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Iwata implies he may resign over poor business performance


They haven't fumbled with the hardware or marketing of the Wii U, they've fumbled by not releasing any fucking games for it since launch. They learned nothing from the 3DS launch...we're not getting anything notable until like March at this point, all this time in between is just letting the console fester.

I think poor marketing can certainly be argued. When people consider the WiiU as a "tablet for the Wii" or an add-on instead of a fully-featured console, there's something wrong here. Visibility and education need(ed) to be out there to inform consumers what WiiU is. That's where marketing should have come into play.


Strap on your hooker ...
Seems like a misplaced martyrdom. Most of Nintendo's woes in their latest financial report were due to sluggishness in western markets, whilst the Japanese market has been doing gangbusters for 'em. Why would the solution be a major shake-up in Japanese management, rather than one in the branches that are, y'know, actually underperforming?


What does Reggie have to do with any of this? FFS. Is he to blame for the Wii U bombing in Japan too?

No, but as the head of Nintendo of America, he's presided over an extended Wii decline, 3DS sales performance over the last 12 months that failed to match its first 10 months, and weakening sales trends saw the Xbox 360 overtake Nintendo hardware for an extended period of time.

Figurehead or not, when you're at the top and your business doesn't perform, you're subject to criticism at the very least and an ouster at the worst.
He should put resources into making a new Nintendogs. Not only did it sell gangbusters software-wise, but it pretty much was the turning point for DS sales. I am surprised it has not been done already infact with the 3DS or WiiU, but it is probably too late t this point.


Launch title.


Like on N64 or Gamecube? Copying Sony or MS is NOT the way to go. They are bleeding money, why would Nintendo want that? Give me one good reason.

The problem Nintendo might face is that kids these days grow up with Call of Duty and shitty smartphone games instead of Super Mario and Zelda. Gotta reach dem kids.



Iwata is a perfect fit for Nintendo. The problem here is that the casual market has moved on into other things and there's no way Nintendo will recoup the hardcore gamers that, in all honesty, were never ever on board with Nintendo anyways. No matter who takes the seat, they won't be able to pull off a miracle regardless of the direction they choose (innovation, raw horsepower, middle of the road).

Personally, I think Scott Moffitt has been a disaster and a horrible hire. Marketing of the 3DS and Wii U has sucked, they've fucked up relationships with major online e-tailors and they've completely dropped the ball with retail. Plus he comes across like he has no idea about the products he sells. Bad stuff.

Yes. IMO this is one person that really needs to go.


Nintendo needs to do something fundamentally different here in the west image-wise. Regardless of what people think, the fact is they're associated with family-friendly entertainment through and through, and that, coupled with the focus on less powerful hardware, has given them trouble. I know Nintendo games are fun, and I don't mind playing a game that a 10-year-old could also enjoy equally, but a lot of people don't think that way. They think there's something wrong with being past a certain age and playing Mario or Pokemon, and that it's like watching Nick Jr. or something. That thinking needs to be changed somehow because, even though those gamers are douchey, they're willing to fork over $60 for the games they like on a continual basis, unlike a lot of people that made the Wii such a success.

I've said for a while that they need to open/buy 3-4 more Western studios, and then release the games they make that are targeted towards the COD/GTA/Halo crowd under another label (like how Disney has "Touchstone Pictures"). I'd release "X" by Monolith Soft under the new label as well, or a new Retro Studios IP.

They still never have completely replaced what Rare did for them in the later SNES/N64 days. Retro's not released nearly as many games as Rare used to for them.


Yeah poor marketing is a big reason for the low sales. And the stupid console design-name i think. It looks just like a rounded wii and it has a similar name.

I thought it would be stupid for someone to be confused but even some of my friends who play some games and are familiar with consoles-redesigns were confused and asked me if they could use the gamepad on their wii.

I think name and design familiarity hurted both the WiiU and the 3DS, especially for people who buy this stuff for their children. Even some retail sellers are confused, some days ago a mother was looking to buy a portable system for her daughter, and the employee said that 3DS just has 3D over DSi and that she should buy the DSi and use the rest of the money for more games.


WTH? Weren't the Wii and the DS (and the 3DS, to a degree) HUGE successes? This is absurd, what, they're dumping him for one bad performing console (assuming) when the other three were incredible hits? I mean the wii especially was coming from the Game Cube, not exactly a best seller.


