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Just bought a PSP...now what?


sp0rsk said:
Wait for Monster Hunter 2. That is what all your students will be playing.

My friend keep telling me to get part 1, but I want to wait for online play.

I downloaded a portal on my psp today and it's a waste of space. Wait for more killer apps coming soon and the new ratchet game seems pretty good.


DyobolikaL. said:
My friend keep telling me to get part 1, but I want to wait for online play.

I downloaded a portal on my psp today and it's a waste of space. Wait for more killer apps coming soon and the new ratchet game seems pretty good.

Whut's a portal, precious????



The game is what PSP gaming should be like. Comparable to it's console breathens but with enough innovation/originality to make it unique to the handheld.


This is a portal

and I'm using iFind

A portal is just a flash page, that's viewable offline and has links to all sorts of stuff. Some you require wifi to acess and some you don't.


I had to edit, anyways Syphon Filter is pretty good. MGS PO is a 18 hour game I heard, not so much a bang for your buck.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
this looks like a good place to ask:

what did you guys think about exit? is it a pretty big game, or not so much? i love puzzle platformers, and the exit 2 demo was really cool. first one definitely worth buying?
You can get Exit for $10 new from any number of retailers.

If you can't justify blowing $10 on a game, then there's something wrong with you. :p

Exit is well worth the price of admission, but I tapped out long before nearing the end of the game because I was playing the moon language version; so I had some trouble figuring out the puzzles.

I did buy it again in English, but haven't spent much time with it.

A high quality PSP game that is terribly under-appreciated.


I think Sega Genesis Collection is worth getting just for Phantasy Star IV, but there are also some other great games on that disc.


Not an asshole.
The PSP does have plenty of good games, despite what people may say.

You should definately check out:
Metal Gear Portable Ops

I really like:
Wipeout Pure (tons of DL content!)
Loco Roco
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Mega Man Powered Up (which you already mentioned)
Field Commander

Also, Ratchet and Clank and Valhalla Knights come out soon, both look groovy.


The Take Out Bandit said:
You can get Exit for $10 new from any number of retailers..


This is my third favorite PSP game. Exit is filled with pure awesome, front to end.


1. Wipeout Pure
2. Ultimate G&G
3. Exit
4. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
5. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
6. Lumines
7. Megaman Powered Up <-> Daxter
8. Maverick Hunter X
9. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories/Vice City Stories
10. Field Commander

Honorable: Killzone: Liberation, Ridge Racers, Tekken, Street Fighter, Homebrew, LocoRoco, Burnout Legends

I hear DJ Portable Max is great, but I haven't got my hands on it yet.

People who say "THAR ARE NO GAMES ON PSP" are liars, and also smell like poo.
all right, since you sound like you are doing the teaching english in japan/asian country thing ill list both english and japanese games

This is a little about the games i have, i own them so obviously i reccomend them, but your call

RPG - English:
Legend of Heroes 1-3 (3-5)
-Generic fantasy rpg's, with a decently developed world and in game history.
-Likable, but not very standout characters
-Combat is like Lunar, where positioning matters / "wait" will allow you to move along the invisible grid
-nice music, and they look really pretty
-visible encouters
-Translation is iffy at times, but honestly not as bad as some will tell you. Dialogue is fine, Star ocean 2-ish at its worst (which was just REALLY stiff), some of the menu dialogue is just odd, like when you level up and learn a new skill it says "[Character] has [Name of skill] Learned!" which is bad, but really thats the worst of it. there are occasional formatting problems, with words going to the next line because it didnt fit in the bubble / someone didnt hit enter
-save anywhere
-timeline transfers between games with clear data / any data.
-Games are standalone (generally) but with a common world, and timeline, each game takes place in a different geographic region around the gagharv
-My only gripe is that its a bit menu heavy, in an unintuitive way, but you will get used to it.
-these impressions are pretty much all from tear of vermillion, so they may have fixed things like this in LoH 2-3

Breath of Fire III (european)
-Decent game on ps1
-Lovely sprites and character art
-loading is worse than the ps1 version, its not horrible, but it IS distracting
-game starts off REALLY slow, and it requires a bit of a grind

Monster Kingdom Jewel Summoner
-i have it on pre order so i dont know that much about it at the moment but....
-awesome music, many big names
-created by the SMT creator, and its got monster collection elements, not to the extreme of say pokemon though
-supposed to have alot of voice, hopefully its well acted

Valkyrie Profile
-if you missed it the 1st time, go for it
-menus are stretched, supposedly the backgrounds too, but i dont see it
-voices rock

RPG (Japanese):
Tales of Phantasia
-ps1 port with new sprites for your chars
-as much voice as the ps2 games
-combat is clunky but not unbearable, it is the 1st incarnation of modern tales combat as we know it
-skits will tell you where to go if you forget

