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Jim Ryan: PlayStation about big blockbuster games that cost a lot to make, Game Pass model would not make financial sense

Chun Swae

To this day I don't get the Sony loyalist obsession with discrediting game pass. I'm a consumer, not a share holder. I want what is going to provide me the most value.

Those that bash on gamepass act like it is the only source of revenue for MS out of their store. They still have their cut of games sold not on gamepass, games that have microtransactions or deluxe editions, ftp nonsense, ECT, ECT. I've bought games going off of gamepass to make sure I have them as well since most of the 3rd party games are timed and at times older.

And then look at the success of flight simulator 2020.. good luck finding a windows or xbox certified flightstick anywhere and it hasn't even been announced for consoles yet.

The talk of it holding aaa games back while MS announced quite a few games coming to gamepass that are AAA such as Avowed, Hellblade, Halo, Fable, ECT. It's just a tired argument.
It's not a "sony loyalist" thing, it should be every consumer thing. Look at how subscription services in every industry have completely killed their physical market for the worse. tv and music subscriptions have made people stop buying dvd sets and physical albums, leading to lower quality art. music artists barely see a dime for their work unless they're one of the people with millions of fans. We already know what the subscription future looks like in other industries, and it's not a pretty picture

gamepass is subsidizing the service with cheap 1 dollar promo and guaranteed sales deal for publishers. but wait until they have a critical mass of users and those guaranteed sales deals turn into per play licensing agreements and you'll see the industry start talking about how they can barely make ends meet even with all of the people playing their game.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I agree.

Gamepass makes more sense if the business model is to development games like Sea of Thieves that has shops for micro transactions. Because once a consumer makes an investment in a game that they get via a monthly subscription the more likely they keep the subscription and keep playing the game. Microsoft wants to capture players into the ecosystem of games.

The goal seems to be to establish a netflix-like library to gather reoccurring players with games people wouldn't typically buy months or years after release. Sprinkle in some exclusive content meant to keep them playing in turn paying, then sell the players as a product to games with thick micro transaction/cash stores who are more likely to buy because they feel like the game is free.
Also indie titles get exposure + huge cash in deal day one (word i hate using as a artist) which helps drives support and people buy from them on other platforms.
Game companies make a huge cut.
Xbox gets a cut of micro transactions.

Playstation matching this format with their newly released games wouldn't capitalize on being on such a platform, wouldn't recooperate their costs in the short nor long term and people wouldn't want to play reoccurring costs for membership since they would just finish a 10 hour story campaign, quit their membership then come back later.

Unless PlayStation made their games episodic that released weekly or developed their own games with the intent of marketing mind-share of gamers playing reoccurring games as a service like Sea of Thieves. Then the game pass model just doesn't work for them in the long term.

Playstation better off offering free games via PS+ once their games are heavily adopted and sold off for profit. So they can say they are offering games for free, knowing full well the only a small portion of gamers don't own those games and its real goal is to entice Xbox gamers to their platform in the short term.

Gamepass is what an emagulation of what Microsoft is historically.

Not to say Gamepass is a huge game changer. Its value to gamers is its perceived value, when at the day your probably spending the same amount of money or even more on Gamepass then you are on Playstation. The difference, ultimately comes down to which you prefer. A huge backlog/variety of all types of games constantly being added. Or a handful of 1st party award winning high quality cinematic titles.

To a lot of consumers I see where Xbox has the better deal to a larger audience of people, especially families.

Historicaly I have not seen a lack of variety of games in the traditional model, this is more about getting a certain kind of games in mass added to the service and recouping the money through micro-transactions moving the industry massively towards the mobile way (games designed to make money post user acquisition so to speak)... the only thing balancing it would be MS ramping up the subscription fee to pay more money to the game developers.