Seems like a misplaced martyrdom. Most of Nintendo's woes in their latest financial report were due to sluggishness in western markets, whilst the Japanese market has been doing gangbusters for 'em. Why would the solution be a major shake-up in Japanese management, rather than one in the branches that are, y'know, actually underperforming?

That's a good point too actually. But I think we can all agree that right now Wii U isn't that hot of a product to own. For me alarm bells will go off if the Wii U doesn't take off once the big hitters are released for it.


I must admit that I, up until recently, held the assumption that Iwata knew what he was doing all along, even after his various admissions of mistakes and even after the 3DS price cut debacle and his pay cut. I sort of considered them as issues he meekly made a big deal of but were in reality only minor issues while the master plan of 3DS/WiiU long-term success was carefully planned out and more or less going according to keikaku.

I mean, after the insane profits and success of Wii and DS, and the money stash they had, the "unpredictable" floundering into the new generation didn't seem plausible to me.

But these new forecast slashes and investor messages have convinced me that major errors have been made, and even if they didn't originate with Iwata, he is directly responsible for not having the foresight to overrule or adjust them.

Although we're "never right," the fact that GAF as a whole has been so concerned over the past 2 years with Nintendo's strategy, particularly in the West, and has been proven justified, frustrates me because you'd think Iwata would have much much greater insight into what will best breed success - more definite facts, industry connections, and administrative experience than any one person or group of people on GAF.

Did Iwata not have the same concerns as us? Did he not worry about Apple's incredible mobile boom? Did he not question the confusing marketing (names, concepts, advertising etc)? Did he not know about the incredible system-selling popularity of certain genres and styles of gameplay in the West?

If so, was it that Nintendo was simply too far invested in pre-existing development to alter course to meet new demands? Was the belief that to be successful they need to stay low-end/low-price and to maintain a major point of difference from the competitors' ecosystems, because of the perceived failure of the GameCube and success of the Wii? Do these beliefs necessarily hold true?

Can it all just be blamed on the Yen and the long recession? And is it really just all the fault of the stupidly confusing console names?

Meanwhile, where's all the stuff they could be spending their massive coffers on? Where's the publicity? Where is the genius marketing team behind the Wii generation? Why are people still confused about a bloody Wii iPad and its benefits? Where are the games? Where are the new developer announcements? Where are the new system colours in the West?

I still hope Iwata knows what he's doing, but something's definitely not quite right. And it's annoying that it takes "desperate Nintendo" to be "best Nintendo". Maybe Iwata needs to be desperate all the time, or hire someone who has that temperament.


Seems like a misplaced martyrdom. Most of Nintendo's woes in their latest financial report were due to sluggishness in western markets, whilst the Japanese market has been doing gangbusters for 'em. Why would the solution be a major shake-up in Japanese management, rather than one in the branches that are, y'know, actually underperforming?

Iwata isn't in charge of the Japanese market, he's in charge for the entire market. He is the Global President, so the buck stops with him in all regions.


WTH? Weren't the Wii and the DS (and the 3DS, to a degree) HUGE successes? This is absurd, what, they're dumping him for one bad performing console (assuming) when the other three were incredible hits? I mean the wii especially was coming from the Game Cube, not exactly a best seller.

He's a war hero, this is peace time.



I can see how the last Nintendo Direct will be promoted:

Iwata: The Last Laugh

I hope he just sits on a toilet while reading the news off of a watermelon, then shits out 3rd party games like they were nothing.

Trailers flying out of his ass like some 80's effect as they come onto the screen.
Iwata leaving would suck. I really like him. He's got soul, he loves games and he looks like a down to earth type of guy.

I wish the best for Nintendo.


Junior Member
I like Iwata. I don't know if he has the know how to dig Nintendo out of their current position without doing the things they most definitely do not want to do, but I'm not sure many/anybody does. But I like him. I like listening to him speak. I am convinced he comes from an honest, software quality first place. And I think he has a good head on his shoulders for keeping the games fun at Nintendo.

If he were to resign, it would be nice if he stayed on, at the very least to host Nintendo Direct. I like him as a face of Nintendo.

