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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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I should clarify. I don't love him. I enjoy his videos. And they are rare enough I only deal with his twitter crap when folks post it in here.

I'm just saying: there are tons of other options out there who doesn't bring a lot of baggage into their videos.

Welp, now I don't know what to think of him. He's a libertarian conservative? What even is that? He posts articles from The New York Times and praises them but makes comments about race and gender that I strongly disagree with.

The dude is more than willing to throw women under the bus on Women's Day, he caters to the alt-right with his dog whistles, he's historically been an entitled white dude who is unable to listen to and understand minority groups, he thinks a fascist shit like Steve Bannon is interesting, he thinks Mitt Romney was a good choice for president, he cares more about property damage than the well-being of transpeople and immigrants, and on and on. Based on his politics, it's also pretty clear where he stands on Gamergate as well, I'd say.

Honestly I don't know why well-meaning people are able to subscribe to him or even come on his 'show'.
He's made a lot videos on hating SJWs, was a pretty big Gator, and gets a lot of his news from right-wing trash sites like Breitbart.

He did make a video attacking Fox News because one of their anchors made fun of Star Wars.

This post is an illuminating glimpse into the priorities some of these people have.
The dude is more than willing to throw women under the bus on Women's Day, he caters to the alt-right with his dog whistles, he's historically been an entitled white dude who is unable to listen to and understand minority groups, he thinks a fascist shit like Steve Bannon is interesting, he thinks Mitt Romney was a good choice for president, he cares more about property damage than the well-being of transpeople and immigrants, and on and on. Based on his politics, it's also pretty clear where he stands on Gamergate as well, I'd say.

Honestly I don't know why well-meaning people are able to subscribe to him or even come on his 'show'.
I have no clue why Colin still bothers to post here sometimes, holy shit.
He has only made a Q&A since then and was on (poor) damage control. He says he'll keep it off his videos for now.

Not going back and watching his videos so he gets ad revenue, but I remember some pretty sketchy shit and poor taste jokes on his last two videos that were a real turnoff before I heard about this alt-right bullshit.


Stormy Grey
He literally left the Republican Party over Trump. For as much of a dumbass Jon's turned into, there's truth to political discourse being stifled, and while I don't remotely agree with Colin's libertarian views, he's been hounded on them for this site relentlessly for years. I can't tell if it's from some people being sheltered and assuming Colin is some extreme hostile right-winger and have no frame of reference for like, what the actual alt-right actually says/does or are just angry a popular game personality is right-wing, but this is the sort of shit alt-righters *love* to take hold of and use as ammunition for people who're politically on the fence.

It could also be that Colin is not a very good person? That's not a 'joke' in any way, and certainly wouldn't be made by anyone who is even slightly self-aware of how hostile it comes off as. As a collective, GAF isn't exactly in the wrong for calling him out on his terrible views.
The list of NeoGAF approved youtubers keeps shrinking.

Are DarksydePhil and Low Tier God all we have left....?
Lol, Low tier god is one of the shittiest people there is. He ragequit on a 12 year old that beat him in street fighter, and then called him fat, he said a black person of a darker complexion than him was a "crispy black spook", and uses 'faggots' and 'cucks' incredibly frequently. Also, he defended his favorite mod, a white guy, for calling another mod a nigger. Also he demodded a guy that donated 50 dollars to him because he whupped his ass in a first to 5 in sfv, as well as going on a rant and calling him a cuck as well.

I like darksydephil tho


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not questioning where he stands on politics, I'm questioning whether he's bothered to debate anyone on this who doesn't either already agree with him or is a less-popular YT'r friend who's going to nervously buckle down and say nothing to anger him.

The Q&A vid he did where the subject was brought up and the non-Sargon podcasts he's been on have made it clear he wants his temper tantrums to stay on the down-low, and avoiding proper debates on what he's saying seems to be his strategy on doing that.

I was mainly talking about how he responds to arguments such as "you are part of the group that King is talking about." I think his comments make it clear that he doesn't consider himself to be a minority, or at the very least wants to avoid identifying as a minority, hence his comments and constant deflection.