A cheap GamePass style service does not necessarily give you that many more games and gives you/encourages you a different kind of games/services and we have seen how the GaaS model changes gameplay and game design to their core.
It's not a "sony loyalist" thing, it should be every consumer thing. Look at how subscription services in every industry have completely killed their physical market for the worse. tv and music subscriptions have made people stop buying dvd sets and physical albums, leading to lower quality art. music artists barely see a dime for their work unless they're one of the people with millions of fans. We already know what the subscription future looks like in other industries, and it's not a pretty picture

gamepass is subsidizing the service with cheap 1 dollar promo and guaranteed sales deal for publishers. but wait until they have a critical mass of users and those guaranteed sales deals turn into per play licensing agreements and you'll see the industry start talking about how they can barely make ends meet even with all of the people playing their game.
Horseshit.. on here it is near 100% Sony Loyalist that attack game pass on a regular basis. These are often times the same individuals that flood xbox threads with fear mongering or rhetoric on a regular basis, so the agenda isn't exactly hidden. ***Checks your post history*** thought so... lol. You guys are so fucking transparent it's sad. You have posts where you literally praise PSNow as a streaming service.. lol. I'll play along though... Show me some proof that streaming services have caused lower quality art. Who has the most Oscar nominations this year so far? Who had the second most Emmy nominations last year?

As for your other claims. DVDs were killed by technology, same with 8 tracks, laserdiscs, VCRs, ECT.. the decline was inevitable. And I agree that artists are getting stiffed by the music industry. However, if you look at the articles they attribute streaming services as a main component in increased profitability in the music industry... An industry that sat flat in profits for quite a few years. The issue is that money isn't trickling down.. BUT... There is the potential for much more exposure for an artist, especially for those that release on smaller, independent labels. I can go into a number of streaming services and listen to music I don't typically listen too and would never buy an album of. So it is a give and take.

So I have to ask you.. why according to your own posts why is PS Now considered a good service but gamepass bad, even though PSNow has a much larger library? How can a service kill an industry when participation in it isn't required? Also why hasn't MS or Sony killed the industry by giving away monthly free games via live or plus for years now? More importantly, why aren't developers expressing concern with the game pass model?

Sony is really good for saying things won't work or they won't do something only to do it at a later date. Look at PS Plus, PS Now, advertisements on their UI, and even the development of PS specific television shows. If the model shows to be successful, they'll jump in and you bandwagoners will predictably praise them for it.

Chun Swae

Horseshit.. on here it is near 100% Sony Loyalist that attack game pass on a regular basis. These are often times the same individuals that flood xbox threads with fear mongering or rhetoric on a regular basis, so the agenda isn't exactly hidden. ***Checks your post history*** thought so... lol. You guys are so fucking transparent it's sad. You have posts where you literally praise PSNow as a streaming service.. lol. I'll play along though... Show me some proof that streaming services have caused lower quality art. Who has the most Oscar nominations this year so far? Who had the second most Emmy nominations last year?

As for your other claims. DVDs were killed by technology, same with 8 tracks, laserdiscs, VCRs, ECT.. the decline was inevitable. And I agree that artists are getting stiffed by the music industry. However, if you look at the articles they attribute streaming services as a main component in increased profitability in the music industry... An industry that sat flat in profits for quite a few years. The issue is that money isn't trickling down.. BUT... There is the potential for much more exposure for an artist, especially for those that release on smaller, independent labels. I can go into a number of streaming services and listen to music I don't typically listen too and would never buy an album of. So it is a give and take.

So I have to ask you.. why according to your own posts why is PS Now considered a good service but gamepass bad, even though PSNow has a much larger library? How can a service kill an industry when participation in it isn't required? Also why hasn't MS or Sony killed the industry by giving away monthly free games via live or plus for years now? More importantly, why aren't developers expressing concern with the game pass model?

Sony is really good for saying things won't work or they won't do something only to do it at a later date. Look at PS Plus, PS Now, advertisements on their UI, and even the development of PS specific television shows. If the model shows to be successful, they'll jump in and you bandwagoners will predictably praise them for it.
When has Sony ever said any of those services you named won't work? You seem to be making things up now. Anyways it's not rocket science, there are tons of research articles in how subscription services and digital eat up traditional sales channels.