This, right here.
I wonder if it'll be best for Iwata to start a "tidy up" of the Western branches to help take the weight of the shoulders of NCL? Time to get some games out of NoA and NoE...
Unless you (as company president) can pinpoint a specific, major problem that would immediately change the entire forecast if fixed, shaking up the branch of the biggest market in the world with mostly new hires will probably do more short-term damage than long-term help.


has calmed down a bit.
The Wii U is overpriced, as was the 3ds at launch. If you're going to be the safe family option rather than the hardcore high tech option, at least price accordingly.

As a father, I definitely want to buy a Wii U, but not at that price. Not even close.
get rid of reggie already
other then comic relief WTF does that guy even do?

He is a boot-licking lackey to NOJ, which is exactly what NOJ pays him to be. It's got to be a pretty sweet gig if you don't have much ambition. I know I would like the job.

As for Iwata: I don't know whose "fault" Nintendo's problems are, but I really like Iwata. I would hate to see him part from the company completely.

There really is only one problem, IMO. The Wii U was a poor idea from start to finish. From the underpowered hardware to the poor name to the giant expensive controller that seems designed exclusively for Japanese use-cases. That being said, I bought one at launch and expect them to deliver good games over it's lifetime. Gamecube 2.0, in many ways.


Nintendo has kind of painted themselves into a corner this gen. Last gen they managed to coast on a gimmick for about four years, which wasn't a full gen, but close enough apparently.

This gen, they decided to do the same thing, with an underpowered system and a gimmick controller. Except this time, the gimmick has tanked. It has zero appeal. Which means the Wii U is going to be dead in two years just because of the obsolete hardware. This leaves them in the position Sega was in with the Saturn where they basically have to shut down and regroup and hit the ground running with their next system. And you see how that worked out for Sega.

It's a tough spot. They got cocky and fucked up.


That's a lofty goal they are shooting for, I hope for Iwata's sake they can pull it off. I don't agree with everything he and company does, but I do love them for what they bring to the industry.

Iwata also indicated that portable and home console development groups would be merged.

Am I reading this right that there's a chance they may pull out of the console business and focus on handhelds? Not sure how the two groups can merge without one being dropped in the process.


Poor Iwata. He's one of the key forces that has made Nintendo so magical over the past ten years. :-(

And one of the key forces that helped it's downfall the past two years. "What have you done for me latetly?" is all that matters in the corporate world.

Some easy baffling decisions such as the naming of the Wii U and the 3DS along with their confusing marketing clearly is something he should have avoided, as well as the outrageous 3DS pricing in the post-iOS world.


I hope not. Iwata is awesome, I don't know what is his problem.

It seems he is unbalanced between administration and development. Maybe he is too much close/competent in VG development, and not enought in administration. But for that, they can hire a much stonger board of financial guys, I don't know!
TAm I reading this right that there's a chance they may pull out of the console business and focus on handhelds? Not sure how the two groups can merge without one being dropped in the process.

They can make something like a wii u with a gamepad that can be used as a handheld.

Or they can use stream tech to have a handheld that streams to a tv.


They can make something like a wii u with a gamepad that can be used as a handheld.

Or they can use stream tech to have a handheld that streams to a tv.

True, but I don't see either as a good idea. A console with a handheld-like controller that can be separated from the unit and played anywhere would make this controller very very expensive, limiting the local MP appeal.

Having a handheld that can stream to the TV also doesn't sound good since it would be hugely underpowered, even more than the Wii-U looks against the competition.
That's a lofty goal they are shooting for, I hope for Iwata's sake they can pull it off. I don't agree with everything he and company does, but I do love them for what they bring to the industry.

Am I reading this right that there's a chance they may pull out of the console business and focus on handhelds? Not sure how the two groups can merge without one being dropped in the process.

Well Iwata did say that merging their entire EAD would have "enormous implications."

I assume that EAD is no more. It's now "Integrated Research and Development," or IRD for short.

...And everyone is at their new Kyoto building. So whatever Nintendo puts out, it looks like their full force of developers is going to be working on it.

I also got the sense from Iwata's transcript that Nintendo is going to try and partner increasingly with more and more developers to get the widest range of exclusive software for the Wii U.

So I can see more Square Enix partnerships, Sega partnerships, Namco Bandai partnerships, Tecmo Koei partnerships, Atlus partnerships, etc., coming our way.

Maybe Nintendo will even surprise us and partner with some Western developers!
Iwata is clearly the reason for Nintendo's over conservative approach. The man has ignored the company's pedigree of pushing the boundaries of gaming, and fostered a company that relied far too much on previous successes. Throwbacks are cool from time to time, but that's about all I expect out of this company now. It feels like they are bankrupt on ideas, and suffering from sequelitis.