As far as debating, as far as I know, he didn't really dabble in political debates prior to breaking off of Game Grumps. He used to avoid it in general, even before he worked with Arin. Now it seems like he mostly sticks to platforms that agree with (ex. the Breitbart interview he did a few months ago). He's talking about engaging in a streamed debate on twitter right now, though. Maybe something'll come of it, but I sort of doubt it.
Why are there so many of these 20 something alt right scumbags in gaming?

Gaming as a whole has issues with diversity within its own consumer base. The dominant "default" voice in the gaming community is straight white male. Unfortunately some develop their entire worldview through the lens of these communities.
I have no clue why Colin still bothers to post here sometimes, holy shit.

Not sure either. The guy "left the party because of Trump." Says he'd still vote for Trump over Hillary. Pretends that he cares about minorities.

There's only so much you should expose yourself before retreating to twitter.


Love his videos. Damn shame he's apparently a huge piece of shit with his political views. Not sure if I can watch his videos anymore without thinking of this.


I have no clue why Colin still bothers to post here sometimes, holy shit.

Did you mean that I am being too much? I'm just listing some of the actions and comments that he's made, which have become more evident after people started posting threads about his show. As Ninja Scooter and others joked, he should just rename it to 'Colin Is White' or 'Colin is Alt-Right', because that's basically the gist of his politics. I recalled an IGN article 5 years ago and given his recent comments,it's clear that he hasn't learned anything since that time.

If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...

Why are there so many of these 20 something alt right scumbags in gaming?

Why are there so many of these 20 something alt right scumbags in gaming?

Because the game industry for most of it's life has had 0 qualms about being racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise unwelcoming? Or having no interest in shutting down the communities that popped up around it filled with those people? Because it's still okay to threaten and mock pretty much anyone who isn't a straight white guy within these communities and then call them "triggered" "snowflakes" if they speak out.
I'm afraid all the people I follow on youtube are assholes at this point.

Gaming YouTubers? Yeah, probably.

They either agree with this shit or they're too afraid to speak out because of the potential backlash. The alt-right is nothing if not incredibly efficient at squashing dissent.

EDIT: I think it could be read from this post that I think the latter people are assholes and that's not what I'm trying to say. I feel for those people.
I'm afraid all the people I follow on youtube are assholes at this point.

As a games writer, the community of games writing and journalism kind of bums me out.

Bigger people won't call other bigger people out because they were in the trenches together or they see it as unprofessional or whatever. Smaller people will but will either get crushed by the bigger people's followers.

If you're outspoken about how it's time for larger personalities to stop being so shitty, it's hard to have a career.


I honestly can't even make it past the unironic avatar. Dude's so obnoxious. One time he showed up in my twitter feed because he was harassing the developers of Axium Verge for "insulting their conservative fans" (they made a tweet about how they don't approve of the first Muslim ban that didn't mention conservatives and didn't insult anyone iirc). I had to block him so he'd stop popping up.

Not sure either. The guy "left the party because of Trump." Says he'd still vote for Trump over Hillary. Pretends that he cares about minorities.

There's only so much you should expose yourself before retreating to twitter.

Yikes! Okay, now it makes sense. He reminds me of one of my friends that voted for Johnson just because he knew he would've gotten so much shit from the rest of us if he voted for Trump. It's pretty clear now. Thank you guys for the help. Guess I'll be avoiding Colin Was Right videos too. I kinda liked those as well. :(
Gaming as a whole has issues with diversity within its own consumer base. The dominant "default" voice in the gaming community is straight white male. Unfortunately some develop their entire worldview through the lens of these communities.

No, there is plenty of diversity in gaming. Young Blacks, Asians and Women have always been a large part of gaming. The problem that gaming does have is acknowledging them.

Young Blacks built sports gaming to what it is, young Asians built competitive fighting, strat and MOBA. Women coded and supported some of the most popular games and built the biggest companies.


Its times like this I'm glad the only LPers I'm a huge stan for (Super Best Friends) are completely innocent buffoons.

I don't think they have a serious opinion on anything, they just talk about the stupidest shit on twitter. They'll kill you when it comes to debate on cereal though.
As a games writer, the community of games writing and journalism kind of bums me out.

Bigger people won't call other bigger people out because they were in the trenches together or they see it as unprofessional or whatever. Smaller people will but will either get crushed by the bigger people's followers.

If you're outspoken about how it's time for larger personalities to stop being so shitty, it's hard to have a career.