PSNOW will never ruin the traditional games industry because it is a service that hosts older games that traditionally are seeing 0 sales. It was initially made as a backwards compatibility service. It is not harming the industry by allowing people to play years old games, but gamepass will completely devalue traditional games if they continue to put games on their service the same day they release. why would any sane person buy the game when they can just get it on gamepass? that's the same way spotify killed music sales, and netflix killed vods.

Anyway thanks for looking at my post history, you sound a little obsessed. Streaming is definitely the future but streaming =/ subscriptions.
When has Sony ever said any of those services you named won't work? You seem to be making things up now. Anyways it's not rocket science, there are tons of research articles in how subscription services and digital eat up traditional sales channels.

PSNOW will never ruin the traditional games industry because it is a service that hosts older games that traditionally are seeing 0 sales. It was initially made as a backwards compatibility service. It is not harming the industry by allowing people to play years old games, but gamepass will completely devalue traditional games if they continue to put games on their service the same day they release. why would any sane person buy the game when they can just get it on gamepass? that's the same way spotify killed music sales, and netflix killed vods.

Anyway thanks for looking at my post history, you sound a little obsessed. Streaming is definitely the future but streaming =/ subscriptions.
Yeah. Sony definitely said they wouldn't charge for online play only to introduce PS Plus later. Made fun of tv,tv,tv, only to produce shows specifically for the PS. Hell made fun of the digital future MS proposed only to now release a digital only console option. Traditional sales channels change with technology and fads, whether it be online shopping or digital services, the previous model suffers in both. It's just progress.

Show me some proof where developers are saying the gamepass model is bad for them. Show me some proof that shows gamepass will devalue games. If anything a steadier stream of revenue may allow them more opportunity to improve on services. The same skepticism was thrown at MS when they introduced Live years ago and the service ended up moving the industry forward and provided MS a steady stream of revenue.

You are welcome for looking at your post history. I'm the one obsessed? You are the one who has a bone to pick with a service on a platform you are biased against. Post history is a good way to gauge objectivity. Looking at yours, you have none.

Being an owner invested in both the MS and Sony platforms and a consumer I see the value to me of a subscription service. I'd love for Sony to provide something similar, even if the release timelines were different. If they did they would get more of my money, more consistently.

Chun Swae


Yeah. Sony definitely said they wouldn't charge for online play only to introduce PS Plus later. Made fun of tv,tv,tv, only to produce shows specifically for the PS. Hell made fun of the digital future MS proposed only to now release a digital only console option. Traditional sales channels change with technology and fads, whether it be online shopping or digital services, the previous model suffers in both. It's just progress.

Show me some proof where developers are saying the gamepass model is bad for them. Show me some proof that shows gamepass will devalue games. If anything a steadier stream of revenue may allow them more opportunity to improve on services. The same skepticism was thrown at MS when they introduced Live years ago and the service ended up moving the industry forward and provided MS a steady stream of revenue.

You are welcome for looking at your post history. I'm the one obsessed? You are the one who has a bone to pick with a service on a platform you are biased against. Post history is a good way to gauge objectivity. Looking at yours, you have none.

Being an owner invested in both the MS and Sony platforms and a consumer I see the value to me of a subscription service. I'd love for Sony to provide something similar, even if the release timelines were different. If they did they would get more of my money, more consistently.
Just realized it's a waste of time going back and forth with you when there's no argument to be had here really. Sony brings quality games to the market and profits for them. While xbox is still struggling to get people to play their games even at 1 dollar a month. I'll stick with the platform that still makes triple A games.