Tales of Eternia
-not as much voice as other tales games for story segments, tons for skits though
-"hint" tells you where to go next so you never get stuck
-fun characters, decent plot
-2nd gen LMB combat, 3 hit combo and everything is generally alot faster

Tales of Destiny 2
-2nd best tales game ever made - awesome characters, the main char is a total moron, and hes awesome because of it.
-2nd best tales combat ever - technical, difficult, and very interesting systems in place
-battles are FAAAAST
-possibly some slowdown on the psp version that was not present in the original, but it doesnt seem to be game breaking (new videos on tales channel site)
-this game is hard, you may throw your psp

Tales of the World ~Radiant Mythology~
-minimal voice
-dungeon crawler
-neat online features
-Battles are like abyss
-crossover! tons of characters from other games + make your own character
-theres really only 2 dungeons in the game (so far)
-mormo is annoring (flying cat thing)
-you can get idolmaster outfits for your char, and switch classes at will (town)

Puzzle (eng/jp):
-Just buy it, you'll thank me

Every Extend Extra
-part shooter part puzzle game
-dodge bullets and objects and self destruct to create a chain reaction
-limited lives
-object of the game is to get extra lives so you can keep blowing yourself up to get chains, and higher scores, and therefore more lives

Strategy (english)
Metal Gear Acid 1-2
-card based battles
-****ed up plot
-1st one has some slowdown issues, 2nd one is silky smooth
-play 1 1st, its really good, but after you play 2, you will never play 1 again
-rules are a little convoluted at 1st but once you get used to it its really deep.

Strategy (Japanese)
Super Robot Wars MX Portable:
-lots of loading due to the nature of the game, times arent awful, just distracting, and frequent
-sprite animations rule
-lots of unvoices dialogue, shouldnt matter if you've seen the shows though, most of it is banal chatter anyways.
-if you just want to play and enjoy the sprites, its really easy to get into

-good voices
-cool boss fights
-did i mention adorable?

Tokimeki Memorial
-the original dating sim
-you have to have at least one quirky japanese game if you are gonna own a jp psp, so you might as well go with one that will never ever make it here ever
-its actually kinda fun

Armored Core Formula Front International
-you will spend more time customizing than in battle
-if you can get someone to play with you, AI fights are the shit
-lots of options and ways to customize both the AC and the AI
-full english mode (except tutorial vids)

Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex
-surprisingly doesnt suck
-great if you like the show
-decent fun even if you didnt watch the show
-you get to ride a thinking tank that talks like a curious kid-tank.... its wierd
-decent story! voiced cutscenes
-replayable missions, 4 playable characters with their own weapons, many weapons to collect

Ultimate Ghouls and Ghosts
-Hard, like r-type cheap hard, but with more twitch needed
-oldschool game mechanics
-lots of secrets

Tactical Espionage Action (kidding)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
-canon MGS storyline
-throwing guys in your truck is fun
-online modes are fun
-controls only slightly wonky, you will get used to it
-very nice looking

Samurai Warriors State of War
-pretty solid, dont expect the same thing as the ps2 version
-action and strategy segments
-action occurs in mini-areas, you complete an objective in the block and you capture it, meanwhile your enemy does the same
-its almost like a board game, where you get to beat the shit out of guys in between turns
-surprisingly fun


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The PSP didn't used to have good games... this is true.

By now, if there is nothing out (or nothing coming out) for the PSP that interests you (including homebrew), then you may, in fact, hate videogames.


pancakesandsex said:
Breath of Fire III (european)
Valkyrie Profile
Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Eternia
Tales of Destiny 2
Super Robot Wars MX Portable
Tokimeki Memorial

You have good taste, I have all of these games in one form or another. I loved Eternia and would consider buying it again if the European version weren't so expensive. For the other games...I'm currently playing through ToP on GBA right now, so I'm not going to rebuy it and start from scratch, even though it does sound like a far superior port. BoFIII is my least favorite BoF game (I still like it, but BoFIV is just so much better in every way except the world map). ToD2 and SRWMX I have on PS2...if ToD2 were to get an English translation I would definitely pick it up, though. Tokimeki Memorial I played back during the Saturn days and have no desire to get back into. If it were Tokimemo 2, maybe... :lol

pancakesandsex said:
Legend of Heroes 1-3 (3-5)
Monster Kingdom Jewel Summoner
Tales of the World ~Radiant Mythology~
Ultimate Ghouls and Ghosts

I'm intrigued by all of these but regarding LoH - how generic is "generic"? Are we talking Mystania level generic here...?


Soul4ger said:
Mourn for lost dollars.

The Legendary Triforce said:
I guess the PSP is worth buying, if all you're interested in is PS2 ports.

