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Just broke my controller because of Sifu


Based on this thread…I’m convinced there are at a minimum, 3-4 active serial killers in the world that have responded here 😂
I do this too. I'll just cold quit a game when I get too pissed to keep playing, and uninstall it on the spot. Usually it's not just a single instance of something either, it's the culmination of a game being bullshit in the worst ways until it reaches a boiling point.
When its a culmination, you will never have fun with it, so anything other then banning the game to the shadow relm will be a waste of time...

It took me 30 "delete and go back to its" for me to realize that I despise Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Devs were too lazy to redesign the CPU for the home releases, and make sure the Normal difficulty is not just Super Hard wearing a cute mask)
The roster is way too good, the music, the visuals, so on... But It was a waste of time.
This is also why I buy games physically for consoles typically. I don't want to be stuck with games that get me to this point, and there's a small amount of catharsis from getting some money back and ensuring someone will pick up my preowned copy, so the company won't see any money from the used game sale.
I get what you mean.
Personally I would burn my hypothetical copy of Fear Effect 1, to make sure no one else experiences it.
Even if it's their thing, them enjoying it would make me mad (I'm joking, probably. Notsure. God I hate that game)


The only game that really gets my blood boiling is Mario Kart, especially the later ones as the item ass pounding is usually really high. Half the time you can race damn near flawless, boosting every corner and holding a tight line, only for a barrage of items to fuck you over with nothing you can do. Oh man do the curse words come out lol. I don't damage my equipment though, shit is too pricey and fragile these days to be tossing around 😅
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Gold Member
Never broke a controller. But I did break dvd case of Devil May Cry 2 by throwing against the wall courtesy of Sonic Adventure 1. Weirdly, the disc survived.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Frank Bruno’s boxing on the spectrum. Had to use keys so kept losing and hit the keys and broke them.


Gold Member
I never once raged at a game in a physical way. Maybe curse or get frustrated but nothing that cause physical harm.

As for getting frustrated, I think the last time was a decade ago when my aunt pulled the router while I was playing a ranked League of Legend match.
How does one get that frustrated to break something.
Chill the fuck out

I'm jealous of your low T levels. Alpha Sigma gamers like to break shit.

In all seriousness the worse thing I did was chuck controller at my screen which cracked the screen. It was a shitty monitor but an annoying expense to fix. I'm way more chill now but high level CS can still drive a man insane. I always found controller throwing more satisfying than pc peripherals. On PC I guess I just desk punch a little bit.
Last time I raged was playing Halo Reach I think. I slammed my controller on the floor and it broke, costing me around £50. I felt like a fucking idiot and never did anything like it again.

Just stop and come back to it in future. Not worth the stress.


I can't stand people who can't control their tamper. It's a just a game.

PS: and no, weed isn't a solution, it only delays the problem to get even worse later.
I ve broken 2 game boys because of Gargoyle's Quest
Yeah Firebrand doesnt listen too well to inputs.....

I am always cool when I play. But when I get angry it goes from 0 to 100 in an instant. Crazy thing is I can feel in advance if today is a day to play MW3 or not.
If im already a bit stressed, yeah grenade spamming or other cunt-like online behavior can set me off in an instant.

I used to turn off my pc the hard way (yank the powercable) cuss at it and leave the room. 5 minutes later all is well. This didnt happen often or on a regular basis mind you.

So on those days I chose NOT to play it and go play something else.

Stupid thing is this only happens with games, not in real life.

Hunter 99

Never broke a controller but smashed my fist through my window in my room (single pane glass) about 15 years ago playing sonic rush on ds.
Trying to get the super sonic you had to get all emeralds if my memory serves me right.
Had to put cardboard across the smashed window and sleep in the cold for a couple of months as punishment (my parents had sold the house and we were in the process of moving) my bed was right next to the window.
Was embarrassed to say it was over a game so made a bulllshit excuse lol


MK deception or armageddon on PS2. cheap asses with ashra and other spammy 50/50 combos really made my blood boil. probably smashed 3 or 4 dual shockers
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Kydd BlaZe

Gears of War 3

I remember being so pissed at the lag in one particular match. Losing shotgun battle after shotgun battle. I calmly ejected the disc out of the disc tray, mid-match...and snapped the disc in half. Turned right around and re-bought the game the very next day lol. Thats when I knew I needed to chill the fuck out.
OP is so cool.

I’ve never broken a controller because I can control myself and understand that I’m just playing a game.
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Never...Sometimes i got frustrated when losing to a boss, but i see that as a challenge.

I smoke a cigarette, then go back to action!

Videogame is to have fun, try not get stressed! ;)
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