It all depends IMO how the devs are paid ( multi-million dollar lump sums? Royalty per download?). Gaf likes to throw the $1 promotion around as if MS doesn't pay is fair share but it doesn't make sense that so many Major titles, and now all of EA. Access are headed to GP, if the devs didn't want them to. Lol like MS isn't bullying anyone into releasing thier content on the service, and yet more and more devs are Following suit. Until someone leaks a proper breakdown of royalty's I'm not playing victim. I'm playing Gamepass 😎😎
Love how so many of you Sony folk are defending to pay 70$plus on one game when game pass would save your dumb ass 100s of dollars. I see what all your priorities are in life.
Gamepass is just incredible value for money. Imagine if Sony had it, you'd literally never hear the end of it, but because they don't it's "it cheats the Devs and besides I never wanted it anyway". Ok.
There’re a funny breed those Ryan humpers.
Just realized it's a waste of time going back and forth with you when there's no argument to be had here really. Sony brings quality games to the market and profits for them. While xbox is still struggling to get people to play their games even at 1 dollar a month. I'll stick with the platform that still makes triple A games.
You saying Xbox is struggling to get people to pay a dollar for game pass basically sums up what kind of person you’d be to try and argue with.
Just realized it's a waste of time going back and forth with you when there's no argument to be had here really. Sony brings quality games to the market and profits for them. While xbox is still struggling to get people to play their games even at 1 dollar a month. I'll stick with the platform that still makes triple A games.
You're right there is no argument unless you can show show proof that developers are concerned with the model or that subscriptions reduce quality of content from any platform. And nobody is saying gamepass diminishes anything quality wise that Sony puts out. I play on both platforms and enjoy Sony exclusives. I would easily put Ghost of Tsushima as my game of this last gen, but the reality is that the biggest opponents of game pass on here are people who aren't even invested in the platform.

Btw.. the "son" at the top of the comment wasn't intentional.. not my style.
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Quality is subjective. If I dislike single player, story driven games, the PS library may not appeal to me. Personally the Souls games don't appeal to me.. doesn't make them bad games or lesser quality, just not my cup of tea.
You can have fun fucking a fat bitch but it doesnt compare to the super model does it?

quality=subjective still matters because for the people here who can actually find their own dicks, would choose The super model.
It’s really become clear in the last week that Jim Ryan is a fucking idiot. They need to shut him up before he ruins the good thing they have going on - Sony have a diehard audience that lap any old shit up, but even they will have a breaking point - we know that from history...

Better to say nothing and let people think you might be an idiot than to speak and prove that you are, etc.
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Not yet, till the prices of Gamepass are rising😉
Time will tell. If the subscription model looses MS a ton of money then Sony knows to stay away. But as a consumer I make the choice whether or not to subscribe or not. .
Sorry your mom is currently busy, dont knock.
So you're into 70 year old women?. That's cool, everybody has their thing.. Btw dork my 11 year old on could come up with a better comeback than that. Go away until you have something to say constructive... The adults are talking.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Time will tell. If the subscription model looses MS a ton of money then Sony knows to stay away. But as a consumer I make the choice whether or not to subscribe or not. .

So you're into 70 year old women?. That's cool, everybody has their thing.. Btw dork my 11 year old on could come up with a better comeback than that. Go away until you have something to say constructive... The adults are talking.
Really it doesnt seem like it, seems likes its a bunch of children who are comparing gaming portfolios as if its the size of their penis. Adults, oh dear.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I'm hoping Microsoft really hit it out the park with Gamepass to get more people on board. Get a six month free pass out there with every Xbox and sign up big publishers so huge AAA third party games are released day one on Gamepass. Games like, Hogwarts Legacy and cyberpunk need to be day one on Gamepass.

If they do that then I would be right on board with the Xbox ecosystem. I'd never have to buy a game again! It'd be amazing.

You know what to do MS!
And if people willing to play $70 to play top game is that a problem for you?
To an extent not at all. Do what you want with your own money. Go pay your minimum on your credit card and charge it up with all those 70$ plus titles you play once and then try and sell for half the price if your lucky. Or keep them on your shelf to collect dust.
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Neo Member
Sony will not survive this generation with thIs kind of thinking/current philosophy. Full gaming Ecco systems such as the one Microsoft have created are the future. Wether you agree with it or not MS has hit the bullseye plus are beyond serious, meaning the industry will bend to their will. So console wars aside we need Sony to succeed otherwise this could all end with MS having monopoly, which benefits no one.
I'm hoping Microsoft really hit it out the park with Gamepass to get more people on board. Get a six month free pass out there with every Xbox and sign up big publishers so huge AAA third party games are released day one on Gamepass. Games like, Hogwarts Legacy and cyberpunk need to be day one on Gamepass.

If they do that then I would be right on board with the Xbox ecosystem. I'd never have to buy a game again! It'd be amazing.

