
A &#39340;&#40575; and his money are soon parted.


Feature creep on towels is absurd(ly hilarious).

Can't even imagine what kind of stretch goals they'd add.


I imagine Kickstarter is a good way of doing illicit business. Say you're selling towels, you're really selling coke wrapped in towels to specific people who back your project for large sums of money under the guise of a stretch goal claiming to be an angel investment.

This is what I'd consider to be one of these.

Holy shit. That'd be wild.
How is this better than a towel you can walk into a store and buy? I can see the appeal of being one of the first to own a product like Pebl or helping make development of a game possible, but if even if there's only a small chance it's a scam why would you hand money to strangers on the internet for a towel of all things?
I've seen this advertised on Facebook as well

And there it is.
There is a sucker born every minute, and compared to the popup infested fake news sites they normally wade through to try to "win a free iPad" etc, kickstarter seems like a high production values nirvana.

I'm going to run ads for a kickstarter for an app that lets you call a taxi in 300 cities around the world just with one touch. Stretch goal will be a second app that lets you hire people to do small tasks around the house.

Kickstarter should be ashamed of themselves, they are taking a chunk of money off this and looking the other way.
So I was an early backer of this project ...

The video is canned content... there's no identifiable face or name behind this campaign.
Mere sketches...
Unrealistic timeline...
Towels are overpriced...

....butwhy.gif? Why pledge if you can see that many red flags, and why keep your pledge active? Just cancel it if you're that concerned, and I hope other people do too. Looking at the page, I can't honestly see anything that sets this apart from your average towel page on Macy's or Bed Bath & Beyond.

Kickstarter works fine if you do some research into the project to see who exactly is getting the money, what they're using it for, if they have some kind of experience or name to uphold, etc. Not fool proof but at the very least if I click on a project and think "hmm, video is shite, there's only sketches and concept art, and the tiers suck ass too" no way would I pledge in the first place.


I wonder if the towels are legit made in small batches or just some cheap Japanese towels with their label printed on it
what the towels really need is some kanji on it like &#39340;&#40575;
And a cool mascot character like so:


Gold Member
It's beyond me why anyone would back shit like this in the first place. It's a towel! Just go out and buy one.
Average pledge of $88... I'm baffled.

Initially I wanted a good Japanese Towel and the video looked decent. Didn't think too much of it since I like to early back a project for a cheaper price and leave if I feel like it's a scam. Usually these companies will do updates with their content to show that they actually have their product but in this instance. It was all sketches lol I'm like how can you not have a photo or video of your latest products. This was a project that I backed in the spur of the moment and will back out. The only reason I still have it backed so I can continue to make comments on the project. I have reported to kickstarter. Not sure what else to do. I was hoping I wasn't just being paranoid about the product being a scam. I NEVER expected the campaign to blow up this big when I first backed it. It's ridiculous amount for towels I know lol
Dude, how much did you back it for if average pledge is that much? Please don't tell me over $20...
I used to love Kickstarter, but in the past few years it's become almost total garbage outside of board games and video games. People post crappy stuff up there, run Facebook ads via shady "Kickstarter marketing" companies, and uninformed people pay for it thinking it's like a pre-order. Kickstarter itself has no incentive to shut these down because it makes them more money.


Looks legit. I mean it's samurai approved. :/

The Japanese have been perfecting the art of towel making for hundreds of years. Used by the high class of society in the 17th Century including the Samurai. They still carry on this tradition focusing on superior craftsmanship and simplicity.

It's not like it's impossible to buy existing Japanese towels, anyway.


They'll ship to the US, although it's obviously not cheap to do so.
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