The Wii U could have really upset Microsoft and Sony if it had lived up to the technical prowess that was once mentioned. Instead, it is more or less the most conservative and cowardly designed machine in the modern era.

How has Nintendo been conservative? A dual screen DS, motion controll Wii, glasses free 3DS, and tablet in a game pad is not conservative at all. Compared to be Microsoft and Sony Nintendo is on the fringe of lunacy with the risks they've taken with each system.

More power isn't risky. That's being super conservative.


Junior Member
I'm looking forward to whatever Iwata has up his sleeve. I just want Bayonetta: Climax Edition on the eShop, and soon!
Well Iwata did say that merging their entire EAD would have "enormous implications."

I assume that EAD is no more. It's now "Integrated Research and Development," or IRD for short.

...And everyone is at their new Kyoto building. So whatever Nintendo puts out, it looks like their full force of developers is going to be working on it.

I also got the sense from Iwata's transcript that Nintendo is going to try and partner increasingly with more and more developers to get the widest range of exclusive software for the Wii U.

So I can see more Square Enix partnerships, Sega partnerships, Namco Bandai partnerships, Tecmo Koei partnerships, Atlus partnerships, etc., coming our way.

Maybe Nintendo will even surprise us and partner with some Western developers!
I think Nintendo needs to take 50 or 100 million dollars and open up some western studios to compliment Retro at this point. They need western influenced titles mixed into the company. This would help even out the long wait for the big 1st party titles and help their image. Make their own versions of games in popular genres like FPSs and action/adventure

Reggie used to take a lot of the heat over here but I'm beginning to think that Iwata is tying his hands together. Reggie just doesn't strike me as someone who hasn't thought of that


No additional functions

Holy shit. Well done sir!

I must admit that I, up until recently, held the assumption that Iwata knew what he was doing all along, even after his various admissions of mistakes and even after the 3DS price cut debacle and his pay cut. I sort of considered them as issues he meekly made a big deal of but were in reality only minor issues while the master plan of 3DS/WiiU long-term success was carefully planned out and more or less going according to keikaku.

I mean, after the insane profits and success of Wii and DS, and the money stash they had, the "unpredictable" floundering into the new generation didn't seem plausible to me.

But these new forecast slashes and investor messages have convinced me that major errors have been made, and even if they didn't originate with Iwata, he is directly responsible for not having the foresight to overrule or adjust them.

Although we're "never right," the fact that GAF as a whole has been so concerned over the past 2 years with Nintendo's strategy, particularly in the West, and has been proven justified, frustrates me because you'd think Iwata would have much much greater insight into what will best breed success - more definite facts, industry connections, and administrative experience than any one person or group of people on GAF.

Did Iwata not have the same concerns as us? Did he not worry about Apple's incredible mobile boom? Did he not question the confusing marketing (names, concepts, advertising etc)? Did he not know about the incredible system-selling popularity of certain genres and styles of gameplay in the West?

If so, was it that Nintendo was simply too far invested in pre-existing development to alter course to meet new demands? Was the belief that to be successful they need to stay low-end/low-price and to maintain a major point of difference from the competitors' ecosystems, because of the perceived failure of the GameCube and success of the Wii? Do these beliefs necessarily hold true?

Can it all just be blamed on the Yen and the long recession? And is it really just all the fault of the stupidly confusing console names?

Meanwhile, where's all the stuff they could be spending their massive coffers on? Where's the publicity? Where is the genius marketing team behind the Wii generation? Why are people still confused about a bloody Wii iPad and its benefits? Where are the games? Where are the new developer announcements? Where are the new system colours in the West?

I still hope Iwata knows what he's doing, but something's definitely not quite right. And it's annoying that it takes "desperate Nintendo" to be "best Nintendo". Maybe Iwata needs to be desperate all the time, or hire someone who has that temperament.

This is pretty much it, but the problems still stem all the way back to the N64. There are still many problems that haven't been addressed since that time, western third party support being a big one. N64 was the console to get for FPS's. Now that is the most popular genre in gaming and Nintendo consoles are the absolute last choice for developers and gamers alike. To top it all off, Miyamoto himself has said he could have made Halo, so they know the problem is there. Why haven't they fixed it?