You know what to do MS!

Explain to me why would companies do +100 million costing games, to give out free on gamepass on launch?

MS pays up the losses to them?

Because giving out 6 months free and selling it for 1-6$ wont pay shit to devs, that is a fact.

Pass should cost 100-500$/month to be profitable as selling games normally, to devs.

Even if they would make 1$/game from normal game sales, how would you divide that gamepass fee into hundreds of games?

Assuming all games would lose millions unit sold.

Or GP would need fuck tons of paying users to compensate it, and xbox only is too small..pc+mobile = still maybe not enouugh
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The reality is that the two diverging strategies for MS and Sony are not mutually exclusive. It's not that if one succeeds, the other must fail. Both can be viable and profitable business models. It's baffling to me why console warriors now need to argue with each other which business model is better. If MS and Sony are both doing well with their respective strategies, then who cares? Enjoy your games on your platform of choice.
Hey im like you i love video games, yeah video games, video games, video games. And then I lost my virginity

Lol... No you didn't. Anyways moving on I think I'm actually getting dumber debating with you.

Explain to me why would companies do +100 million costing games, to give out free on gamepass on launch?

MS pays up the losses to them?

Because giving out 6 months free and selling it for 1-6$ wont pay shit to devs, that is a fact.

Pass should cost 100-500$/month to be profitable as selling games normally, to devs.

Even if they would make 1$/game from normal game sales, how would you divide that gamepass fee into hundreds of games?

Assuming all games would lose millions unit sold.

Or GP would need fuck tons of paying users to compensate it, and xbox only is too small..pc+mobile = still maybe not enouugh

Simple answer. They don't put their game on game pass or they do it after its been released for a while. Rockstar had GTA V and RDR2 on there for a few months. Put it on long enough to pick up some stragglers who haven't played the game and short enough that there is incentive to purchase it if they like it. For MS owned studios the prospect of exclusive games on their creates incentive to keep your subscription. Marathon instead of a sprint.


Gold Member
Lol... No you didn't. Anyways moving on I think I'm actually getting dumber debating with you.

Simple answer. They don't put their game on game pass or they do it after its been released for a while. Rockstar had GTA V and RDR2 on there for a few months. Put it on long enough to pick up some stragglers who haven't played the game and short enough that there is incentive to purchase it if they like it. For MS owned studios the prospect of exclusive games on their creates incentive to keep your subscription. Marathon instead of a sprint.

And for any dev wanting to put it on GP right away, MS pays them some kind of fee (fixed fee, per download fee, I don't know).

Putting oldies into sub models is great not just for tempting people to buy an old game when it comes off sub, but also microtrans and DLC. That stuff is rarely part of the subbed game.


Well, I can understand ubi, ea or other 3rd party games needing more money, especially digital sales are a win win for Sony (licenses + 30%). They need to sell many more units than Sony to get to their break even.
but I cannot understand Sony ups the price. They get the full price (minus tax) and they sell millions of copies.
But as we can see, that Xbox prices for the new AC is around 15€ cheaper, and it works on both gens, the PS5 version is just for PS5 and costs more. It just seems like Sony also upped the license costs to subsidize the PS5.


Gold Member
Well, I can understand ubi, ea or other 3rd party games needing more money, especially digital sales are a win win for Sony (licenses + 30%). They need to sell many more units than Sony to get to their break even.
but I cannot understand Sony ups the price. They get the full price (minus tax) and they sell millions of copies.
But as we can see, that Xbox prices for the new AC is around 15€ cheaper, and it works on both gens, the PS5 version is just for PS5 and costs more. It just seems like Sony also upped the license costs to subsidize the PS5.
Reason why it's more is because for now, Xbox is doing that smart delivery thing where one copy covers all systems. And they are using Xbox One pricing as the lowest common denominator to set the price. So far, prices are the same now but they might bump up later or next year.

The reason why PS5 games are bumped up $10 is because they are treating it like "generations" and the new gen + big demand for Sony products = head office can jack up prices.

Anyone who believe the corporate PR of "we got to increase prices due to dev costs" is believing a BS head office PR line since sales and profits at the big game companies are at its highest.

