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I've never understood the mentality of people who snap discs or break controllers

I've only thrown one controller out of frustration. That was when I played Tekken Tag 2's arcade mode. The final boss on the hardest difficulty was mega cheap.

Venom Fox

God, now you're telling us what we are allowed to get angry at. I actually pride myself in the fact that I don't shout at people, that I'm not so easily enraged by IRL occurrences. Abusing inanimate objects when no one is looking is serious business though apparantly.
Where did I say that? I'm talking about what's normal behaviour and what isn't. Abuse your inanimate objects but that doesn't make it normal behaviour.

The fact you just said, "when no one is looking" is admitting it isn't normal behaviour so why you trying to argue with me?
I once elaborately stomped out a disc (and case) of NFL Fever while a friend (who beat me, but it was cheap, trust me) watched and laughed.

So you're saying that's not normal? I mean, are you sure? Do you have peer reviewed studies about this?
No, not really. It's the same concept as thinking before you speak. It's not normal behaviour.

You're right, it's not normal.

It's not normal that my brain convinces me sometimes that I'm the worst human being on the planet.

It's not normal that sometimes I hate myself so much that all I want to do is cry myself to sleep and it's not normal that sometimes I turn to video games because they're so often the only thing that have made me happy in my life. It's not normal that sometimes even that doesn't help and I just throw my controller against a wall because I lost a level or some other dumb crap.

It's not normal that I've had anger issues my whole life, depression, anxiety, things that I've tried so hard to contain and control, but I know they're there. I know I'm not fucking normal, I don't need to be reminded of that every day, I know it isn't the right thing to do, I know it's not socially appropriate, but sometimes I just want to fucking die the thing in my hands needs to be chucked against a wall.

This isn't some attempt to get sympathy, this isn't me justifying it. I know it's wrong. I know I'm not normal, I haven't been normal my whole life. I'm getting help for my problems, I'm a much better human being today than I was even a year ago, but sometimes my problems get the best of me and I can't help myself. I know it's not normal, but I don't need people judging me and telling me they "don't understand". I don't need you to understand, I need you to have some respect.

Yes, there are plenty of people who just need to grow up and detach themselves from the video games for a moment and give their heads a shake, but there are plenty of people who aren't "normal" and they can't help it. I'm one of them, maybe have some respect instead of throwing blanket statements at people like myself and having zero empathy.
The amount of people blaming anger issues is shocking. Anger issues aren't a thing. If someone is that angry about something that isn't real, E.G. A video game, it sounds like they're having trouble differentiating between what's reality and what's not. What they should have emotional feelings for and what they shouldn't. Please don't say I don't know what I'm talking about. One of my best friends as a kid had this exact condition.

You don't know what you're talking about. Knowing someone who has a condition doesn't mean everyone who has the (perceived) symptoms of that condition also share it. And trying to 'diagnose' them based on what little information in this thread is impossible. Your claims are ignorant and disrespectful.


Several years ago I got so mad at Call of Duty 2 on Veteran that I bit my Xbox 360 controller out of frustration. The teeth marks are still there to this day, reminding me of how silly it was every time I see it.


Venom Fox

You're right, it's not normal.

It's not normal that my brain convinces me sometimes that I'm the worst human being on the planet.

It's not normal that sometimes I hate myself so much that all I want to do is cry myself to sleep and it's not normal that sometimes I turn to video games because they're so often the only thing that have made me happy in my life. It's not normal that sometimes even that doesn't help and I just throw my controller against a wall because I lost a level or some other dumb crap.

It's not normal that I've had anger issues my whole life, depression, anxiety, things that I've tried so hard to contain and control, but I know they're there. I know I'm not fucking normal, I don't need to be reminded of that every day, I know it isn't the right thing to do, I know it's not socially appropriate, but sometimes I just want to fucking die the thing in my hands needs to be chucked against a wall.

This isn't some attempt to get sympathy, this isn't me justifying it. I know it's wrong. I know I'm not normal, I haven't been normal my whole life. I'm getting help for my problems, I'm a much better human being today than I was even a year ago, but sometimes my problems get the best of me and I can't help myself. I know it's not normal, but I don't need people judging me and telling me they "don't understand". I don't need you to understand, I need you to have some respect.