Every PSP thread I swear..............................

Anyways, like how the people have said before have said before, there are plenty of original PSP games worth getting. I recommend(tho some of them are in Japanese only):

Metal Gear solid: Portable ops
DJ max portable
Ultimate ghosts and goblins
Metal Gear acid 2
Tekken DR
Ace Combat X
Jeanne D'arc
Tales of the world: Radiant mythology
Killzone Liberation (a demo is available)
Loco Roco
Monster Kingdom Jewel summoner
Legend of Heroes: Sora no kiseki SC
Parodius Portable
Salamander portable
twinbee portable

Some upcomming games

Dracula X chronicles
Legend of heroes: sora no kiseki FC
Silent Hill: origins
DJ max: portable 2
Monster Hunter 2
Metal Slug Complete collection
Rachet and clank Size matters


My collection of original UMDs (Europe) as of today

Wipeout Pure
Ridge Racer 2
Loco Roco
Valkyrie Profile (USA)
Killzone Liberation
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror
Megaman Maverick Hunter X (USA)
Gradius Collection (best game ever until Salamander collection arrives)
Tekken Dark Resurrection
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins
Capcom Classics Collection Remixed
Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded
MGS Digital Graphic Novel
Virtua Tennis
Tales of Eternia
Metal Slug Anthology

awaiting: Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Salamander collection, Final Fantasy....



It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I've got most, if not all of the games people have mentioned in this thread, and I agree, PSP is the best handheld ever made.

My favorites include SOCOM, Katamari, both Capcom collections, Lumines, RR, UG+G, MPO, Gradius Collections, Wipeout.... holy shit the list literally goes on and on. Such a good system. I'm currently playing through Killzone Liberation. Decent little game!

Then there's homebrew. I won't even go there. I might explode in Isamu-esque orgasmic ecstasy.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
mug said:
Is the older GTA:LCS still required to downgrade?
Only if you have a PSP with firmware 2.81 or above.

Most of the PSPs you can buy in stores right now DO NOT require LCS, FYI.
TTWO has released some great games that you can pick up for pretty cheap now . . . GTA:LCS, GTA:VCS, Pirates!, and Warriors (coming soon).


Another question...I saw that Sony sells another battery that lasts 20% longer. Is it worth it to upgrade to the other battery (it's a little expensive)? Is the difference that noticeable? I hear one of the complaints about the PSP is the short battery life...

Oh, and I've now put three of my DVDs onto my PSP. I can see why movie UMDs haven't exactly been a raging success. Why bother buying media that you can only use in one little machine when you can just play the DVDs you already own on your PSP by a very simple method?
To be perfectly honest, I haven't had much trouble with my PSP battery life. I wouldn't play the hell out of XML2 at work on my lunch breaks and I'd only have to charge the system like once a week or so.


The Take Out Bandit said:
To be perfectly honest, I haven't had much trouble with my PSP battery life. I wouldn't play the hell out of XML2 at work on my lunch breaks and I'd only have to charge the system like once a week or so.

I liked XML when I played it on a friend's XBox. How does Marvel Ultimate Alliance for PSP compare to it?


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
the battery lasts a surprisingly long time for me.

second question: will exit 2 make it to america??
I vastly prefer XML2 to MUA.

MUA is nice, although it locked up on me once; but overall in terms of game design - XML2 shits all over MUA from a great height. They broke the team combo mechanics, fudged up the stat growth; and generally feels like a jack of all trades, master of none kind of game.
Tabris said:

The game is what PSP gaming should be like. Comparable to it's console breathens but with enough innovation/originality to make it unique to the handheld.



The Take Out Bandit said:
I vastly prefer XML2 to MUA.

MUA is nice, although it locked up on me once; but overall in terms of game design - XML2 shits all over MUA from a great height. They broke the team combo mechanics, fudged up the stat growth; and generally feels like a jack of all trades, master of none kind of game.

The reason I ask is that I like Captain America, Spider-Man, et al, much more than I like the X-Men. :(

Quite a few folks have recommended the various Metal Gear games but...what can I say, I'm not really a fan of the series. :/
Oh, yeah - at first I was kind of jazzed about MUA.

But in the long haul, I ended up just playing as Cap and his merry band of vastly inferior f@cking loser side-kicks.

Seriously, a She Hulk in this game would have upped my opinion of it a notch. Instead all of the women in game are god damned energy based; which just isn't conducive to a face punching brawler like myself.

But if you're interested I'll be eBaying my copy in the next couple of days as I recently put it to sleep.

Oh yeah, and the ass-f@ck stupid A.I. got in my way trying to save Llandra on a later stage. Games with bonehead NPC's really need a GTFO button to shove bitches out of your god damn way.
Ichirou said:
I'm intrigued by all of these but regarding LoH - how generic is "generic"? Are we talking Mystania level generic here...?