But lots of Colin's peers have been calling him out
I don't subscribe to the idea that you can separate his art from him being an asshole because his personality and mentality IS his art. You're not buying a game or fiction or a film. You're watching him. Be him. So it's kind of a non starter.
It could also be that Colin is not a very good person? That's not a 'joke' in any way, and certainly wouldn't be made by anyone who is even slightly self-aware of how hostile it comes off as. As a collective, GAF isn't exactly in the wrong for calling him out on his terrible views.
Maybe don't leave GAF if a dumb dad joke tweet of that level of banality is going to classify someone as 'not a very good person'. The 'I stand with Colin' shit that followed was dumb, I can see why ironic but still casual sexism of the joke can get to some people, but do you people *really* not see how getting so upset at such a basic joke instantly helps far more volatile, genuinely alt-right types to entice moderates or apolitical types to their side?

That coupled with a list of reasons that amounts to him being a typical conservative, with some kooky libertarian ideals mixed in with far more liberal social beliefs who dislikes Trump, but hey he used the word 'interesting' about Bannon so let's twist that into him being a dog-whistling gamergater.

I seriously don't see why Colin should even bother acknowledging GAF's existence; the majority of you people are fucking awful to him simply for not being a liberal.

As far as debating, as far as I know, he didn't really dabble in political debates prior to breaking off of Game Grumps. He used to avoid it in general, even before he worked with Arin. Now it seems like he mostly sticks to platforms that agree with (ex. the Breitbart interview he did a few months ago). He's talking about engaging in a streamed debate on twitter right now, though. Maybe something'll come of it, but I sort of doubt it.
Calling it now; It'll be with Zack/Psychic Pebbles and the latter while being better read in general when it comes to politics will avoid hurting Jon's feelings too much and they'll pretend they reached some sort of middle ground while placating Jon's ego.


i would unsubscribe if I hadn't already done that last year since he never made videos at a consistent rate.

I'll stick with watching SBFP I guess.
Considering the Sonic playthrough he had with Game Grumps where he throws out slurs was his last, I just want to saw kudos to Arin Hanson for sacking him.


He's always come off as quite obnoxious .. and is also the personification of the neckbeard stereotype. I only heard about him through the vanilla WoW debacle from a year ago.


Maybe don't leave GAF if a dumb dad joke tweet of that level of banality is going to classify someone as 'not a very good person'. The 'I stand with Colin' shit that followed was dumb, I can see why ironic but still casual sexism of the joke can get to some people, but do you people *really* not see how getting so upset at such a basic joke instantly helps far more volatile, genuinely alt-right types to entice moderates or apolitical types to their side?

That coupled with a list of reasons that amounts to him being a typical conservative, with some kooky libertarian ideals mixed in with far more liberal social beliefs who dislikes Trump, but hey he used the word 'interesting' about Bannon so let's twist that into him being a dog-whistling gamergater.

I seriously don't see why Colin should even bother acknowledging GAF's existence; the majority of you people are fucking awful to him simply for not being a liberal.
For fucks sake, THE JOKE WAS NOT THE PROBLEM. It was the intent and the aftermath that damns him.
No, there is plenty of diversity in gaming. Young Blacks, Asians and Women have always been a large part of gaming. The problem that gaming does have is acknowledging them.

Young Blacks built sports gaming to what it is, young Asians built competitive fighting, strat and MOBA. Women coded and supported some of the most popular games and built the biggest companies.

Yep. And we get paid absolutely dust for supporting the industry. Any inclusion of anyone who isn't a white guy or an empty sex trope sim white women to latch onto him is "forced diversity", any opinions in journalism, on YT, twitter, etc about ANYTHING from identity to level design are considered "SJW whining". People behave like orcs are a more grounded, realistic choice for a character than a person of color for fuck's sake.


They have, and that's not really a thing with Jones. They even brought the whole Voice Actors thing onto the show, and when they talked about "gamers" in one Love and Respect they acknowledged that not all "gamers" are good people (just look at JonTron). They were also all visibly upset after the election, occasionally mention how now is the time to be politically active more than the past, put out encouraging words to all their fans on twitter in tough times like during the rollout of the Muslim ban, and their mantra "Love and Respect" is basically a political statement in a world where Amazon advertising The Man in the High Castle is anti-Trump propaganda. It's one of the reasons I like them as a group so much.