Yes, there are plenty of people who just need to grow up and detach themselves from the video games for a moment and give their heads a shake, but there are plenty of people who aren't "normal" and they can't help it. I'm one of them, maybe have some respect instead of throwing blanket statements at people like myself and having zero empathy.
If you took the time to read some of my posts I suffer with the same things. I don't claim to understand everything there is about it but seeing as I suffer with stuff and know quite a few other people who do I'm just trying to say that there's no real justification for destroying your own stuff.

You don't know what you're talking about. Knowing someone who has a condition doesn't mean everyone who has the (perceived) symptoms of that condition also share it. And trying to 'diagnose' them based on what little information in this thread is impossible. Your claims are ignorant and disrespectful.
It may come across as disrespectful, I'm not disputing that, it's just the way my posts are worded and it's the best way to describe the situation. Ignorant though is something you cannot really say, I'm sure the few Doctors, therapists and psychiatrists I've seen since being a child would agree with most of what I'm trying to say.


Yelling , cussing , punching , and breaking things are normal responses when frustrated or angered by something. Now they may not be the correct responses but it is fairly normal.

edit: or maybe because I see random strangers do it all the time I merely think it's normal.


The hell. When I was a toddler my idea of venting rage at losing was smacking the side of a table with the NES controller (then SNES) and that left notches on the underside. I didn't start gnawing on the controllers, much less do that when older. Some of you are crazy (or hungry.)


Yelling , cussing , punching , and breaking things are normal responses when frustrated or angered by something. Now they may not be the correct responses but it is fairly normal.

It's not healthy, adult behaviour. Only children display anger like that.

One of the main marks of adulthood is knowing how to let go of your anger.


The hell. When I was a toddler my idea of venting rage at losing was smacking the side of a table with the NES controller (then SNES) and that left notches on the underside. I didn't start gnawing on the controllers, much less do that when older. Some of you are crazy (or hungry.)

That's not actually a tooth mark, just thought it'd be funny.


I broke one DS4 recently due to life problems at the time... huge pressure, lots on my mind etc. And then there's this fucking game and even THAT isn't working for me, that's the mentality; it's never about the game or the controller, and if a person continues breaking stuff because of a game = anger management needed, seriously.


I can sort of understand breaking a controller, I mean if it's in your hands at the exact moment your rage peaks and goes into the red... I've applied enough pressure to a controller to hear it creak as if it's about to crack, but I've never actually damaged one on purpose.

But snapping a disc in half, that requires the presence of mind to go over to the device and press eject. That's at least a little bit closer to psychotic behavior.


I understand the sudden surge of anger if you're like really close to something and you just miss it, etc. One time on a laptop (i forget what game) i jammed a key so hard that it caused blue screen of death. the computer was fine after though, but i guess i didn't realize it was possible to apply enough force with one finger to hurt the machine.
but yeah, if i get real angry now, i just curse or punch my hand.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I had a friend that would throw the controller, punch doors and walk off etc
Only for me to succeed where he failed haha
in the end he would stick to it just so I wouldn't do it on my first try.


Once I was playing NBA Street Vol. 2 on PS2, and I was facing a 'boss' and was up like 19-3 and the fucking computer went cheat mode and beat me 21-19 and I remember freaking out and slamming my controller on the ground. It split in two. Haven't done it since though haha I was like 12.

edit: I have punched through a door over Halo 2 and various NBA 2K's in past years.

Venom Fox

I can sort of understand breaking a controller, I mean if it's in your hands at the exact moment your rage peaks and goes into the red... I've applied enough pressure to a controller to hear it creak as if it's about to crack, but I've never actually damaged one on purpose.

But snapping a disc in half, that requires the presence of mind to go over to the device and press eject. That's at least a little bit closer to psychotic behavior.
True. I agree with this. Both aren't normal but pre meditated disc snapping is definitely psychotic behaviour.


I have a couple coworkers that have broken controllers. I could never do it especially now when controllers are $60. When I get salty playing Street Fighter, I just turn the game off.


I've thrown some controllers on my bed.

Well and there's mario kart, which is basically a M rated game with all this cursing I produce.


Where did I say that? I'm talking about what's normal behaviour and what isn't. Abuse your inanimate objects but that doesn't make it normal behaviour.

The fact you just said, "when no one is looking" is admitting it isn't normal behaviour so why you trying to argue with me?

No, you weren't just talking about what is normal and what isn't. You were claiming that anger issues are not a thing (an excuse) and those people just can't distinguish between what's real or not. It did come across as rather judgmental.