Since you already played tokimeki, theres always princess maker 4 :-D
(tell me how it is)

The tales games are worth it if you are buying the japanese versions.
If you got through ToD2 on ps2, you should have no problem with phantasia PSP.
Eternia might cause you problems, but its like 30$ for the japanese best version (play-asia)

LoH is generic in that it really doesnt do anything special, at all. Its just your run of the mill, no frills, fantasy rpg, and honestly, its pretty refreshing. Falcom rocks, even when ported by bandai
(but not when ported by konami)


Absolutely pathetic part deux
The Take Out Bandit said:
Meijer's has this crap for $9.99 (Check out the CAG forum)

That's $9.97 more than it's worth, but if you've got to waste money on ports. . .

Is it really that bad? I was thinking of getting a PSP eventually (like when it drops to 100 dollars, homebrewing does sound awesome) and this would be one of those titles that I want. Not good then?


Ichirou said:
BocoDragon, I love the Power Stone games. They're so much fun. I can't imagine the ports being very good, though...those games need to be played on a really really big screen TV.
I got the Powerstone PSP port for Christmas, and it's actually pretty fun. Powerstone is best with mutliple players, and I've only been able to play with 2 human and 2 CPU (unlike on Dreamcast when I can get 4 players easily cause they don't all have to have a PSP), but it's still really fun.


pancakesandsex said:
LoH is generic in that it really doesnt do anything special, at all. Its just your run of the mill, no frills, fantasy rpg, and honestly, its pretty refreshing. Falcom rocks, even when ported by bandai
(but not when ported by konami)

I have such a huge backlog of PS2 RPGs at this point that getting a new "generic" RPG for the PSP doesn't sound so appealing.

I'm looking forward to FFT and FFCC...I wish Square did more stuff for the PSP...

Safe Bet

The Take Out Bandit said:
I vastly prefer XML2 to MUA.

MUA is nice, but overall in terms of game design, XML2 shits all over MUA from a great height.
This man speaks the truth...


Yes playing as Cap is great but it doesn't make up for the 'downgrade' the series got moving from XML to MUA.



what is Meijers and Cag forum?? I want to buy powerstone for that low price.. do they accept orders outside usa??
pls provide me an URL..

gr Remko
The Take Out Bandit said:
It was a serious case of failed potential.

I was expecting a more interactive full 3D brawler. Powerstone is like Smash Brothers sans fun.

Typical response of someone who sucks at playing the game. Could be that your friends are clueless opponents or you have the AI stuck on easy, both are possible too, but the sucky skills on your part are much, much more likely.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
drohne said:
mourn for lost posting privileges

as for the fellow with the psp, BUY ULTIMATE G+G AND EVERY EXTEND EXTRA

Yessss... bout time someone mentioned Every Extend Extra!


Well, I am sort of going to be playing PS1 games on it...I picked up PoPoLoCrois.

As it stands now, my games list:

Mega Man Powered Up
Gundam Battle Tactics
Gundam Battle Royale
Me & My Katamari
Sakura Taisen 1&2


Oldschool said:


I recommend Jeanne D'arc.:)
Holy shit...has that come out yet?


damn you, oldschool >_<

my game list:

Marvel Ultimate Alliance
SOCOM Fire Team Bravo 2
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins
Grand Theft Auto: Libert City Stories
ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails
Tekken Dark Ressurection
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Sid Meier's Pirates!

3.03 OE-C Custom Firmware with tons of popstation goodness and other stuffs...making tons of use out of the PSP ScummVM port. Got a 4GB memory stick and have 1/2 a gig left

Funny thing about PSX games on the PSP is that I haven't seen a single one that looks bad when stretched.
I'll go ahead and ask this here. I have a psp with with 3.02 firmware on a TA-082 motherboard. Is there any chance that I can get emultion working on this thing or am I SOL.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
I don't own a PSP yet. I just have games:
Ridge Racer
Syphon Filter
Virtua Tennis

...and I want to go after Daxter, Every Extend Extra, Exit, Killzone: Liberation, Loco Roco, and Metal Slug Anthology when its released.

So my questions are:
Is it worth going after a 1.5 PSP? I like the idea not having to carry the UMDs around, and just play the games off of one or two memory cards. Other than PSX, I'm not really in to emulation. Portals sound pretty cool, as well.

Is there an advantage to having a PSP with the most up-to-date Sony firmware? Are there features that you'll find using Sony's firmware that you won't find in homebrew hacks?

Is it difficult to use homebrew applications?
I'm talking about converting DVDs to PSP format. Transferring games from UMD to the memory card. Converting PSX games to be played via emulator. Are there places with decently written how-tos to be able to figure this out?

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