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Japanese Devs Talk Revolution Controller


Suda 51 confirmed development for Revolution?! BEST REV NEWS YET. Freaking sweet! Killer Infinity, please!

Oh god... Iwatani, please we don't need four Pac-Man games a year! Keep them to a minimum!


Gold Member
Wow. Judging those replies, they love it as much as they love the DS. If it gets similar amounts of support and unique games as a result, things may really turn around. I'm fully confident western developers will supply the cookie cutter games needed to balance the portfolio to casuals.


Chittagong said:
Wow. Judging those replies, they love it as much as they love the DS. If it gets similar amounts of support and unique games as a result, things may really turn around. I'm fully confident western developers will supply the cookie cutter games needed to balance the portfolio to casuals.
Probably Western Developers won´t develop for Revo until the regular controller add on becomes a standard. Well, except for FPS, of course.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Well I think the important thing here, is that every developer will probably commit to at least one big exclusive title. Unlike the GameCube, there will be no option to port the game over.
I love the idea of using the controllers against each other, and not worrying about the screen. There's some great ideas there.

Revolution is by far the most exciting next-gen platform. I'd actually go as far as to say that it's the only true next-generation console.


God's Hand said:
I love the idea of using the controllers against each other, and not worrying about the screen. There's some great ideas there.

Revolution is by far the most exciting next-gen platform. I'd actually go as far as to say that it's the only true next-generation console.
You´d be going way too far.


Post Count: 9999
nine words said:
Probably Western Developers won´t develop for Revo until the regular controller add on becomes a standard. Well, except for FPS, of course.

Is there anything else the western devs actually do?

Okay, let me rephrase.

Is there anything else the western devs actually do well?



Onix said:
Is there anything else the western devs actually do?

Okay, let me rephrase.

Is there anything else the western devs actually do well?


RPGs. Dungeon Crawlers. Racing games. Sports games.

God's Hand said:
I'd actually go as far as to say that it's the only true next-generation console.

:lol Don't hurt yourself, God's Hand.


phantomile co. said:
support for this system will be a lot more than expected. that's a fact. just wait and see,.
Japanese support is almost a given with those comments. The question is...how about Western devs who seem to be embracing only the 360 and PS3?


Khalid-S said:
Haha... I see what you mean, but I doubt the first Revolution screenshots would be from a third party. :)

But I guess it's possible since no one actually knows that it's for Revolution.


Junior Member
nine words said:
Probably Western Developers won´t develop for Revo until the regular controller add on becomes a standard. Well, except for FPS, of course.
Maybe not. After all, Nintendo's aim is to draft in new gamers. So there is a potential to increase the popularity of a franchise. If the Revolution was a cookie cutter console, then EA devs could just treat it as an afterthought. But if they actually put the effort in, which monetarily doesn't require that big an investment, there is a possibility to reach a large new audience and grow the franchise. The risk(investment) is low, but the payoff could be huge. There's a chance they'll all jump in.


nine words said:
Probably Western Developers won´t develop for Revo until the regular controller add on becomes a standard. Well, except for FPS, of course.

i just thought about this, and i realized that i barely play western-developed games. all i see on my shelf are amplitude,eternal darkness, and metroid prime (american-developed nintendo franchises don't count). seems like most of the really creative games are japanese--katamari, viewtiful joe, monkey ball, etc. i realize that western games have their appeal (for those who like FPS and sports games and...err...bioware rpgs?) but i honestly don't feel like I'll be missing out on much if western developers don't flock to the revolution. certainly not EA games.


Boy, I sure hope Nintendo doesn't hold that retarded "we don't need them/I never cared for them" attitude with such Western/Japanese developers, because that's a surefire ticket to being left behind again.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
The revolution has created a trump card hook because it summons developer support not just on the fact of the hope of creating an untapped market, but because it is a challenge to developers to see who can really take advantage of the new interface.

If Kojima makes a revolutionary game using the controller, Mikami will have to challenge him.

If Japan keeps making revolutionary games using the controller, American and European developers will have to challenge them.


SpiffyG said:
Haha... I see what you mean, but I doubt the first Revolution screenshots would be from a third party. :)

But I guess it's possible since no one actually knows that it's for Revolution.
Mana 4 is for PS2 - there's no doubt about that at all. But there could be something for Revolution later in the project.
empanada said:
Japanese support is almost a given with those comments. The question is...how about Western devs who seem to be embracing only the 360 and PS3?

RPG - i can't say based on experience, but i'd imagine western RPGs would work very well with this controller. although im sure there's western RPGs out there that use a shit load of buttons on a keyboard.

racing games - well, there's plenty of things that can be done. you can have the classic style mechanics with the new controller (as well as the old controller shell). anolog to steer, and buttons for gas, brakes, and all that classic stuff. of course, there's new ways about going about it as well, but so far, nothing has been proven to be better. perhaps in due time.

sports games - depends on the genre really, but i can't see how this controller won't make the games more simple to play, without losing any depth what so ever.