As far as desperate Nintendo being the best, all of the games mentioned in the last Nintendo Direct were already in development - some of them unlikely to release this year. It's clear now that this announcement was made due to the predicament they are in. It doesn't change the fact that they still have poor third party support and that they can't meet demand for their own system. Teaming up with third parties has been something they have done for awhile now and it's never made an impact big enough to appeal to hardcore gamers. In other words, it won't fix the problem.

Sorry to say, but Iwata has to be demoted. Nintendo is right back in the position they were in when he took over. It's completely unacceptable.
Well Iwata did say that merging their entire EAD would have "enormous implications."

I assume that EAD is no more. It's now "Integrated Research and Development," or IRD for short.

...And everyone is at their new Kyoto building. So whatever Nintendo puts out, it looks like their full force of developers is going to be working on it.
Is their new building done? Should lead to some cost reduction in the next FY if so.

Btw. anyone knows if it's far away from their headquarters?

I also got the sense from Iwata's transcript that Nintendo is going to try and partner increasingly with more and more developers to get the widest range of exclusive software for the Wii U.

So I can see more Square Enix partnerships, Sega partnerships, Namco Bandai partnerships, Tecmo Koei partnerships, Atlus partnerships, etc., coming our way.

Maybe Nintendo will even surprise us and partner with some Western developers!
I asked myself, what if Nintendo started to publish most of the 3rd Party games themselve?
Most games should be profitable, even if they're not selling much (example: Ubisofts ports cost them less than 1.000.000 according to them, that's 50.000 units if you earn 20$ per copy).


Junior Member
Is their new building done? Should lead to some cost reduction in the next FY if so.

Btw. anyone knows if it's far away from their headquarters?

I asked myself, what if Nintendo started to publish most of the 3rd Party games themselve.
Most games should be profitable, even if they're not selling much (example: Ubisofts ports cost them less than 1.000.000 according to them, that's 50.000 units if you earn 20$ per copy)?

Might not be such a bad approach. Some might laugh at me for saying this but I think there are a few devs in the West who wouldn't mind making something or porting a title to a Nintendo system. It's just that their publishers won't let them.
Might not be such a bad approach. Some might laugh at me for saying this but I think there are a few devs in the West who wouldn't mind making something or porting a title to a Nintendo system. It's just that their publishers won't let them.
Crazy idea:

Nintendo opens two or three "porting studios" in the west and one factory to manage the greater amount of games they need to print.


Am I reading this right that there's a chance they may pull out of the console business and focus on handhelds? Not sure how the two groups can merge without one being dropped in the process.

They are merging to make software development for both consoles and handhelds more efficient. They are not leaving one or the other. It's mentioned in the latest report in their IR website. It's specifically mentioned that in the past it wasn't feasible to write code or share assets between platforms, but now it is, so they want to take advantage of that.


Well Iwata did say that merging their entire EAD would have "enormous implications."

I assume that EAD is no more. It's now "Integrated Research and Development," or IRD for short.

(Pasted from previous discussion)

Former 2012 Structure
- EAD Division (Central Building)
- IRD Division (Central Building)

- RED Division (Kyoto Research Building)
- SPD Division (Kyoto Research Building)
- NB Division (Kyoto Research Building)
- Mario Club (Kyoto Research Building)
- Intelligent Systems - (Kyoto Research Building)

New 2013 Structure
- EAD Division ------------> (Kyoto Unified R&D Building)
- SPD Division ------------> (Kyoto Unified R&D Building)
- IRD and RED merger --------> (Kyoto Unified R&D Building)

- Intelligent Systems stays at (Kyoto Research Building) ?
- Mario Club stays at (Kyoto Research Building) ?

- Empty R&D facility at (Central Building) ?

While several divisions are moving over to the building, the only actual division merger confirmed is IRD and RED. Which are Nintendo's two hardware development divisions. EAD and SPD which are software developers should be working alongside in different sections of the new building.

So I can see more Square Enix partnerships, Sega partnerships, Namco Bandai partnerships, Tecmo Koei partnerships, Atlus partnerships, etc., coming our way.

Maybe Nintendo will even surprise us and partner with some Western developers!

Theres already been tons of constant partnerships. Since the GameCube era. Iwata might be specifically mentioning the IP crossovers to dually push 1st party and 3rd party IPs together. Like Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei. Mario x Sonic.
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