Getting angry at different things than others is normal. To get so angry that you break stuff etc. isn't, I would never deny that. That's why it's called anger issues after all.


I don't, but my dad once threw a Wii remote while he had the wrist strap on and it flew back and hit him in the face.

Inspector Q

It's not healthy, adult behaviour. Only children display anger like that.

One of the main marks of adulthood is knowing how to let go of your anger.

Man, not sure what you are talking about. Plenty of well respected, grown men will display their anger in such a way. I already posted this vid, but there are tons more of well respected athletes letting their frustrations get the better of them. It happens and it's not the end of the world:


The job I work at is extremely stressful and you will see some crazy stuff go on there. Some great men and women that I know personally will sometimes throw something in frustration because our backs are constantly against the wall at this place. That doesn't make them freaks or childish. I don't even know why anyone would think that.

People really need to chill out with judging others before even getting to know them. Give these people a chance. Some of them might actually have a real problem, whether it's stress or depression. You won't know until you speak to them.


You have my respect, man. Just for putting yourself out there like that.


It's not healthy, adult behaviour. Only children display anger like that.

One of the main marks of adulthood is knowing how to let go of your anger.

Thats marks of adulthood is a bit old school for the adults of today and sorry but i mainly see adults doing those things.


There's no such thing as a temper problem though, it's just an excuse because people haven't been taught to appreciate things. Also my problem is right there in my post. It's the fact that I see people using anger issues as an excuse to destroy their stuff. Its not a good excuse IMO.

Not really. Having empathy and compassion for people like that is accepting that what they do is right, when it's not normal behaviour.

I wish I had a PhD in bullshitocology.
I can sort of understand breaking a controller, I mean if it's in your hands at the exact moment your rage peaks and goes into the red... I've applied enough pressure to a controller to hear it creak as if it's about to crack, but I've never actually damaged one on purpose.

But snapping a disc in half, that requires the presence of mind to go over to the device and press eject. That's at least a little bit closer to psychotic behavior.

I don't know man, some of these machines eject really quickly!

Seriously, I don't really judge how people get their rage out as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. Stuff like swearing does have benefits, for example. Doing something in the heat of the moment that doesn't hurt anyone to release stress doesn't seem psychotic as long as it's not harmful to living beings, at least to me.


Man, not sure what you are talking about. Plenty of well respected, grown men will display their anger in such a way.

People who respond to anger-inducing situations with violence are the sort of people that beat their spouses and kids. Just because you can respect them professionally doesn't mean they're respectable as human beings.

Getting angry is normal, but being violent is not. It's not acceptable adult behaviour. Why is that hard to understand?


I threw controllers a few times in grade school when I was pissed off ar an SNES game (can't remember which, probably Mario). I can't imagine a stable adult doing that.

Inspector Q

I find your posts to be a bit disturbing in this thread like seriously almost freaking me out.

Lol, I know, right? A bit overboard with the "psychotic" talk. Like, if what he said was true, my entire family and most of my friends would be psychopaths. Haha.

I won't even start on the people at my job. A complete warehouse full of loons, I guess.
Breaking shit just because you are mad is childish as hell...

It just shows that a person isn't even trying to reign in their destructive impulses.

If you're going to snap your controllers or discs during temper tantrums over a video game, what are you going to do in other equally frustrating situations?

Shake the baby? Kick the dog? Slap your spouse?

Isnt it possible the impulse to lash out at the thing that is frustrating you can become a learned behavior associated with your emotional state? Allowing yourself to feed it could lead to acting out in other, non gaming scenarios. Some research has suggested the brain can become addicted to the chemicals it produces and cause you to want to trigger these reactions in order to get its fix. The brain is an asshole like that. (Source: had to learn this shit while overcoming crippling social anxiety. It really is as if your brain triggers itself because it's produced more receptors for the chemicals that carry the bad feelings and starts feaning for them when you are actually having a good day. Getting over many emotional problems is basically trying to get your brain to detox from drugs that it's become addicted to and is making for itself.)

I'm not saying this applies to any of you, but why feed that monster though?

Plus, yeah, it's childish as hell.


Never thrown a controller; it's stupid and childish.

Or anything really. One time I threw a person, but that was when I died in Dark Souls so it doesn't count.