FPS - you're a narbo if you don't think this is the new standard.


heidern said:
Maybe not. After all, Nintendo's aim is to draft in new gamers. So there is a potential to increase the popularity of a franchise. If the Revolution was a cookie cutter console, then EA devs could just treat it as an afterthought. But if they actually put the effort in, which monetarily doesn't require that big an investment, there is a possibility to reach a large new audience and grow the franchise. The risk(investment) is low, but the payoff could be huge. There's a chance they'll all jump in.
EA putting effort into something? Now, that´d be a revolution indeed!

Seriously, I don´t think we´re gonna see anything great or new or even okay from western developers as long as Revo isn´t the market leader. Just look at the DS and tell me a good western developed game, time is ticking fast... Probably EA will add some kind of dumb control like it´s done with the DS. A control scheme that could work if they just tried hard, but they won´t, because after all, the game will sell better in MS and Sony´s consoles, so, why worrying putting money and effort into something that´s not gonna sell? Surelly in japan the Revolutioon will be a completely different story. BUt as I said before, until Revo isn´t the market leader, this is not happening. Just cross your fingers Revo launches with a great FPS packed with every console in NA.


Shikamaru Ninja said:
The revolution has created a trump card hook because it summons developer support not just on the fact of the hope of creating an untapped market, but because it is a challenge to developers to see who can really take advantage of the new interface.

If Kojima makes a revolutionary game using the controller, Mikami will have to challenge him.

If Japan keeps making revolutionary games using the controller, American and European developers will have to challenge them.

As much as I support Western developers, I don't think they're up to (or care about) the challenge.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
empanada said:
.how about Western devs who seem to be embracing only the 360 and PS3?

apparently, many werent too keen on the idea when it was first introduced to them. then nintendo made the analog stick attachment standard, and people started coming around a bit. (according to an interview i read somewhere, cant remember) . im guessing that after the mention of the standard controller shell, more western devs have begun to seriously look at the system.

Shikamaru Ninja said:
Unlike the GameCube, there will be no option to port the game over.

why not?


empanada said:
The question is...how about Western devs who seem to be embracing only the 360 and PS3?
Well, how many Japanese developed games have been announced for it? Just give it time. If that DS conference is any indication, a bunch of info/screenshots/announcements will be revealed all at once.
quadriplegicjon said:
ports are do-able, but would sort of defeat the purpose for the most part.

ports on Revolution are more than likely gonna be an attempt at making a quick buck. although i can definitely see cases where games controls are improved when being ported over.


For instance, you'll have to start by looking back at your play as a kid and think of what kinds of things you could do if developing for the Revolution.

If they can pull this off Rev will be huge.


If the controller really is well suited for FPS, I can see a ton of western support (if only in that genre).
Reading the quotes about the similarities to the DS, and taking a second look at the revolution stand,makes me wonder how long till a DS player is released for it. It could keep the same shape.

Everything you "touch" on the DS could be done on the revolution controller-for the most part anyway.

Better yet, Nintendo should make the Sd card slots DS compatable. That would kickass.
Honestly eventhough I really dont know much about the REV I am excited that Nintendo at least seems to be trying a different direction as their last two consoles really have been dissapointing. If the can offer up some cool new content I will be all over it!


DavidDayton said:
Didn't you know that true RPG video games didn't appear until Knights of the Old Republic?

On the PC actually, although Western devs aren't responsible for most RPG's today.
Amir0x said:
RPGs. Dungeon Crawlers. Racing games. Sports games.

:lol Don't hurt yourself, God's Hand.

Depends upon whether you define a next-generation console as having more power or having better game experiences. Raw power and experience are exclusive of each other(you can have better looking and performing games but nothing "new" about it; you can have better game experiences without mind blowing appeal), together they define true generational growth.


Akai said:
DavidDayton said:
Didn't you know that true RPG video games didn't appear until Knights of the Old Republic?

(Hmm... I need more sarcasm... that seemed a bit dry.)

RPGs are a genre Western devs do well. Why are you startled by this revelation? There are tons of phenomenal western RPGs.

And David: Level up your reading comprehension. Needs to be lvl 10 or 11 at least.

gamergirly said:
Depends upon whether you define a next-generation console as having more power or having better game experiences. Raw power and experience are exclusive of each other, together they define true generational growth.

No, it doesn't depend on that. Next-generation is defined by many things, and you're right - experiences are one of them. But power is absolutely indicative of a next-generation consoles, without question. In this way, there is no "more" or "less" next-gen console in the upcoming wars, for 360 and PS3 likely have the power advantage, and Revolution offers the new interesting control scheme to compliment the next-gen.