Oh god i remember thats a thing, the sheer lack of self-awareness that they believed Fictional Anti-Nazi propganda is targeting Trump. And not realizing what that means about their own beliefs.


I don't subscribe to the idea that you can separate his art from him being an asshole because his personality and mentality IS his art. You're not buying a game or fiction or a film. You're watching him. Be him. So it's kind of a non starter.

It might also speak to the fact that maybe people who say they are able to separate art from the artist aren't affected by what the artist says or does. If someone is just some white dude, it's probably easier to let a racial slur pass and "enjoy the art, not the artist".

I.e. it's easier to ignore the politics of your shitty video game developer or shitty youtuber or shitty journalist, if you aren't affected by their (abhorrent) politics.
Maybe don't leave GAF if a dumb dad joke tweet of that level of banality is going to classify someone as 'not a very good person'. The 'I stand with Colin' shit that followed was dumb, I can see why ironic but still casual sexism of the joke can get to some people, but do you people *really* not see how getting so upset at such a basic joke instantly helps far more volatile, genuinely alt-right types to entice moderates or apolitical types to their side?

That coupled with a list of reasons that amounts to him being a typical conservative, with some kooky libertarian ideals mixed in with far more liberal social beliefs who dislikes Trump, but hey he used the word 'interesting' about Bannon so let's twist that into him being a dog-whistling gamergater.

I seriously don't see why Colin should even bother acknowledging GAF's existence; the majority of you people are fucking awful to him simply for not being a liberal.

Calling it now; It'll be with Zack/Psychic Pebbles and the latter while being better read in general when it comes to politics will avoid hurting Jon's feelings too much and they'll pretend they reached some sort of middle ground while placating Jon's ego.

People on GAF aren't obligated to be nice to some dude who thinks he's doing "so much good work for minorities" when he peddles the shit he does.

That you can't see that means that maybe your focusing too much on one thing he's done rather than a whole host of issues.
For fucks sake, THE JOKE WAS NOT THE PROBLEM. It was the intent and the aftermath that damns him.
Then maybe the tweet by itself shouldn't have been used as an example for why he's a bad person? Like, what was the intent exactly? Since people seemed to jump to conclusions about why something that would've clearly been seen by a joke in a different context (or even by a liberal personality) after it had already blown up in controversy.

People on GAF aren't obligated to be nice to some dude who thinks he's doing "so much good work for minorities" when he peddles the shit he does.

That you can't see that means that maybe your focusing too much on one thing he's done rather than a whole host of issues.
Then maybe better examples should be given than 'he is conservative' and 'he used the word ''''interesting'''' about Bannon'. The latter instantly reminds me of GAF pointlessly losing its shit when Bernie Sanders used similar wording about working with Trump when he'll agree with a particular policy from him..


Then maybe the tweet by itself shouldn't have been used as an example for why he's a bad person? Like, what was the intent exactly? Since people seemed to jump to conclusions about why something that would've clearly been seen by a joke in a different context (or even by a liberal personality) after it had already blown up in controversy.

how about harassing a indie dev studio for speaking out against the Muslim Ban? That happaned as well.


Maybe don't leave GAF if a dumb dad joke tweet of that level of banality is going to classify someone as 'not a very good person'. The 'I stand with Colin' shit that followed was dumb, I can see why ironic but still casual sexism of the joke can get to some people, but do you people *really* not see how getting so upset at such a basic joke instantly helps far more volatile, genuinely alt-right types to entice moderates or apolitical types to their side?

That coupled with a list of reasons that amounts to him being a typical conservative, with some kooky libertarian ideals mixed in with far more liberal social beliefs who dislikes Trump, but hey he used the word 'interesting' about Bannon so let's twist that into him being a dog-whistling gamergater.

I seriously don't see why Colin should even bother acknowledging GAF's existence; the majority of you people are fucking awful to him simply for not being a liberal.

Calling it now; It'll be with Zack/Psychic Pebbles and the latter while being better read in general when it comes to politics will avoid hurting Jon's feelings too much and they'll pretend they reached some sort of middle ground while placating Jon's ego.

Instead of focusing on the one thing, what about all the things he's done?
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