Inspector Q

People who respond to anger-inducing situations with violence are the sort of people that beat their spouses and kids. Just because you can respect them professionally doesn't mean they're respectable as human beings.

Getting angry is normal, but being violent is not. It's not acceptable adult behaviour. Why is that hard to understand?

I have a 55 year old woman that works directly under me that will throw things occasionally in frustration. You are wrong...like dead wrong. She is not a psychopath and does not beat her kids or husband, I can assure you.

Hell, I break my own things in frustration at times and literally everyone that knows me in real life gets along with me because I treat everyone I know really well. Stop assuming things about people you don't know. You sound foolish.


So from reading GAF this seems to be a semi common occurrence yet I've never understood it and always found it an immature emotional reaction. I mean why the hell would you destroy something? are you really getting that mad about anything especially games? It's not normal behaviour at all right?

My buddies brother recently snapped 2 or 3 keyboard playing football manager? I can't even comprehend being that mad at anything let alone football manager.

Even done it GAF?

Can anyone offer an explanation that isn't "I've got serious anger problems"

How do the breakers cope with actually problems?

It's absolutely an immature emotional reaction.

I have totally done it before.


People who respond to anger-inducing situations with violence are the sort of people that beat their spouses and kids. Just because you can respect them professionally doesn't mean they're respectable as human beings.

Getting angry is normal, but being violent is not. It's not acceptable adult behaviour. Why is that hard to understand?

Oh my god! Everyone who has ever punched something in a fit of anger or slammed their palms really hard in frustration are now possible wife and kid beaters.


I definitely have anger issues. I've slammed my fist down on a table so hard it broke before.

Not proud of it, but man it feels good to release anger.
Once when I was a lot younger I threw my PS1 controller and it hit my hermit crab cage and shattered it. I then cried because I thought I killed Hermie. I have never once raged at a game after that
I have a 55 year old woman that works directly under me that will throw things occasionally in frustration. You are wrong...like dead wrong. She is not a psychopath and does not beat her kids or husband, I can assure you.

Hell, I break my own things in frustration at times and literally everyone that knows me in real life gets along with me because I treat everyone I know really well. Stop assuming things about people you don't know. You sound foolish.
It's not foolish though, learned behaviors have a habit of creeping into other aspects of someone's life.


Breaking shit just because you are mad is childish as hell...

It just shows that a person isn't even trying to reign in their destructive impulses.

If you're going to snap your controllers or discs during temper tantrums over a video game, what are you going to do in other equally frustrating situations?

Shake the baby? Kick the dog? Slap your spouse?

Isnt it possible the impulse to lash out at the thing that is frustrating you can become a learned behavior associated with your emotional state? Allowing yourself to feed it could lead to acting out in other, non gaming scenarios. Some research has suggested the brain can become addicted to the chemicals it produces and cause you to want to trigger these reactions in order to get its fix. The brain is an asshole like that. (Source: had to learn this shit while overcoming crippling social anxiety. It really is as if your brain triggers itself because it's produced more receptors for the chemicals that carry the bad feelings and starts feaning for them when you are actually having a good day. Getting over many emotional problems is basically trying to get your brain to detox from drugs that it's become addicted to and is making for itself.)

I'm not saying this applies to any of you, but why feed that monster though?

Plus, yeah, it's childish as hell.

I agree that it's childish, but the whole "Where does it end? Slapping your spouse?" argument doesn't hold. Granted people who are abusive are likely to be destructive in pretty much every avenue, but this ignores that there are tons of people who understand that while it's okay to destroy your own property, it's not okay to hurt others. That someone breaks their own controller would also hurt someone is an unfair assessment.
Yeah, the wife lives in fear of me punching her because I've snapped a game disc before. The ol' slippery slope.

At least bring the receipts. I'm sure there are studies out there that support your position. Drop them here.

Violence is also (sadly) a "normal" human response to stressful situations in the sense that it is consistently observable in humans, so...


Oh my god! Everyone who has ever punched something in a fit of anger or slammed their palms really hard in frustration are now possible wife and kid beaters.

If you are literally breaking controllers and snapping discs on a regular basis, you are probably the sort of person for whom violence is an immediate response to frustration. That makes you dangerous, and I would not want to know you personally.


I threw my OG dualshock playing Gran turismo and the rumble broke. Broke a keyboard once too but don't remember what game I played.

Threw my DS4 multiple times playing Bloodborne but only on the sofa so no damage done.
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