More power gives in new experiences. Do you think Pikmin or SotC could´ve been done in the last generation? I don´t think so...


Onix said:
Is there anything else the western devs actually do?

Okay, let me rephrase.

Is there anything else the western devs actually do well?


You mean, besides winning every game of the year since this generation began and selling more games? No, not much.


Amir0x said:
RPGs are a genre Western devs do well. Why are you startled by this revelation? There are tons of phenomenal western RPGs.


The problem is that most on this forum spent the late 90's with their Playstations (and me with my N64, so who am I to judge?) instead of experiencing the genre.

Now many of those developers are dead or making Jade Empire, so they miss the WRPG's.


nine words said:
Western devs don´t sell, it´s publishers that sell.

My point is that they don't make crap, or people wouldn't buy it. And neither do Japanese devs. This industry would be unbearable without either of them.


How well would FPS games work with the Rev controller? We've discussed it a bit before but it will definately require the second portion of the controller and even them I'm a tad skeptical that it will allow for the level of control that currently exists with current dual analog stick gamepads.

I wonder if 2D platformers could be responsive enough to play with the controller.

I wouldn't consider it "the true next gen", but rather I'd consider it was it was rightly named, a revolution. "Next gen" implies evolution, doesn't it? :)


nine words said:
More power gives in new experiences. Do you think Pikmin or SotC could´ve been done in the last generation? I don´t think so...

after a while you hit a point where more power doesn't do as much as it used to. and eventually, you'll hit a level of realism where it would be insane to try and program that much detail. I can definitely see room for improvement over the upcoming generation, but after that? and after that? how much power do you need to get your experience across? what could possibly be left to do? real-life simulators? how much do you think those would cost to develop?


Speevy said:
My point is that they don't make crap, or people wouldn't buy it. And neither do Japanese devs. This industry would be unbearable without either of them.
Of course without Western and Japanese devs, we´d be left to play Chinese and Korean games, which isn´t exactly my picture of gaming heaven, you know...

As much as I agree that both can do masterpieces or crappy games, you must agree that one thing Western Devs use to lack, is innovation. I mean, western devs are great at mastering, refining and reusing proved formulas, but it´s rare to see a western arcade game like Super Monkey Ball or Katamari. Probably if western publishers would let devs do, we´d see more of an open market in the west.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Amir0x said:
RPGs are a genre Western devs do well. Why are you startled by this revelation? There are tons of phenomenal western RPGs.

And David: Level up your reading comprehension. Needs to be lvl 10 or 11 at least.

Startled? Who said I was startled? I did do a bit of knee jerking, however... I've been running into a bit too many people who's sole experience with RPGs is the aforementioned Knights, which is often pointed to (by them) as the greatest RPG ever made. Hence my remark, which probably wasn't as accurate as it should have been.


I am curious as to your reading comprehension slight, though... what did I fail to understand? I made a single post in this thread, and while you could easily construe my comments as being snide, I fail to see how you could possibly see them as a failure to understand what someone else had said.


nine words said:
Of course without Western and Japanese devs, we´d be left to play Chinese and Korean games, which isn´t exactly my picture of gaming heaven, you know...

As much as I agree that both can do masterpieces or crappy games, you must agree that one thing Western Devs use to lack, is innovation. I mean, western devs are great at mastering, refining and reusing proved formulas, but it´s rare to see a western arcade game like Super Monkey Ball or Katamari. Probably if western publishers would let devs do, we´d see more of an open market in the west.

the reason that you don't see more western delopers making katamari-like games is that most western developers are actually sane.

that's not to knock the insane japanese. i love katamari :D


DavidDayton said:
Startled? Who said I was startled? I did do a bit of knee jerking, however... I've been running into a bit too many people who's sole experience with RPGs is the aforementioned Knights, which is often pointed to (by them) as the greatest RPG ever made. Hence my remark, which probably wasn't as accurate as it should have been.


KOTOR is a great RPG. It's a perfectly legitimate comment to feel it's the 'greatest', as it's just as deserving as any other number of candidates. That said, I do not feel that way. Nor was my first RPG experience KOTOR (it was Phantasy Star), nor do I only play Western RPGs (actually, I play more Japanese RPGs).

DavidDayton said:
I am curious as to your reading comprehension slight, though... what did I fail to understand? I made a single post in this thread, and while you could easily construe my comments as being snide, I fail to see how you could possibly see them as a failure to understand what someone else had said.

Because the question asked was 'What genre besides FPS do Western devs do well?', and my response was RPGs. Nowhere in that exchange can it be implied that I meant "Western RPGs are the greatest", "KOTOR was my first RPG experience", or that I preferred that the best. Just that Western devs do the genre well.
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