Now if game studios (especially the big ones) were losing money or straddling the fence with shitty profits, then OK the games industry might need to get together and bump up prices $10.

But when sales and profits are at billions and all time highs, the $10 bump up is a cash grab. Not a balance sheet survival strategy.

(Stolen from Reee thread which showed up in Google search)

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Of course they don't. Have you seen how much debt Netflix has?
That is a normal thing. They invest into the future to have original content at no additional future cost.
The more their own content is watched, the less the must pay for licenses. So they make more and more content and over time it is more likely you watch the original stuff than licensed content. Also, original content can attract new subscribers.
Yes, basically I'm in favor of getting more variation in the game industry. But if Gamepass catches on, the AAA titles will die out and part of the variation will die with it.

Literally exactly what I wanted to say.

Plus there's already a load of cases where Netflix stop making a show because the costs go up from something being successful and people wanting more money. So all those franchises that people adore will cease to exist.
Literally exactly what I wanted to say.

Plus there's already a load of cases where Netflix stop making a show because the costs go up from something being successful and people wanting more money. So all those franchises that people adore will cease to exist.
Problem is there is nothing that supports this fear. Take the streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. All three have had not only great success with original content, but acclaim. Netflix is leading the Oscars this year in nominations and are 2nd in Emmy nominations. Imagine the cash cow that The Mandalorian is for Disney or Game of Thrones for HBO, Stranger Things for Netflix, ECT..

That's the thing I think so many are missing about subscription services. You have to provide content people want or they will no longer subscribe. Think about it.. who has the best TV shows standard cable or subscription / premium channels? How do you access these shows (legally)? You subscribe.
Problem is there is nothing that supports this fear.

You managed to completely ignore what I said about franchises though, there's been several cases of successful series being killed by Netflix at around that 2nd or 3rd season.

Given even Netflix at its massively successful scale isn't turning a profit I'm a little dubious of what the future holds.

That said I'm entirely happy to hold my hands up and say that I'm trying to predict the future and it could be all be different in 5 years.
You managed to completely ignore what I said about franchises though, there's been several cases of successful series being killed by Netflix at around that 2nd or 3rd season.

Given even Netflix at its massively successful scale isn't turning a profit I'm a little dubious of what the future holds.

That said I'm entirely happy to hold my hands up and say that I'm trying to predict the future and it could be all be different in 5 years.
I didn't ignore it, I just don't think its relevant to be honest. TV shows are cancelled due to costs or lack of viewership all the time. Every network is looking for the next Big Bang Theory. There are also other factors.. take the Punisher as an example. Great show but Netflix lost the rights to it and couldn't make another season. Happens.

I don't disagree that none of us know what the future holds. I just tire of the negative rhetoric that surrounds game pass or the model type by some on these forums. The fear mongering that it will diminish quality or kill AAA games is based in bias, not fact or even legitimate speculation. I would argue that the demand to keep subscriptions could actually necessitate the opposite to occur as what has happened with other streaming models.

I think the reality is that if the service doesn't work or ends up being a money pit, they'll kill it. Just like they did with Zune and Windows Phone. But as a consumer.. I'll support the model because it provides good value to me and my family.


Things dont work that way son, you will find out sooner or later

Actually, it does. MS doesn't need to make a profit for Xbox, they only need to cover the expenses, whereas for Sony, the PS division needs to be profitable because it's a core business and its what keeps the lights on at Sony HQ. This is how Amazon undermined their competitors and its what allowed Amazon to become the giant it is today.

Forgoing profit enables more growth in Game Pass, which is a good thing as it means more value generation for Xbox gamers. Focusing on profit day 1 for a subscription service limits the growth of the service.

Amazon’s tiny profits, explained

I suggest everyone to read this article about how Amazon works. They make extraordinarily little profit because they reinvest that money into the company to grow. The gaming industry hasn't seen this economic model before.
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Anyone got links for Netflix's movie budgets or something along those lines?. Would be interesting to compare a AAA game to a blockbuster movie. Obviously it takes longer for a game to be made.
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